Sunday, September 30, 2007
Help avert nuclear holocaust
From one of many forums:
Shimon Peres: Death Knell for Israel?
David Ben-Ariel is a psychopath, terrorist, religious fundamentalist, bent on causing Armageddon.
In other words, you can't debate, so you defame; you can't refute, so you ridicule. The funny thing is the more dirt you throw, the dirtier you get.
Those who know me, know that I am doing all I can to help avert the nuclear holocaust the German-Jesuit EU will ignite against the British-Israelites and Jews. Such German-Jesuits are aided and abetted by the likes of that bloody vulture, Shimon Peres.
Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed by the Israeli oligarchy for their German-Jesuit masters intent on occupying Jerusalem.
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Your rants and raves won't stop me from continuing to share the plain truth of the Bible and history or to stop praying for you and our proud and stubborn peoples bent on destruction, until God says "enough is enough" and lets the Beast loose that is presently restrained...
Read Beyond Babylon online
um beato
Thomas Friedman declara: "9/11 Is Over" (falando à Ron Paul)
"Before 9/11, the world thought America’s slogan was: “Where anything is possible for anybody.” But that is not our global brand anymore. Our government has been exporting fear, not hope: “Give me your tired, your poor and your fingerprints.”
"I will not vote for any candidate who is not committed to dismantling Guantánamo Bay and replacing it with a free field hospital for poor Cubans. Guantánamo Bay is the anti-Statue of Liberty." (lembrar Romney a dizer: "i want many Guantanamos...")
We can’t afford to keep being this stupid! We have got to get our groove back. We need a president who will unite us around a common purpose, not a common enemy. Al Qaeda is about 9/11. We are about 9/12, we are about the Fourth of July — which is why I hope that anyone who runs on the 9/11 platform gets trounced."
Aqui está uma amiga de Henrique Raposo

Daily Mail: Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush's senior women officials: "I hate all Iranians."
And she also accused Britain of "dismantling" the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon. (Via LRC)
Quem é que se ouve falar sobre a queda do dólar?
run Ron, run
Este Ron Paul é um tipo divertido, bem disposto, que aplaude os apupos a si mesmo, estilo run Forrest, run. Anda com Jefferson debaixo do braço, como se a República fosse aquela frágil confederação do XVIII e ao mesmo tempo a maior potência da história. O equilíbrio e a defesa dos interesses dos americanos que advoga, provocados por uma noção liberal e objectiva da realidade, que me dá o chiken skin (gritinho paneleiro), seria o melhor que poderia acontecer à América (o meu último reduto) e, por isso, a mim. A forma como este Ron Paul fala assusta qualquer medroso (não, não, o "r" é mesmo ali entre o "d" e o "o"). É um reaccionário. O homem pensa, não vive da quadratura do círculo social-democrata. É daqueles americanos que dá vontade de convidar para almoçar uma caldeirada de peixe ou um maigret rossini e ficar no sofá lá de casa depois de meia dúzia de conhaques a acompanhar o pão-de-ló.
E acaba por ser giro, vá, curioso. Este americano prova que há americanos que percebem que o resto do Mundo não vale a palha que come. O que é giro, divertido até. É como os conservadores em Portugal (socialistas avulsos, comunistas e afins). Não percebem, nem nunca o farão, que um homem é um homem, é um homem. Qualquer que seja a perspectiva, Ron Paul é um profundo reaccionário; quer que a América seja o que é, saltando fora do lodo que o resto do Mundo partilha. Representa o melhor da América: o desejo de viver na city upon the hill. Pois: estão-se é nas tintas para o hóquei em patins e preferem jogar seja lá o que for com seja lá com quem o quiser fazer. Quem não quiser não sabe o que perde.
Por isso meus caros, up yours. Dos perus, só o foie gras. Fresco.
Henrique Raposo hoje acordou assim...
PS: Embora Ron Paul não seja um isolacionista (seja lá o que isso fôr), sendo um defensor das boas e tradicionais práticas da diplomacia e do direito internacional e do comércio livre, a palavra foi inventada por Roosevelt, esse grande new-dealer-internacionalista e defensor da liberdade que deu a vitória ao seu aliado ("Uncle Joe") Estaline (a bem da ONU) e ao comunismo nessa grande, moral e gloriosa guerra, depois de este ter exterminado (e ser bem sabido) uns bons milhões ("of its own people") em tempo de paz (nos anos 30 - talk about appeasement) e invadido a Polónia 15 dias depois de Hitler (e parece que ficou os países bálticos com o acordo dos nossos líderes mundiais). Roosevelt claro está, tinha Woodrow Wilson com o seu grande mentor... que diga-se fez coisa pouca. Da sua acção para fazer a "guerra para acabar com as guerras" e fazer "o mundo seguro para a democracia" obtivemos: a queda das monarquias europeias, a subida do comunismo, fascismo e nazismo ao poder. Coisa pouca. E é este legado o admirado por Neo-Cons e companhia que tudo tentam para o repetir, como meninos mimados intoxicados pelo seu próprio Hubris para mudar o mundo e levar o "Ocidente" aos desertos tribais.
Conservadores MY ASS.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
A quem agradecemos as "Boas Vindas!"
NAACP is worse than the Nazis
May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted By Terrorists?
A Warning For America From South Africa
Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Notícias da Campanha
2. "South Carolina Christian right poll" (isto num local que pode ser definido como "prowar evangelical Christians", uma das bases naturais da Bush e receptivo a Huchabee que tenta um discurso inteligente)
Huckabee 206
Paul 179
Thompson 43
Brownback 29
Hunter 25
Romney 14
Gilbert 12
McCain 10
Cort 7
Giuliani 5
3. Newt Gingrich parece que vai concorrer (o que podem ser boas notícias para Ron Paul)
4. A campanha especial de donativos online parece ir conseguir passar os 1M Usd
Friday, September 28, 2007
JM à Ron Paul
"José Sócrates, num daqueles momentos em que se encontrava na estratosfera a desempenhar as funções de líder da Europa, disse há uns dias a União Europeia recorrerá "a todas as formas de sanções" contra o Irão, no caso de o país desrespeitar as leis internacionais sobre energia nuclear. Fiquei a pensar no que dirá a lei internacional a propósito deste caso. Não proibe a construção de centrais nucleares. Existem centenas em funcionamento em dezenas de países. Não proibe a posse de armas nucleares. Existem pelo menos 7 países com armas nucleares. Existe um tratado de não proliferação da armas nucleares, mas esse tratado existe numa base voluntária e permite a construção de reacores nucleares para fins pacíficos. Ah, e muitos dos reacores nucleares para fins pacíficos não se distinguem dos reactores nucleares para fins militares. Sendo assim, é caso para perguntar: qual foi a lei internacional que o Irão violou ou se prepara para violar? Nenhuma. As razões para as pressões do Ocidente sobre o Irão são de interesse e de poder. Nada têm a ver com o direito internacional."
Nota (de opinião estritamente pessoal): O que não significa que as pressões com base em "interesse e poder" não sejam passíveis, no sentido de não serem própriamente incorrectas, de se fazer. Mas se a conclusão é para o diabo com o direito internacional (como o foi no Iraque, pisando no precedente de Nuremberga que condenou expressamente todas as pessoas responsáveis por actos de buildup para uma guerra "não justa"...acho que Bush - e muito mais gente - ainda não o percebeu totalmente que quando sair da Presidência fica sem qualquer tipo de imunidade e à merçê de jurisprudência forte criada anteriormente...a melhor safa dele seria precisamente Ron Paul que diria...para o diabo com quaisquer tipos de julgamentos internacionais...)...gostava de saber então quem são os verdadeiros anarquistas (que assim se mostrariam atraidos pela verdadeira "Anomia" - ou seja, a total ausência de regras, quando a anarquia (parte dela) tem os direitos naturais como base do seu sistema de regras).
Liberdade para escolher
2002 foi o ano de todas as desilusões: a «Direita portuguesa» tomou o poder e quando todos esperávamos por ventos revolucionários de LIBERDADE o choque fiscal foi enterrado, Frasquilho calado e os impostos aumentados. Do cheque ensino, do option out na saúde ou segurança social, nem sombra. Afinal, a despesa pública nunca poderia ser combatida por socialistas.
Para se afirmar face ao governo, a Direita partidária portuguesa tem que lutar pela LIBERDADE: na instrução, na saúde e na segurança social. Será impossível?
Eu acredito que a Direita partidária portuguesa pode mudar. A mudança começa pelos líderes de opinião. Cabe-nos a nós contribuir para essa mudança. A nossa missão em Portugal é a mesma de Ron Paul nos EUA: abrir horizontes, contribuir para a discussão. Quantos não sabem ainda o que é ser livre para escolher?
Ecos da "Old Right" (I)
De todos os autores da "Old Right" (anti-new-deal-anti-intervencionistas republicanos e muitos democratas), como H. L. Mencken, Albert Jay Nock, Rose Wilder Lane, Garet Garrett, este último é o meu preferido, embora todos estes (e mais alguns) sejam de leitura obrigatória.
No seu livro THE PEOPLE'S POTTAGE (de 1953, a reunião de 3 textos começando em 1938), analisa como Cícero os desenvolvimentos da República, e como a estrutura social e política vai consolidando e centralizando o poder de forma decidida. E é esse livro que vou aos poucos seleccionar algumas passagens.
No Foreward começa por analisar o New Deal:
"(...)What the people did in fact surrender was control of government. They did not intend to do that. For a long time they did not realize they had done it, and when at last it came to them they were already deeply infected with a virus that devours the copy book virtues, creates habits of dependence and destroys the valiant love of self-responsibility.
The crisis was moral.
Happily for their designs, the New Deal physicians found the patient in a state of economic pain, extreme but not fatal, and proceeded to administer imported narcotics, all habit forming, such as:
(1) Repudiation of the United States Treasury's promises to pay.
(2) Confiscation of the people's gold by trickery.
(3) Debasement of the currency.
(4) Deliberate inflation.
(5) Spoilation of the savers, whose little rainy day hoards melted away.
(6) Deficit spending to create buying power by con- jury.
(7) Monetization of debt.
(8) The doctrine of a planned economy.
(9) A scheme of taxation, class subsidies and Fed-eral grants-in-aid designed ostensibly to redistribute the national wealth for social justice, but calculated in fact to reduce millions of citizens to subservience, to bring forty-eight sovereign states to the status of provinces and to create in the executive principle a supreme government with extensive new powers, including the power to make its own laws by simply publishing from its bureaus rules and regulations having the force of law, disobedience punishable by fine or imprisonment.(...)
Thus the Welfare State was built. The facade was magnificent; the cornerstone rested on quicksand".
Mais à frente, no primeiro texto (1938) com um magnifico título "The Revolution Was" começa poéticamente com:
There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. It went by in the Night of Depression, singing songs to freedom."
Beatles - The Tax Man
Original lyrics to "Taxman" by George Harrison of the Beatles (1966)
(One, two, three, four, one two)
Let me tell you how it will beThere's one for you, nineteen for me'Cause I'm the taxmanYeah, I'm the taxman
Should five percent appear too smallBe thankful I don't take it all'Cause I'm the taxmanYeah, I'm the taxman
(If you drive a car car) I'll tax the street(If you try to sit sit) I'll tax your seat(If you get too cold cold) I'll tax the heat(If you take a walk walk) I'll tax your feet
'Cause I'm the taxmanYeah, I'm the taxman
Don't ask me what I want it for(Ah, ah, Mr. Wilson)If you don't want to pay some more(Ah, ah, Mr. Heath)'Cause I'm the taxmanYeah, I'm the taxman
Now my advise for those who die(Taxman!)Declare the pennies on your eyes(Taxman!)
'Cause I'm the taxmanYeah, I'm the taxman
And you're working for no one, but me(Taxman!)
Harrison: vocal, lead guitarLennon: backing vocalMcCartney: backing vocal, bass, lead guitarStarr: drums, tambourine, cowbell
Help Ron Paul Break a cool Million in the Next Two Days!
They gave us a challenge: raise $500,000 before the end of the 3rd quarter, so that the Ron Paul Campaign could report a big boost in funds.
Well, you responded. You raised $500,000 so quickly that Ron Paul has issued a bigger challenge: DOUBLE THAT AMOUNT TO $1,000,000!
If you haven't given a donation yet, NOW IS THE TIME.
If you have donated already, DONATE AGAIN!
Check out the campagin website for a real time count of the money. If you donate, you can see your name register on the site too.
You only have until September 30th to help him get over the one million dollar mark.
As of this posting the donation level is very close to $685,000. That means we only have to raise a few hundred thousand dollars to do this.
Let's send a message to the psudo-conservatives in the Republican party and in the elite media who have been so disrespectful to our candidate.
Let's send a message to the American People to take Ron Paul seriously.
Come on, let's DO THIS!
Go Ron Paul!
Impostos, porque é que os portugueses não querem que eles baixem.
Nenhum político em Portugal se atreveria a dizer que iria baixar drasticamente os impostos pois a primeira reacção seria a pergunta : então como é que vão pagar as despesas que o estado dá?
Consegue-se em Portugal juntar o pior de dois mundos, o socialismo e o capitalismo distorcido entregando a empresas privadas em regime de concessão áreas de negócio completas limitando a concorrência seja colocando entraves de participação ( por exemplo apenas permitindo 3 operadoras de telemóveis no país), seja entregando antigos serviços do Estado pagos ao longo de dezenas de anos pelos contribuintes e que com essas infraestruturas já feitas impossibilitam o nascimento de novas empresas na área.
Assim mata-se dois coelhos de uma só cajadada. Aliás, matam-se uma série de coelhos com uma só cajadada. Calam-se os proto-liberais que assim acreditam viver numa economia capitalista uma vez que toda a economia está entregue a privados, dá-se força aos socialistas que protestam contra qualquer coisa que saia das mãos do estado esquecendo-se que continua a ser o Estado a controlar tudo na mesma, entregam-se sectores da economia extremamente lucrativos aos amigos do costume de modo a criar uma roda viva entre cargos públicos e privados e por último mas mais importante, entrega-se um negócio livre de concorrência prontinho a cobrar preços de monopólio e a poder ser totalmente ineficiente sem qualquer medo de ser corrido para fora do mercado porque a lei assim o dita.
Será isto o capital-socialismo? O social-capitalismo? Prefiro chamar-lhe socialismo idiota ou social-socialismo.
De facto, atentemos apenas num exemplo vindo das telecomunicações para ilustrar o que se passa. Existem altas limitações à entrada de novos concorrentes no mercado devido ao Estado achar que 3 operadores chegam. Praticam-se assim preços de cartel ( uma pequena mesa de café consegue reunir todos os players do mercado) e o contribuinte paga muito achando que o Estado deve intervir nos preços dos SMS, do roaming, etc. Mas no mercado dos fabricantes de telémóveis, onde praticamente não há regulação, os telemóveis são praticamente oferecidos e ninguém se atreve a dizer que o Estado deve intervir nesse aspecto. O mesmo se passa com as impressoras, as televisões de plasma e os computadores, onde a pouca regulação promove a concorrência com ganhos mais que visíveis para o consumidor, em contraste com a saúde, a habitação e a energia onde o excesso de intervenção estatal apenas leva os consumidores irónicamente a pedir mais intervenção estatal para parar abusos.
Os políticos sabem disto perfeitamente e jogam estes trunfos com mestria, regulando porque a liberdade parece não funcionar e regulando ainda mais quando a regulação parece ter feito pior.
Sobre o Debate de ontem
Thursday, September 27, 2007
pela liberdade

Ron Paul não teria lugar na direita portuguesa. E a direita portuguesa não tem lugar no combate pela liberdade.
Praise the Lord!
UPDATE: Subiram a fasquia para os 1 000 000 USD! (2 dias)
O difícil papel de Ron Paul (no caso da Defesa)
O difícil na argumentação contra um dado buildup de um potencial confronto bélico é que quem a tenta construir é obrigado a colocar-se na posição de evidenciar nuances, decortinar meias verdade (algumas rotundas falsidades), pôr em causa dados oficiais, contrapôr a história contra a hitória, etc... e isso nunca é muito famoso no meio de um ambiente de hipersensibilidade securitária e apelos morais-ideológicos. Mais tarde ou mais cedo é jogada a cartada do pouco patriota, do "appeasement em Muniche (o que nunca fazem é recuar à Grande Guerra), etc. Os "democratas" tendem sempre a subavaliar o quanto é fácil construir um ambiente de buildup. Os próprios conflitos costumam ser muito populares no seu início - ver as conhecidas afirmações de Goering*, no final do post (Na G.G. todas as capitais da Europa assistiram a grandes manifestações de entusiasmo patriótico em ambos os lados. As próprias esquerdas progressistas de cada um deles a apoiavam). Essa perda da noção de nuances (do tipo que no pré-Iraque se ignoraram as diferenças sectárias pensando que se iria transformar numa Federação Suiça) poder ser sempre utilizada em proveito. É fácil. Vou dar um exemplo:
Nos EUA (ontem): "Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, caused a stir at a Senate hearing Wednesday when he said he believes homosexual activity is immoral and should not be condoned by the military."
"...U.S. Military Code of Justice prohibits homosexual activity as well as adultery."
OK, sempre é diferente do que dizer que "não existem" embora as traduções não costumem ser famosas ("destruir Israel" versus "regime apagado das páginas do tempo", como se não existissem já coisas a criticar totalmente claras... mas é com isto que Bush oficialmente na televisão avisa contra um novo Holocausto...mais um sinal...). Mas ter em conta este comentário: The National Post opines: “Of all the provocative things for the Iranian president to say in his rambling address, the strangest has to be his contention that there are no gay people in Iran.”
"Yet not so strange, if you understand his point of view. In Iran, you see, homosexuals are thought of as women trapped in male bodies. That’s why they offer free operations for those who want to change their sex (from male to female, that is. Women into men would be too much for them to handle.) In the Persian mindset—and in much of the Muslim world—anyone who wants a man is, in essence, a woman. That’s why there’s so much more sodomy in that part of the world than even in certain English boarding schools—coupled with unrelenting hostility to homosexual identity. After all, if women are veiled and generally unavailable, and, furthermore, men who have sex with men are perceived by the Persians as really women, then ... well, why not? So, it’s a trade-off: the Persian gay boy gets laid by a lot of “straight” guys, but unless you’re willing to (literally!) become a eunuch, you’re taking a really really big risk."
* Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials:"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
um fenómeno fora do comum
Viesse ele das bandas canhotas da política, despindo-se ao lado de um urso polar para denunciar o fim da humanidade à conta do aquecimento global e logo o teríamos desenhado como um homem de vanguarda, um intelectual com sólidas referências que se coloca acima da política comum, um homem diferente com uma política diferente. Mas não. Como o senhor não partilha a fornada de Clintons e Gores desta vida, nem sequer merece a pena ouvi-lo ou lê-lo. Basta caricaturá-lo. Ainda que o que ele diga possa fazer sentido. Mas quer dizer, caramba, andar aqui a falar de liberdades individuais sem se dizer, de colete de ciclista na mão, "eu sou o candidato dos cidadãos e venho ser a voz dos cidadãos porque é preciso dar vozes aos cidadãos" é que nem pensar, não é coisa que se fala, que não cai bem.
E assim se faz a cobertura política Mundo fora. A mesma cobertura que continua a insistir que os políticos são todos iguais e as receitas sempre as mesmas. Pois.
"Ás ordens de Bin Laden?
"The withdrawal of US troops from Saudi Arabia has been bin Laden’s most persistent demand since the troops entered the country in 1990. For instance, in his 1996 fatwa (see August 1996), he said, “The latest and greatest of these aggressions incurred by Muslims since the death of the Prophet… is the occupation of the land of the two Holy Places… by the armies of the American Crusaders and their allies.” [Daily Telegraph, 4/30/2003] One senior US military official says the decision to leave was made partly to help relieve internal political pressure on the royal family: “The Saudis will be happy when we leave. But they’re concerned that it not look as if it’s precipitous, because it will look like bin Laden won.” [Washington Post, 4/30/2003] One unnamed senior Saudi prince who participated in high-level debates about the withdrawal says, “We are fighting for our lives, and we are going to do what is necessary to save our behinds.”"
Paul Wolfitz comentou na altura que a saída da Arábia Saudita seria positiva dado que iria conter um dos argumentos de recrutamento da Al-Qaeda. Porque é que Ron Paul parece não poder usar o mesmo argumento?
PS: E que tal recordar que os terroristas de 11/9 eram Sauditas (e que a familia de Bin Laden saiu dos próprio dia...). O facto de Bin Laden acampar no afeganistão depois de ser um "herói" afegão na guerra contra os soviéticos...parece justificar que a NATO agora se "ocupe" dos "talibans" (serão todos os afegãos que morrem "talibans"?)...pensar no paquistão e a vaga de fundo que isso provavelmente estará a criar...
Ron Paul apoiou o combate directo a Bin Laden e a Al-Qaeda, incluindo o instrumento constitucional de "contratar" a sua perseguição a firmas privadas. Mas as soluções simples são complicadas de serem aceites e as complicadas são as mais simples de pôr em prática.
Pode ser visto online (9-10h30 pm ET), mas suponho que é melhor esperar pelo Youtube amanhã.
De possível interesse, a continuação do debate directo com HUCKABEE (tipo: agora que estamos lá temos que ficar, "honor", "unity") e o aparecimento de ALAN KEYES (mais um ultra-hawk-pro-war).
Mercado de apostas (Intrade)
Ron Paul beneficiará sempre da divisão de votos entre candidatos pela manutenção do status quo no Iraque e retórica agressiva contra ao Irão (comentário pessoal: cujas comparações crescentes com Hitler e a habitual carta "Muniche" anunciam qualquer coisa...foi o mesmo com Saddam...apenas o fazem com um país que tem no mínimo um sistema político mais preparado para uma transição positiva do que qualquer dos países "amigos" da zona como a Arábia Saudita ou o Egipto... mais um a ser irremediávelmente perdido?).
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Canadians for Ron Paul!
Feel free to make some comments!
Thank you, Tony!
This fits perfectly with the most recent Ron Paul Video on Youtube:
Ron Paul Supporters Are Everywhere
a nova utopia
Perfeito, perfeito....
Perfeito, perfeito era que um candidato com as mesmas ideias e coragem aparecesse em Portugal. Nem que fosse para uma junta de freguesia.
Giuliani: o candidato 9/11
BBC: Anger at Giuliani 9/11 fundraiser : "Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani has been criticised over a fundraising party at which participants are being urged to donate $9.11. The International Association of Fire Fighters accuses him of exploiting the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks."
Noticias da Campanha
Michael Scheuer sobre Podhoretz e Kennan
"(...)Podhoretz's final con comes at the expense of the late George Kennan. Podhoretz takes some of Kennan's words and twists them in a way that makes him seem like a supporter of the neoconservatives' endless overseas interventionism and war-for-perfection agenda. At the end of his book, Podhoretz quotes Kennan: "To avoid destruction the United States need only to measure up to its own best traditions and prove itself worthy of preservation as a great nation." (215) With this passage he leaves the reader to believe that Kennan would have supported the neoconservative crusade "to beat back the 'implacable challenge' of Islamofascism as the 'greatest generation' of World War II in taking on the Nazis and their fascist allies, and as its children and grandchildren ultimately managed to do in confronting the Soviet Union and its Communist empire in World War III." (217)
This is an intolerable and deliberately misleading attempt to make Kennan appear to be an arch-interventionist. Toward the end of his long life, Kennan wrote something of a valedictory essay for his fellow citizens in Foreign Affairs (March/April 1995), "On American Principles." In this essay Kennan praised John Quincy Adams's noninterventionist foreign policy as a principle appropriate to America, and, more important, described how it was admirably applicable to the chaos and confusion of the post-Cold War world. The dangers inherent in U.S. interventionism after the Cold War, Kennan wrote, are roughly similar to those
"that clearly underlay John Quincy Adams' response to similar problems so many years ago – his recognition that it is very difficult for one country to help another by intervening directly in its domestic affairs or in its conflicts with its neighbors. It is particularly difficult to do this without creating new and unwelcome embarrassments and burdens for the country endeavoring to help. The best way for a larger country to help smaller ones is surely by the power of example. Adams made this clear in the address cited above. One will recall his urging that the best response we could give to those appealing to us for support would be to give them what he called 'the benign sympathy of our example.' To go further, he warned, and try to give direct assistance would be to involve ourselves beyond the power of extrication 'in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assumed the colors and usurped the standards of freedom.' Who, today, looking at our involvements of recent years, could maintain that the fears these words expressed were any less applicable in our time than in his?"
Does this sound like the warmongering of the neoconservative interventionists? I think not. It rather sounds like the words of a man who knows his country's history and traditions and its peoples' character far better than the obtuse Podhoretz and crew.(..)"
Why Does Norman Podhoretz Hate America? by Michael Scheuer review: "World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism" Norman Podhoretz Doubleday, 2007240 pp.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pensamento do dia
Democracy prevents killing. Wars spread Democracy. Thus, starting wars prevents killing." (Via LvMI Forum)
3º em Michigan
Laws passed to combat terrorism will be used against Americans
Limited government is a central tenant of Catholic Social Teaching as the government has a duty to respect the dignity of persons and families and a host of intermediary organizations including the Church.
This news story covered by Drudge today speaks to the reality of a government with a bloated budget and nothing better to do than waste American tax payer's money. It also speaks to the reality that when we give up our liberties for security we do end up losing both.
Ron Paul is the only candidate raising these urgent issues in the campaign.
Go Ron Paul!
Porque gostamos da américa de Ron Paul...
Ron Paul Revolution.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Books by Salah Choudhury
From: "Root & Branch Association, Ltd."
Subject: BOOKS by Salah Choudhury
R&B Islam-Israel Fellowship Bulletin:
New Book Announcements: "Non Sono Colpevole" and "Jihad and Injustice"
by Mr. Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Message to Ron Paul supporters from Britain
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ron Paul Roundup (9/24/07)
- LewRockwell: More Ron Paul Secrets Revealed
- BaltimoreSun: Anti-war Republican
- DetroitNews: "Texas Rep. Ron Paul may be barely showing a political pulse in state and national polling, but his message that the federal government has grown obese and unresponsive, and interferes with the daily lives of Americans, struck a chord at breakfast this morning with Michigan Republicans gathered here for at a pep-rally type conference."
- DetroitFreePress: GOP meets on island: "But the most surprising presence for conference-goers arriving on the island was the swarm of supporters of maverick U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, a libertarian-leaning congressman from Texas."
- Notice: Ron Paul will be in New York City on October 12th.
- Ron Paul’s Internet Blitz Continues: Campaign to Stream Live Video of Chicago Rally Saturday: "Paul has been routinely gaining crows over 1000 people at his events across the country. While placing an emphasis on Iowa and New Hampshire, Paul’s campaign appears to be already running a national campaign to some extent."
- Ron Paul in Mackinaw City, Mich
- DetriotFreePress: Get troops out of Iraq, let states decide marijuana issue, GOP candidate says (I just recently heard a priest who works in prison ministry complain that poor non-violent drug abusers are sent to jail while rich non-violent drug abusers are sent to rehab. That constitutes a problem I think).
- Ron Paul's sticky revolution: "America is better for having Ron Paul in the thick of its political fray. He is a man of intelligence and vision in a crowd of pretty faces and speeches. The geek may not get the girl in the end, but he can teach a thing or two to the jock. Here's hoping that the thorn in the side of the America's political establishment does a lot more damage before he's through."
- Free Republic Kick Out Ron Paul?
- Is Ron Paul Really Trying to Win?
Note, CFRP does not vouch for the objectivity of each source cited. Care and judgement, as always, are expected from our readership in these matters. Topics deserving their own post will shortly be discussed separately.
Giuliani's longest ferry ride of his life
Actually, from the comments section, part of it was:It was the last ferry back from the island to Mackinac city. Nearly 100 Ron Paul supporters were waiting on the dock when they were surprised to see Mayor Giuliani appear with his bodyguards walking toward the ferryboat. The crowd started cheering Ron Paul’s name and Mayor Giuliani’s smiling face suddenly turned thunderstruck. Informed that it was the last ferry, Giuliani ended up boarding with those Ron Paul supporters and took the “longest” ferry ride in his life.
The ferryboat was going like the wind, cleaving the waves on the Great Lakes in the inky darkness, as if the Black Pearl in the movie Pirates of Caribbean. Giuliani was “hiding” beneath the window in the captain’s cabinet, with bodyguards standing around him to block the sight. The crowd kept cheering Ron Paul’s name again and again all the way, for almost 20 minutes, many of them were calling their friends and family to give them the play-by-play.
When the ferry reached Mackinac City, Giuliani went out of the captain’s cabinet with a cheering face and offered to shake hands with passengers sitting in the first row but they were reluctant to do so. Afraid of Ron Paul supporters’ enthusiasm, Giuliani got off the fore of the boat, instead of taking the normal path at the stern.
Also on board were FOX News reporters who covered the whole ride with their vidicon, but it wasn’t put on air.
Welcome Latvia!

Rons Pols Latvija
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Racist system against blacks?
IF the system is so racist against blacks, if they truly can't get justice, then why not move to Africa like Abraham Lincoln proposed so they can rule themselves? Undoubtedly, it's easier to stay put and complain and milk the liberal media and expect more handouts from the overburdened white man.
Abraham Lincoln and white power
A Warning For America From South Africa
Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
Aid for Africa?
Fellowship with besieged white South Africans
South Africa under black misrule to revise history
South African Traitor Sells Story
South Africa in Prophecy
YouTube - Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites
Nelson Mandela sings with his communist comrades about killing white people [6 Pics & Video] Nelson Mandela: The Songs They Sing about Killing Whites
Uganda: Why Black People Have Remained Backward
Not only is this campaign extremely important, it`s also so much fun...
In this video you see the great sign "Dr. Paul cured my apathy".
Ron Paul in Seattle
Ron Paul, Ron Paul!
Start spreading the news,
It's time for a change.
We'll make a brand new start of it,
Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
It's your right to choose,
it's the American way,
the Constitutional heart of it,
Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
I want to wake up in a country that doesn't sleep.
To fight for our Civil Rights and Liberty!
These little man blues are melting away.
We'll make a brand new start of it,
Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
If we all lend a hand and stand up with this man.
It's up to us to vote Ron Paul!
Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
I want to wake up in a country that's truly free,
to find our President Paul,in the White House,
Capitol Hill, President Paul!
These neocon blues are melting away.
We'll make a brand new start of it,
Vote Ron Paul.
and...Let's show we care and shout it everywhere!
It's up to us, To Vote Ron Paul! RON PAUL!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Overt Plans for New Israeli Government
Yitzhak Rabin ^ | 09-21-07 | Hashkem Yisrael
It is incumbent upon the People to determine the fitness of their government system and the people therein. That right is an inalienable one. It has come to pass that the Israeli post Oslo system and government operatives have consistently proven to the majority of the Jewish people that the government system and in particular certain elements that have taken residence within it, are utterly unfit to carry out the functions of a Jewish state on the Jewish Nation's behalf.
German collaboration for radical militarization
Newsletter 2007/09/18 - To Corner
BERLIN (Own report) - With his resolute plea for German Army (Bundeswehr) intervention in the domestic affairs of the country, the Minister of Defense, Franz-Josef Jung, (CDU) is advancing strategies of the German military elite (the "strategic community"). He announced last weekend that the Air Force could be ordered to shoot down hijacked passenger jet liners - if necessary in violation of the German Constitution. This demand corresponds to considerations being advanced since some time by the Bundesakademie fьr Sicherheitspolitik in Berlin (BAKS, Federal College for Security Studies) which include also plans to alter "essential sections" of the Constitution. To reach this objective, the BAKS has been working for years to establish a network in the various ministries, enterprises and the media. And the chancellery is helping. President Horst Kцhler is supportive of these activities. On September 14 at the Bundeswehr's Leadership Academy, in Hamburg, he demanded that the military elite intervene more than previously in debates on German security policy and "efficiently corner the leadership personnel of the state, the economy and the society". Berlin's projects would signify a radical militarization of life in the society.
Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world: the German-Assyrians will strike again!
The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?
CFRP Welcomes Dr. Christopher Manion
Dr. Christopher Manion studied at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business and Notre Dame University, where he earned a Ph.D. in government. Since then, he has taught at various universities, spent six years as a subcommittee staff director on the Senate side of Capitol Hill, and helped found the political satire group The Capitol Steps. He has been a contributing editor and music critic for Saturday Review and High Fidelity magazines, and his op-eds and book reviews appear frequently in The Wall Street Journal. He is also the founder of Manion Music, LLC - which sells royalty free music.
Please give Dr. Manion a warm welcome.
Go Ron Paul!
Pope Benedict: "No one likes taxes!"

Paul's International Support Keeps Growing
Paul's Int. Support Keeps Growing
Thursday, September 20, 2007 -
Posted September 20th, 2007 by manystrom
Thanks to Grant Johnston who emailed me with a slew of international Ron Paul blogs. The list of sites on the blogroll on the front page now contains fifteen (15!) international blogs! What other candidate - Republican or Democrat can boast this kind of support?
International Blogs:
Asia for Ron Paul
Bavaria for Ron Paul
Belgians for Ron Paul
Brits for Ron Paul
Brazilians for Ron Paul
Canadians for Ron Paul
Chile for Ron Paul
French for Ron Paul
Europe 4 Ron Paul
Holland 4 Ron Paul
Hungary for Ron Paul
Indian & Pakistani Friends of Ron Paul
Poland for Ron Paul
Romania for Ron Paul
Venezuela for Ron Paul
Grant also notes: "I discovered, by observation in (, that a city gets a white pin, when 3 or more people are waiting for a meetup group. When the pin is white, no one has to pay. You only have to pay if a meetup group is started (it is not mandatory to start a group if interest is expressed). The pin then changes to red. It would be nice to at least have a white pin for each of the countries that have Ron Paul supporters (Brazil, Romania, etc.). Unfortunately, I cannot find contact information for them on their websites, to tell them how to get it.
Add your country on the map!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Are Arabs foreign filth?
Originally Posted by pladecalvo ......and does the bible teach you to refer to other races as "foreign filth"? You seem like a bit of a racist to me David. |
The Arabs are the same race as Jews!
[David Ben-Ariel] is a member of the Temple Mount Faithful and his mission is to urge the Israeli government to take the site from Muslim control. “I am calling upon the Israeli people to repent and as part of their national repentance to cleanse The Temple Mount of its foreign filth, those foreign mosques that occupy Judaism’s most holy site.”
East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning
It's very clear, to objective observers, that my reference here to foreign filth was concerning the foreign mosques that spiritually pollute the Temple Mount.
The Palestinians should go too. “Israel should cleanse the land of this filth and their polluted mind set and remove the threat by expelling them. It’s logical. America would never tolerate a particular people saying, `We are going to take your capitol and make it ours.’”
Again, the Arabs are the same race as the Jews. It should be clear I'm referring primarily to the filth of a FIFTH COLUMN that seeks to undermine Israeli sovereignty and mass murder Jews.
However, from a biblical standpoint, the hostile Arab forces occupying the Temple Mount are considered spiritually unclean Gentiles. That isn't racist - it's religious: believe it or not. Have you never read Jesus' reference to Gentiles? He called them dogs. Is He racist? Or merely a good ol' bigot?
Regardless, I don't cower before such abused terms as "racist" or "racism." I wholeheartedly reject the PC cult and encourage others to do likewise and break free from its shackles.
I trust this clarifies your issue.

"Bernanke Stumped by Representative Ron Paul"
I'd highly encourage CFRP viewers to read the rest here.In today’s testimony before the house, Fed Chairman Bernanke was questioned by Representative Ron Paul in what was a remarkable exchange. Remarkable for how straightforward, lucid, and anti-statist the question was. In his questioning, Ron Paul stated:
His statements continued (about how much oil, gold, wheat, corn, etc. has gone up since the rate decrease) but the heart of his question was the following moral question: ...consciously depreciating the value of the USD has winners and losers (Wall Street/banks/the rich and everyone else), Mr. Bernanke. How do you constantly choose Wall Street over the rest of America?"I want to follow up on the discussion about moral hazard. I think we have a very narrow understanding about what moral hazard really is. Because I think moral hazard begins at the very moment that we create artificially low interest rates which we constantly do. And this is the reason people make mistakes. It isn’t because human nature causes us to make all these mistakes, but there is a normal reaction when interest rates are low that there will be overinvestment and malinvestment, excessive debt, and then there are consequences from this. My question is going to be around the subject of how can it ever be morally justifiable to deliberately depreciate the value of our currency?”
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
New Gallup Poll: Ron Paul tied with Huckabee!
My breakdown:
- Guliani still leads, but he is near a record-low
- Fred Thompson second, but not moving
- McCain has risen a bit to third
- Romney has fallen dramatically (to 7%)
- ... and fifth is Ron Paul, (only 3 points from Romney)!
- Huckabee is tied with Ron Paul at 4%
- Duncan Hunger/Sam Browback at 2%
Jews for Ron Paul
Jews for Ron Paul Offended by Dr. Paul's Exclusion From Debate; Calls for Jewish Republicans to Boycott "Republican Jewish Coalition"
Calling on the Republican Jewish Coalition to change its criteria for inclusion in its Victory 2008 Republican Jewish Coalition Candidates Forum, Jews for Ron Paul for President Executive Director Jim C. Perry asked Jewish voters to avoid joining the organization that purports to be representing Jewish Republican voters. "The Republican Jewish Coalition has decided to exclude Dr. Ron Paul from their 'debate', not because of any objective criteria, but because they disagree with Dr. Paul on issues of foreign policy," he said. [More]
Ron Paul Re-Introduces Ballot Access Bill
On September 19, Congressman Ron Paul introduced a bill, outlawing restrictive ballot access laws for minor party and independent candidates for the U.S. House. He had previously introduced this bill in past sessions of Congress.
... Article One of the U.S. Constitution explicitly gives Congress the authority to override state election laws pertaining to Congressional elections.
The bill would make it easier for third-party canditates to campaign for office. Currently, state-level laws make it extremely difficult for thirty-party candidates to get on the ballot.
Constitution Party Endorses Ron Paul

I endorse Rep. Ron Paul for President. And I endorse him not because he is the lesser of two evils. A Christian can never endorse any kind of evil. I endorse Rep. Paul because — from a Christian/Biblical and Constitutional perspective – he is, by far, the best candidate running for President.
Rep. Paul takes his oath to God as a Congressman seriously and believes, correctly, that the Constitution is the highest man-made law in our land, that it severely restricts what the Federal Government can legally do, and it must be obeyed. This is why, as he states on his campaign web site, he has: never voted to raise taxes; never voted for an unbalanced budget; never voted for a Federal restriction on gun ownership; never voted to raise Congressional pay; never taken a government-paid junket; and has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
...He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Rep. Paul, again correctly, is truly pro-life and believes that there are no circumstances under which it is OK to murder by abortion any innocent unborn babies. Another admirable characteristic demonstrated repeatedly by Rep. Paul is that he speaks honestly and plainly.
... God bless you, sir, and your family as you proceed in this campaign. And God does bless us when we obey Him. Rep. Ron Paul is a real patriot who understands that true love of country requires, first, trusting in God’s Providence and next obedience to our Constitution. He is a man who rejects mindless jingoism such as “My country right or wrong.” Instead, he believes that when our country is wrong – as it is today in many ways — true patriots must work to set us right. As President, Ron Paul, I believe, would work Christianly and Constitutionally to set our country right. This is why, in good conscience, I endorse his candidacy for President of the United States. [source]
Ron Paul & Alan Greenspan

Today the Free Market News Network highlights three exchanges that took place between Alan Greenspan during his time as chairmen of the federal reserve and Dr. Ron Paul which demonstrate Ron Paul's long track-record for demanding fiscally-sound and sane federal monetary policies which defend freedom and avoid exploitation. A sample:
2/11/2004 — DIALOGUE TWO
(In which Ron Paul gets Greenspan to admit the Fed has ‘inordinate power.’)
Dr. PAUL: "Maybe there is too much power in the hands of those who control monetary policy, the power to create the financial bubbles, the power to maybe bring the bubble about, the power to change the value of the stock market within minutes? That to me is just an ominous power and challenges the whole concept of freedom and liberty sound money."
Dr. GREENSPAN: "Congressman, as I have said to you before, the problem you are alluding to is the conversion of a commodity standard to fiat money. We have statutorily gone onto a fiat money standard, and as a consequence of that it is inevitable that the authority, which is the producer of the money supply, will have inordinate power."
The Land of the Free?
Ron Paul, Freedom vs. Security: A False Choice, May 31, 2004
See also America Is No More.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Morally Obtuse "Values Voter"
According to what "values," exactly, are we to devote all our energies to getting pornography out of hotel rooms, but be utterly unmoved -- and I mean unmoved -- by the completely avoidable deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq? Why is this not a moral issue, and why is the just-war tradition to be dismissed with such sneering contempt? And pardon my bluntness, but what kind of blockhead thinks you have to be a "liberal" to be outraged at this? What kind of religion do these people believe in? (Their definition of a just war seems to be a war waged by the U.S. government.)
As for Islam, the point is that U.S. policies do motivate people to join up with the radicals. Assuming arguendo that the radicals themselves would wish to wage jihad no matter what, the rank and file in these groups are --gasp -- human beings who respond to U.S. government policies that hurt them. How can you expect to play empire and not suffer the consequences?