Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transforming homes and lives after the floods

Eleven young participants in Mission Australia’s Access Program – Plastering have taken our “transformation” philosophy to heart, making positive changes to their own lives while giving a Queensland household affected by the January floods a helping hand.

Access is a training program that provides long-term unemployed youth (among other job seekers) with the skills and motivation to gain apprenticeships.

The participants attended Bremer TAFE for four weeks, studying five units from the Solid Wall and Ceiling Plastering Qualification. They then had the chance to put their new knowledge to the test by spending a week working on a flood-affected house in the Ipswich suburb of Bundamba.

Mission Australia Australian Apprenticeships Access Program Placement Officer Leonie Doyle said this particular program was run to fill a local skills shortage in post-flood Queensland where many homes need to be gutted and relined.

Ms Doyle said she was bowled over by the enthusiasm shown by the young men – few of whom who had real work experience.

“When I first told them they were going to do a week of restoring a home, they were really excited and counted down the weeks and days until they started,” she said. “Once they were in the flood-affected community they were determined to do as much as they could.”

Working in small teams under the supervision of their trainers, over the course of a week the young men had fixed new lining boards to all walls and ceiling, and even relined the linen cupboard and pantry.

“The owners were most grateful – on the last day they told the boys they were moving their bed inside that night after spending months living in a caravan,” she said. “The sense of achievement and pride the boys felt was wonderful to see.”

Significantly, all the young men who began the course finished it – and four of the 11 participants have since started apprenticeships with group training company Apprenticeships Queensland and are now restoring homes in the Bundamba area.

Another three are expected to be signed up to apprenticeships this month. Congratulations to all 11 participants on a job well done.

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