Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pathways to Prevention Choir make their recording debut

A special Ecumenical Service was held in September 2009 at St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane City to celebrate Mission Australia’s 150th Anniversary.

During the ceremony the 'Pathways Multi-Cultural Choir of Clients and Staff' made their singing debut, performing a song written especially for the service to symbolise the personal achievements made through the Pathways to Prevention Program.

The Pathways Song written by Sue-Anne Swindon received such inspiring feedback from the audience that the decision was made to have it recorded professionally.

Alibi Projects, a Mission Australia corporate partner, generously donated their time, equipment and expertise to make the project possible.

After a couple of weeks of rehearsing, the choir of 40 participants joined in the Oxley Uniting Church for its production.

“I stood amongst members of Inala’s Aboriginal, Samoan and Vietnamese communities, as well as Pathways staff. The experience emphasised the diversity of programs and communities that Mission Australia is involved with, and the rich mix of staff we have to do this work,” said Tim Booth from Mission Australia’s Chaplaincy team in Queensland.

“This is sometimes very difficult work, but it is something worth singing about!” said Tim.

Mission Australia would like to express a huge thankyou to all contributors who collaborated on the recording: Sue-Anne Swindon, David MacGregor, the Pathways Multi Cultural Choir comprised of clients and staff, Eric Woodrow, David Aberdeen, and Alibi Projects.
  • Listen to the Pathways song using the media player below, or download from this link
  • For a transcript, visit our earlier article.  

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones 28 March 2010

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones 28 March 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rand Paul on WYMT Issues and Answers 3/29/10: Trey Grayson is a Liar!

US Senate candidate Rand Paul (son of Congressman Ron Paul) sat down with Neil Middleton on WYMT's Issues and Answers program to talk about his campaign and that of his dishonest opponent, Trey Grayson.

Carnival fatality

The Manly Carnival of 1920 was marred by a bizarre fatality. On Thursday 11th March 1920, showman Anthony Kimbel employed Teresa Caton (26) as a snake charmer in one of his sideshows on the ocean beach. Two snakes were delivered to Kimbel, a black snake and a tiger snake. He took hold of the black snake, and was promptly bitten, but he applied a ligature and his own antidote and felt no ill-effects afterwards. The following day Miss Caton picked up the tiger snake and put it round her neck. She was immediately bitten. A ligature was tied round her wrist and the antidote administered, but it was ineffective. Later that day she was admitted to Manly Cottage Hospital in Raglan Street, and she died there on Saturday 13th March.
At the coronial inquest, Mr Jamieson, the City Coroner, found that she had died from the effects of the bite of the tiger snake, and he warned that these reptiles should not be displayed in settings where they could come into contact with the public; he hoped that the police would take steps to protect the public from this sort of danger.
It is not known where Miss Caton was buried; it does not appear to have been in Manly Cemetery, and we have not found a death notice in the Sydney press.

Ron Paul: Executive Orders are Unconstitutional; We Need a Private Option in Healthcare

Ron Paul: Executive Orders are Unconstitutional; We Need a Private Option in Healthcare

Executive orders are unconstitutional and its a shame the American people put up with them. We need tort reform and a private option in healthcare for people who dont want to be forced into the system by government.

Channel: Fox News
Date: 03/24/2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare and Economic Realities

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

“With passage of last week’s bill, the American people are now the unhappy recipients of Washington’s disastrous prescription for healthcare “reform.” Congressional leaders relied on highly dubious budget predictions, faulty market assumptions, and outright fantasy to convince a slim majority that this major expansion of government somehow will reduce federal spending. This legislation is just the next step towards universal, single payer healthcare, which many see as a human right. Of course, this “right” must be produced by the labor of other people, meaning theft and coercion by government is necessary to produce and distribute it. ..”

Click here to read the full article:,tx14_paul,blog,999,All,Item%20not%20found,ID=100329_3682,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Suspicious FBI raid in Michigan

"Detroit FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold told The Detroit News the federal warrants in the case are under court seal and declined further comment. "

Doesn't sound too American or Constitutional to me. "Is your church ATF approved?"

You would think by now the FBI would learn to be more aware of the importance of appearances and sensitive to the constitutional concerns many share.

From The Detroit News: Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group

Official Web Site "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"


Will Bill Clinton and Janet Reno hang?

Another bloodthirsty Janet Reno?

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Sunday, March 28, 2010

National survey of young Australians launched today

Today we are launching the Mission Australia National Survey of Young Australians 2010. It’s our ninth youth survey and is the major advocacy initiative in Mission Australia’s youth pathway.

The results of the survey assist with the development of programs and services that meet young people’s needs, as well as being a key resource document for policy makers in the youth space.

The survey is for all young people aged between 11 and 24 years and asks them what is important to them, what their issues of concern are, where they turn to for advice and support and their participation in community activities.

This year the survey has some additional questions, around what young people think should be done about their issues of concern, what they see as the main issues in Australia today, and how optimistic they feel about the future. These questions will help us to develop youth advocacy strategies that are shaped by the voices of young people themselves.

It is important that we get as many young people as possible to participate and we would very much appreciate you distributing the survey through all your relevant networks – clients, staff, family members, schools, youth groups etc – so that we can make a major impact with this work. Last year close to 48,000 young people participated.

The survey can be completed online at until Friday 2 July 2010. If you would like to receive a paper copy or multiple copies of the survey please contact Aimee Tyson on (02) 9219 2022 or

Get your stretch on!

On the 1st April - This Thursday for those a little lost, a free mass yoga session will be held on Bondi Beach. I have attached the article from the Wentworth courier for more info. If you come down make sure to say "Hi" as I'll be there taking photos!

Ron Paul : The Republicans were doing the same things MSNBC Morning Joe March 28, 2010

Ron Paul : Healthcare bill will help republicans for the 2012 Elections

Thanks goodness the people are waking up , says Congressman Ron Paul , you know people can have real influence when they finally wake up and they are , the people are catching on and they are realizing that our government and our country are bankrupt , when republicans were in charge they were doing the same thing , running up deficit expanding the role of government and expanding the department of education and the whole mess ...says dr. Ron Paul ...

Ron Paul: Healthcare will drive US to bankruptcy

Ron Paul : you have right to your life and your liberty you do not have right to stuff . The government should not distribute wealth or services

President Obama has won the healthcare argument in Congress but the nationwide debate still rages. RT talks now to one of the opponents, Congressman Ron Paul. He say the plans provide a right that should not be offered by government.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Does your Church honor the goddess Easter?

"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store (see The Big Lie of Easter). I could have just as easily written another popular down on the farm restaurant questioning why they're disrespectfully offering Easter ham when the Bible strongly expresses its distaste for such an abomination that Jesus and the apostles never ate and the Scriptures forbid (see Is All Animal Flesh Good Food?).

If you walk into any store or restaurant at this time of year, you quickly see how the pagan Easter rabbit has supplanted the Passover lamb. A myth has replaced the truth!  It's totally absurd and illogical as both the Bible and history condemn Easter as a spring goddess and yet these professing Christian churches aren't ashamed to blazon the name of the GODDESS EASTER on their church billboards! Would they also advertise Venus or Ishtar? Are they all asleep in the pews? Don't their ministers have a clue? God says the names  of these pagan gods and goddesses will be history and yet they're kept alive by apostate Christian ministers! "For I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals [false gods], And they shall be remembered by their name no more" (Hosea 2:17). Who are they serving? Certainly not our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Jacob.

How can any professing Christian not take offense at this baptized paganism, these whitewashed heathen customs that mislead the masses? Shame on those (especially the worthless ministers) who continue to let folks get carried away with idolatrous traditions rather than set them free with the plain truth!

"How can you say, ‘I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals'?" (Jeremiah 2:23). You advertise the GODDESS EASTER with your Easter Egg Hunt, your Easter Egg Roll, your Easter ham, your Easter Sunday. Others pimp Easter and her fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs with Easter Egg trees and Easter decorations. We're a nation of spiritual drunks and whores in denial, whoring around with pagan gods and goddesses, going through the mindless motions of pagan traditions and flirting with heathen customs and we see nothing wrong with it since we're deaf, dumb and blind (Isaiah 42:19).

Such Easter "offerings" based upon colorful fables certainly aren't acceptable or cute to God ( 2 Timothy 4:3-5). “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them..." (Jeremiah 6:15). Traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, "…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness...'" (Prov. 30:20).

Sin that's been dressed up, camouflaged, made to appear harmless, is still sin in God's eyes and He hates the mass religious deception that has been going on for too long and will hold the nation accountable for living a lie and promoting whitewashed paganism. The rotten ministers who have failed to stand in the gap, to expose such error and call upon the people to turn from such vain traditions, are especially guilty (Ezekiel 22:30-31).

Hosea 4:6
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest [minister] for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God [that you may keep your own traditions], I also will forget your children.

It's past time we remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and return to the Faith once delivered - the Faith that focuses on the Lamb of God and keeps Passover - and stop mixing pagan error with biblical truth (spiritual adultery). We must serve the God of Israel wholeheartedly as Elijah encouraged (when he mocked Baal and Easter) or go into national captivity like Israel did who failed to take God's Word seriously! What will it be: return to the Faith once delivered or return to slavery?

The Plain Truth About Easter

Easter or Passover: Which Is Christian?

RON PAUL VS. BEN BERNANKE at the financial committee hearing MARCH 25, 2010


Congressman Ron Paul's opening statement

Friday, March 26, 2010

Cargo night shoot

Back to cargo! After a 10 hour wedding mind you!

Unfortunately the colours haven't held very well in this blog....

Rand Paul Raises Over $261,000 in One Day

Senate Candidate Rand Paul son of Congressman Ron Paul was able to raise more than $200K in a matter of hours during a one day online fund raising , Rand Paul is using the using online fund raising tactics his father used during the 2008 campaign that tactic has paid off , Rand Paul have raised more than 2 million dollars since the start of the race the report says

Ron Paul : We Have Only One Party - They Fight Over Power and Influence

Ron Paul "We Have Only One Party! And They Fight Over Power & Influence
this bill is bad and it is going to reflect on the 2012 elections , the people are waking up , the republicans have done the same mistakes in expanding the size of the government , how could they claim to bring free health care to 37 million people without raising taxes and reducing the deficit

Is the Pagan Easter Egg Roll Unconstitutional?

Ban the White House's Pagan Easter Egg Roll!

Obama Excludes Private and Catholic School Children From Easter Egg Roll Ticket Giveaway
By Penny Starr

( – The Obama administration announced on Tuesday it has reserved 3,000 free tickets to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll for students in D.C.-area public and charter schools, but not for children who attend private or parochial schools.

Click here to continue


The pagan fertility rites of an Easter Egg Roll have no place upon the lawn of the White House in this professing Christian nation. Easter - a pagan goddess - and her fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs are a disgrace. Besides, who is paying for the "live music, sports courts, storytelling, egg rolling – and cooking stations" - American taxpayers? I'm a Christian and I certainly don't want a single red cent going toward these heathen customs God hates as an an abomination. We should teach our children to avoid such whitewashed pagan practices like the plague - not mislead and deceive them that such unclean things are harmless, especially in light of the Bible and history that prove otherwise.

The Big Lie of Easter
"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store and was informed they received my email and would respond.

The Plain Truth About Easter
Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables.

Easter or Passover: Which Is Christian?
Many believe that God's endorsement of Passover ended with Christ's death—and that He has since replaced it with the observance of Easter as a celebration of Christ's resurrection. But is that so?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ron Paul with judge Napolitano On Freedom Watch 24 march 2010

Health Care and the Constitution : this is a major step towards the wrong direction says Dr. Ron Paul

Can government legally force you to buy insurance?

March 24, 2010
Congressman Ron Paul This healthcare Bill is unconstitutional , the government takeover of healthcare could kill the Dollar , the healthcare is going to be a lot worse ...and it is going to be very costly , the government will impose more taxes the American people will suffer the consequences , this is a major step towards the wrong direction

Court told 'citizen' Obama actually may be alien

'Under British Nationality Act … he was a British subject'

March 25, 2010
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Forget the dispute over the "natural born citizen" requirement of the U.S. Constitution for presidents, Barack Obama may not even be a "citizen," according to a new filing in a long-running legal challenge to his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.

"Under the British Nationality Act of 1948 his father was a British subject/citizen and not a United States citizen and Obama himself was a British subject/citizen at the time Obama was born," says a new filing in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in the case Kerchner v. Obama.

"We further contend that Obama has failed to even conclusively prove that he is at least a 'citizen of the United States' under the Fourteenth Amendment as he claims by conclusively proving that he was born in Hawaii."

Click here to continue

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Opinion: Too quiet on home front

The latest news on housing affordability makes depressing reading. It shows just how far we have to go to make sure there’s enough housing for all Australians – now and in the future.

Housing affordability plunged 18.4 per cent in the December quarter and was 22.3 per cent lower than 12 months earlier.

While 152,000 new homes are expected in 2010 that's still below the 190,000 required to keep pace with Australia's population growth.

NSW will have to build more than 40,000 houses a year if the state's population is to reach its forecast population level of 10.5 million by 2050.

Creating more affordable housing is more than just an issue for first home buyers – it’s a crucial plank in the fight against homelessness.

More affordable housing means less people on solid incomes ‘camping’ in the rental market as they try to save enough money to buy their own home.

More space in rental means more opportunities for people on low incomes and greater flexibility for homeless agencies in moving people from supported accommodation into independent living.

If we can’t boost affordable housing stock more Australians will be forced to live in substandard accommodation.

I don’t think there’s any question the Federal Government is committed to tackling the problem.

The Rudd Government is the first administration that’s shown the courage to tackle an issue that has remained untouched for decades.

There are even signs that state governments are rolling up their sleeves.

So what’s stopping things ramping up even further – enough to meet demand and put us squarely on track to meet the Federal Government’s homelessness targets of 2020?

From my perspective, one of the great roadblocks to getting things moving is local government.

Harry Triguboff – one of Australia’s best known housing developers – said recently:

“The development process has become too politicised. Councillors are convinced that if they approve developments they will lose votes."

It’s easy for Harry’s opponents to dismiss his comments as sour grapes – the complaints of a frustrated businessman who has had his plans for development stymied by community-minded councillors.

But there’s more than a ring of truth to his views.

Time and time again local councillors are blocking development or prolonging the approval process for new affordable and low income housing – particularly where it’s needed most in inner suburban areas – based on little more than a ‘not in my backyard’ attitude and with no accountability for their actions.

If facilitating the development of affordable housing isn’t in the backyard of local councillors then whose backyard is it?

Recently a Victorian affordable housing project in which Mission Australia was involved was approved subject to conditions by council town planning. It was then flatly overruled by councillors.

This was a project that had already received town-planning approval – and was in line with federal and state government objectives for affordable housing – and yet councillors did not have to provide any serious grounds for overturning the decision of their more qualified staff.

Experiences like this are common throughout Australia. Yes, in most cases there’s an alternative body to which an appeal can be made but many projects don’t survive the delays and costs involved.

Meanwhile our affordable housing crisis deepens.

We must find a way to convince communities to invite housing development into their areas and not reject it out of hand.

I’ve been impressed by a UK proposal to address this very issue. The suggestion is that government match the council rates – dollar for dollar – for any new home, for six years, with the money to be used exclusively for community programs in that area. For affordable housing dwellings, this figure is proposed to increase to 1.25 times the new home’s rates.

It’s smart, innovative thinking and serves as a model for how we might overcome the negativity and knee-jerk obstructionism which so often characterises the passage of affordable housing projects through council.

Local councils do not operate in a vacuum.

Their lack of cooperation will continue to force prices up and impede efforts to both ensure we have enough housing in this country and reach the target of halving the number of homeless people by 2020.

They have a responsibility to understand the bigger picture when it comes to affordable housing in Australia and be part of a solution.

Or if not, to get out of the way.

Toby Hall is the Chief Executive Officer of Mission Australia

This piece was published in the Sydney Morning Herald on 21st March

Ron Paul Obamas move is Unconstitutional

Obama's 'Clearly Unconstitutional' Move

Rep. Ron Paul says president's executive order on abortion is 'blatantly wrong' because only Congress should be passing laws

Did Obama's Grandmother go into damage control?

Received this comment from Richocete2009:

Let's take a step back and look past the birth certificate. The real "magic" of how he is faking his citizenship is in the "how", not the "what". The certificate is real..because Obama's grandmother ( a prominent Honolulu bank president) called in some favors. Remember this is "was" 1961, she ( Grandma), had a mixed race grand baby, that just showed up in Hawaii. Like any good grandma ( and banking president) she went into damage control. She had some favors called in, an "poof" he is born in Hawaii. Has anyone ever seen any baby pictures? How hard is it to find a picture of Little B.O. in his mother's arms in a hospital bed?, that NONE of Ann's friends in Seattle took any pictures of the "cute little baby" when she first visited with the new born little B.O. .

Better yet, follow the money..someone had to pay for the hospital (?), even back in 1961. There would be a money trail for prenatal care. The true "magic" happened on the hospital side. Why else would Little B.O. be whisked away outside the US, to live abroad with his mother. Since his mother and himself were an embarrassment to his grandmother. The secret might have died with B.O's grandmother, the stress of her secret might have been too much for her to bear, since no one in 1961 would think that a mixed-race child would grow up to be a viable candidate for the presidency of the United States. Forget asking for the birth certificate..the real evidence is in the money, and the hospital records..

President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money (at American taxpayers' expense) to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go! And let him take his illegal alien aunt with him who has stolen from the American people.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ron Paul: 16,500 New IRS Agents Needed for the Healthcare

Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 22 March 2010

Following months of heated public debate and aggressive closed-door negotiations, Congress finally cast a historic vote on healthcare late Sunday evening. It was truly a sad weekend on the House floor as we witnessed further dismantling of the Constitution, disregard of the will of the people, explosive expansion of the reach of government, unprecedented corporate favoritism, and the impending end of quality healthcare as we know it.

Those in favor of this bill touted their good intentions of ensuring quality healthcare for all Americans, as if those of us against the bill are against good medical care. They cite fanciful statistics of deficit reduction, while simultaneously planning to expand the already struggling medical welfare programs we currently have.

They somehow think that healthcare in this country will be improved by swelling our welfare rolls and cutting reimbursement payments to doctors who are already losing money. It is estimated that thousands of doctors will be economically forced out of the profession should this government fuzzy math actually try to become healthcare reality. No one has thought to ask what good mandatory health insurance will be if people can’t find a doctor.

Legislative hopes and dreams don’t always stand up well against economic realities.

Frustratingly, this legislation does not deal at all with the real reasons access to healthcare is a struggle for so many – the astronomical costs. If tort reform was seriously discussed, if the massive regulatory burden on healthcare was reduced and reformed, if the free market was allowed to function and apply downward pressure on healthcare costs as it does with everything else, perhaps people wouldn’t be so beholden to insurance companies in the first place.

If costs were lowered, more people could simply pay for what they need out of pocket, as they were able to do before government got so involved. Instead, in the name of going after greedy insurance companies, the federal government is going to make people even more beholden to them by mandating that everyone buy their product!

Hefty fines are due from anyone found to have committed the heinous crime of not being a customer of a health insurance company. We will need to hire some 16,500 new IRS agents to police compliance with all these new mandates and administer various fines. So in government terms, this is also a jobs bill. Never mind that this program is also likely to cost the private sector some 5 million jobs.

Of course, the most troubling aspect of this bill is that it is so blatantly unconstitutional and contrary to the ideals of liberty. Nowhere in the constitution is there anything approaching authority for the Federal government to do any of this.

The founders would have been horrified at the idea of government forcing citizens to become consumers of a particular product from certain government approved companies. 38 states are said to already be preparing legal and constitutional challenges to this legislation, and if the courts stand by their oaths, they will win. Protecting the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, should be the court’s responsibility.

Citizens have a responsibility over their own life, but they also have the liberty to choose how they will live and protect their lives. Healthcare choices are a part of liberty, another part that is being stripped away. Government interference in healthcare has already infringed on choices available to people, but rather than getting out of the way, it is entrenching itself, and its corporatist cronies, even more deeply.

Congressman Ron Paul Questions Geithner ; Austrian Economics and the Treasury Secretary 3/23/10

Congressman Ron Paul Questions Geithner ; Austrian Economics and the Treasury Secretary 3/23/10

During a House Financial Services Committee hearing on Tuesday March 23 2010, Congressman Paul questioned Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Austrian economic theory and government's creation of moral hazard.

Is There Any Worse Time the Health Care Bill Could Become Law?

America’s economic future is on full display in Greece. Adding another massive government entitlement program is a great way to accelerate the timetable.

America thinks it could never fall. Could Greece collapse? Yes. But America—not a chance. This is the richest country in the world. And in spite of all the headlines, in spite of all the dire statistics blared by reporters, the American way of life still continues. Gas stations still have gas. Food still sits on grocery shelves. Even if through debt, most Americans are still enjoying life. So surely America can’t be in that much financial trouble. After all, politicians just voted in potentially the largest expansion of the welfare state in American history on Sunday. America must have money to burn.

But here is the reality. It wouldn’t take much for the vulture investor dinner party to turn its sights from Greece to America. That is the conclusion of a small but growing group of concerned analysts.

“The wolf could be at our door sooner than we think,” says Carmen Reinhart, economics professor at the University of Maryland and author of This Time Is Different. Confidence in the dollar “could turn quite abruptly,” she says.

All it would take is one failed treasury auction, warns Reinhart, and the dollar’s status as a perceived safe heaven would vanish—along with its status as the world’s reserve currency.

If that were to happen, media commentators wouldn’t be comparing California to Greece, they would be comparing the entire nation to something more akin to Zimbabwe or Soviet Russia.

Politicians are far too complacent about America’s economic condition. Instead of getting America’s financial house in order now—while some analysts think it still has a chance—politicians are doing the exact opposite. Rather than seeing the crisis in Greece and cutting expenses and leading the country to live within its means—it is as if politicians are doing their level best to make it happen here too.

Click here to continue

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ron Paul: Bill Makes Health-Care System Worse Fox Business News March 22, 2010

Rep. Ron Paul weighs in on the impact of health-care legislation.

Smedley's view

The architect John Smedley (1841-1903) lived in a house named Uyeno for several years in the late 1880s, located at the end of what is now known as ‘Smedley’s Point’. From Uyeno, he could watch progress on the construction of the Ladies’ Baths, on the opposite side of Manly Cove, roughly where Oceanworld now sits. He advised Manly Council on the tender process for the Baths’ construction, and may have had a hand in their design. A recent visitor to Manly Library Local Studies collection, Rosalyn Smedley, is a direct descendant of John Smedley, from a branch of the family now living in Canada. Rosalyn allowed us to copy this previously unseen watercolour in the family’s possession, of Manly Cove, painted by John Smedley in circa 1889-90. I think it shows the view from Uyeno looking across to the opposite shore of Manly Cove to what is now called Federation Point, with Fairlight beyond - I can imagine John Smedley setting up his easel on the lawn at Uyeno to pain the view. I am not sure what the contraption in the picture is – perhaps it is some sort of temporary crane for unloading building materials?

Give up an Easter egg and do something sweeter

You can help give a child in need something to smile about by donating part of what you would normally spend on an Easter egg to Mission Australia.

Choosing to give up an Easter bunny or give up a basket of Easter eggs will help support services that transform the lives of disadvantaged children. When you give up an Easter egg you can also send an eCard to your family and friends to spread the word and let them know.

Right now, one in seven Australian children live with disadvantage. Without help, these children will face challenges early in their life that may prevent them from reaching their full potential.

To give up an Easter egg visit this page, or purchase a virtual gift at our eGifts store

Ron Paul : Healthcare Is Not A Right

Ron Paul: National Bankruptcy will Repeal Obamacare - Not Republicans 03-22-2010

Ron Paul :: Healthcare Is Not A Right

There Is No Right to Health Care
Ron Paul
March 18, 2010

Statement before the United States House of Representatives, September 23, 2009

Government has been mismanaging medical care for more than 45 years; for every problem it has created it has responded by exponentially expanding the role of government. Points to consider:

1.) No one has a right to medical care. If one assumes such a right, it endorses the notion that some individuals have a right to someone else’s life and property. This totally contradicts the principles of liberty.
2.) If medical care is provided by government, this can only be achieved by an authoritarian government unconcerned about the rights of the individual.
3.) Economic fallacies accepted for more than 100 years in the United States has deceived policy makers into believing that quality medical care can only be achieved by government force, taxation, regulations, and bowing to a system of special interests that creates a system of corporatism.
4.) More dollars into any monopoly run by government never increases quality but it always results in higher costs and prices.
5.) Government does have an important role to play in facilitating the delivery of all goods and services in an ethical and efficient manner.
6.) First, government should do no harm. It should get out of the way and repeal all the laws that have contributed to the mess we have.
7.) The costs are obviously too high but in solving this problem one cannot ignore the debasement of the currency as a major factor.
8.) Bureaucrats and other third parties must never be allowed to interfere in the doctor/patient relationship.
9.) The tax code, including the ERISA laws, must be changed to give everyone equal treatment by allowing a 100% tax credit for all medical expenses.
Laws dealing with bad outcomes and prohibiting doctors from entering into voluntary agreements with their patients must be repealed. Tort laws play a significant role in pushing costs higher, prompting unnecessary treatment and excessive testing. Patients deserve the compensation; the attorneys do not.
10.) Insurance sales should be legalized nationally across state lines to increase competition among the insurance companies.

A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk: Healthcare Reform Passes

“Following months of heated public debate and aggressive closed-door negotiations, Congress finally cast a historic vote on healthcare late Sunday evening. It was truly a sad weekend on the House floor as we witnessed further dismantling of the Constitution, disregard of the will of the people, explosive expansion of the reach of government, unprecedented corporate favoritism, and the impending end of quality healthcare as we know it…”

Click here to read the full article:,tx14_paul,blog,999,All,Item%20not%20found,ID=100322_3678,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Congressman Ron Paul Discusses Healthcare Reform on Fox

Ron Paul is the real hope and real change that America needs ,
Congressman Paul Discusses Healthcare Reform on Fox

Obama, Rand Paul, and Sarah Palin VS Ron Paul

Obama, Rand Paul, and Sarah Palin Versus Ron Paul over Guantanamo Bay(Gitmo), Iran, and foreign policy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Domino’s launches Facebook fundraiser

In an Australian-first, Domino’s Pizza has today launched a Facebook fundraising event to help support Mission Australia’s HUSH for Homelessness 2010 campaign by donating 50cents for every new fan that joins at

Domino’s is aiming to raise $10,000 for HUSH for Homelessness by encouraging 20,000 people to join Domino’s on Facebook to help raise awareness and combat the issue of homelessness in Australia.

Domino’s Public Relations Manager Sarah Morgan said the Facebook event was part of Domino’s ongoing commitment to leading the way in Social Media within the Australian fast food industry.

“Social media plays a huge role in our overall marketing communications strategy here in Australia and we are always looking for innovative ways to connect with people online,” Sarah said.

“However, we wanted to take it one step further and use our presence to support and raise awareness of a worthwhile cause.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for us to support Mission Australia’s HUSH for Homelessness 2010 campaign by raising funds and awareness of homelessness in Australia.”

On any given night in Australia, almost 105,000 men, women and children are homeless with a staggering 43% aged under 25 years*.

Mission Australia’s HUSH for Homelessness campaign aims to help combat homelessness in Australia by challenging people to be silent for an hour or more on 14 May and organising sponsorship for their efforts.

Mission Australia Community Fundraising Manager Jennifer Cramond said they were thrilled when Domino’s approached them with the idea of a Facebook fundraising event for HUSH for Homelessness 2010.

“We are so grateful for the support Domino’s has shown us in dedicating their Facebook fundraiser event to our HUSH for Homelessness 2010 campaign,” Jennifer said.

“With our focus being on preventing homelessness from occurring, the money raised through this event will go towards financial counseling, family and individual support programs, mental health support and employment and training assistance to name a few.”

The Domino’s Facebook fundraising event kicks off Monday 22 March 2010, so visit to join and help support Mission Australia’s HUSH for Homelessness 2010 campaign.

For more information about Mission Australia’s HUSH for Homelessness 2010 Campaign please visit

*ABS 2008. Counting the Homeless, 2006. Australian Census Analytic Program.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Update from the front lines

Update from the front lines

While the prospects for Federal gun control continue to grow by the day, state groups across the country are making strides to protect and advance our right to keep and bear arms.


Wyoming Gun Owners ( made a real splash during Wyoming’s short legislative session.  WyGO pushed for two marquee pieces of legislation: a Vermont concealed carry bill (which WyGO dubbed “Constitutional Carry”) and their own version of the Firearms Freedom Act.

While the Vermont Carry bill (i.e. no permit needed) passed the House but not the Senate, the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act was passed by both chambers and signed into law by the governor. NAGR Operations Director Luke O’Dell testified on behalf of both of WyGO's bills at the state capital in Cheyenne.

Wyoming’s Firearms Freedom Act was slightly different from the legislation passed in Montana.  Wyoming’s bill included criminal penalties and fines for federal agents who try to enforce federal regulations that contradict this new Wyoming law.  This legislation has real teeth, and has already created quite a stir in Wyoming as well as Washington. Bravo, Wyoming Gun Owners.

South Dakota

South Dakota Gun Owners ( continues to dominate their legislature with a pro-freedom agenda, passing a South Dakota Firearms Freedom Act through both chambers of the legislature, and signed into law by Governor Mike Rounds.


Still less than a year old, Iowa Gun Owners ( has been making waves across Iowa.

Though their Vermont Carry bill died, the compromise bill pushed by the institutional gun lobby (which took several steps backward for state law) also failed.  Unfortunately, compromise forces just resurrected this backward legislation earlier this week (in a cynical attempt to kill any future attempts at Vermont Carry).

This is frustrating because Iowa is one of the few rural states in America with a “May Issue” concealed carry law. Look for Iowa Gun Owners to change that in 2011.


The Virginia General Assembly has seen a slew of pro-gun legislation this sessions. Most notably, Virginia's 15-year-old ban on concealed carry in restaurants and bars is on the verge of being overturned through the hard work of two groups, Virginia Gun Owners Coalition ( and Virginia Citizen's Defense League (   Under the current "criminal safe zone" law, concealed weapon permit holders are forced to disarm themselves before entering a restaurant or bar.

Legislation repealing the ban passed both chambers of the Virginia State legislature and is awaiting the signature of Governor "Gun Ban Bob" McDonnell.

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Ron Paul : There Is No Right to Health Care

Congressman Ron Paul
Ron Paul
March 18, 2010

Statement before the United States House of Representatives, September 23, 2009

Government has been mismanaging medical care for more than 45 years; for every problem it has created it has responded by exponentially expanding the role of government. Points to consider:
1.) No one has a right to medical care. If one assumes such a right, it endorses the notion that some individuals have a right to someone else’s life and property. This totally contradicts the principles of liberty.
2.) If medical care is provided by government, this can only be achieved by an authoritarian government unconcerned about the rights of the individual.
3.) Economic fallacies accepted for more than 100 years in the United States has deceived policy makers into believing that quality medical care can only be achieved by government force, taxation, regulations, and bowing to a system of special interests that creates a system of corporatism.
4.) More dollars into any monopoly run by government never increases quality but it always results in higher costs and prices.
5.) Government does have an important role to play in facilitating the delivery of all goods and services in an ethical and efficient manner.
6.) First, government should do no harm. It should get out of the way and repeal all the laws that have contributed to the mess we have.
7.) The costs are obviously too high but in solving this problem one cannot ignore the debasement of the currency as a major factor.
8.) Bureaucrats and other third parties must never be allowed to interfere in the doctor/patient relationship.
9.) The tax code, including the ERISA laws, must be changed to give everyone equal treatment by allowing a 100% tax credit for all medical expenses.
Laws dealing with bad outcomes and prohibiting doctors from entering into voluntary agreements with their patients must be repealed. Tort laws play a significant role in pushing costs higher, prompting unnecessary treatment and excessive testing. Patients deserve the compensation; the attorneys do not.
10.) Insurance sales should be legalized nationally across state lines to increase competition among the insurance companies.
read more

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ron Paul Great Interview With CNN John King-Health Care-Liberty-Tea Party 19 March 2010

Ron Paul : I do not think the governments are good in delivering anything , the mail or any services

I do not think the governments are good in delivering anything , the mail or any services , they are not good fighting wars or delivering welfare , so I do not agree with the system at all , and basically I do not believe there is a proper understanding of what rights are , because this whole argument republican democrat assume people have right to stuff , they have right to care and they have right to house and right to a job and as a constitutionalists and a believer in individual liberty I do not approach it that way , you have the right to your life and your liberty , you have the right to work hard and keep what you earn ..but once you say you have the right to something and the government is gonna give it to you , they never ask the next question , where is the government gets it , it has to violate somebody's else right . This demonstrate a complete different understanding of what rights are and of what the constitution says Dr. Ron Paul

Dr Paul has a sit down interview with CNN John King One on One..IMO Dr No is at his best-explaining government job is protect our rights of Liberty-Sound Money Health Care and how he is a internet superstar!!! Ron Paul 2012

Rand Paul on The Future of Health-Care Reform Fox News 15 March 2010

Future of Health-Care Reform

Dr. Rand Paul and Andrew Breitbart discuss the current attempt to reform the health-care system.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Kilda fire

The attached image was in an old photograph album we recently received. It has nothing to do with Manly, but it seems a shame not to share it with a wider audience. It shows the crowds drawn to the fire at the Palais Picture Theatre, which was adjacent to Luna Park, St Kilda, Victoria. the fire happened on 10th February 1926, and completely destroyed the picture theatre. Luna Park itself narrowly escaped the flames, according to the reports in the Melbourne Argus.

Urban Food Market to fundraise for MA in 2010

Food and produce supplier, Urban Food Market, has launched a creative new campaign to fundraise for Mission Australia throughout 2010.

During 2010 the Urban Food Market Food Fund will support Mission Australia community services with proceeds raised through the sale of new Urban Food Market / Mission Australia-branded cooler bags, donations generated through their website, and with the provision of food hampers at key times of need, such as the Christmas holiday season.

For more information about the Food Fund please visit the Mission Australia page on their website:

Tim Elwin, Managing Director of Urban Food Market, is pleased to be supporting a charitable organisation like Mission Australia in Sydney's inner-city.

"One of the main areas Urban Food Market services is inner-Sydney, so we're frequently coming across Mission Australia services such as Missionbeat working the same areas to support the city's most disadvantaged. We're proud to help support Mission Australia again in 2010" said Mr Elwin.

Ron Paul Questions Bernanke about Interest rates being held too low too long

Congressman Ron Paul Paul Questions Bernanke on Monetary Policy March 17, 2010.

Congressman Ron Paul Paul Questions Bernanke on Monetary Policy March 17, 2010
Ron Paul Questions Bernanke about Interest rates being held too low too long

Legitimate Americans have every standing to question Obama's eligibility!

Eligibility lawyer says 'standing' a no-brainer
'How can you deny he's affecting me?'

March 17, 2010

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

An attorney handling one of the appellate level challenges to Barack Obama's occupancy of the White House – under the dispute that involves the Constitution's demand presidents be a "natural born citizen" and Obama's unwillingness to document that – says the most common reason judges have used for dismissing cases is just wrong.

Most of the dozens of cases that have been filed over Obama's eligibility have been dismissed by judges who have cited a lack of "standing" on the part of the plaintiffs. In fact, the government's most recent filing in the case being handled by Mario Apuzzo argues almost exclusively that it should be dismissed for that reason.

But Apuzzo, whose case is pending before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and in which he will file a further brief within the next few days, says the federal standard for having standing – a concrete and particularized injury potential imminent for an individual – should be a no-brainer for judges.

"How can you deny he's affecting me?" he asked during an interview with WND. "He wants to have terror trials in New York. He published the CIA interrogation techniques. On and on. He goes around bowing and doing all these different things. His statements we're not a Christian nation; we're one of the largest Muslim nations. It's all there."

The case was brought by Apuzzo in January 2009 on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr.

Named as defendants are Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, House of Representatives, former Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which "provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate 'elected' by the Electoral College Electors."

Click here to read more




President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money (at American taxpayers' expense) to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution.

It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go! And let him take his illegal alien aunt with him who has stolen from the American people.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Media Release: Two victims of car theft handed the keys to restored vehicles

Two Tasmanian victims of car theft were today handed the keys to a rebuilt Toyota Corolla and Daihatsu Applause, by a group of young Tasmanians graduating from Mission Australia’s U-Turn automotive training course.

U-Turn is a best practice diversionary program for young people who have been involved in, or who are at risk of becoming involved in, motor vehicle theft. The core component of the program is a structured ten-week automotive training course in car maintenance and body work, delivered in a workshop environment.

Mission Australia’s State Director Noel Mundy said both victims of crime had recently had their cars stolen and burnt out.

“Both recipients are very excited about their new cars, with one having found it difficult without transport to attend work and study commitments and the other recovering from illness without the convenience of her vehicle,” Mr Mundy said.

“During the 10-week course, the U-Turn participants repaired numerous dents on the car, completed an engine service, undertook minor repairs and finished off with a thorough car detailing.

“The opportunity for participants to repair a vehicle for presentation to a victim of vehicle theft is one of the most important components of the U-Turn program.”

Graduates were presented with certificates by the Minister for Police and Emergency Management Jim Cox and the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Tasmania Police, Scott Tilyard.

Achievement Awards were also presented at the graduation ceremony with one student receiving the Hazell Bros Most Outstanding Graduate Award as well as the Silver Tyre Award for the Most Consistent Driver, and another student receiving the Encouragement Award for Consistent Effort.

The cars were generously donated by the general public with other sponsors including RACT, Hazell Bros, Castrol, Spectrum, the Matt Goggin Foundation, Bocchino Motors, Glenorchy City Council and Loctec.

The U-Turn workshop is located in Moonah, and a supported accommodation service is also available to enable young people from other parts of the State to participate in the program. The program is delivered by Mission Australia, under contract to Tasmania Police, and is funded by the State Government.

In last year’s budget, the State Government announced additional funding for U-Turn to enable two part-time youth workers to be appointed as dedicated post-course support workers. The State Government has also committed ongoing funding for the program until June 2010.

Mission Australia has almost 280 services across every state and territory in Australia and has five offices in Tasmania, located in Burnie, Launceston, Hobart, Moonah and Devonport.

Ron Paul on the Financial Reform Bill The ED Show15 Mar 2010

Ron Paul on the Financial Reform Bill


Ron Paul appeared on The ED Show to discuss Senator Dodd's financial regulatory reform bill.

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

National Right to Work

Ron Paul Opening Statement in Financial Services Hearing 17 Mar 2010

Ron Paul : without the FED interest rates will be much much higher

It is a system that has nothing to do with free market capitalism , it has to do with managed economy and central planning the form of price fixing , interest rates fixed by the federal reserve is price fixing and it should have no part in a free market economy , it is a creation of credit and causing people to make mistakes , and also facilitates the deficits here , congress really does not want to challenge the FED because they spent a lot , and without the FED interest rates will be much much higher , so to me it is a threat to us who believe in personal liberty and limited government , and hardly does the process help the average person , the unemployment rate is up at 20% , the little guy cannot get a loan and yet Wall Street is doing quite well " says Congressman Ron Paul
Congressman Ron Paul gives an opening statement at a hearing on Fed bank supervision and monetary policy. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Paul Volcker are in attendance to testify.

Big Bully Census

Census 2010

I received my Big Bully (not Big Brother) census yesterday, did decide to answer how many folks live in my home, gave my name and answered no further questions. I wrote real big on the back of the envelope:



President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money (at American taxpayers' expense) to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution.

It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go! And let him take his illegal alien aunt with him who has stolen from the American people.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

John McCain's Attack On Liberty

by Chuck Baldwin
March 16, 2010

Anyone paying attention knows that John McCain has been a Big-Government Globalist Neocon (BGGN) for virtually his entire senatorial career. As with many BGGNs hiding out in the Republican Party, McCain likes to talk about smaller government, but his track record is littered with the promotion of one big government program after another. But, what else would one expect from a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)?

Lately, however, McCain has outdone himself. He has introduced two bills in the US Senate that are about as Machiavellian as they could be. I am referring to S.3081, a bill that would authorize the federal government to detain American citizens indefinitely without trial, and S.3002, a bill that would authorize the federal government to regulate vitamins, minerals, and virtually all health and natural food products.

According to, "Last week, John McCain introduced a bill into the U.S. Senate which, if passed, would actually allow U.S. citizens to be arrested and detained indefinitely, all without Miranda rights or ever being charged with a crime."

The Examiner report continued by saying "This bill, introduced by McCain, who despite overwhelming evidence, claims to be a 'conservative,' would not only take away our right to a trial, but would also allow the federal government to arrest and imprison anyone the current administration deems hostile.

"Of course, that would be the same administration whose Homeland Security Secretary has classified veterans, retired law enforcement, Ron Paul [and Chuck Baldwin] supporters, and conservatives as 'terrorists.'"

The Examiner report concluded by saying "If it was not clear before, it should be now that John McCain has as little respect for the Constitution as he does for our borders."


If Juan McCain gets his way, your constitutional right to a speedy trial by jury is gone, as well as your constitutional right to Habeas Corpus. But, of course, they would attempt to justify this by claiming it is being done in the name of national security and the war on terrorism.

See the Examiner report at:

Regarding McCain's desire for the federal government to take over the vitamin industry, attorney Jonathan Emord wrote, "If you had any doubt about whether John McCain is a limited government conservative, you may put that doubt to rest--he is not. On February 3, 2010, John McCain introduced to the United States Senate the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010. Reflecting upon this poorly written bill, I am struck by the fact that John McCain apparently sees little difference between fissile material and dietary supplements. He is intent on regulating supplements as if they were radioactive enriched uranium rather than bioactive vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals that more often than not help people.

"The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 enjoys support from the most liberal members of Congress. It is an invitation for the FDA to assume broad new powers and replicate here the system now operating in Europe over dietary supplements where dietary ingredients are presumed adulterated and unlawful to sell unless pre-approved by the government. In short, good bye free enterprise, good bye limited government, and hello more heavy handed, arbitrary and punitive FDA bias against the beleaguered dietary supplement industry."

See Emord's column at:

Please remember, this is the same John McCain that, during the 2008 Presidential campaign, said he would "order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America." Of course, McCain didn't explain where this authority would come from, because such a proposal has no legal or constitutional authority. And, by the way, this one little sentence, if implemented, would cost taxpayers some $300 billion.

McCain also said he wanted to tap Mr. Climate Change Wacko himself, Al Gore, "to work in his administration on developing a new and much tougher U.N.-sponsored global warming treaty."

(Source: Cliff Kincaid. See his column at: )

This is the same John McCain who addressed the Hoover Institution on May 1, 2007, and said if he were elected President, he would create a new international organization known as "The League of Democracies" (LD).

In advancing the LD, McCain said, "We should go further and start bringing democratic peoples and nations from around the world into one common organization, a worldwide League of Democracies." He then added, "The new League of Democracies would form the core of an international order . . ."

See McCain's speech to the Hoover Institution at:

If McCain and his CFR buddies get their way, this new LD would be a United Nations on steroids! As I said all over America on the campaign trail in 2008, "John McCain is a globalist." Of course, so is Barack Obama. In fact, every President since (and including) George H.W. Bush has been a full-fledged, rotten-to-the-core globalist.

And, yes, this is the same Juan McCain who is one of the primary movers and shakers (along with Obama, Lindsey Graham, and G.W. Bush) attempting to provide amnesty to illegal aliens and open America's borders to illegal immigration.

And now McCain wants the federal government to take over the vitamin industry, and he wants to give the federal government the power to jail American citizens indefinitely without trial.

The citizens of Arizona can do the American people--and liberty itself--a great favor this year by giving Senator John McCain his walking papers. Big-Government dinosaurs like McCain are an albatross around the neck of freedom and constitutional government. If we don't send them packing now, the shackles they put around our throats will become insufferable.

P.S. As this column goes to press, word has come to me that the State of Florida is poised to vote on a bill that calls for a Constitutional Convention. Readers should familiarize themselves with the dangers that a new Con Con poses to our liberties and to the very Constitution itself. Please read my previous columns on this subject at:

And if you live in Florida, contact your senators immediately to let them know in no uncertain terms that they must reject any bill calling for a Constitutional Convention!

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin

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