Tuesday, June 29, 2010

David Ben-Ariel on YouTube!

Rep. King: ‘I’m For Abolishing the IRS and the Federal Income Tax Code’

During a pre-tax day event on Capitol Hill, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said he supports “abolishing” the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the federal income tax code.

"Obama Most Radical US President ever" states prestigious Harvard Phd

Dr. Richard L. Rubinstein, Yale fellow, "Distinguished Professor of the Year", and Harvard Phd, states that president Obama's intention is to "correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel." Dr. Rubenstein states that president Obama due to his family heritage is extremely pro Muslim - to the point of "wanting to see the destruction of Israel."

Barack Obama was "definitely" not born in Hawaii

Look what they're doing now to Hawaii elections official ...
The former Honolulu elections official who alleges Barack Obama was "definitely" not born in Hawaii and that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate even exists for the president in the Aloha State now says he's the victim of a vicious smear campaign, threatening his position as an instructor at Western Kentucky University.
Read the latest now on WND.com.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sydney youth service to host Winter Sleepout - with a creative edge

Mission Australia's Creative Youth Initiatives (CYI) team are getting prepared for their inaugural 'Art-and-Music-athon', a 15-hour creative drive hosted at their headquarters in Sydney's Surry Hills.

The event is set to kick off at 6pm, Thursday 22nd July, to run through the night to 9am the following day.

CYI's creative team will perform at the event and are each fundraising through CYI's Everyday Hero page to help achieve the fundraising target of $4000.  Supporters contribute to the event by making a donation to individual team members.

The 'Art-and-Music-athon' is a fundraiser for the Winter Sleepout appeal, which in turn strengthens ground-level services such as CYI, or neighbouring services Mission Australia Centre or Missionbeat.

CYI Service Manager, Irene Drivilas, is getting excited about hosting the new event in the wake of the successful album launch of Still Spinning.

"The night will be a buzz of creative inspiration as participants add their expressive flavour and style to musical and artistic activities, games, teasers, energisers and dares; all under the direction of the dynamic CYI team."

With the challenge run overnight, participants will be aided by regular breaks, ‘Down Time' rooms, and food & beverages.

Check out the event site for details, all are welcome!  www.everydayhero.com.au/creative_youth_initiatives 

Ron Paul

The Military Can Waste Money Too

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

“This past week various news events once again made it abundantly clear that our foreign policy is an abject failure.   Unfortunately, in spite of this the administration is determined to stay on this destructive course, despite any past promises to change it.  For Afghanistan especially, if ever there was an opportunity to admit shortcomings and change strategies along with leaders, this past week was it…”

Alternate link: http://www.house.gov/paul/index.shtml

Sunday, June 27, 2010

'Taste of Reconciliation' event a success in Melbourne

On 26th May Mission Australia's Taste of Reconciliation dinner took place at the Sofitel Melbourne to bring together influential Victorians to talk, learn and be inspired on the path to reconciliation.

The inaugural event was held on the eve of Reconciliation Week, in the company of over 200 attendees including Elders and members of Victoria's Aboriginal community, along with leaders from government, corporate and not-for-profit sectors.

This, however, was no ordinary corporate event as each table of delegates were headed by an Aboriginal 'table leader' for direct discussion on reconciliation and personal experiences.

Over the evening delegates moved between tables so that everyone had the chance to meet each other and broaden their understanding of reconciliation, and its influence on individual Australians.

In addition to the table discussion the Deputy Premier, Hon. Rob Hulls provided a keynote address, followed by short speeches from the 'Thought Leaders' panel: the Hon. Richard Wynne, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; Toby Hall, CEO of Mission Australia; David Thodey, CEO of Telstra; Jason Eades, CEO of Koorie Heritage Trust; and Jirra Harvey, Oxfam Youth Coordinator.

The event builds on the example set by the Charcoal Lane social enterprise restaurant, that engages patrons in contemporary Aboriginal culture and cuisine (while also working as a training provider).

The meals were cooked and served at the usual high standards from Charcoal Lane's Head Chef, with staff Lorcan Kan, Clarissa Kay Thorne, and trainees Spencer and Jimmy.

Mission Australia is looking forward to hosting the second Taste of Reconciliation event in 2011.

Visit Mission Australia's Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island resources page for our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), the latest indigenous news, current affairs and policy updates.

Ron Paul weekly update for the 28 june 2010

Ron Paul: End the War in Afghanistan!

http://www.RonPaul.com - 06/27/2010

End the War in Afghanistan

by Ron Paul

This past week various news events once again made it abundantly clear that our foreign policy is an abject failure. Unfortunately in spite of this the administration is determined to stay on this destructive course despite any past promises to change it. For Afghanistan especially, if ever there was an opportunity to admit shortcomings and change strategies, this past week was it.

There really is nothing for us to win in Afghanistan. Our mission has morphed from apprehending those who attacked us to apprehending those who threaten or dislike us for invading their country, to remaking an entire political system and even a culture. I remain highly skeptical that as foreign occupiers we can ever impose Western-style democracy on another country. Our troops have debilitating restrictions on defending themselves against enemies which are so often indistinguishable from civilians. They also face dire setbacks in winning hearts and minds when innocents are mistakenly harmed, which happens all the time. We can never make friends this way, and yet the tactic never works.

This is an expensive, bloody, endless exercise in futility, though few are willing to admit this just yet. But every second they spend in denial has real cost in lives and livelihoods. Many of us can agree on one thing, however: our military spending in general has grown way out of control. This is largely because fiscal accountability and military budgeting is seen by many as "weak on defense." This is absolutely wrong in a dangerous way to think. It is certainly possible for the military to waste money, or to spend money counter-productively, and indeed it has. But out of political correctness the military has been getting blank checks from the administrations and Congress for far too long.

It is important to defend our soil, but let us defend us our own soil instead of defending Europe's soil. Our willingness to defend Europe enables their lavish social spending at our expense while they criticize our model of capitalism. It's time they allocated the money for their own defense. The same goes for Korea, Japan and other countries like Egypt and Israel. It is also important that while our troops are in combat, our soldiers have what they need to do the best they can even if we disagree with why they are there. It's an embarrassment that some soldiers and families have had to buy body armor at their own expense when billions are awarded to politically well-connected defense contractors for weapons systems that don't work, are over budget and past deadlines.

This is the kind of waste that needs to end. I firmly believe that there is enough waste in the military budget that we can both save money overall and at the same time make us safer. Of course, the obvious way to save money and be safer is to stop meddling in the affairs of foreign countries and just bring our troops home. This will happen eventually if our empire, like every other fallen empire, insists on spending itself into collapse. If we want to avoid this we must look into ways to bring our costs under control. The military budget must be on the chopping block along with everything else.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

The White Man and Western Civilization

 The White Man's Burden: Rudyard Kipling was Right
Replace “White Man” with “Western Civilization” and Kipling is as right today as he was in 1899
by Bill Levinson


Rudyard would be considered racist by today’s perverse standards, and so what? The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites have civilized the Gentile world, as prophesied. I’m gladly as racist as the ethnocentric Bible (with its focus on the family of Jacob) teaches me to be and wholeheartedly support Israel in the Isles – regardless if that’s condemned by lesser peoples as “racist,” “colonialism,” “imperialistic,” etc.
God save South Africans and raped Rhodesia, Zimbabwe ruins, from the primitive Gentiles.

Why invoke that liberal Jewish-pimped fraud, that adulterer, that plagiarizer Michael Luther King as if he is something worthy to emulate? He’s a forged hero created by godless Jews like the terrorist Nelson Mandela – why aid and support their BIG LIE? That’s a politically correct form of racism.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rand Paul Rising - Short Film

Loved by the Tea Party, endorsed by Ron Paul, and reviled by the liberal media: Rand Paul is the liberty movement's best - and maybe last - chance to take our country back!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Media Release: Action needed to reduce problem gambling

Mission Australia, one of the nations leading community service charities, has called on the State and Federal Governments to swiftly implement the recommendations of the Productivity Commission's Report into Gambling released on Wednesday, to reduce the impact of problem gambling on Australians.

“Mission Australia sees the human face of problem gambling in our services every single day,” said Toby Hall, Mission Australia CEO.

“Problem gambling causes not only financial crisis and bankruptcy, it contributes to family and relationship breakdown, homelessness, depression and even suicide.

“We would like to see practical measures like $1 bet limits on poker machines and mandatory shutdown times in gaming venues quickly put in place. This will help reduce the number of people with a gambling problem and reduce the impact on those already struggling to cope with their addiction.

“We urge governments at all levels to implement the Productivity Commission recommendations to reduce problem gambling as soon as practically possible.”

Mr Hall welcomed the news that the federal government has indicated it will support further harm minimisation programs for poker machines, but said it was disappointing there has been no commitment or time frame to implement the recommendations.

With poker machines accounting for 75-80 percent of problem gamblers, the Commission was right focus on further restrictions on poker machines, Mr Hall said.

“Poker machines are far and away the most prolific form of gambling by the clients of our gambling counselling services,” said Mr Hall

“We can not tackle problem gambling without looking at further restrictions on poker machines.”

“According to the Commission’s own figures, around 40 percent of the revenue from poker machines comes directly from problem gamblers.

“We can not continue to base such a large chunk of a sector’s revenue on taking money from people with an addiction”.

Mr Hall said that the measures outlined in the report that should be quickly implemented include:
  • Lowering bet limits on poker machines to one dollar per button push (equating to losses of around $120 an hour as opposed to the current level of up to $1500) as well as setting limits on how much can be put in a machine at any one time. 
  • Mandatory shutdown times for gaming rooms in hotels and clubs, as there is ample evidence that this is when high-risk gamblers are more likely to gamble and they are also often likely to be under the influence of alcohol.
  • Removing ATMs from gaming areas. This is regularly cited by problem gamblers as something which would assist them to manage their gambling as it forces them to take a time out and leave the area. This is already being put in place in some jurisdictions.
  • Additional funding for further gambling counselling services and improved training and education for counsellors.
Media contact:  Patrick Flynn ph. 0407 411 256

Obama dogs America

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama

Obama dogs America by his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent with his long form birth certificate, so legitimate Americans will continue to dog Obama with the legitimate question:

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

'1234 Project' aiming at 12,340 pairs of socks for disadvantaged people this winter

Mission Australia has teamed up with 1234 to run an epic sock drive for homeless clients this winter.

'The 1234 Project' was launched on Facebook on the 11th June.  The concept is simple - for each person that clicks the 'Like' button at the top of the page, 1234 will donate a pair of socks for distribution to a Mission Australia client this winter.

The ambitious project is aiming for 12,340 pairs, and is well on the way with over 8,100 people having already 'Liked' the page. The first delivery of 500 socks were delivered to Mission Australia on Monday.

For those that have only a single pair of socks, a fresh pair for winter is a welcome, practical gift - socks are one of the most basic health necessities, but generally one of the most damaged articles of a homeless person's clothing.

As stated on the Facebook page 1234 is "...not pretending to change the world.  Anyone knows we'd need a lot more than a Facebook group to do that, but every journey must start with a single step."

You too can take a single step and help us warm 12,340 people this winter - simply visit www.facebook.com/the1234project and click 'Like' at top of page:  

Have you heard the Gospel?

Have you heard?

Recently I told someone that my doctor said I was definitely in "decline" (I have AIDS).

He said, "Can I preach the gospel to your unconverted family and friends at your funeral?" I said, "No" (for many reasons). I also said I wasn't going to have any funeral and plan on being cremated. I commented my family and friends already heard the gospel. I said, "Everybody in America has heard the gospel," and he said he wasn't so sure about that. His doubts notwithstanding, anybody who knows me knows how outspoken I am about my beliefs and how I've written extensively about them in many articles and within my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.

Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel and warn the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and responsibility (the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples are an important part of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, the Tribe of Joseph specifically); about God's Sabbath and "Jewish" (biblical) Holy Days versus Satan's counterfeit Sunday and whitewashed pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter that God hates; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise - these are foundational truths.

Have you heard the gospel of the Kingdom of God is that we can be forgiven any sin we confess and forsake, so help us God, receiving the pardon and the power, that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ has got us covered; the good news of the Kingdom of God is that God is a Kingdom-Family into which we may be born again at the resurrection - born again as literal God-Beings! The good news is that the Kingdom-Family of God will be a literal government of God-Beings that will establish justice and righteousness from Jerusalem and save the earth and mankind from complete destruction and annihilation. If you hadn't heard this GOOD NEWS before, you have now!

Additional reading:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Media Release: Last days for Australia's youth to have their say

Time is ticking for young people to voice their concerns in the country’s largest annual youth survey.

Conducted by community service organisation, Mission Australia, the 2010 National Youth Survey winds up on Friday, 2 July for all states except Northern Territory that finishes on 30 July.  Results are to be published later this year.

This is a fantastic opportunity for young Australians – particularly those too young to vote – to tell us their views.

Mission Australia’s head of Research and Social Policy, Anne Hampshire, is calling on young Australians – between 11 and 24 years of age – to participate in this year’s National Youth Survey. The information gathered will be used to help community groups and government to better plan and develop youth services.

“Of particular significance is a new question asking young Australians to list what they view as the top three issues in Australia today, and we feel that this question is especially important for those too young to vote but who still wish to be heard,” says Anne Hampshire.

“Other new questions include one surrounding the level of optimism felt by young Australians about the future, and another asking what should be done about the issues concerning them.

“These questions in particular will help us to develop programs and strategies that are shaped by the voices of young people themselves.”

In 2009, more than 48,000 young people took part and drugs was ranked most frequently in the top three issues of concern by 26.8 per cent of respondents. Suicide was the next top concern at 26.3 per cent, while body image came in third at 25.5 per cent.

Ms Hampshire says it is important to obtain an annual snapshot of the concerns of young Australians.

“Young people’s concerns can be quite volatile – moving around from year to year – and they differ between age groups so it’s important we conduct this survey annually, with as many participants as possible, to obtain an accurate picture.

“The range of concerns – from stress to depression, suicide and body image – also suggest young people are facing increased challenges as they make the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

“The results of the survey assist Mission Australia, other agencies, governments at all levels – as well as schools, parents and families – to better understand young people,” concluded Ms Hampshire.

Mission Australia’s 2010 National Survey of Young Australians can be completed online at www.missionaustralia.com.au/youthsurvey. It is also available at all Mission Australia services, secondary schools, TAFE facilities and libraries nationwide.

The survey closes on Friday, 2 July for all states except Northern Territory that finishes on 30 July.  Results will be published later in the year.

Media contact: Sally Popplestone ph. 0415 547 626. 

Ron Paul on CNN with Wolf Blitzer 22 June 2010

Congressman Ron Paul discusses the BP oil spill, Gen McChrystal and Rand Paul with Wolf Blitzer

Fairlight's Champion Deckhand

One of Manly’s most colourful sporting personalities was cricketer Sammy Woods, who, uniquely, represented Australia at cricket, and England at both cricket and rugby union. In 1925 he published his sporting reminiscences, which contained the following recollection.

As a boy in the early 1880s, Woods and his brothers travelled across to Sydney every day to school at Royston College, and every evening they returned to Manly on the ferry Fairlight. Sammy’s father, John Woods, was a person of some influence, a former Lord Mayor of Sydney, and he had engaged the champion boxer Larry Foley to give his sons a few boxing lessons. They regularly tested out their boxing prowess with one of the deckhands on the Fairlight, a tall, powerfully-built West Indian named Peter Jackson. The Woods boys told Foley how talented Jackson was, and Foley came along to see. One look told Foley that Jackson had the potential to be an outstanding boxer. “Train with me and I can make you champion of Australia,” he told Jackson, who quit his deckhand position, and took up boxing.
Sure enough, in 1886, Jackson won the Australian heavyweight crown, defeating Tom Lees in a thirty-round fight. Over the next few years he toured Australia and the USA, contesting nearly thirty fights, and was undefeated in all of them, including a 61-round slugfest with James J Corbett in San Francisco in 1891. Corbett became world champion the following year, but because of the racism in the sport at the time, Jackson was never able to gain a shot at the world heavyweight title. He died in Roma, Queensland in 1901, of tuberculosis, aged just 40.

Ron Paul vs. Ron Insana on Gold and the Federal Reserve 6/21/10

Ron Paul strikes back at the baseless accusations made by Ron Insana on Dr. Ron Paul's knowledge of economics.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Less than eight days left to help Mission Australia face the new financial year

There is less than eight days left for Mission Australia's Tax Time appeal, coinciding with the end of the 2009-2010 Financial Year.

Mission Australia is urgently seeking funds before 30th June to help us run our services at full capacity through the next financial year.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible, and can be included with your next tax claim.

Funds raised are invested in our community services, such as Fairfax House in NSW, Youth Assistance Program in VIC or D.A.Y.S. Withdrawal and Respite Centre in WA.

So don't forget to donate soon and save on your tax return!

Too Much Government in the Gulf

Ron Paul
Texas Straight Talk

“Sadly, the disaster in the Gulf continues this week as BP’s efforts at containment keep hitting snags and residents along the coast scramble to clean up and defend their shores and wildlife.  Many have criticized the federal government in the past weeks for not doing enough.  The reality is there is only so much government can do to help, yet a lot they can do to prolong the problem and misdirect the pain.  For example, in the interest of “doing something” the administration has enacted a unilateral ban on offshore drilling.  This is counterproductive.  I am proud to cosponsor legislation to lift that ban.  Why punish other oil companies and their hard-working employees who had nothing to do with this disaster, and who have better safety records?”

Alternate link:  http://www.house.gov/paul/index.shtml

The Obama administration is operating like a pure dictatorship

Obama to Lakin et al: “YOU have NO standing to ask any Questions!”
By J.B Williams, Canada Free Press

     The Story of Major General Paul Vallely, Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin, LCDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III

    No matter the political agenda of any American citizen, one reality should send shivers down every American’s spine. The Obama administration has made it known that according to their form of “justice,” NO soldier or citizen has “legal standing” to question anything about Obama, his many corrupt friends, his anti-American policies or his full court press to destroy all things American.
    Barack Hussein Obama remains a complete mystery. His birth, college, travel, passport and entire personal history remains under lock and key unlike any president before him. His policies have proven destructive to the US economy, US sovereignty and security as well as both states and individual rights.
    The Obama administration is operating like a pure dictatorship at odds with the vast majority of American citizens and no matter what peaceful course of redress the people attempt, they have repeatedly been informed that they have “NO STANDING” to ask any questions.
Read More and Comment:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ron Paul No Taxpayer Bailouts or Liability Caps for BP

No Taxpayer Bailouts or Liability Caps for BP!

by Ron Paul

Sadly the disaster in the Gulf continues this week as BP's efforts at containment keep hitting snags and residents along the coast scramble to clean up and defend their shores and wildlife. Many have criticized the federal government in the past weeks for not doing enough. The reality is, there is only so much government can do to help, yet a lot they can do to prolong the problem and misdirect the pain.

For example, in the interest of doing something, the administration has enacted a unilateral ban on offshore drilling. This is counterproductive. I am proud to co-sponsor legislation to lift that ban. Why punish other oil companies and their hardworking employees who had nothing to do with the disaster and who have better safety records? And, as usually happens after disasters, countless people, even officials in local and state government, have come forward who know what needs to be done and are willing to help but have been stymied by federal bureaucratic red tape as the oil continues to gush.

The real problem is not so much a lack of government assistance but government getting in the way of those who have solutions. We witnessed the same phenomenon during hurricanes Katrina and Ike. It seems government's main role in these situations is to find excuses to stall relief, hold meetings and press conferences, waste money, punish the wrong people, and overregulate. Yet even after many examples of past incompetence people still look to government to solve problems in the wake of disaters. A government that tries to be all things to all people might engender a lot of learned dependence, but ultimately it only harms the very people it is supposed to help, to serve as they wait hopelessly for salvation from Washington.

Government could help by holding the appropriate parties fully liable for damages and cleanup costs. I am hopeful that efforts to do this are genuine and BP is indeed held responsible for all damages, not shielded by liability caps or reimbursed under the table by taxpayers. Unfortunately a large sum of taxpayer money has been slipped into the upcoming supplemental bill for Gulf cleanup costs that should fall on BP. Taxpayers should not have to bail out a major oil company that has caused this horrible damage to our shores.

It should be noted that BP is not exactly a bastion of free-market capitalism. Rather they are very vested in acquiring government subsidies, favorably slanted policies and competition-hobbling regulation. BP has been a major proponent of cap and trade because of certain provisions in the legislation it could profit from. Considering who lobbies for them and what they lobby for, my concern is that attempts to hold them strictly and fully accountable could end up being nothing more than a shell game with taxpayers ultimately holding the bag.

If the government's idea of action in crisis is to punish the innocent, bail out the guilty, and raise prices at the pump on everybody, we should want them to do less, not more. Recent polls show sharply waning support for offshore drilling. We still need oil, and a lot of good jobs dpend on oil production. It is crucial to the functioning of our economy, but if accidents continue to be handled this way it is easy to understand why so many see more cost than benefit to offshore drilling. That is also a tragedy.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

English only!

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birthplace or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American.

"If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American.

"We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."
-- Teddy Roosevelt (excerpts from a letter he wrote in 1919).


The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
(read more ...)

Renew America by Restoring White Dominance 
We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).
(read more ...)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin discusses the denial of access to key witnesses.


LTC Terry Lakin has tried in vain to get the same verification from our President that he has been asked to provide countless times in his career, for many jobs, and to obtain a security clearance for the trusted positions he has held within the U.S. Armed Forces. LTC Terry Lakin has tried in vain to get the same verification from our President that he has been asked to provide countless times in his career, for many jobs, and to obtain a security clearance for the trusted positions he has held within the U.S. Armed Forces.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stand up and speak out - response to Timana Tahu's Origin resignation

For those of you in AFL States, the eastern seaboard has been rocked over race related statements by Andrew Johns at the training camp for the State of Origin.

Over the weekend, Timana Tahu quit the NSW State of Origin team, accusing Andrew Johns of sledging other races.

In a statement released yesterday Timana said "I believe I am a role model for children and I did this [quit the team] to show my kids this type of behaviour is wrong.

"This isn't about me or Andrew Johns, it's about arresting racism and standing up for my beliefs.

"Leaving Origin was a really big decision for me and I'd like to clarify that it was not just one racial comment directed at one individual that offended me. The remarks were directed at various races and the situation I encountered was totally unacceptable,” said Timana.

So, you may ask why I lead this blog with the story of racism in the NRL, well racism exists every where, in cricket, in the AFL, and in the workplace.

Some hide behind a stance of freedom of speech, yet forget the human and citizen rights of those whom they attack to live in a country free of racial vilification.

I have met Timana on a number of occasions and I guarantee his stand is not to make himself a hero; it is to bring to the attention of the average person how confronting the language we use can be, and how much pain can be inflicted. In the NRL and the AFL nearly one third of players are of Aboriginal background.

If you are offended by language that is used you have a right to state its impact on you, without this stand we are allowing the comment-makers to assume support. Remember that up to 30 per cent of Mission Australia clients are of Aboriginal background.

If you hear someone making racial comments you too can stand up and speak up.

Today's piece is from Steve Cochrane - Mission Australia's National Aboriginal Advisor. 

Read more about Steve's work at our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander page: www.missionaustralia.com.au/community-services/aboriginal

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ron Paul - The McGovern Lesson

June 14, 2010 — What experience taught George McGovern about government regulation.

Authoritarianism is Bad for Your Health

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

"The administration's terrible healthcare reform bill is now law, but the debate over how-- and whether-- the federal government should be involved in providing healthcare services is not over. It is not too late for America to correct its course and stop the march toward a government run, "single payer" healthcare system.

Polls show that a large majority of Americans don't want Obamacare. Congress should seize the opportunity to repeal the very worst aspect of this new legislation, namely the mandate that forces every American either to purchase health insurance or face an IRS penalty. This mandate represents nothing more than an unconstitutional, historically unprecedented gift to the insurance industry. I introduced the "End the Mandate Act” (HR 4995) expressly to prevent the administration from ever putting this provision into effect…”

Click here to read the full article: http://www.house.gov/htbin/blog_inc?BLOG,tx14_paul,blog,999,All,Item%20not%20found,ID=100614_3710,TEMPLATE=postingdetail.shtml

Alternate link: http://www.house.gov/paul/index.shtml

Election official: I'd testify Obama not born in Hawaii

The former Honolulu elections clerk who says President Obama was "definitely" not born in Hawaii and has no birth certificate from any hospital in the Aloha State says he's willing to testify in court to those facts.
Read the latest now on WND.com.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ron Paul: Obamacare Is Bad For Your Health

Ron Paul : Texas Straight Talk June 14 2010

by Ron Paul

The administration's terrible health care reform bill is now law. But the debate over how and whether the federal government should be involved in providing health care services is not over. It is not too late for America to correct its course and stop the march toward a government-run single-payer health care system.

Polls show that a large majority of Americans don't want Obamacare. Congress should seize the opportunity to repeal the very worst aspect of this new legislation, namely the mandate that forces every American either to purchase health insurance or face an IRS penalty. This mandate represents nothing more than an unconstitutional, historically unprecedented gift to the insurance industry.

I introduced the End the Mandate Act, HR 4995, expressly to prevent the administration from ever putting this provision into effect. Instead of mandating the same failed entitlement health care schemes that are bankrupting Europe, Congress should fundamentally reexamine the case for free-market health care.

Our current model, based on employer-provided health insurance, did not arise based on market preferences. On the contrary, it makes no sense to couple health insurance with employment. But federal wage and price controls instituted during World War II left employers with no alternative to attract workers in a tight labor market other than offering extra benefits such as health insurance and pensions. Over time these non-wage benefits became the norm, especially since employers could deduct the cost of health insurance premiums from their income taxes while individuals could not. The perverse consequence is that employees lose both their paychecks and their health insurance when they lose their job.

As reliance on third party health insurance grew, patients became detached from the true cost of their doctor visits. In the 1970s the Nixon administration, along with the late Senator Edward Kennedy, championed the cause of health maintenance organizations. Congress accepted the faulty premise that HMOs would reduce the cost through centralized management of patients, when in fact the opposite was true. More bureaucracy would only lead to higher cost, less accountability, and worse patient care.

In recent years Congress has only intensified the problem with more laws and more regulation, especially with the disastrous Medicare prescription drug benefit. The drug benefit was another example of naked patronage to a politically connected industry and it exponentially worsened the federal government's balance sheet. Obamacare will be the last nail in the coffin of our bankrupt entitlement system.

More laws are not the answer. Instead, we need to allow a market system to operate that reflects consumer choices while rationally pricing services. In a market system patients likely would pay cash for basic services while maintaining relatively high deductible catastrophic insurance for serious illnesses and accidents. The cost of most routine medical care would drop if the patient paid the bill on the spot, especially as doctors no longer needed to employ large staffs solely to deal with insurance and billing.

Let me repeat: we need a system where patients pay cash for basic services and carry insurance only for serious illnesses and accidents. Health maintenance is the responsibility of each of us individually. We cannot continue to collectivize the cost of health care and expect things to get better.

Authoritarianism is bad for your health. Congress should end the Obamacare mandate and allow market-based medicine to flourish.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

Obama not born here!

BREAKING NEWS! Hawaii Elections Official: Obama not born here! JUNE 10, 2010 - SMOKING GUN?


When you're out and about, notice all the signs inviting you to SUNday services, offering you a welcome this SUNday, but none saying "SUNday is for pagans - we've repented and now keep the Sabbath" or "Never on a Sunday! Jesus kept the Sabbath and so do we!"

Either the ministers of those professing Christian churches are ignorant of the Scriptures and history (that only sanction the seventh day Sabbath) or they're just plain dishonest with themselves and their poor flock (that have been robbed of the plain truth).

There's no excuse for Sunday! Jesus, his disciples - the apostles - and the entire early Church of God composed of converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles kept the seventh day Sabbath! The original faith once delivered to Jerusalem (that included the observance of the seventh day Sabbath) became corrupted by Gentilizers, Romanizers, false converts who misled folks to keep Sunday, cleverly keeping both the Sabbath and Sunday at first until they gained enough power and influence to oppose the biblical Sabbath for their traditional Sunday.

Question your minister if he's a Sunday keeper and ask your friends why folks are keeping Sunday - the first day of the week - when the Sabbath is the seventh day. Most have never thought about it, sheeple to the slaughter, but now God is bringing it to the attention of many and expects us to repent of keeping Sunday and start keeping the Sabbath that is holy to Him.

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." - Exodus 20:8

"There remains therefore a rest [keeping of the Sabbath] for the people of God." - Hebrews 4:10

"Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent." - Acts 17:30

Which day is the Christian Sabbath?

Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
The vast majority of Christian churches today teach the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a time for rest and worship. Yet it is generally known and freely admitted that the early Christians observed the seventh day as the Sabbath. How did this change come about?

Remember the Sabbath
Did you ever stop to think why Christians keep Sunday? Did they get it from the Bible? Is there a clear-cut command that says, "Thou shalt keep Sunday?" Why did Jesus worship on Saturday? Was it only because He was a good Jew? Or does it go beyond that?


Friday, June 11, 2010

God has marked the American people as his chosen nation

The man who coined the term, journalist John L. O'Sullivan, insisted that it was "by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which providence has given us for the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government." Decades later, after the closing of the frontier, writer Robert Ellis Thompson penned a study of The Hand of God in American History, which likewise proclaimed that from the time of the first settlements to the Spanish-American War God had "shaped the course of our national history for his own ends." It was a sentiment amplified by statesman-historian Albert J. Beveridge in a speech before the U.S. Senate in which he voiced unambiguous support for American annexation of the Philippines. As far as Senator Beveridge was concerned, God

has given us the spirit of progress to overwhelm the forces of reaction throughout the earth. He has made us adept at government that we may administer government among savage and senile peoples. Were it not for such a force as this the world would relapse into barbarism and night. And of all our race he has marked the American people as his chosen nation to finally lead in the redemption of the world.

Calvin and American Exceptionalism

The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
(read more ...)

Renew America by Restoring White Dominance

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rudyard Kipling's realist poem

The White Man's Burden

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here

By Joe Kovacs

A college instructor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exist in the Aloha State.
Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for Honolulu, now teaches English at Western Kentucky University. "There is no birth certificate," said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. "It's like an open secret. There isn't one. Everyone in the government there knows this."

Adams, who says he's a Hillary Clinton supporter who ended up voting for John McCain when Clinton lost the Democratic nomination to Obama, told WND, "I managed the absentee-ballot office. It was my job to verify the voters' identity."

He says during the 2008 campaign when the issue of Obama's constitutional eligibility first arose, the elections office was inundated with requests to verify the birthplace of the U.S. senator from Illinois.

Read More and Comment

Sestak Affair

Sign the petition today to demand an independent counsel appointment in the Sestak affair.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thinking of Reconciliation locally - Mission Australia services mark Reconciliation Week

Last week Mission Australia recognised National Reconciliation Week. Our services across the country engaged with Aboriginal people and communities in many different ways.

According to Reconcilation Australia, it is "the ideal time for all Australians to reflect, celebrate and commit - to join the reconciliation conversation and to think about how we can get involved in making a better future for Australia."

Today's news features some of the local activities that took place in appreciation of Reconciliation Week.

Pathways to Prevention - Inala, QLD

Pathways to Prevention - Inala marked the occasion by observing the hard work of their four Aboriginal colleagues.

Team Leader Lesley Kraemer recently shed some light on the relentless dedication her team demonstrates every day:

"Aunty Vivian Bonner has worked tirelessly for over 8 years at Pathways to support the families in the Inala community who have been referred to our service.

"She often goes beyond the call of duty to provide the necessary support."

"Ricky Morgan has recently joined our service and he shares the load with Aunty Vivian by building a strong rapport with some of the troubled boys that are in our community.

"Both Aunty Vivian and Ricky are doing great work and we are very fortunate to have them working with us."

Reconciliation Week is a time to consider the local efforts of people like Aunty Vivian and Ricky that largely go unnoticed.

Lesley noted that "in all of their work, both Aunty Vivian and Ricky raise the awareness of the needs of the Aboriginal community...In their work with families and children they incorporate aboriginal history and culture that helps to strengthen ties to their indigenous roots.

"We celebrated as a team and our Aboriginal workers were touched by our recognition at such an important week in Australia's history"

Cafe One on Wickham - Fortitude Valley, QLD

Café One on Wickham held a memorial service as part of their recognition of Reconciliation Week.

The service was lead by Mission Australia Chaplain for QLD, Tim Booth, to commemorate the life and contributions of long time Café One community member, Auntie Ruby.

Café customers, staff, volunteers and Brisbane City's Councillor for Central Ward, David Hinchliffe were present to pay their respects.

Tim Booth offerred his thoughts of the Café One community to mark this important date in the Australian calendar:

"What I see in this example and of many others around Mission Australia is staff getting on with doing practical ‘reconciliation work’ with clients and communities – both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal – quietly, professionally and effectively everyday.

"This is a source of hope for me, and I feel a great deal of appreciation to be able to witness the important and challenging work that staff do daily."

Mission Australia Employment Solutions - Goulburn, NSW

Employment Solutions - Goulburn celebrated Reconciliation Week with a luncheon of Australian fare with traditional ingredients and an educational workshop.

The workshop was lead by Clive Freeman - a Jarvis Bay Aboriginal educator who taught the group about traditional Aboriginal toolmaking and use of natural resources.

Skills Development Advisor Alfie Walker helped arrange the day's activities and was thrilled to celebrate and share his Aboriginal culture with his colleagues.

Early Learning Services - Tanilba Bay, NSW

The children of the Tanilba Bay's Early Learning Service participated in a range of fun activities that were designed to build their understanding of reconciliation.

Throughout the activites the children were involved in discussions about Aboriginal culture, and learnt about the Australian wildlife depicted in traditional dream time stories such as "How the birds got their colours".

Further Reading 
  • Read our Aboriginal Advisor's piece "A Conversation for the Health of all Australians" here
  • Visit Mission Australia's Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island resources page for our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), the latest indigenous news, current affairs and policy updates.