Sunday, February 28, 2010

Life Savers and Hitler Youth

Harry Hay, swimmer and coach (pictured), gave an interesting talk about the Berlin Olympic Games to the members of the Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club on 9 December 1936. The magazine Surf in Australia reported his speech in its January 1937 issue. Mr Hay, it stated, had attended five Olympic Games as competitor and coach, and he believed the Berlin Games surpassed all others. “Mr Hay was particularly impressed with the Hitler Youth Movement. He was given access to several camps. There are no unemployed in Germany today, every lad being drafted into the Youth Camps for 12 months’ training. Without a certificate from the Camp no lad could find work in Germany. Any boys who would not find work were taken into the military... Mr Hay’s comment that these camps could well be instituted in Australia is not without ultimate possibility. Mr Hay remarked that in Australia there are too many loafers living on the Governments, and we are regretfully compelled to agree with him.”
Evidently Goebbels’ propaganda had found a credulous dupe in Mr Hay. Some of the Queenscliff Savers were to get a close hard look at Hitler’s forces in the not-too-distant future.
Surf in Australia, in its April 1937 issue reported remarks made at the Manly Jubilee official dinner by Brigadier-General Lloyd, MLA, who asserted that the physical fitness of Australian youth was pitiful. The only remedy for this disgraceful state of affairs was to be found “in the introduction of the Fascist plan of development.” Sensibly, the magazine dissociated itself from his views.

Broncos lend a hand at Mission Australia's Cafe One on Wickham

Recently Brisbane Broncos players were joined by Rugby League great Alan Langer for a day of volunteering at Mission Australia's Cafe One on Wickham.

As part of their partnership with Cafe One, the Broncos provide financial support, home game promotions each season and access to volunteering opportunities for the players.

This year, the club introduced the 'Broncos in the Community' program, which involves the players volunteering each Wednesday to work with one of the seven charities supported by the club. Last week was devoted to Cafe One, with both players and clients thoroughly enjoying the experience.

The Broncos players helped the Cafe staff with serving food, wiping tables and general cleaning.

With a professional career in Queensland Rugby League spanning two decades, Alan Langer doesn't need to go far in Brisbane to find his fans - and Cafe One is no exception! Alan thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the Cafe's clients, sharing his experiences and a few laughs.

His presence will endure for a long time - one client mentioned to Cafe staff recently that he didn't get to meet a "legend of the game" very often and would be "keeping his autograph forever".

To view a video from the day, visit Broncos TV.

The Broncos will be working with other charity partners in coming months, with another visit to Cafe One due early May.

Further Reading...

Ron Paul : Tim Geithner should go but that wont solve the problems

Ron Paul : Easy money for too long and low interest rates are to be blamed for the mess Fox Business News 27 Feb 2010

Ron Paul says that Tim Geithner should go because of his involvement with AIG , although that won't solve the problems , we should go back to sound money and stop the FED from creating money and monetizing the debt , we should opt for smaller government , it is fraudulent to steal from the people by devaluating the value of money

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ron Paul questions Bernanke about $12 billion in cash 24 Feb 2010

Ron Paul vs Ben Bernanke 24 February 2010

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul questions Ben Bernanke about $12 billion in cash. Ron Paul said “a lot of cash was passed through — and a lot of people suppose it was passed through the Federal Reserve — when there was a provisional government [in Iraq] after the 2003 invasion. That money was not appropriated by the Congress as required by law.”

“Congressman, these specific allegations you’ve made are absolutely bizarre, and I have no knowledge of anything remotely like what you just described,” Bernanke responded.

Defeat the gun-grabbers' agenda!

I’m sitting at a makeshift desk in my hotel room here in Washington, D.C., writing just as fast as I can type.

Earlier this afternoon, I delivered to Congress boxes upon boxes of the petitions good folks like you have sent back to the National Association for Gun Rights over these past few months.

My hope was, after delivering those petitions, I’d grab a bite to eat and catch up with some friends . . . or maybe see what the Jefferson Memorial looks like lit up at night.

But what I saw and heard today on Capital Hill left me scared stiff so I’m writing to urge you to take IMMEDIATE action.

You see, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and the rest of the anti-gun Democrat leadership in Congress have read the “tea leaves.”

They know the political winds are changing.  They know more and more Americans from all over the country are getting FED UP.

But they’re not backing down.

Instead, they’re counting on “The Machine” -- their pals in various left-wing groups across the country -- to turn out the vote and make sure they hold on to their huge majorities in Congress this November.

Most liberal groups are falling in line.  They’re more than happy with all the legislative goodies they’ve been given.

But with Sarah Brady and the rest of the gun-control crowd, it’s a different story.

They’re FURIOUS.

They’re screaming that they’ve been given NOTHING in return for putting anti-gun Democrats in power.

In fact, some gun control groups have even begun telling anti-gun politicians that they’ll sit out the November elections if they don’t see IMMEDIATE action on their agenda!

Believe me, that’s the last thing Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid want to hear.

That’s why you can be sure the Democrats in Congress will do EVERYTHING they can to ram every item on the gun-grabbers’ agenda into law, including:
*** H.R. 2159, the Disarming American Citizens Act allowing anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder to revoke the Second Amendment rights of ANY American he chooses based on pure “suspicion”;
*** A new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire;
*** H.R. 45, the “Catch-All” Obama Gun Control Bill, which would create a national gun registry, require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales, and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you’re “fit” to own a firearm;
*** The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty,” which would confiscate and destroy ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms and set the stage for INTERNATIONAL gun confiscation.
That’s why it’s vital you sign the SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE I've prepared for you IMMEDIATELY.

You see, considering the current balance of power in Washington, D.C., you and I are already going into these fights with our backs against the wall.

But to make matters worse, I’m afraid some Republicans in Congress I met with don’t have the stomach for an all-out fight.

In fact, I was asked point blank by a few Republicans what “sensible” gun control bill I’d be “ok with” as a compromise!

They explained how they wanted to “take the lead on the gun control issue” to keep from getting hammered in the press.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have.  Perhaps it was the wrong thing to do.

But I couldn’t help but get MAD.

I said the only gun bills I’m “ok with” are those that RESTORE freedom -- NOT those that take freedom away!

I said they were completely missing the boat!  Haven’t they seen the Tea Parties?

Don’t they know just how ANGRY many Americans are at all the madness we’ve seen coming out of Washington, D.C.?

They just laughed and said all those Tea Parties they’ve been ignoring aren’t really about guns.

They said gun owners LIKE YOU “always vote Republican no matter what!”

Frankly, I’d like to believe these Republicans are just spineless -- that they’re just cowards who crumble at the sight of Katie Couric or Keith Olbermann.

But it could be something more sinister.

You see, it’s no secret on Capital Hill the gun control crowd is frustrated with the Democrat Congressional Leadership.

I’m afraid these Republicans may just be scheming to take the LEAD on gun control in a misguided attempt to “grow the GOP tent!”

That’s why you and I must act NOW.  There’s no time to waste.

Believe me, if you and I can mobilize enough Americans, not only will we PROVE to every Republican that we’re DEAD SERIOUS about our gun rights, but Democrats will get the message as well.

The fact is, there are numerous Democrat Congressmen and Senators representing swing districts and states.

I saw more than a few of their troubled faces when I delivered huge stacks of petitions earlier today.

They’re worried about making Second Amendment supporters angry -- but they’re also worried about losing support from gun-control groups.

As you’ll see, I’ve provided the link to your personalized SECOND AMENDNMENT PLEDGE.

This SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE simply states that ANY Congressman or Senator who supports ANY gun control legislation in the current Congress deserves to be defeated this November REGARDLESS of political party.

So won’t you please sign your pledge immediately so I can distribute copies to your Congressman and Senators?

The fact is too many Congressmen and Senators are going to decide between voting with us or voting with Sarah Brady and the gun-control crowd based SOLELY on which side turns up the most heat.

So in addition to your signed SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE, I hope you’ll also make a generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or $35 to help me create a grassroots firestorm.

From my hotel room tonight, I will finish working out every detail of a full-scale nationwide program using mail,
e-mail, blogs -- and if we can raise the additional resources -- targeted radio, newspaper, and TV ads, as well.

I don’t care if it takes me all night.  There’s too much at stake.

Of course, such a massive nationwide effort won’t be cheap -- especially because everything is last minute.

But David, if we don’t act now, I’m afraid everything you and I have worked so hard to stop could be rammed into law.

I don’t know about you, but I can hardly stomach that thought.

So please sign your SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE at once. And please also include your most generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or $35!

Luke's Signature
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The gun-grabbers are demanding Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid take IMMEDIATE action on their radical anti-gun agenda -- or they’re threatening to sit out the next election.

Worse, some Republicans believe gun owners can be taken for granted and ignored!

That’s why it’s vital you act IMMEDIATELY by signing the SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE I've made up for you which simply states that ANY Congressman or Senator who supports ANY gun control legislation deserves to be defeated REGARDLESS of party!

Cargo Bar

This was a serious job - Cargo Bar's marketing and advertising shots for their venue. Probably the hardest and most most diverse shoot that i had to do so far. Luckily every thing i have learnt thus far made an impact on the job and its out come. For architecture to food and people.... a good 12 hour day (without editing) and the Loft and Bugalow 8 to come and another night doing a night shoot for both locations.... yes i'm serious!!!!!

A huge thanks to Hugh O'Brian for helping me out.

Ron Paul on Tyranny in America 24 Feb 2010

Ron Paul on Tyranny in America 02-24-10

Congressman Paul speaks on the floor about assassinations of Americans by their own government.

Ron Paul on MSNBC with Dylan Ratigan 23 Feb

Ron Paul on MSNBC with Dylan Ratigan 2/23/10

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

University 'Food for Fines' campaign supporting MA homeless services

Over Christmas the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) swapped food for fines at UTS Libraries in Haymarket and Lindfield.

While fines need to be imposed in libraries to encourage sharing of the University's resources, staff from the UTS Lending Services saw an opportunity to help the broader community and change the perception associated with fines.

The solution came in the form of the 'Food for Fines' initiative, involving the waiving of library fines in exchange for a food donation. UTS Libraries waived up to $30 worth of fines per person, and collected 13 large boxes of non-perishable foodstuffs - all generously donated to Mission Australia.

Many staff and students at the universities even donated food items when they didn’t have fines.

One UTS lecturer commented. “What a good idea! You've brightened up my day and made UTS an even nicer place to work.”

Stephen Fardouly from UTS Lending Services said that Mission Australia was their logical charity-of-choice "as many of the students at the Haymarket campus are familiar with homeless people sleeping rough in the local area and were aware of Mission Australia's homelessness services such as Missionbeat," he said.

The initiative proved to be a great success, with the libraries set to run the initiative again later in 2010.

Ron Paul vs Ben Bernanke

Ron Paul I am the Tax Payers Best Friend

Ron Paul in Katy Tea Party CD 14 Debate

We need to stop Obama care says Dr. Ron Paul

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Media Release: State and Territory governments must set targets to reduce numbers of young people in detention

One of Australia’s leading providers of services to disadvantaged young people has called on state and territory governments to set targets to reduce the number of juveniles in custody and increase alternative justice or ‘diversionary’ programs to achieve their aims.

On the eve of the National Juvenile Justice Summit in Melbourne (Thurs-Fri, 25-26 February), Mission Australia said almost all state and territory governments currently had the wrong policy settings for effectively tackling juvenile offending.

Mission Australia’s spokesperson, Anne Hampshire, said research and experience had proven the best approach to reducing juvenile offending was not putting young people in custody but providing them with access to programs that addressed the issues at the heart of their behaviour, eg: family stress, poor literacy/numeracy, lack of skills, unemployment and substance abuse.

Such programs are not only more successful but significantly cheaper to run.

“There’s a real lack of consistency across states and territories when it comes to tackling the issue of juvenile justice,” said Ms Hampshire.

“Victoria leads the country and both the Tasmanian and NSW governments have recently engaged in reviews of their approaches, but elsewhere it appears governments seem happy to lock young people up in increasing numbers – despite all evidence showing it doesn’t work.

“There are around 630 young Australians locked up every day (2007/08 figures which exclude NSW). Both the numbers (up by 17%) and the rate (up from 1.7 to 2.0 per 1000) at which young people are placed in custody has increased.

“Putting young offenders in custody is not only expensive but ineffective – most of those released will re-offend. Detention also intensifies the need for greater levels of support post-release.

“And when you look at the population of juveniles in custody, almost half report some form of serious abuse in their past, including violence and neglect. Do we really think detaining a young person with that sort of background is an appropriate response to their problem?

“These are hardly good outcomes, particularly when you consider it can cost in excess of $150,000 to keep a young person in custody for 12 months.

“From Mission Australia’s own experience, programs to divert young people away from detention can cost as little as $3200 per individual. In one of our NSW juvenile justice initiatives, 65% of participants had not re-offended a year after leaving the program.

“In a similar Victorian program we run, only six of the 188 young participants received further summons or charges after exiting.

“If governments were genuine about tackling this problem they would commit themselves to reducing the number of young people – particularly minority groups – in detention and setting targets that can be monitored,” said Ms Hampshire.

Media contact: Paul Andrews (02) 9219 2080 or 0409 665 495

Ron and Rand Paul on CNN 23 February 2010

Ron Paul The Mechanism is broken because the government is Broke 02/23/2010

Ron and Rand Paul agree on Hedalthcare but they kind of disagree on National Security although Ron Paul dismisses that they disagree but it is obvious that Rand Paul is not fully agreeing on his fathers position on pulling the troops and closing GITMO

Ron Paul on Fox Friends: CPAC Straw Poll Win

Ron Paul on Fox & Friends: CPAC Straw Poll Win 23 February 2010

Firearms now legal in some National Parks

Firearms now legal in some National Parks

The long-standing prohibition on firearms in National Parks was lifted today.

The new law, which went into effect this morning, mirrors state law.  Simply put, you can now possess firearms in a National Park under the same state laws that govern firearms in the rest of that state.

The actual law reads:

(b) Protecting the Right of Individuals To Bear arms in Units of the National Park System and the National Wildlife Refuge System.--The Secretary of the Interior shall not promulgate or enforce any regulation that prohibits an individual from possessing a firearm including an assembled or functional firearm in any unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System if--

(1) the individual is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm; and

(2) the possession of the firearm is in compliance with the law of the State in which the unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System is located.

The truth is we don't really know how the National Park Service is going to apply the law.  Often, the bureaucrats on the ground don’t really know the law and end up randomly enforcing what they “want” and not always what is law.

For the time being one thing we know is true; you can now posses a firearm in a National Park, so long as you are in compliance with the state law where the park is located.

The legislation in question, H.R. 627 the credit card reform bill, was amended by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to include the new pro-gun language.

Coburn’s amendment was a reaction to bureaucratic bungling by the Bush Administration.  In the waning hours of the 2008, outgoing Interior Department officials attempted to change the rules to allow concealed carry in some parks.

However the last minute change circumvented the legal process for such rule changes and was blocked by a court order.  Incoming Obama administration officials then reversed the rules, which led to Coburn's amendment of the credit card reform bill.

While these rules are certainly a step in the right direction they are a far cry from truly embracing our Second Amendment rights.  Sadly, the fact remains that virtually no one can carry a gun at Minuteman Park in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

The very National Park that celebrates the armed uprising of our founding fathers, who were fighting against the British attempts to confiscate their firearms, remains closed to concealed carry.

We can -- and should -- celebrate this victory, but keep our long term goal of self-defense in all National Parks in mind.

To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.

Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ron Paul on CPAC Straw Poll Win CNBC 22 Feb 2010

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, talks to CNBC about his CPAC straw poll win and whether he's considering a 2012 presidential run.

Government Stimulus, One Year Later

Congressman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk

“Last week marked the one year anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or the stimulus bill, passing into law. While the debate over its success has been focused on whether or not it is stimulating the economy and on various questionable uses of funds, in my estimation this legislation is accomplishing exactly what it was intended to accomplish – grow the government…”

Click here to read the full article:,tx14_paul,blog,999,All,Item%20not%20found,ID=100222_3649,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Ron Paul : The real Unemployment number is close to 20% , The government is fabricating the numbers

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/22/10: Government Stimulus, One Year Later

Ron Paul The real Unemployment number is close to 20% , The government is fabricating numbers
Last week marked the one year anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or the stimulus bill, passing into law. While the debate over its success has been focused on whether or not it is stimulating the economy and on various questionable uses of funds, in my estimation this legislation is accomplishing exactly what it was intended to accomplish grow the government.

Those of us concerned about the ever increasing level of government debt gasped at the astonishing $787 billion cost estimates for this bill. True to form it has actually cost 10 percent more at $862 billion. We heard over and over that government could not sit around and do nothing while people lost their jobs and houses. The administration claimed that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if the stimulus bill passed. Now, a year later, the government estimates that unemployment is over 10 percent. The real number is closer to 20 percent. It appears that those promises were total fabrications in order to close the deal.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ron Paul at CPAC : Freedom does not come in pieces

Ron Paul on a roll, goes 10 minutes straight covering just about everything you could think of, in what I believe to be his absolute best speech ever. The crowd goes wild the entire speech. It it obvious where real change lies...

Ron Paul participating in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Washington, DC February 18 -Saturday, February 20, 2010:

Obama/Soetoro/Obama is not a god!

Obama in the flesh

If Obama's the Messiah...

President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go! (And let him take his illegal alien aunt with him!).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ron Paul CPAC speech 19 February 2010

Ron Paul Ripping The Truth at CPAC 02/19/10

economic liberty goes hand in hand with personal liberty says Dr. Ron Paul, We should not be the policemen of the world Dr. Ron Paul added...

"We all share Joe Stack's pain!"

I Wish Joe Stack Had Not Killed Himself!
by Chuck Baldwin


"We all share Joe Stack's pain!"

Ron Paul : The FED is unconstitutional and only creates economic mischief and bubbles

Ron Paul on CNBC Faith in the Fed Aired February 19 2010

Ron Paul on CNBC this 19 February gives his point of view about the FED why it is unconstitutional , we do not need central economic planning by the FED , normal people cannot get a loan from the banks and yet the banks are still getting their money for free ...we want to audit the FED in order to uncover what they are doing who is getting the money how and why the FED is bailing out foreign countries says Ron Paul....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Media Release: Mission Australia winner celebrates with BBQ cooked by celebrity chef Ben O'Donoghue

Heather Edwards from Greenslopes was the lucky winner of Mission Australia’s ‘Ben O’Donoghue BBQ’ competition, and on Saturday 13 February, celebrated her luck with nine of her closest friends, a brand new barbeque – and celebrity chef Ben O’Donoghue.

In October 2009, Ben O’Donoghue – one of Australia’s most talented and well-loved celebrity chefs, TV presenters and cook book authors – joined forces with Mission Australia to raise much needed funds for Australians in need.

His latest cook book – BEN’S BARBEQUE – was offered to Mission Australia supporters at the special price of $25, with $10 from each book purchased going towards financing some of Mission Australia’s programs and facilities. Every person who purchased BEN’S BARBEQUE went into the draw to win the ‘Ben O’Donoghue BBQ competition.

By purchasing Ben’s cook book, Ms Edwards has won herself a ‘Beefmaster 4 on Cart’ Barbeque from BBQ’s Galore, two cases of Penfolds wine and a fully catered barbeque Day lunch for ten people – cooked to perfection by Ben O’Donoghue.

Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall, said the ‘Ben O’Donoghue BBQ’ competition had been a great success.

“Australians are well known for enjoying a BBQ, and also for helping each other out in times of need – our competition brought those two things together, and we’ve raised over $5000 for our programs and facilities,” Mr Hall said.

“We really appreciate Ben’s support, and we’d also like to thank everyone out there who showed their support for Mission Australia by purchasing BEN’S BARBEQUE. The money you have raised will go towards helping out Australians in need.”

Ben O’Donoghue said he was delighted to throw his support behind Mission Australia and help some of Australia’s most vulnerable.

“I admire the work Mission Australia does, and the commitment with which they support our country’s most disadvantaged – so I feel privileged to have helped raise some well-deserved funds for the organisation,” Ben said.

“I also really enjoyed meeting Heather and her friends on Saturday and cooking up a storm on her brand new barbeque.”

Images are available on request

Media contact: Melissa Tucker, Rowland – (07) 3229 4499, 0413 980 229 or

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Obama a lying bastard or what?

Oops! Obama tells another nativity fib?
Records indicate father not part of Kenyan airlift, as prez said

Official documents catch Barack Obama in another apparent misrepresentation of his life story, this time challenging a claim made during his campaign that his father was part of a JFK-era airlift to bring Kenyan students to the U.S. to study in American universities.

WND research indicates Barack Obama Sr. was not brought to Hawaii in 1959 by any airlift of Kenyan students organized by baseball great Jackie Robinson, John F. Kennedy or the African-American Students Foundation, the AASF.

Nor was Barack Obama Sr. on any of the three subsequently chartered airplanes in what became known as the "second airlift" organized by Kenyan Luo politician Tom Mboya in 1960 after the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation contributed $100,000 to AASF.

Moreover, after a thorough search of the Jackie Robinson papers at the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, WND can find no mention of Barack Obama Sr. in the files on deposit, either as an applicant or candidate for an airlift from Kenya to study in the U.S.

Read more


Previous stories:
THE FULL STORY: See listing of more than 200 exclusive WND reports on the eligibility issue

Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?
Obama presents 'nativity myth' to schoolkids
Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel
Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address
Obama mama: 6 lost months
Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address
Gibbs: 10,000 more important issues than eligibility
White House stonewalling on 'birth letter'
AOL poll: 82% want Obama to release it

'Shut up Lou Dobbs' campaign hits stride
Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace

Mr. President, we have a problem
'Birth hospital': Letter for real
Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions

'Begone!' Georgia judge orders fired reservist
Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez
Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up
Soldier won't serve without proof Obama eligible
Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya
Just who delivered baby Barack Obama?
Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up
New reports cite Obama's African 'home'
Obama's birth letter: Is this thing for real?
U.S. hospitals 'wouldn't have to disclose Hitler'
News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic
Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
Hospital won't back Obama birth claim
Gibbs gets 2nd shot at eligibility question

President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money to keep his revealing documents in the dark, is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go!

Furthermore, this has never been refuted:

The Mistake, The Evidence, Obama is NOT a constitutional president
The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inner City Housing Project making long-term progress with Sydney's roughsleepers

The Daily Telegraph newspaper today has a story on a Mission Australia initiative that is delivering significant results in the lives of mentally ill homeless people and for the broader community.

The Inner City Housing Program (ICHP) is response to the challenges faced by mentally ill people who sleep rough in Sydney’s inner city.

An estimated 80% of roughsleepers have serious mental health problems – schizophrenia, bi-polar, depression, anxiety disorders and mental trauma.

In Sydney, a regular outcome for this client group is that, because they lack the intensive support they need for their condition, they’re often admitted to hospital for psychiatric care.

Hospital admission is an extremely costly option and offers only short term support – it isn’t long before they’re discharged back on the streets…and the cycle begins again.

It costs the government around $900 per night to provide a person with mental illness hospital care. In fact, there are estimates it has cost NSW Health up to $60,000 a year to provide emergency medical care to a homeless person with mental illness in the past.

The Inner City Housing Program (ICHP) – which Mission Australia runs in partnership with St Vincent's Hospital and Churches Community Housing – has had terrific results at turning people's lives around while saving the state's health budget huge amounts of money.

The ICHP provides long-term (usually 18-24 months) supported accommodation in six inner city terraces where counsellors work with residents to stay healthy and develop living skills (eg: grocery shopping, food preparation) which are essential to maintaining permanent accommodation. The idea is that after stabilising their lives at ICHP Mission Australia can then move them forward into independent living.

Only 4 per cent of people arrive at ICHP from stable housing. After clients spend an average of 18 months with the program, we have been successful in moving more than 70 per cent into independent accommodation.

Even better, the ICHP delivers huge savings. Compared to the $900 per night to provide someone with psychiatric care in hospital it costs ICHP around $35 per night to give someone a bed and provide the support they need.

And in terms of managing people’s mental health needs, ICHP's results speak for themselves...

Brian* (not real name) entered ICHP in May 2008. Prior to ICHP he had spent 133 days in hospital with mental illness. Since coming to ICHP he’s not been admitted once.

Sarah* (not real name) entered ICHP in October 2008. Prior to arriving she had spent 70 days in hospital. Again, since coming to ICHP, Sarah’s not been admitted to hospital a single day.

But ICHP can only help around 20 residents at a time. Mission Australia would love to assist more – we know the demand is out there – but we just don’t have the resources.

By any measure ICHP is a more successful and significantly cheaper method of providing long-term assistance to roughsleepers with mental health issues than the alternative.

Mission Australia encourages the NSW Government to consider directing some of the money they invest in emergency mental health care for this client group into ICHP - and services like it - and expand their capacity.

It would result in better outcomes for the individuals, the community and the state’s health budget.

It’s just common sense.

*Names have been changed to protect client's identity

Are US Taxpayers Bailing Out Greece?

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

“Last week we were reminded that ours is not the only country suffering from severe economic turmoil. The Greek government is the latest to come close to default on their massive public debt. Greece has insufficient funds in their treasury to make even the minimum payments that are now coming due. Their debt level is about 120 percent of their gross domestic product and their public sector absorbs what amounts to 40 percent of GDP. Any talk of cutting costs and spending is met with violent protests from the many Greeks heavily dependent on government payments. Mounting fears of default have sent shockwaves through their creditors and all of the eurozone countries.”

Click here to read the full article:,tx14_paul,blog,999,All,Item%20not%20found,ID=100216_3645,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Wedding Slideshow

I have been recently asked about my slide show DVD's and most of my clients are pleasantly surprised to see this as a preview of what can be!

Although this is just a highlight, the DVD slide show comes with fully interactive menu page - as you would expect with a DVD. So that you can select what ever part of the day you would like; all set to music or a highlight clip.... just like this!

Monday, February 15, 2010

No Fear

Israeli police sent on wild-goose chase

During my interrogation by the Israeli police (by six men for 6 & a half hours until midnight) in Jerusalem's Russian Compound, I was completely confident God was in control; that nothing could happen without his express permission. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I stood before God the Father and Jesus Christ. I felt confident as I stood up for God's truth, Christ would stand up for me just as surely as He did for our brother Stephen (Acts 7:56). Knowing their very breath was in God's hands, an attempt to intimidate me (by some bald or shaved head guy who appeared to be the leader - who they waited for to come from Haifa) actually amused me. If God declares all nations put together are still less than the dust on the scales (Isaiah 40:15):, who were these little men except something in their big imaginations? Granted, one bought me a sandwich from across the street, another offered me his shirt I complimented him on, and another offered me one of the many pictures of the Temple Mount that adorned the walls. Ironically, I was wearing one of those NO FEAR t-shirts.

A drunken midwife

An account of an inquest held in Manly in 1858 could almost have been written by Dickens. Philip Cohen, proprietor of the Pier Hotel at Manly (pictured) gave evidence that he had met the nurse or midwife, Mrs Margaret Picken, on her way home to North Harbour, ‘shouting and much-intoxicated’. He asked her about Mrs George Birch, who had been expecting a child. Mrs Picken answered “She was pretty well, considering.”
“Considering what?” asked Cohen.
“Considering she was lying in labour from Sunday evening to Tuesday morning, and I had to kill the child to save the mother.”
Cohen, outraged, reported the case to the Coroner, and Mrs Picken was arrested.
The inquest heard from Mr George Birch (publican of the New Brighton Hotel) that his wife’s confinement had been a difficult one, and that Mrs Picken had not been intoxicated at any time; his wife had said Mrs Picken had done her best; there had been no doctor in attendance.
Despite this, however, the Sydney Morning Herald reported (Monday 9th August 1858) that a verdict of manslaughter was given against Margaret Picken, and she was committed to Darlinghurst Gaol to await trial.
But before the comparison with Sarah Gamp from Martin Chuzzlewit is drawn, it should be noted that the newspaper carried a correction the following day – a verdict of manslaughter had not been brought, and the inquest had been adjourned! A considerable error by the newspaper, made worse by its failure to subsequently report whether Mrs Picken was brought to trial or not. But perhaps the most illuminating aspect of the story is how rudimentary medical care was in early Manly, despite its proximity to Sydney.

Impeach Obama!

Wisconsin Billboard Calls for Obama's Ouster: Billboard will remain until June


President usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama, regardless of his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent (as promised - no change there), paying expensive lawyers hush money to keep his revealing documents in the dark - at American taxpayers' expense - is not a natural born citizen of two American parents and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS according to the Constitution. It's past time the fraud and foreigner is brought to justice! Emperor Obama has got to go!

Furthermore, this has never been refuted:

The Mistake, The Evidence, Obama is NOT a constitutional president
The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie

Obama/Soetoro/Obama is not legitimate

The Mistake, The Evidence, Obama is NOT a constitutional president
The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don't Lie

Mission Australia launches 2010 Youth Appeal


The journey through adolescence can be challenging, but it’s even tougher when you come from a disadvantaged background.

When adolescents have to cope with financial hardship at home, strained relationships with their families or a troubled group of friends, it can be easy for them to get stuck in a destructive lifestyle.

The statistics are troubling when one in four* Australians aged 14 to 19 have used an illicit drug and nearly 44,000** young people under the age of 25 are homeless. Many young people in this situation simply do not know who to turn to for help.

We are appealing to supporters to make a donation and help us educate, support and connect young people with the pathways that will help them break free from addiction, unemployment and homelessness.

*Muir et al. (2009) State of Australia’s Young People: A Report. Australian Government.
** Chamberlain, C and MacKenzie, D (2008) Counting the Homeless 2006.

The heat is on president usurper Obama!

Dr. Taitz demands a hearing within 20 days

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ron Paul The FED is bailing out the world with Americans Tax Payers Money

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on the Greece Bailout 2/15/10

Fiat money is a blank check to the government and we are seeing how dangerous it could be ....the FED is probably bailing out the entire world country after country from Iceland to Dubai passing by Greece Spain and Portugal and using for that the American tax payer money despite the unemployment in the US have now reached alarming levels...

Charcoal Lane making waves around the world

The UK's influential Guardian newspaper recently featured Melbourne's shopping and tourist attractions in its travel section. Among the attractions labelled 'not to be missed' was Mission Australia's own Charcoal Lane restaurant.

Charcoal Lane aims to provide a career path into the hospitality industry for marginalised and unemployed young people, many of who come from an Aboriginal background.

Further Reading:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

David Ben-Ariel, author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Mr. Ben-Ariel clearly has a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel. His Israeli lawyer has stated that David's "future is linked with that of the Jews," and Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful says, "God has some special task" for him. His sacred bond with the land and people of Israel has been strengthened over the years by his service as a volunteer on eight kibbutzim (collective farms) throughout the Holy Land, including during Operation Desert Storm. As a firm believer in the Israelite roots and responsibilities of the Anglo-Saxons and Northwestern European peoples, David works towards the ultimate reconciliation and restoration of Joseph with Judah. As a student of biblical prophecy, he is alarmed about Germany and the Vatican's increasing control of the European continent, remodeling it after the Holy Roman Empire. As the outspoken author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, he is determined to do all he can to help wake up the world to the clear and present danger Germany poses to world peace, with a special emphasis on the Middle East.

Feel free to buy it or read Beyond Babylon online for FREE!

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Ron Paul on Greece and the Euro Crisis

Ron Paul on Fox Business News speaking about Greece debt crisis the future of the Euro , the EU bailout for Greece and the similarities with the American debt crisis

Friday, February 12, 2010

Israeli police misled

Israeli police sent on wild-goose chase

My unjust deportation from Israel was undoubtedly due to these chief factors:

1) I received a call (at the Palm Youth Hostel in Jerusalem where I lived and legally worked) from a friend in the United States that "KP" sent him a copy of a letter he reportedly also sent to the Israeli authorities, claiming I was involved in some plot to blow up the mosques to stop the peace process and prepare the way for the Temple; was involved in arms smuggling (distorting my travels through the war-zone of Yugoslavia by train from Germany and visit to South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as other adventures - thanks to a gracious inheritance from my Hoover grandparents) and that I wasn't Jewish. I told my friend the Israeli police would recognize "KP" was a crackpot and would dismiss his bizarre letter. I wasn't worried about it. (The Toledo-area police and FBI, as well as former members of the Worldwide Church of God who know the individual, were already aware he is disturbed and insanely jealous).

2) Coincidentally, I had an article published in the Traveller newspaper in Jerusalem that included statements of faith the mosques had to go and the Third Temple would be built, consecrated as a House of Prayer for all nations - beliefs shared by millions of Jews and Christians worldwide. I also warned Jews of German-Vatican efforts to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and how they would wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace (which I continue to do to this day). This appears to have thrown fuel on the fires of suspicion the Israeli police had - having been ignited by an inflammatory letter of lies - who were sent on a wild-goose chase by their bitter source.

3) The only time I enjoyed steak in Jerusalem (always at an Argentinian restaurant) was when "Robert," a heroin-addicted, heavily tattooed Italian acquaintance from Sweden (who stayed at the same youth hostel as me outside the Damascus Gate) would have his brother send money ($500 usually) in my name to an Israeli bank for him (he supposedly had some trust fund and said his family was mafia and that he was a professional thief, able to enter expensive homes in Scandinavia to paint murals and then scope them out - and he actually did paint murals for some fashionable stores in Israel), since he lost or sold his passport, and would take me out to eat to show appreciation.

Ironically, "Robert" ended up in the same Russian Compound cell as me (since he had been praying with Muslims on the Temple Mount and they noticed he was drunk) and was later deported with Interpol allegedly awaiting him. He said his mother was Jewish but he hated most Jews and homosexuals but he liked me and one of his brothers was a homosexual. My boss at the youth hostel despised him and wondered how I could like him. An expert forger in our cell, a religious fellow from a rich family who produce cheese in Denmark, said "Bjorn's" descriptions of neighborhoods in Denmark were accurate and that he had seen him in one of the wealthy synagogues there. In hindsight, I can see how this unusual association could raise questions. Truth is stranger than fiction!

"You're coming with us"

"You're coming with us," is what the two undercover agents said as they walked into the hostel where I worked in Jerusalem, Thursday, Jan. 4, 1996 - the day after I told my American friend I wasn't worried. They said they wanted to question me about my visa. I told them they could question me there. I also commented how the office would be closed. They falsely assured my friends that they were only taking me for "an hour of questioning." Katherine, my bewildered co-worker, said she would take over for me.

Once we were outside, another man was waiting next to the car. I wasn't able to return until midnight, after six men finished interrogating me, six and a half hours later! They escorted me back with two Border Patrol Jeeps, one police van, and the car I was in - searched all my personal belongings and left with copies of the Traveller newspaper that contained an article I'd written about Jerusalem's stormy future ("Will Jerusalem Become An International City?").

Walking up the stairs to the police station, a police officer asked, "Why do you want to cause trouble?" I said, "That's what Ahab said to Elijah." He considered it for a second and said, "You're right."

Ironically, like the KGB, they questioned me extensively about my politico-religious beliefs in Jerusalem's Russian Compound. I said, "I thought this was about my visa," which I knew it wasn't since everything was in order. Further irony is that I had been there before with another writer from the Traveller for a story we were working on and later published about their activities, which they informed us were usually dealing with expired tourist visas!

I found it interesting how the police station was filled with beautiful pictures of the Temple Mount compound and said so, and the one police man offered me one of the pictures and I said it wasn't his to give. They all had their mini-tape recorders attached to their belts and know everything I said was true and consistent.

I had to sign the shocking statement: "I understand that the police suspect me of being involved in a conspiracy to damage the mosques." I wrote it out in English since I refused to sign anything in Hebrew.

I maintained the only explosives I'm involved with is the bombshell I've written, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. I continually referred them to Beyond Babylon, stating that's where my beliefs are on public record, including its biblical call for the Israeli government - not any individual - to remove the mosques that occupy Judaism's holiest site: the Temple Mount. They asked, "What if someone thinks you mean they should do it?" "Then they're stupid," I said. I reminded them how Gershon Salomon and the Temple Mount Faithful have called for the Israeli government to exercise its historic obligation and biblical responsibility in this regard for years - without incident.

Another police officer asked, "Why do you want the Temple built?" I asked, "Isn't it the Temple Mount?" He appeared to have an epiphany.

They told me I was free to go, if I surrendered my American passport and report to them daily, or sit in jail, as they continued their investigation. What a choice! I surrendered my American passport. I did tell the GSS (Shabak/Shin Bet/Israel Security Agency - Israel's Secret Police too often like the former East German Stasi) that I was thankful for the opportunity to clear the air and answer any questions, but hoped when they discovered I'm completely innocent they wouldn't continue to treat me like a criminal, or they would condemn themselves.

"Can't you lay low?"

Mom said, "Can't you lay low?" - when I called her the next day in the United States to let her know what was happening. I told her it was a little late for that, even though my track record in Israel proves I wasn't involved in any alleged plot or attempting to stay off their radar screen with my published letters in the Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem Police Brutality on Tisha B'Av), active participation in Temple Mount Faithful demonstrations (in this Israeli newspaper picture, I'm the one closest to the wall holding the Israeli flag), published articles and letters in the Traveller and attempt to prayerfully read the Bible in peace upon the Temple Mount ("A House of Prayer For All Peoples?") after informing Police Minister Moshe Shahal of my goal and seeking his guarantee of my "freedom of access."

After such a harrowing experience, I contacted reporter Bill Hutman, to shed some light on what they were doing in the dark. After confirming my story with the police, his article appeared Monday, Jan. 8th, on the front page of the Jerusalem Post:

"GSS seeks to deport US citizen for plotting to blow up Al-Aksa Mosque".

It accurately reported I strongly denied the allegations, however "it's no secret that I feel the mosques must go. I've written a book [Beyond Babylon] about it. But I've always stated that is the government's responsibility, not mine."

It also noted I'm a Christian member of the Temple Mount Faithful seeking Israeli citizenship and that the police expressed concern about bringing me to trial, lacking hard evidence, and wanted to simply deport me instead. The Israeli police knew they didn't have a shred of evidence against me other than some hateful letter filled with false accusations that misled them.

When I dutifully reported to Jerusalem's police headquarters, Tuesday morning, Jan. 9th, a day before my 36th birthday, the obviously irritated police kept me and handed me a deportation order - which I refused to sign. I was shocked and hurt they would treat me that way and mentioned for their record, when asked, I considered it unjust.

After this the police took me back to where I lived - in handcuffs - to gather my belongings and threw me in jail! No charges, no arrest, detained in the rotting Russian Compound that former Israeli Supreme Court President Aharon Barak said should be torn down and acknowledged it had "terrible conditions" and pointed out a "considerable percentage" of those detained would never be indicted and others would be proven innocent... They are still innocent people. Many of them will be sent home... there is no separation here of those who are being interrogated and those who have already been indicted and should be moved...".

"The High Court of Justice yesterday rejected a petition by David Ben-Ariel against his imprisonment while awaiting expulsion, after the state said it was prepared to expel him immediately, thereby making further time in jail unnecessary."
The Jerusalem Post, Feb 1st, 1996.

Actually, (chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful ) Gershon Salomon's lawyer for me, Naftali Warzberger, filed the petition appealing to them after the Jerusalem Municipal Court refused to release me and the Supreme Court AGREED it wasn't necessary to have imprisoned me (further PROVING I wasn't dangerous or a threat - see "Still at large!") but since they were going to immediately deport me it was irrelevant. They did deport me after midnight, Friday, Feb. 2nd. They knew it was all politico-religious persecution, and that the wild allegations could NEVER be proven, so they lied and said I had an expired visa (parroted by former Jerusalem Consul General Edward Abington, Jr. to Ohio Representative Marcy Kaptur).

After leaving the courtroom, I lifted up my shackled hands to Israel's state emblem prominently displayed on the wall - a gold menorah in between two gold olive branches - and said to the policemen:

"I'm in these handcuffs, a political prisoner, only because my hope, prayer and dream is for Israel to fulfill what that symbol represents: the Temple and Israel's responsibility to become a light to all nations."

Israel sets date for 2005

When I attempted to return the same year of my unjust deportation (since "Deported" wasn't stamped in my passport) on the eve of Israeli elections, I was detained at the airport and refused entry. In 1997 I petitioned Senator Mike DeWine to inquire about a visa for me and he received an initial reply from Itzhak Oren, Minister for Congressional Affairs, March 7, 1997, that read, in part:

"It is our understanding that Mr. Ben-Ariel will not be granted a tourist visa at this time...The Ministry of the Interior...has made the decision not to grant the visa and does not offer any information behind their decision."

A subsequent letter dated February 26, 1998 from Mr. Oren stated:

"We have been informed that Mr. Ben-Ariel will not be eligible to be granted such a visa until 2005." (Israel sets date for 2005).

Due to personal business, family, friends and extensive travels in the United States of America the Beautiful, I haven't returned to Israel yet to visit the 8 kibbutzim I've served on as a volunteer over the years (due to my God-given love of the Jews), to visit friends and the grave of my Holocaust-survivor/kibbutz mother Miriam Weiss, to see the Holy Land of Israel again God knows I love so much, and especially the most holy site on Earth: the Temple Mount.

Will Israel right the wrong and permit my entry to the Jewish homeland I've visited twelve times since 1980 (as related in "From Toledo to Jerusalem") and let all troubles be in the past? I yearn to return to Zion, and b'ezrat HaShem (with the help of God), it will be "This year in Jerusalem!"