Monday, December 31, 2007

Must a Catholic Vote?

Thomas Peters' blog, The American Papist, links to this CNS article where Most Reverend John McCormack, the Bishop of Manchester, NH explains voting is a moral obligation. Further:

"When candidates support or tolerate policies that include intrinsically evil acts, a Catholic must carefully assess the situation and decide which candidate will produce the least harm to innocent human life, if elected," he added.

I find this a difficult assertion to swallow and fail to see how exercising one's conscience to not materially cooperate with any evil by means of voting, would violate the moral precepts of the Church.

Should Ron Paul, our favored candidate for the Republican Party, not win the nomination, would it be a violation of the moral law should a Catholic chose not to vote for one of the other candidates which could be completely unacceptable? Let's say the ballot consists of Clinton, Giulliani, and the Libertarian candidate. Let's also say that all these candidates remain pro-abortion, pro-unjust war, and pro-death penalty [I know the last category is not necessarily intrinsically evil]. Does this mean that a failure to show up at the ballot box will constitute a sin? I would think that an intentional violation of a moral precept of the Church is a sin. Does such an ommission from voting generally constitute a venial or mortal sin? Does this mean Catholics must vote for and therefore materially cooperate with candidates that formally cooperate with intrinsically evil acts?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think we are ever required by the Church and under Her moral theology to ever materially cooperate with evil. Politicians who explicitly endorse the pro-abortion cause or advance unjust aggressive wars, engage in formal cooperation with such evil acts. Voting for one of these candidates can be a formal cooperation with evil if the voter endorses the candidates' own cooperation or a material cooperation if the voter does not endorse the candidates' views but can find a sufficient justification. So while it can be justified it does not follow that material cooperation with evil is ever required.

Any readers care to give clarification? Should Ron Paul not win the RNC nomination or go on as a 3rd party candidate, I don't see a reason to vote. Are Catholics required to materially cooperate with evil by voting for one of the pro-aborts or pro-unjust warmongers?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Once again

"Once again, the Bush administration’s “diplomacy” has failed miserably. Secretary of State Condi Rice, by putting her efforts into delivering a symbol rather than playing Realpolitik, has helped make the world a much more dangerous place. " Taki's Top Drawer.

Só mais uma coisinha que correu mal para os "nation builders"

Washington Post

U.S. Brokered Bhutto's Return to PakistanWhite House Would Back Her as Prime Minister While Musharraf Held Presidency, By Robin Wright and Glenn KesslerWashington Post Staff WritersFriday, December 28, 2007;

For Benazir Bhutto, the decision to return to Pakistan was sealed during a telephone call from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice just a week before Bhutto flew home in October. The call culminated more than a year of secret diplomacy -- and came only when it became clear that the heir to Pakistan's most powerful political dynasty was the only one who could bail out Washington's key ally in the battle against terrorism.

It was a stunning turnaround for Bhutto, a former prime minister who was forced from power in 1996 amid corruption charges. She was suddenly visiting with top State Department officials, dining with U.N. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and conferring with members of the National Security Council. As President Pervez Musharraf's political future began to unravel this year, Bhutto became the only politician who might help keep him in power.

"The U.S. came to understand that Bhutto was not a threat to stability, but was instead the only possible way that we could guarantee stability and keep the presidency of Musharraf intact," said Mark Siegel, who lobbied for Bhutto in Washington and witnessed much of the behind-the-scenes diplomacy.

But the diplomacy that ended abruptly with Bhutto's assassination yesterday was always an enormous gamble, according to current and former U.S. policymakers, intelligence officials and outside analysts. By entering into the legendary "Great Game" of South Asia, the United States also made its goals and allies more vulnerable -- in a country in which more than 70 percent of the population already looked unfavorably upon Washington."

O preço do Império

Já houve tempos em que uma qualquer notícia de crise fazia o dólar subir. Agora não. A cada nova notícia (Benazir Buhtto, etc) de incerteza global e o dólar ... desce.

Acho que ainda nenhum analista reparou no curioso da coisa.

Veterans for Ron Paul

Why has Ron Paul received more donations from active-duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines than any other Republican presidential candidate?

It's simple. Throughout his career, Ron has proven his patriotism by supporting a strong national defense and fighting for the rights of veterans.

Most importantly, all veterans – and all other citizens – would have confidence that with Paul as commander-in-chief, soldiers would never be put into harm’s way unless America’s national security were at stake. Paul has always stood for military readiness, secure borders, and the fair treatment of our troops – never “nation-building,” crusades for democracy, and “peace keeping” at the behest of the U.N.

Ronald Reagan, who knew a patriot when he saw one, was an excellent judge of Paul’s character: “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first.”

Read below the testimonials of veterans and military personnel from all branches of the armed services. You'll see why Ron Paul is the choice of more veterans than any other candidate for president!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Buhtto

* Parade Magazine will be publishing an interview with Benazir Buhtto on January 6th and this is the most interesting part:

What would you like to tell President Bush? I ask this riddle of a woman.

She would tell him, she replies, that propping up Musharraf's government, which is infested with radical Islamists, is only hastening disaster. "I would say, 'Your policy of supporting dictatorship is breaking up my country.' I now think al-Qaeda can be marching on Islamabad in two to four years."

The interview is here:

* They just played an old interview where Bhutto said that (US-backed) military rule encouraged terrorism in Pakistan. Just what Ron Paul said today. (via LRCBlog)

PS: Mas suponho que nada fará parar um intervencionista que vive e prospera como um parasita das desgraças das suas próprias acções. Todas as formas de Intervencionismo-Socialismo têm essa grande vantagem.

PS2: Musharraf acabou a ser o ditador-"puppet" do momento, associado aos EUA, o que mais uma vez (como em muitas outras partes do mundo variadas vezes) acaba a fomentar uma oposição interna nacionalista (e no caso, islamista). Mas ainda assim, os mesmo que o "apoiaram" querem nas piores condições apressar a democratização. Parecem loucos a brincar como Deuses gregos a intervir nos assuntos dos humanos, corrige ali, um empurrão acolá, volta atrás aqui...a cada passo uma "unintended consequence" desponta e a parada volta a subir. Salvem-nos dos nossos salvadores.

Em onda de posts só aparentemente idiotas

Quem ganhou a WWI? Lenine. Quem perdeu? Três monarquias europeias. Quem ganhou a WWII? Estaline. Quem perdeu? O Império Britânico e metade da Europa cristã. Quem ganhou a Guerra "civil"? Lincoln (por acaso...pagão) e o general Sherman (declarado racista dedicando-se depois a exterminar Índios). Quem perdeu? Robert E. Lee (de West Point, herói da guerra, de quem Churchill elogiou como tendo a melhor escrita de pena inglesa) que disse rejeitando a oferta do comando das tropas da União para ir depois liderar os confederados: " I love the Union. I love Virginia more". Sempre gostei dos derrotados, causas perdidas e esquecidos da história. Tipo Jefferson.

Ora aqui está uma boa análise

"Don't forget the recent movie, "Amazing Grace", how the Brits got rid of slavery in their Empire. Lots of folks have seen it, showing how to do it without a war.(...)

To me it boils down to this. Southerners care about the Civil War (where in the conventional wisdom they were the bad guys). This stance will be a huge plus among Southerners (watch Huckabee's support slip). On the other hand, non-Southerners don't give a rip about the Civil War. It is old hat. If Ron Paul has the wrong opinion on it, so what? Even if he is wrong (in their eyes), he is wrong in a way they like: not going to war when other options are available. How can this be a negative when 70% of Americans want out of the Iraq war? This just cemented his anti-war credentials.

The only ones he lost, he never had in the first place. People who already think he's nuts, neocons, trotskyites, etc.

I love this stuff. The MSM are digging their own graves! "Don't worry, be happy!" :-)"

Intervencionista do ano

Bernardo Pires de Lima guardou-se mesmo para o fim do ano mas conseguiu o prémio.

É só ler na Atlântico: Buttho, NATO e o ano de 2008.

"A morte de Benazir Buttho significa a radicalização interna do Paquistão levada ao extremo. O caos no Paquistão interessa sobretudo à al-Qaeda, que joga nas fronteiras incipientes com o Afeganistão o seu renascimento pós-invasão. Ora este caos regional obrigará a duas situações de emergência. A primeira é um reforço substancial dos contingentes militares da NATO no Afeganistão (...)"

Um atentado assassino a uma candidata (cuja presença no Paquistão se deve à insistência muito neo-cons em apressar a democratização logo depois de colocar o regime em tensão com a sua própria população - pode-se imaginar coisa mais estúpida para se fazer?) e a recomendação é:

Mais tropas da NATO no Afeganistão (essa futura federação Suiça...dentro do perimetro blindado de instalações com ar condicionado do "Ocidente"). Onde quando morre alguém, é sempre por definição "Taliban", mas isso não faz esquecer o clã onde pertencia de levar isso a peito como sempre levou há centenas (milhares) de anos. O cancro espalha-se e arriscamo-nos, nós, o "Ocidente", a simplesmente estar a praticar um fútil exercício de tiro ao alvo sem sentido.

Tem razão numa coisa. É interesse da AlQaeda provocar o caos. Falta saber quem é que o provoca mais. Quem é o caçador e quem é caça. Wilson também queria a democracia [por acaso a Alemanha já tinha voto universal bem antes dos ingleses o terem, desde 1871 pela mão de Bismarck..mas isso é um pormenor] eajudou foi a fazer nascer o fascismo, comunismo e nazismo. Os povos (e a história) não se manipulam com discursos iluministas sobre o futuro radioso. Nem de corte com o passado tipo, vamos lá acabar com a monarquia do Kaiser e Hapsburgos... ou ... vamos lá instalar em Kabul os direitos universais da mulher.

E já agora, tendo em conta a quantidade de assassinatos (e tentativas) de Presidentes Americanos, acho que pelo mesmo raciocínio já teriam existido razões para a ONU ocupar DC.

É como digo. O militarismo-humanista. Boas intenções. Até eu o reconheço. Têm sempre.

"Save the Union"

"My paramount objective in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."

August 22, 1862, Lincoln (carta ao editor Horace Greeley)

"That iron, iron fist"

"MR. RUSSERT: I was intrigued by your comments about Abe Lincoln. "According to Paul, Abe Lincoln should never have gone to war; there were better ways of getting rid of slavery."

REP. PAUL: Absolutely. Six hundred thousand Americans died in a senseless civil war. No, he shouldn't have gone, gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original intent of the republic. I mean, it was the--that iron, iron fist..

MR. RUSSERT: We'd still have slavery.

REP. PAUL: Oh, come on, Tim. Slavery was phased out in every other country of the world. And the way I'm advising that it should have been done is do like the British empire did. You, you buy the slaves and release them. How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans and where it lingered for 100 years? I mean, the hatred and all that existed. So every other major country in the world got rid of slavery without a civil war. I mean, that doesn't sound too radical to me. That sounds like a pretty reasonable approach."

PS: Quase ao mesmo tempo, Bismarck no que era antes um amontoado de pequenas Nações que constituia a Alemanha (31 depois de Napoleão, cerca de 300 antes de Napoleão) usou o seu "Iron Fist" para numa guerra provocada com a França (Napoleão III) impôr a federalização da Alemanha e a Prússia como sua líder. Dois "Federalismos" (Lição: cuidado com os "federalismos").

Bismarck e Lincoln são companheiros na mesma agenda. A Guerra dita Civil foi o precedente para a necessária nacionalização da política externa-defesa que torna possível depois que em 1898 os EUA iniciem uma guerra contra a Coroa Espanhola por causa da Cuba (outra intervenção externa com o resultado que se conhece décadas depois), acabando depois a anexar as Filipinas (do outro lado do mundo). Primeiro para a "libertar", depois numa luta de 3 anos contra os insurgentes (faz lembrar algo, não?) filipinos (cerca de 100 000 mortos). Na altura, o presidente (protestante) justificou também como necessidade de "cristianizar" (autêntico!)... "esqueceu-se" que já eram em grande maioria ... Católicos.

Vamos lá ouvir CHARLES DICKENS, 1862:

"The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states."

"Any reasonable creature may know, if willing, that the North hates the Negro, and that until it was convenient to make a pretence that sympathy with him was the cause of the war, it hated the abolitionists and derided them up hill and down dale…As to Secession being Rebellion, it is distinctly possible by state papers that Washington considered it no such thing – that Massachusetts, now loudest against it, has itself asserted its right to secede, again and again."

A "internet" está a mudar as regras de jogo

"The New York Times has just issued a retraction to their piece a few days ago attempting to link Ron Paul to white supremacists. They admit that the piece "should not have been published." (

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Suponho (aliás tenho a certeza) que é dar muita importância, mas seja:

"When Ron Paul spoke at the Robert Taft Club, he mentioned he would like Walter Williams (professor at George Mason University, columnist & sometimes guest host on Rush Limbaugh’s show) to be a running mate (Williams is BLACK)? Did you know Ron Paul has called racism “an ugly form of collectivism” and a “problem of the heart”?"

PS: Tem piada Kristoll (ver abaixo) a tentar pegar com a etiqueta "extrema-esquerda-extrema-direita" ao tentar extrapolar comentários sobre a guerra civil...porque:

- É um professor académico conhecido, creio que de um proto- partido comunista americano (sim, existe) que cita Lincoln, ao lamentar-se pelo desabar por Secessão da antiga URSS em dezenas de Repúblicas independentes.

- É Hitler que no seu livro evoca Lincoln favoravelmente para justificar o fim dos "States Rights" na Alemanha, tentando vender a tese (como Lincoln) que o Estado Federal precede os Estados e não o contrário,.

Extrema-Esquerda-Extrema-Direita...sim, pois. Por quem junta internacionalismo -nacionalismo -militarismo -humanismo na mesma agenda.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Proclamation of the Strasbourg Tea Party

Proclamation of the Strasbourg Tea Party
15-16 December 2007

On December 16, 2007, Ron Paul supporters from the United States and seven European nations (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland, and United Kingdom) assembled in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, for the purpose demonstrating the broad base of international support that Dr. Ron Paul inspires by joining with their brothers and sisters in America celebrating the famous “Boston Tea Party” of 1773. On the previous day, many the participants attended a conference held to discuss ways to help Ron Paul’s campaign for president of the United States, and furthering the Ron Paul Revolution in Europe. The following statement was adopted by the participants:

We Proclaim:
  • Never before has a candidate for president of the United States inspired people around the world as Ron Paul has done.
  • Ron Paul has cured our apathy and inspired the enthusiasm of youth throughout Europe, just as he has in America. He has given us hope in limited government, and restored faith that democracy can work.
  • We thrill to his message of liberty and personal responsibility, which is so different from that of normal politicians, who see the people they are supposed to serve as little but helpless clients to be managed by the state.
  • We no longer wish to have our lives interfered with and controlled by bureaucrats.
  • We share Ron Paul’s concern for the stability of our financial system, and believe that sound money is essential for the economic health and financial stability of not only America but also of Europe and the rest of the world.
  • We share Ron Paul’s insight that our bloated governments and financial managers are controlled by special interests who are neither responsible nor responsive to the people.
  • We applaud Ron Paul for bringing these issues into the public consciousness, and dedicate ourselves to educating people about them.
  • We believe that Ron Paul’s call to return to the original principles of the United States Constitution, and of America’s Founders, is the best route to world peace and security.
  • We believe that Ron Paul’s foreign policy principles of respect for sovereignty and non-interventionism are as applicable to the European Union and to our own nations as they are to the United States.
  • Ron Paul has been called an “isolationist” by his opponents. We want Americans to know that Ron Paul is inspiring an international movement, and that he is the only candidate who is making friends for America and gathering broad-based international support.
  • We believe that Ron Paul has sparked a revolution of friendship between all those in Europe and America who share his values, and that this friendship and this Revolution will continue to grow in strength and depth.
  • We dedicate ourselves to supporting Ron Paul in his election campaign this year, supporting his goals when he is elected president, and bringing his message of liberty and personal responsibility to our own nations in Europe.

Adopted in Strasbourg by the participants of the Strasbourg Tea Party on the 15th and 16th days of December, Anno Domini 2007.


... diz que Ron Paul é anti-america ao mesmo tempo que surge o smearing como Ron Paul é ... Nazi.

Estes Trotsky-Cons usam as tácticas de sempre, quando põem a sua máquina de propaganda a funcionar em pleno é sempre para fazer a guerra contra alguma coisa, e a sua idolatria é mesmo a guerra, não sendo capazes de questionar nem a guerra civil, nem a WWI, nem o curso da WWII (afinal o mass-murder-Estaline-nos-anos-30 conseguiu tudo aquilo quem nem se atrevia a desejar), nem o Vietname, nem o Iraque, etc. É sempre uma táctica trotsky-con apontar a qualquer pessoa que conclua sobre a futilidade e pecado de algum destes conflitos como um revisionista e depois "deixar no ar" uns quantos smearings.

O fascismo sempre vendeu a "national greatness" (palavras de Kristoll sobre a sua própria agenda), guerra, militarismo e histerismo securitário e o "comigo ou contra mim" ao mesmo tempo que escolhem um inimigo cultural (o islamismo como antes o judaismo?) para vender uma necessária guerra (what else?) de civilização. Mas quem conseguiu vender um guerra sem ponta de legitima defesa e cometendo o mesmo delito do principal ponto evocado em Nuremberga?

Afinal, quem é que está mais próximo dele?

PS: O trotsky-cons tem problemas dogmáticos subliminares com Estaline (apesar de ter sido seu aliado) porque nas suas bases mais profundas está conflito Estaline versus Trostsky entre "socialismo numa país" versus "internacionalismo-revolucionário".

Ron Paul is big in UK!

UK Ch4 News Ron Paul Pundit Mention 22/Dec/2007

A message for British Libertarians

The Ron Paul Revolution in the UK! (My little contribution)

ron paul we love you teaparty london meet up

Monday, December 24, 2007

O Rudy Giulianny era o anterior favorito...

Ron Paul em Meet The Press 12-23-07

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four

UPDATE: MSNBC has the whole thing up now.

Nota: Uma prestação notável perante um feroz (mais do que o costume) Tim Russel com "misquotes" de há 20 anos, outras imprecisões e etc e tal. Ron firme sempre apontando para os erros do entrevistador. Quase que o papel se inverteu. Nota 20.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Don't Give Up!

If you begin to cry out to God for help, even if it's only a whimper because you're so weak, He'll see and hear and respond. "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit... none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate" (Ps. 34:18, 22).

Don't Give Up!

Why the Counterculture Should Support Ron Paul

Hippies, ravers, punk rockers, "goths", adherents of spiritualities outside the mainstream religions (New Age, pagans, Wiccans, Buddhists), so-called "sexual minorities" (gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transsexuals and transgendereds); all of these subcultures should unite around this man who respects your freedoms!

read more | digg story

Friday, December 21, 2007


Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
The following is a actual letter I sent to a close Christian friend in 1999, immediately after I was diagnosed with HIV. Since then the HIV has progressed on into AIDS.

Does God Heal Today?
When I was first diagnosed with the HIV virus, I read innumerable articles on it and later suffered from an information overload and depressing confusion. One article would speak in favor of taking the highly toxic HIV/AIDS medicines, and then I'd read another one that spoke against it with just as convincing of an argument.

A demência da criação de moeda para conceder crédito (II)

... para resolver os problemas da demência da criação de moeda para conceder crédito.

A propósito das recentes gigantestas "injecções de liquidez" por parte dos Bancos Centrais (termo apropriado, o sistema monetário comporta-se como um junkie em estado terminal, sempre à procura de aumentar a dose...até...à overdose).

Mises (muito antes de Friedman):

"The course of a progressing inflation is this: At the beginning the inflow of additional money makes the prices of some commodities and services rise; other prices rise later. The price rise affects the various commodities and services … at different dates and to a different extent. This first stage of the inflationary process may last for many years. While it lasts, the prices of many goods and services are not yet adjusted to the altered money relation. There are still people … who have not yet become aware of the fact that they are confronted with a price revolution which will finally result in a considerable rise of all prices. These people still believe that prices one day will drop. Waiting for this day, they restrict their purchases and … increase their cash holdings.

But then finally the masses wake up. They become suddenly aware of the fact that inflation is a deliberate policy and will go on endlessly. The crack-up boom appears. Everybody is anxious to swap his money against "real" goods, no matter whether he needs them or not, no matter how much money he has to pay for them. Within a very short time … the things which were used as money are no longer used as media of exchange. They become scrap paper.”

PS: Mas o problema não passa só - nem tem apenas de se manisfestar sequer com - a subida de preços. Num período de crescimento da massa monetária para criação de crédito ao investimento, os efeitos são até mais invisiveis. Acumulam-se em "mal-investment" não suportado por poupança real, já que o crédito só foi possível devido à criação artificial de moeda e não à disputa de poupança real existente na economia. Parece-me sempre incrivel que este simples postulado ainda seja negado ou ignorado por uma boa parte da teoria económica, tirando os "austriacos"...como RON PAUL.

Para especuladores (II)

No dia 07/12 tinha feito esta sugestão (via

"Parece-me uma boa jogada comprar agora Ron Paul a 4.8% e shortar (vender) GIULIANI a 41%."


GIULIANI está abaixo dos 30%
Ron Paul em cerca de 8%

A ainda:

Romney nos 27%
HUCKABEE nos 16%
MCCAIN nos 14%

Peter Boettke contra David Frum

You Cannot Be Serious

David Frum, a political commentator with no economics background whatsoever, chides Ron Paul for being self-taught on economics and claims that Paul has taught himself the opposite of what has been serious science from Alfred Marshall to Milton Friedman.

Paul is an advocate of the Gold Standard, and a critic of central banking. But let the record be clear --- Milton Friedman was a critic of discretionary monetary policy, he advocated a monetary rule, and in later life became increasingly concerned with public choice problems in following the monetary rule. He suggested that a computer run monetary policy at one point to take the human element out of it, and he also had favorable things to say about alternative banking regimes. In addition, his critique of the gold standard was not as vociferous as some would have you believe. He argued that the costs of the gold standard were too great. (see Roger Garrison's piece on this) However, he did admit that the gold standard had served as a useful check on inflation for many years. See Friedman's Monetary Mischief. He did not, it must be stressed, advocate a return to a gold standard for a variety of reasons. In his last interview on the subject that I am aware of --- a podcast with my colleague Russ Roberts --- Friedman advocates the central bank practice of "inflation targeting" and singles out Don Brash for his exemplary performance as central banker in NZ.

Friedman and the gold standard advocates share a fundamental bond ---- inflation is destructive to an economy and ultimately to a civilization. Good policy must fight inflation.

Friedman stated the facts on inflation as follows:

1. Inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomena. Its cause is a more rapid an increase in the quantity of money than in output;

2. Governments determine the quantity of money;

3. There is only one cure for inflation, a slower increase in the quantity of money;

4. It takes time for inflation to develop; it takes time for inflation to be cured (measured in years not months);

5. Unpleasant side effects are unavoidable.

Pundits like Frum believe that economic policy can be designed to avoid the unpleasant side effects of previous policy errors. But there isn't any silver bullet here to provide a quick and easy fix to decades of monetary irresponsibility. As I said before, we don't need government intervention, we need market correction. Market forces, if allowed to operate freely, will work quickly to reallocate labor and capital and shift resources to higher valued uses. Furthermore, if allowed to operate unencumbered by restrictions and controls, the lure of the gains from trade and the gains from innovation will ameliorate many (not all) of the side-effects. As Milton Friedman said, we have been misled by false teaching in economics to believe that there is a trade-off between inflation and unemployment. This dichotomy is false. The choice is not between inflation and unemployment, but between high unemployment as a result of inflation, or unemployment as a temporary side-effect of the cure for inflation. Playing the policy game of always pushing off market corrections through easy money, is as Hayek warned like holding a 'tiger by the tail'.

Right at the time that David Frum is ridiculing Ron Paul's for holding economic ideas that have been rejected from the time of Marshall to Friedman, we learn that the European Central Bank is injecting $500 billion into the banking system to ease the market corrections that must result from the previous credit expansion. That tiger is getting awful hard to hang on to!!!

And, Mr. Frum should look up the various Nobel Prize winners in economics, starting with Hayek, who have been concerned with government monetary policy and looked to a commodity backed money as a viable alternative. The 'self-taught' economics of Ron Paul (whatever other problems I might have with him and his presentation of these ideas) is grounded in sound scientific economics. An understanding of the logic of human action, the coordinating capacity of the market economy, the problems with bureaucracy, the special pleading of interest groups, and the destructive capacity of inflation are fundamental to his economic policy message. I hope my students learn those lessons from reading Adam Smith, David Hume, J. B. Say, F. A. Hayek, and James Buchanan. None of these names are on the 'crackpot' list of economists. Some might want to call Mises a crackpot, but the reality is that his work, more than any other 20th century economist, has all those arguments integrated into it and presented in a coherent and comprehensive manner. Mises was not a crackpot, but perhaps the most insightful economic thinker in the world at a time when the world itself was upside down. He was an anti-socialist when the world looked upon socialism with hope, and he was an anti-Keynesian when the discipline of economics all moved in the Keynesian direction. Subsequently we learned that socialism led not to hope but to political tyranny and economic deprivation, and Keynesianism was logically flawed in lacking microfoundations, and practically flawed in leading to world-wide inflation and economic stagnation. In other words, Mises was right! In fact, I think one could make a reasonable argument that Mises was right on every single controversial position he held --- from methodology to public policy.

So where does that leave us? Well, we have monetary injections on top of an already precarious financial situation. Market adjustments are required, not interventions of easy money.

I can think of no better response to Mr. Frum's claims about economic teachings than John McEnroe's now famous line at Wimbledon --- "You CANNOT be serious."

ADDITION: See Richard Ebeling's discussion of Friedman and the Gold Standard.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Behind the Veil of Islam
It's sad to see some pull the veil over the eyes of innocent Americans with disarming and deceitful portrayals of Islam as well-assimilated and innocuous. Let the rest of the story be told

World News

King of Europe?
In an interview with the BBC William Hague warns that the creation of a new EU Foreign Minister and a new EU President - both of whom will purport to represent the EU on the world stage - could create confusion and tension in Brussels. The article reports that one cabinet member from another EU country said of the new EU President that "At last Europe will have a King!"


Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
Israel and world Jewry's inaction concerning the Temple is without excuse! Even for those who would ignore biblical history and demand that we first become ritually pure, there's no reason for failing to prepare for that glorious day. It's incumbent upon the Chief Rabbinate and Israeli government to do so.


Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas
I was blessed to grow up in Risingsun, Ohio next door to my Grandma and Grandpa Hoover on their farm that embraced where we lived, surrounding us with its loving arms on both sides (until the age of 11) and behind, with our woods over yonder a bit, that I loved to walk through as a boy, always looking for my "brother" hawk, circling overhead, to greet me...

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
Abominable Christians, those who have the perverted religious preference of tradition over truth, are just like every other sinner unwilling to confess and forsake their sins and seek to whitewash or justify them. The difference is such professing Christians often pretend to be better or more righteous than those physical idolaters and immoral folks (who also refuse to repent) while they engage in spiritual idolatry (putting tradition over truth) and spiritual immorality (whoring around with other gods and foreign ways) bringing divine judgment upon our nations.


Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
The cult of Choice is the worst symptom evident in society of the Hellenist disease. It sacrifices children upon the hedonistic altars of convenience and irresponsibility in an immoral and idolatrous way. It disguises itself as progressive and enlightened, but it is actually a dark throwback to the pagan rituals performed in the Valley of Hinnom: the holocaust of children that the prophet Jeremiah condemned (Jeremiah 7:31).

Lost Tribes

The Plain Truth About the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
The United Kingdom of Israel split in two during the reign of Solomon's son, Rehoboam. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was composed of 10 tribes, headed by the tribe of Joseph, in their new capital called Samaria. The Southern Kingdom of Judah continued to rule from Jerusalem, with the Royal House of David presiding over them.


Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.


Aid for Africa?
Why, after all these years, are so many countries in Africa still dependent upon Western aid? Has such aid truly helped the situation or encouraged them to let others do for them what they won't do for themselves?

A Warning for America from South Africa
By Gemma Meyer (Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a South African journalist. She and her husband, a former conservative member of parliament, still reside in South Africa.)

Fellowship with besieged white South Africans
I care for South Africans, Israelis, and Americans but it's horrifying to see our white Israelite peoples are being sold out (we often get the leaders we deserve) and/or just go like sheep to the slaughter or worry about being called "racist" more than our survival. Truly our nations are under a CURSE for our disobedience and the only way to reverse the curse is to REPENT. Will we? God knows.


The secret Nazis covet the Temple Mount
"Even before the end of this war, I revealed to you the plans for a NAZI UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT, to go underground as a SECRET organization the very moment they lost the war - to lay low...then come forth when least expected, RESTORE GERMANY TO POWER, and go on to finally accomplish their aims in a WORLD WAR III" - The Plain Truth, Sept. 1948.

World News

Has Rowan Williams lost his head?
What a shame that Rowan Williams doesn't base his beliefs upon the Bible, which explains why he finds Christian Zionist views as "very strange, and not at all easy to accept."

Lying Visions of Peace
The lying peace process exposes how Jews refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state, and how Jews are willing to sacrifice each other and sell out the Land and People of Israel if the price is right: both political and religious leaders are guilty of these sins that stink to High Heaven.


Real Republicans claim Ron Paul.

Join the
Ron Paul revolution! Ballots not bullets to reclaim our government and country, so help us God.

Born again: The Kingdom of God!
GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That's the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the Kingdom of God announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God's Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).

"Merry Christmas" bleat the sheeple to the slaughter

"Merry Christmas" bleat the sheeple to the slaughter...

Abominable Christians, those who have the perverted religious preference of tradition over truth, are just like every other sinner unwilling to confess and forsake their sins and seek to whitewash or justify them. The difference is such professing Christians often pretend to be better or more righteous than those physical idolaters and immoral folks (who also refuse to repent) while they engage in spiritual idolatry (putting tradition over truth) and spiritual immorality (whoring around with other gods and foreign ways) bringing divine judgment upon our nations.

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?

Ron Paul Revolution - European Style

Let me tell you, do not wish for more volunteers,
more money or more media attention.
Let those, who don't have the stomach for this revolution,
let them stay home, sitting on their couch.
Bring them something to drink before you leave,
'cause we will not have them in our campaign.
We will not stand in the cold and rain in that man's company,
that fears his fellowship to fight for liberty together with us.
This revolution is called the Ron Paul Revolution.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this Revolution is named.
He that shall triumph on this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on december 16th, tell his friends and neighbours,
I was there at the Tea Party,
Then he will show them the banners and the buttons,
the YouTube videos and countless pictures,
and say "these I was holding, I was there"
And he'll remember, what feats he did that day.
And we in it, we shall be remembered-
we few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters.
And all those people, now sitting on their couches,
shall think themselves accursed they did not join us.
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks,
That fought with us in the Ron Paul Revolution.

Ron Paul Revolution - European Style

Thank you !!!

Carter and Reagan both had 1-2% in the polls, yet won

I find it interesting that Ron Paul is not mentioned when it comes to straw polls. He has won over half of the nations straw polls and some polls are even canceled halfway in (SF Straw Poll) because they know he would win. Which would you consider more accurate, the accumulation of all straw polls in the USA or some telephone poll that is obsolete?
John Kerry had 4% in the polls days before he won the nomination. Carter and Reagan both had 1-2% in the polls, yet won. How do you explain that based on your perception that tele polls are accurate? Ron Paul broke the all time one day fundraising record (EVER) and is bringing in 20 million this quarter, quite possible more than quadruple any of the other front runners. Can you please stop the bias and get real?
Posted by: Michael 21yo at Dec 20, 2007 1:09:17 PM; aqui


Ron Paul's thought-provoking choice on racist's $$$
by Frank James

"You have to hand it to Ron Paul. Most presidential candidates who weren't running as white supremacists themselves would reflexively return a donation from a self-proclaimed racist so fast they would break speed records for financial transactions.

But as has been reported, Paul has decided to keep a $500 donation from Don Black of West Palm Beach who runs a website called Stormfront whose slogan is "White Pride World Wide."

As Paul's campaign explained, it plans to keep the money because that will reduce the cash Black has to spend on spreading his controversial ideology by $500.

And, according to the campaign, another good will occur. Paul will have $500 more with which to spread his libertarian message of freedom from big government, including his opposition to the Iraq War.

One freedom Paul has comes from the unlikelihood he'll receive his party's nomination. If he were a real threat to be the Republican nominee, he would've given back the money immediately since no top tier candidate would want to take a chance on losing the big prize because of the kind of controversy surrounding this kind of controversy.

But a lot of money is given to candidates by supporters with views out of the mainstream, views many other Americans would find objectionable. That's a given. The only difference is that Black doesn't hide his views.

Still, the unwritten rule in politics is that when you find yourself getting money from someone controversial because of what they do or say, someone with views repugnant to most Americans, you give their cash back like it's radioactive.

Paul's approach is certainly unorthodox, like so much about the man. That doesn't necessarily make it wrong. And because it's so different a way of handling such a situation, it presents an opportunity for a discussion about what's right and wrong in such situations. In short, it makes you think."

Alguém falou em Kosovo?

Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago,2933,317548,00.html

"WASHINGTON — The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,'' long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means said.

A delegation of Lakota leaders has delivered a message to the State Department, and said they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the U.S., some of them more than 150 years old.

The group also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and Venezuelan embassies, and would continue on their diplomatic mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months."

As entrevistas

Notáveis as entrevistas "on Morning Joe MSNBC" e "Glenn Beck interviews Ron Paul CNN" (Links)

Se querem saber porque existe uma "Revolution" está tudo lá.

Enthusiastic Supporters at Giuliani Appearance

Via (LRCBlog): Ron Paul supporters, of course.

Ron Paul Revolution Spreads to the Thinking Left

Confessions of a Defecting Democrat -- Why Ron Paul is the Perfect Candidate, and How Left Media Will be USED to Attack

by Bill Douglas

read more digg story

Grandes Capas

O Banco de Portugal como especulador o "nosso" ouro.

Noticia ("Ouro representa mais de 90% das reservas do Banco de Portugal".

O que parece é que estão a arranjar mais uma boa desculpa para vender mais. Em 2000 as reservas de ouro eram cerca de 600 toneladas. Hoje são só apenas cerca de 380!!

Durante esse período o Ouro subiu de cotação de 280 Euros/onça para 550 Euros/onça (ou 18 000 Euros / Kg).

O Banco de Portugal, grosso modo terá vendido 220 toneladas de ouro a um preço médio inferior a 350 euros (cerca de 11 454 Euros / Kg) . Lembro-me que num dos "press releases" de justificação se dizia qualquer coisa como "o preço actual éespeculativo"...pois, a 350 Usd/onça...depois subiu para 550 Euros / onça.

Quem especulou foi o BdP (aliás como outros Bancos Centrais imprudentes).

Vamos analisar a perda:

220 toneladas * (11 454 Euros/Kg - 18 000 Euros/Kg) = 1 440 000 000 Euros !!!!!

Alguém fala no assunto? Não. O BdP fará comentários lacónicos sobre necessidade de "diversificação". O que fica da sua tirada sobre "preço especulativo do ouro"? Um desaire completo.

A minha satisfação como "gold bug" é que as vendas efectuadas por todos os Bancos Centrais prestam-se precisamente a ter o efeito contrário. Quanto mais ouro estiver disponivel na economia privada, mas depressa o ouro recupera a sua função monetária (que nunca perdeu, de resto).

Os Bancos Centrais já detiveram cerca de 2/3 do total do ouro disponível. A maior parte deste ouro foi simpesmente confiscado à população. Um acto de roubo em massa. Sabemos como todos os crimes em massa se transformam em "Razão de Estado". Seja o assassínio em massa em guerras ou a confiscação de propriedade em massa.[Coisas do Monopólio do Direito (é que, dizem os minarquistas, sem o Monopólio do Direito por parte do Estado não existe Direito...).]

Hoje, esse peso aproxima-se de apensa 1/3. E parece que querem vender mais. Óptimo. È aproveitar para trocar pedaços de papel emitidos/fotocopiados por burocratas (cujo valor reside apenas na sua característica compulsória) por aquilo que foi escolhido livremente pela civilização desde há milénios.

Time Magazine Names Ron Paul a "Person of the Year"

After Vladimir Putin, Time magazine named 30 "People Who Mattered" in their "Person of the Year" issue.

Ron Paul is profiled.

"Booed by Republicans for his isolationist foreign policy views and anathema to Democrats for his anti-government philosophy, the Texas congressman was proudly out of step with both political parties. But marching to his own drummer, the grandfatherly libertarian found himself leading an online parade. Millions of dollars poured into his quixotic presidential campaign, raising an inevitable question: What's next for this free-thinking and strangely compelling grassroots crusader?" (

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pagan holidays in Christian drag

Why should professing Christians be offended by the plain truth about Christmas? Isn’t the truth to set us free? Both the Bible and history strongly testify such "mass delusion" is nothing but part of the Babylonian Mystery religion dressed in Christian drag.

Rome’s accursed replacement theology isn’t just about replacing Israel, but includes replacing the biblical holy days the early Church of God celebrated with meaning and purpose (and the remnant continue to do so today) with pagan holidays pretending to be Christian.

I am a Christian and it sickens me to see the horrible misrepresentation of Christianity, to witness the identity theft Rome is guilty of, that too many participate in who clearly don’t protest enough but remain stuck in the muck of Babylon.

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism

God condemns times of family togetherness and cooperation when it's all because of pagan holidays that He hates as abominations:

Jeremiah 7:18
The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger.

May folks stop with the religious lies and start keeping the same biblical holy days that Jesus and His Family and Brethren kept and taught.

The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ

Ron Paul: Freedom brings us together!

Some more impressions from the Strasbourg Tea Party 07:

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Não havia necessidade...

Todos os Banqueiros Centrais estão sentados em cima de ouro o qual grande parte foi roubada/confiscado à população em geral no início do século 20. È a isto que chamam o "fim do padrão-ouro", assim tipo, evolução natural das coisas... Mas também não havia necessidade:

Ethiopia Central Bank Buys Fake Gold: Seven Officials Arrested

Dec. 18 (Bloomberg) -- At least seven officials from
Ethiopia's central bank and mining ministry were arrested after
gold purchased by the bank was found to be steel and stone
painted to look like the precious metal, the federal security
services said.

Sabrin's "Open Letter to Pro-Lifers"

Prof. Murray Sabrin explains Ron Paul's influence on his own conversion to respect the natural right to life for the unborn:

"...I knew Rep. Ron Paul, who I have known since 1982, was a pro-life libertarian Republican. I called him to get his input on the abortion issue. He told me he wrote a book on abortion making a libertarian case for the pro-life position. I asked him to send me a copy. I read his beautifully written 100-page Challenge to Liberty in one reading and from then on I became a pro-life libertarian.

I never ever thought I could ever be convinced that a pro-life position was consistent with liberty and limited government. But in Challenge to Liberty, subtitled Coming to Grip with the Abortion Issue, Ron Paul demonstrated that logic is an indispensable tool to change peoples’ minds, especially when it comes to hot button issues like abortion."

Sabrin is also considering the possibility of running for the New Jersey representative to the U.S. Senate for 2008 as a Ron Paul Republican, a decision he'll likely make in January.

"Wrapped in the Flag Carrying the Cross"

After a condescendingly rude opening by this Fox and Friends interview, Ron Paul throws them off by quoting the Sinclair Lewis prediction that "[w]hen fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Of course the Fox interviewers couldn't handle such Harrison Bergeron type thinking and had to promptly move to commercial.

For Ron Paul's view on an excellent example of religion in the public life, particularly Catholicism, go here.

Exposição Mass Media

Em um dia mais exposição directa na Main Stream Media do que a que foi somada no último mês.

Dec 18
1. Ron Paul on Fox & Friends
Fox News Channel
7:15 AM ET

2. Ron Paul on CNN American Morning
8:15 AM ET

3. Ron Paul on Morning Joe
8:30 AM ET

4. Jan Mickelson interviews Ron Paul
WHO Radio
5. Glenn Beck interviews Ron Paul
CNN Headline News
Check local listings
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Nota: Editado à medida que as intervenções sejam disponibilizadas no youtube

A demência da criação de moeda para conceder crédito

... para resolver os problemas da demência da criação de moeda para conceder crédito

- BCE acaba de "injectar" 350 biliões de Euros
- BoE "emprestou" 50 biliões ao Nothern Rock (em Setembro) que não consegue reaver

Saxo Bank’s Outrageous Predictions 2008

"If you've read Saxo Bank's yearly Outlooks over the last few years, you'll know we don't hold back in our annual attempt to predict the black swan sightings in global markets for the coming year. Remember though, these predictions are made more in an attempt to provoke thought than at accuracy! Below is a shortened version for you to vote on, with the long version available HERE.

1) Ron Paul elected as President of the United States in 2008

Even though a Republican, Ron Paul - with his libertarian, anti-war platform - is about 3 standard deviations away from George Bush Jr and therefore actually stands a chance in the Presidentials. A general market slowdown, stock market turmoil should increase the odds of a Ron Paul nomination due to his honesty on the budget, current account deficits and the USD crisis.

2) S&P500 falls 25% from its 2007 high to 1182

Why 1182? That's an exact 25% drop from the mid-October high for the S&P500 index, while history shows that stock markets drop 15-30% when housing markets fail. The unwind from the housing market highs has already been severe - and has further to go. (...)"

America's New Year's Day!

Tea Parties all over the World!

Strasbourg Tea Party '07 - Introduction


1. Andrew Sullivan Endorses Ron Paul (For the Republican nomination, over his former fave John McCain)

2. Tucker [CNBC] Endorses Paul

Though he said he was tempted to vote for Fred Thompson because of Thompson saying his favorite possession was his, "trophy wife," he said, "...but obviously I am going to vote for Ron Paul." Obviously.

Via LRCBlog.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Progressive Dems

"As a progressive Democrat, I'll be voting Kucinich.

My in-laws - all Republicans in the most traditional sense of the term (small government, state rights, etc) and who have voted Republican in every election despite their frustration with the new Big Government Republican Party are thrilled with Ron Paul's platform and will be voting for him in the primaries.

I disagree with Ron Paul on a variety of issues, but I'd rather see him in the office (knowing that he seems to be the only Republican candidate who actually supports the constitution and hasn't been bought and paid for by a variety of corporate backers) than I would a Guiliani, Romney, or Clinton.

Would I vote for him as a 3rd party candidate? Probably not - if I'm going to throw my weight to a 3rd party, I'd be sure it was to a candidate who represented more of my progressive ideas (a Green vote.)

Would I vote for Ron Paul if he was the Republican candidate running against Clinton? Absolutely.

Posted By: DeeLo (December 6, 2007 at 2:02 PM)

Start Thinking

I dont think Ron Paul has a chance to win...

Then its time to start thinking...

Ron Paul TV

Vídeos que explicam melhor do que mil palavras:

Entrevista com John Stossel que passa pelas principais ideias força da campanha
John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air)- Part 1 of 6 -> Interferência na vida privada

John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air)- Part 2 of 6 -> Papel do estado

John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air) Part 3 of 6 -> Política externa e Guerra no Iraque

John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air) Part 4 of 6 -> Imigração ilegal e políticas sociais

John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air) Part 5 -> Liberdade - Base de apoio

John Stossel & Ron Paul (ABC afraid to Air) Part 6 of 6 -> Intervenção na Economia

Documentário "Now" sobre a campanha:
Ron Paul and Internet Politics

Alguns Vídeos chave no lançamento da Ron Paul Revolution
Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming -> Views: 1,034,519

Ron Paul: A New Hope -> Views: 970,615 ; Added: 2 months ago

Ron Paul: Tea Party 07

Nota: Muitos destes vídeos já foram publicados aqui e em outros blogs com bom gosto.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Alguém falou em Pagãos?

An Open Letter to Pagans
On behalf of Ron Paul. Article by Christopher Quick.

Tea Party (4)

Tea Party (3)

Ron Paul's Realtime Donation Graphs and Statistics for Q4

Tea Party (2)

Tea Party (1)

The Strasbourg Tea Party - First impressions

Thanks to Larry from (Germany), we proudly present the first Youtube-Videos and pictures:

It was an honour and a pleasure to meet you guys! Special thanks to Ben and Allan from

To be continued...


International Ron Paul Support at Strasbourg Teaparty #1

International Ron Paul Support at Strasbourg Teaparty #2

International Ron Paul Support at Strasbourg Teaparty #3

The Tea Party Begins

It is almost 9 am EST and Ron Paul has already raised over 1.3 million since midnight.

This is an extremely important day for Ron Paul and for Americans because this is a protest against the inflation tax. Tomorrow the MSM will be talking about Ron Paul and the inflation tax. This is great for the campaign but even better for America. Wake America up!

Send a message to the elite banksters, government officials and corrupt big business that that don't own us and we're not going to take it any more!

Donate as much as you can TODAY!

Go Ron Paul!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Islam of Lies

Behind the Veil of Islam

Nobody can honestly deny what is written on my website or the others listed concerning the lies of Islam, the pretty face it presents to the naive Westerners, while encroaching upon Judeo-Christian heritage, seeking to undermine it and our relationship with Israel, the Jewish Homeland, through lying visions of peace.

The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection

Why remain in denial? Why fall for the lies of Islam? The emperor has no clothes. We must expose these facts for those who weren't aware of them, so help us God.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Behind the Veil of Islam

It's sad to see some pull the veil over the eyes of innocent Americans with disarming and deceitful portrayals of Islam as well-assimilated and innocuous. Let the rest of the story be told

Behind the Veil of Islam

Will Barbara Walters Move to Israel?

ABC’s Walters Disses White House Christmas Card
• “I don’t remember—and I’m sure people will remind me— getting a religious card. Now does this also go to agnostics and atheists and Muslims and –”
Colleen Raezler -- December 14, 2007

Apparently both Bush and Walters ignore the facts that the Roman Catholic "mass of Christ" is nothing but the Babylonian Mystery religion dressed in Christian drag.

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism

Bush shouldn't have abused a Scripture to sanction the pagan holiday pretending to be Christian and if He truly believed the Scripture that God is Lord he would love and obey Him (which includes having nothing to do with heathen customs modified to worship the God of Israel).

Let Barbara Walters do something constructive and follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland of Israel and join the Temple Mount Faithful (rather than just eat greasy foods in exile).

Buy A Gun

Buy A Gun
By Chuck Baldwin
December 14, 2007
This column is archived at
"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke
22:36 KJV)
Most of us are aware that the heroic actions of a brave woman at the
New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado a few days ago saved the
lives of perhaps scores, or even hundreds, of people. However, her
bravery would not have counted for much had she not been armed.
On that fateful December Sunday, a man by the name of Matthew Murray
entered the church armed to the teeth. According to press reports, he
was armed with a semi-automatic rifle, two handguns, some smoke
grenades, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.
By the time Murray arrived in the Colorado Springs church, he had
already killed four people: two at a missionary training center miles
away, and two in the church parking lot. He had wounded several
others. No one realized it at the time, but the man was a serial
killer in the midst of a rampage. He doubtless planned to kill as many
people as he could, as there were thousands of people inside the
church. Had there not been an armed citizen in the church house, the
death toll would have been massive.
According to church spokesmen, the congregation has over a dozen
members who volunteered to serve as security personnel for the church.
Jeanne Assam was one of those volunteers.
A former police officer, Assam said, "I saw him [Murray] coming
through the doors, and I took cover, and I waited for him to get
closer. I came out of cover, I identified myself and engaged him and
took him down." Murray died in the exchange. Although Assam shot him
several times with her 9mm pistol, the coroner's office said that
Murray actually succumbed to a self-inflicted gunshot wound. After
being incapacitated by Assam's gunfire, Murray apparently turned one
of his weapons on himself.
Chalk one up for the good guys, or in this case, good gals.
Have you noticed how the media dropped the Colorado story as soon as
it was discovered that a lawfully armed citizen ended the potential
massacre by using her own handgun? Had the killer been successful in
murdering scores of people, however, it would have been at the top of
the news for weeks. As it is, the story is already buried in the
dungeon section of the news, if it is in the news at all.
One thing the national news media will always ignore is the practice
of lawful self-defense. For example, most people are probably not
aware of the fact that American citizens use a firearm to defend
themselves more than 2.4 million times EVERY YEAR. That is more than
6,500 times EVERY DAY. This means that, each year, firearms are used
60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to
take lives. Furthermore, of the 2.4 million self-defense cases, more
than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual assault.
And in less than eight percent of those occasions is a shot actually
fired. The vast majority of the time (92%), the mere presence of a
firearm helps to avert a major crime from occurring. That is what
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) concluded after extensive research.
According to Rep. Bartlett, the number of defensive uses is four times
the number of crimes reported committed with guns.
John Lott, senior research scientist at the University of Maryland,
agrees with Bartlett. His book "More Guns, Less Crime" documents the
fact that--instead of being a cause of crime--firearms in the hands of
private citizens are actually a major deterrent to crime.
Another fact conveniently ignored by the major media is the connection
between wanton killings and so-called "gun-free" zones. For an example
of this, look no further than the Virginia Tech massacre. In spite of
Virginia state laws that allow citizens to carry concealed weapons for
self-defense, Virginia Tech forbade its students and faculty from
carrying weapons for self-defense on campus. Had a student or faculty
member been armed--as was Ms. Assam in the Colorado Springs attack--no
doubt many, if not most, of the Virginia Tech victims would not have
died. Obviously, bad guys do not pay any attention to "gun-free"
zones, except to note that such zones create a free-killing
Is it any wonder that those states and cities with the most
restrictive gun control laws tend to also be home to the highest crime
rates? The old saying is still true. "When guns are outlawed, only
outlaws will have guns." There is another saying I like even better.
"When guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw."
Even our Lord understood and validated the right of every person to
arm themselves for personal self-defense. He said, "He that hath no
sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36 KJV) The
old Roman sword was the First Century equivalent of a modern handgun.
It was the most practical and convenient form of self-defense
available at that time. Also, please note that at least two of Jesus'
disciples (one of whom was Simon Peter) were in the habit of carrying
their own personal swords, and Jesus never rebuked them. (See Luke
Jesus also acknowledged, "When a strong man ARMED [emphasis added]
keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace." (Luke 11:21)
Furthermore, the Apostle Paul said, emphatically, "But if any provide
not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath
denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." (I Tim. 5:8) Does
"not providing for his own" include not providing protection? Of
course it does.
The right and, yes, obligation of personal self-defense is entrenched
in both Christian and American tradition. People who would deny
citizens the right to arm themselves are either naпvely ignorant or
deliberately duplicitous. As Robert Heinlein said, "An armed society
is a polite society."
America's Founding Fathers agreed with Heinlein. Thomas Jefferson
said, "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." He also
said, "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those
who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such
laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the
assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides,
for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an
armed man."
Samuel Adams said, "[T]he said Constitution [shall] be never construed
to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or
the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United
States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms."
James Madison said, "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the
whole body of people always possess arms."
Thomas Paine said, "[A]rms discourage and keep the invader and
plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property
. . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the
use of them."
George Washington called the private collections of arms "the people's
liberty's teeth."
America must always preserve the right to keep and bear arms. To do
any less is to invite oppression and tyranny, not to mention acts of
Some years back, Alan Rice of the Jews for the Preservation of
Firearms Ownership (JPFO) wrote, "Since 1900 at least seven major
genocides have occurred resulting in the murder of 50-60 million
*Ottoman Turkey, 1915-17; 1-1.5 million Armenians murdered;
*Soviet Union, 1929-53; 20 million anti-Communists and anti-Stalinists
*Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe, 1933-45; 13 million Jews, Gypsies,
and Anti-Nazis murdered;
*China, 1949-52, 1957-60 & 1966-1976; 20 million anti-Communists
*Guatemala, 1960-1981; 100,000 Mayan Indians murdered;
*Uganda, 1971-1979; 300,000 Christians and Political Rivals of Idi
Amin murdered;
*Cambodia, 1975-1979; 1 million murdered."
Rice continued to say, "In all seven of the genocides summarized
above, gun control laws were in force before the genocide occurred, in
some cases decades before. In five of the seven genocides, the lethal
law, the gun control law was in force before the genocide regime took
Rice also said, "Gun control laws are usually enacted during a crisis
or a perceived crisis." He then said, "Government officials, not hate
groups or common criminals, were responsible for these seven
genocides. In most of these cases the murder victims outnumbered their
murderers; yet they were powerless to defend themselves because they
were disarmed."
Do the math yourself. Absent an armed citizen, 32 innocent people lost
their lives at Virginia Tech, while the presence of 1 armed citizen
resulted in 2 innocent deaths in Colorado Springs. Furthermore, the
presence of over 200 million firearms in the possession of the
American people has done more to keep America free than any other
human element--bar none!
Therefore, to help keep your family safe and your country free, go buy
a gun.
(c) Chuck Baldwin

The Ringing Endorsement from Daily Kos

You see Ron Paul is NUTS because:

Ron Paul has authored legislation saying that life begins at conception, to prevent federal money from being spent on family planning (that would include contraception), and has tried to amend the Constitution to "guarantee the right to life."

God Bless Ron Paul.

The New Model for Revolution

" As the Republican race comes down the home stretch before the first vote is cast in Iowa, the outcome is anything but certain. More clear than what the eventual voter totals will be is that the campaign of Ron Paul has built an underground infrastructure of funding, organizing and promoting that may very well mark a significant paradigm shift not only in political campaigns but in the organization of dissent against the United States government and governments around the world. "

read more digg story

Crise, qual crise?

Texto escrito a 20 de Novembro

Se fecharmos os olhos com muita força a crise desaparece

A economia do faz-de-conta tem dado os seus últimos suspiros, apenas suportada pela política do faz-de-conta também.
De facto, dia após dia, ouvem-se notícias de enormes empresas financeiras ou afins que passam de declarações dizendo que a crise financeira não lhes diz respeito para declarações onde admitem perdas brutais e praticamente a insolvência, tudo em menos de 2 semanas.
Agora são já as gigantes dos resseguros como a Swiss Re que, 15 dias depois de afirmar categoricamente que a crise actual lhe ia passar ao lado, foi obrigada a reconhecer mais de 1 bilião de prejuízos devido a essa mesma crise.
De facto estamos a notar um padrão nestas atitudes dos outrora imensamente poderosos fundos de investimento e seus líderes que juram a pés juntos nada ter a ver com o caso para poucas semanas depois se demitirem e deixarem à mostra um buraco de biliões.
A situação agravar-se-á com a entrada em vigor de uma nova lei norte-americana que obrigará a mais transparência na contabilidade criativa destas empresas, tornando evidente a exposição destas a produtos financeiros de alto risco e em colapso.
O rácio de exposição a este tipo de produtos é de tal modo grande nas maiores financeiras mundiais que ninguém quer mesmo é saber disso sob o risco de se atirar do primeiro precipício que encontre.
O City Group tem mais de 105% dos seus activos neste barco, a Morgan Stanley mais de 251%, a Goldman Sachs mais de 185% e a Merril Lynch mais de 83%, sendo esta última a única até agora a admitir as perdas com a consequente demissão do seu líder em Novembro.
Todas as outras escondem o facto o mais que podem para tentar evitar o inevitável colapso financeiro que se avizinha. Todas elas correm sérios riscos de falência em breve.
Há menos de um mês, os mais pessimistas economistas do sistema falavam em prejuízos de 200 biliões de dólares, um mês depois já só falam em 400 biliões. Diversos analistas mais atentos estimam que pela Primavera as perdas ultrapassem os mil biliões, um número tão grande que nem nos atrevemos a escrevê-lo.
Juntando a isto as crises inevitáveis do imobiliário inglês, espanhol, francês resultantes do aumento absurdo do preço das casas nestes mercados nos últimos anos, a crise está para ficar e possivelmente vai mesmo ser conhecida como a enorme depressão, em oposição à grande depressão de 1929.
Em Espanha, entre 2003 e 2005 o preço das habitações aumentou 16,1%, ainda mais do que os 10,9% dos EUA. Nuestros hermanos caminham a passos largos para um crash financeiro e imobiliário sem precedentes tendo em conta o nível de endividamento que já não permite alimentar mais esta bolha. França padece do mesmo problema e o Reino Unido é indissociável do que se passa nos EUA.
Tendo tudo isto em conta, antecipamos para os próximos 5 a 6 meses, uma falência de uma empresa global financeira, provavelmente uma das principais do mundo.
Isto desencadeará mais um processo de choque para os mercados financeiros e um problema financeiro cada vez mais irresolúvel para os grandes bancos a operar nos EUA. Será também mais que provável a intervenção estatal americana para tentar minimizar os estragos de tamanha explosão. Deixamos aqui uma nota de alerta nem só os bancos americanos serão afectados mas sim todos os que tiverem grande presença e exposição ao mercado americano, com exemplos europeus como o Deutsche, a UBS, o Barclays, o Santander entre outros.
Assim, recomendamos distância de praticamente todos os investimentos em bolsa, pois o mercado de valores está directamente ligado a esta crise financeira mundial.
Sobretudo recomendamos prudência na leitura dos números oficiais, quer sejam da inflação, do desemprego, do crescimento económico ou de qualquer outro dado relevante que venha de entidades oficiais.
De facto, estes números já não descrevem mais a realidade, mas são “inventados” unicamente para tentar manter uma aparente calma e conter um inevitável colapso sistémico do mundo financeiro.
Este alerta é ainda mais essencial agora pois mesmo os governos admitem que estes seus “cálculos” só podem ser feitos com base num padrão de cálculo com um histórico previsível, com grandes dificuldades para fazer análise em períodos conturbados da economia. Isto dito por “eles”.
Ao lançar estes números “inventados”, os políticos e os líderes da alta finança mundial esperam tentar que a economia se cole a eles de modo a esconder a verdade nua e crua.
Quando se projecta a inflação, por exemplo, dá-se um sinal claro à economia que antecipa e corrige os preços de acordo com essas previsões, ajudando assim a cumprir-se a profecia e a ajustar os preços de acordo com o pretendido.
Esta manipulação dos números é feita por todos os governos de modo a esconder o que mais interessa.Num dos poucos números que realmente traduzem o problema actual com os mercados financeiros, o índice M3 da Reserva Federal, a sua publicação foi suspensa em Março, com a desculpa de não ser de interesse para a economia.