Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Euro-Aid for Ron Paul

What We want To Do

I am an American living in Europe running the Zurich Ron Paul Meetup Group. There are many Europeans who want to help Ron but are limited due to FEC regulations. As long as we dont interact directly with the official Ron Paul Campaign we can raise money to produce and ship t-shirts, buttons, slim jims, or even purchase radio ads during the primaries. If you are a NARP (Non-American Ron Paul Supporter) or even a MARP (Maxed-out American Ron Paul Supporter) please contribute to our chipin.

Help us help Ron!

UPDATE 21.11.2007:

AmericansOverseas4RonPaul said...
This is incorrect. Non-US citizens or "green card" holders cannot directly or indirectly contribute financially to a US federal election.Two phone calls to the FEC and an email from campaign HQ confirm this. It is recommended that "foreigners" spread the word overseas. In the last presidential election, American expats were called a "gold mine". There is an estimated overseas American population of 3 to 6 million. Avoid the possible backlash from the FEC to RP's campaign and try to increase awareness in your home countries.

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