Friday, March 19, 2010

Ron Paul Great Interview With CNN John King-Health Care-Liberty-Tea Party 19 March 2010

Ron Paul : I do not think the governments are good in delivering anything , the mail or any services

I do not think the governments are good in delivering anything , the mail or any services , they are not good fighting wars or delivering welfare , so I do not agree with the system at all , and basically I do not believe there is a proper understanding of what rights are , because this whole argument republican democrat assume people have right to stuff , they have right to care and they have right to house and right to a job and as a constitutionalists and a believer in individual liberty I do not approach it that way , you have the right to your life and your liberty , you have the right to work hard and keep what you earn ..but once you say you have the right to something and the government is gonna give it to you , they never ask the next question , where is the government gets it , it has to violate somebody's else right . This demonstrate a complete different understanding of what rights are and of what the constitution says Dr. Ron Paul

Dr Paul has a sit down interview with CNN John King One on One..IMO Dr No is at his best-explaining government job is protect our rights of Liberty-Sound Money Health Care and how he is a internet superstar!!! Ron Paul 2012

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