Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hillary Clinton unplugged
Has Hillary Clinton read Beyond Babylon yet? If elected president, will Hillary Clinton rule like the biblical judge Deborah or will Hillary Clinton terrorize like the wicked Jezebel? Time will tell. It's up to you, potential Mrs. or Ms. President.
Hillary Clinton unplugged
Remembering the 5th of November - A Catholic Response
Catholics for Ron Paul join in the desire to give Ron Paul a major boost in donations, however the meaning of November 5th leaves much to be desired in its anti-Catholic and anti-Christian symbolism.
The inspiration for this date comes from Guy Fawkes Day in England, a ritual re-execution in effigy of a Catholic who opposed the oppressive Protestant rule of James I. Guy Fawkes was involved with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 - an attempt to relieve the persecutions against English Catholics by assassinating the King and blowing up Parliament. The plot was discovered and Guy Fawkes was executed. This event was used to introduce more oppressive measures against English citizenry by the State, these oppressive laws remained intact for over 200 years.
Every November 5th, Guy Fawkes is ritually re-executed in effigy as a ritual of Protestant sectarian boosterism. If anyone has visited the North of Ireland and experienced the way events from the 1600's are ritually enacted, they will know what this is all about.
But this is not why the organizers of this event chose November 5th, it is because of the film V for Vendetta - where the vigilante anti-hero of the film takes on the persona of Guy Fawkes and turns him into an anti-statist anarchist. (Note the anti-Catholic tract pictured at the beginning of this youtube clip.)
Here too, the symbolism is a bit off the mark.
Yes Ron Paul is a hero that is going against the state to seek freedom and repair a structural injustice within our system. But the film V for Vendetta is an openly anti-Catholic film that bizarrely glorifies a Catholic anti-establishment figure from history who sought to liberate Catholics from an anti-Catholic tyrannical regime, and puts him in a film which is overtly anti-Catholic and anti-Christian. How does this fit with Ron Paul and his message?
There are many supporters for Ron Paul who read into his message an anti-establishment ethos, but Ron Paul himself is a believing Christian and remember that the Liberties that he and we are fighting for are rooted in a Judeo-Christian worldview. Austrian Economics, the school of thought Ron Paul is speaking from, has its philosophical beginnings in the work of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Scholastics.
Equating Ron Paul with the V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes is a mess of symbolism. The historical Guy Fawkes fails in his plot and is killed by the state. The V Guy Fawkes is trying to over throw a the film's portrayal of Christianity in favor of a radical social agenda. How does this fit with Ron Paul's message? Ron Paul is on the record that he agrees that the definition of marriage is a union between a man and a women - this position would place him among those organizing the concentration camps in the V for Vendetta film!
As for Catholicism - Ron Paul's son is Catholic and Ron Paul is one of the most eloquent defenders of Catholicism. Ron Paul is not for the elimination of Faith from the public square, he is for the repeal of all legislation that has limited the free exercise of religion (such as no prayer in public schools) in our society. This is not exactly the message of V for Vendetta.
Again, Catholics for Ron Paul is in support of giving Ron Paul a money Bomb and a big boost, however the choice of November the 5th is unfortunate and runs counter to Ron Paul's message.
Catholics for Ron Paul respectfully asks the organizers of the 5th of November Money Bomb initiative to clarify their use of this date, and distance themselves from the anti-Christian and anti-Catholic symbolism of the 5th of November Guy Fawkes/V for Vendetta message.
Why mix Ron Paul's positive message of with the off color symbolism and frankly distasteful message of V for Vendetta and Guy Fawkes Day?
UPDATE: It seems that CFRP is not the only one's out there questioning the meaning of the 5th of November date.:
The problem? Their huge political win is going to be mired due to Neocon criticism that Ron Paul is endorsing terrorism against the US government.
Christians Should Support Constitutional Government
by Chuck Baldwin
...Daniel Webster is regarded as perhaps America's most notable jurist. Webster said, "Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."
He also said, "The hand that destroys the Constitution rends our Union asunder forever."
read the rest:
Christians Should Support Constitutional Government
Globalist stooge Bush betrays US for German-EU
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted By Terrorists?
Onward Christian Soldiers!
Separation of Church and State? Says Who?
God's One Government Has Two Branches!
Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?
British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger
Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?
Switzerland for Ron Paul!
Welcome Switzerland!
(thanks to for the information and the screenshot!)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright
Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright
by J. H. Allen - free!
This book by Allen is noted as one of the major textbooks on the subject of British-Israelism. Here it is, FREE, for you to download!
Ron Paul, Tom Cruise e os Sex Pistols
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Ron Paul: Upcoming Events
Gold...por Alan Greenspan
The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."
Alan Greenspan, "Gold and Economic Freedom," Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, (Livro de Ayn Rand)
PS: Como é habitual, a parte fundamental sobre como é a criação monetária (inflação quantitativa) que está na origem dos ciclos económicos (o grande "insight" miseseano) não é mencionada, ficando-se pelos males da inflação de preços, mas já não é nada mau.
Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars
(...)The irony of supposed free-marketeers inducing communists to freedom with government handouts should not be missed. We call for a free and private press in Cuba while our attempts to propagandize Cubans through the U.S.-government-run Radio/TV Marti have wasted $600 million in American taxpayer dollars.
(...) Let's stop the hysterics about the freedom of Cubans – which is not our government's responsibility – and consider freedom of the American people, which is. Americans want the freedom to travel and trade with their Cuban neighbors, as they are free to travel and trade with Vietnam and China. Those Americans who do not wish to interact with a country whose model of governance they oppose are free to boycott. The point being: it is Americans who live in a free country, and as free people we should choose whom to buy from or where to travel – not our government."
Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy
read more digg story
Monday, October 29, 2007
Freedom Under Siege (9)
Freedom Under Siege, página 33
Nazi-designed EU and NAU by stealth
The EU's new treaty is the same as the rejected constitution - only the format has been changed to avoid referendums, says Valery Giscard d'Estaing, architect of the constitution. See more >
It's no coincidence that attempts to forge the Nazi-designed European Union is often done by stealth and blatant deceit, just like the treacherous globalists intent on imposing the Nazi-designed North American Union upon our peoples.
Globalist stooge Bush betrays US for German-EU
Time to Abolish the EU?
Free Nations
A ironia. É graças a vários comentadores políticos que troçavam de Ron Paul que a sua candidatura ganhou força. É por isso que vale a pena agradecer a todos os comentadores à direita e à esquerda tradicionais que tratavam com desdém Ron Paul. Estavam a tratar com desdém a ideia de liberdade face ao governo central. Estavam a dizer às pessoas que não existe experança. Os apoiantes noramalmente inertes e sem reação face à política acordaram. Estes comentadores antagonistas foram um catalizador da Ron Paul Revolution.
Jim Rogers Endorses Ron Paul!
Watch the video:
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Sem Dogmas
Ron Paul, numa posição tradicional que sempre existiu no seu país (e cujo afastamento se deveu a progressistas democratas...Wilson e Roosevelt, este último irremediávelmente comprometido com Estaline e por causa da ONU... o primeiro nos seus excessos ideológicos-morais), prefere confiar no julgamento independente caso a caso, assente em mecanismos internos de decisão, do que ser arrastado exógenamente para "inevitáveis" tornados cada vez mais prováveis à medida que a NATO se expande (se reparem a NATO é mais um caso de um "poder" criado com um fim, mas que arranja sempre formas de não só não desaparecer quando o fim desaparece, como arranja motivos para crescer... é o padrão habitual em qualquer "programa").
A componente securitária e militar sempre foi a porta de entrada para a centralização do poder e mesmo o totalitarismo. E o pensamento liberal clássico sempre reivindicou ter uma sensibilidade genuina e especial contra esse perigo.
Concorde-se ou não com a tese de neutralidade armada, ela é válida e inteiramente consistente com o liberalismo. Este, se desapareceu, não terá sido por guerras a menos, mas sim por guerras a mais.
Portanto, sem dogmas, vamos pelo menos deixar como válidas para a discussão, os argumentos não-intervencionistas em política externa.
Is Michael Medved paranoid about Ron Paul?
Once there, may God grant such swine repentance that they may lead holy lives in the holy land and confess and repent of the destruction they've wreaked around the world or drown in their own perdition.
I'm voting for RON PAUL, along with a diverse group of people who support his common sense.
Libertarian Pro-life
"(...)It makes perfect sense to be pro life but have the sense to realize that you can't pass laws for a moral standard. That is the job of the church. Like it or not, this country has become all about self. My car, my house, me, me, me. That's what happens when we replace God with legislation. We don't seek peace and wisdom, but instead we want everything done the way we say,"or else." Ron Paul doesn't want to use the government as a stick to beat people, but to serve. That's real moral fiber. That's what this country is founded on, but has gotten very far away from. Too much T.V. I'm thinking. May God forgive us and bring us back, because we won't legislate our way out of this one."
Um comentário de Timber a um artigo muito interessante no Usaellectionpolls sobre as sondagens estaduais, em particular as sondagens no Texas.
Por falar em disparates, conversemos sobre o défice
O mundo é o que é. Ron Paul propõe a saída da NATO, o que é um erro. não deixa, no entanto, de ser uma opinião fundamentada e de ter, por isso mesmo, o seu valor. Desistir das nossas opiniões, apenas porque alguém as pode considerar ridículas é para os pobres de espírito, para os que querem ser nada. Temos aqui um ponto a favor de Ron Paul.
Analisemos agora Ron Paul de outro ponto de vista, já mencionado pelo Carlos Novais: A queda do dólar e os défices abissais, que são fruto das erradas políticas da Administração Bush, a que se junta a indisciplina fiscal que marcou os últimos 7 anos. Se formos por este caminho, concluímos que o desastre vai ser brutal, as dificuldades imensas, o próximo presidente vai ter uma administração hipotecada e, no entanto, Bush foi presidente dois mandatos, os EUA são ainda a grande potência mundial e têm força para dar a volta. Se o que Ron Paul diz da NATO pode ser um disparate, o que Bush fez com o excedente orçamental herdado de Clinton, foi pior que um disparate. Sucede que, enquanto o segundo chegou a presidente, o primeiro apenas traz ideias, boas ideias para o debate.
The world is what it is.
Jim Rogers fala da queda do US ...
Adenda: Na verdade ... Jim Rogers endorses Ron Paul.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Brissot understood the war as preventive — “une guerre offensive,” he called it — to defeat the despotic powers of Europe before they could organize their counter-Revolutionary strike. It would not be a war of conquest, as Brissot saw it, but a war “between liberty and tyranny.”
Pro-war Jacobins believed theirs was a mission not for a single nation or even for a single continent. It was, in Brissot’s words, “a crusade for universal liberty.”(...)
To defend the nation from its enemies, Jacobins expanded the government’s police powers at the expense of civil liberties, endowing the state with the power to detain, interrogate and imprison suspects without due process. Policies like the mass warrantless searches undertaken in 1792 — “domicilary visits,” they were called — were justified, according to Georges Danton, the Jacobin leader, “when the homeland is in danger.”(...)
He warned his political opponents, “This severity is alarming only for the conspirators, only for the enemies of liberty.” Such measures, then as now, were undertaken to protect the nation — indeed, to protect liberty itself.
If the French Terror had a slogan, it was that attributed to the great orator Louis de Saint-Just: “No liberty for the enemies of liberty.” Saint-Just’s pithy phrase (like President Bush’s variant, “We must not let foreign enemies use the forums of liberty to destroy liberty itself”) could serve as the very antithesis of the Western liberal tradition.(...)
A terroriste was, in its original meaning, a Jacobin leader who ruled France during la Terreur."
Legalize Freedom - Vote Ron Paul!
Young American Jews & Israel
by Jonathan Rosenblum
What Jews under 35 feel towards Israel goes beyond apathy to outright resentment.
What else can be expected when rabbis have failed to teach that Judaism requires Jews to make the move to the Jewish Homeland, and that, at the very least, it hastens the coming of Mashiach?
If Jewish folks don't want to make aliyah they will die in the wilderness of exile physically and spiritually, as many already appear to be numbered among the living dead as Eretz Yisrael fails to enliven them with meaning and purpose to become a holy people and a "Light to all nations" - just like too many who live in Israel but whose hearts are far away, despising their biblical call and holy inheritance that Ishmael claims and the German-EU covets.
Warning the Jews
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah
What do Christian Zionists believe?
Christian Zionists believe and support the fulfillment of the many prophecies that foretold the restoration of Jews from all over the world to the Promised Land of Israel. Christian Zionists oppose those who would seek to undermine or destroy the Jewish Homeland for the myth of Palestine that is against the Word and Will of God.
Christian Zionists put many Jews and Israelis to shame, especially those who remain in a self-imposed exile contrary to the clear teachings of Judaism and those like Shimon Peres who are out in left field and would surrender Jerusalem to sworn enemies if the price is right.
Thankfully, the Two Witnesses (in the spirit of Elijah) will comfort captive Israel and Judah who will be humbled by the Time of Jacob's Trouble/the Great Tribulation (which includes Jerusalem's occupation for 3 1/2 years) and be prepared to receive Yeshua, Israel's King.
Christian Zionists believe the Bible
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Condi Rice must go!
Stop Welfare for "Palestinian" Terrorists!
Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted By Terrorists?
An Open Letter to President Bush
Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!
Globalist stooge Bush betrays US for German-EU
Ahab and Jezebel
A insustentável leveza do rótulo
Não existe 100% fruta natural
Começo com as políticas em que discordo de Ron Paul. Estas são, essencialmente, a nível de política internacional e refiro-me essencialmente à NATO, organização da qual Ron Paul defende a saída dos EUA.
Considero a NATO uma organização importantíssima para a estabilização do mundo ocidental. Quem tenha lido The Long Entanglement de Lawrence S. Kaplan, ou o Strategies of Containment, de Gaddis, sabe dos riscos que a Europa ocidental correu em 1945, nos pedidos de socorro que vieram dos europeus e da ajuda crucial que foi a pronta decisão dos EUA nesta matéria.
Creio que a NATO continua a ter uma importância crucial na estabilidade mundial. Foi acreditando nisso mesmo que escrevi, em Janeiro deste ano, um artigo na Revista Atlântico, intitulado o Novo Atlântico, no qual considerei da máxima importância a adesão de países como o Brasil, Angola e Cabo Verde a esta organização militar.
O que é importante, julgo, é compreender que sendo Ron Paul um liberal, não há lugar a dogmas. A diversidade, a discussão, o confronto de ideias é a luz da vida. A razão de ser, além do amor e da amizade, da nossa existência. Não há projectos perfeitos, não há homens perfeitos, não há ideias perfeitas, mas projectos homens e ideias globalmente vantajosos. O meu apoio a Ron Paul parte daqui.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Maybe we're just not classifiable
Here is one answer BobW gave in the forum-section, which discribes the uniqueness of this social movement:
Maybe we're just not classifiable
On October 26th, 2007 BobW says:
"I'm only a "Republican" because I registered as one so I can vote for Paul in the primary. But then I'm not a Democrat either, as I don't favor socialism, illegal immigration, or government enforced racial discrimination (a.k.a. "affirmative action"). On fiscal policy both parties are hopeless -- tax and spend (Democrats) or borrow and spend (Republicans). On foreign policy both parties seem to accept the notion that it is our country's job to play world cop.
Ron Paul is attracting a lot of people who have no place else to go.
My answer:
"I love that answer! I`ve got to blog it!
"Ron Paul is attracting a lot of people who have no place else to go."
As a German citizen living in Munich, Bavaria, I`m so desperately longing for real liberty, that I know of no politician worth my simpathy and energy more than that old doctor from Texas. And by doing as much as a "meaningless" individual from abroad can do promoting a foreign longshot republican abroad and telling my german friends, who have never heard of him, that that guy could be the single most "big hope" for what we used to dream of: peace in the world - I meet the craziest, warmest, most diverse, energized, humorus, gentle, toughtfull, respectfull, tolerant (!) bunch of people on earth: the brillant wrighters and commentators of
You guys are the best. It is an honour as a fellow human being and concerned citizen of the world to witness your efforts.
Thank you!
Views: 526,926 "Ron Paul: A New Hope"
Autoria: eLIB3RTY (segundo parece, é editor de filmes em Hollywood)
À frente no tráfego
(...)When the main sites for Bill O’Reilly, Colbert, Michael Moore, and Bill Maher are mixed in with the presidential sites, O’Reilly comes out on top, with 20.41% of the market share, about 4% higher than Ron Paul, 8% higher than Barack Obama, and a whopping 12% higher than Hillary Clinton. (via Eleições Americanas, a acompanhar)
Ron Paul é o candidato com maior tráfego online. É a Revolution.
Código Samurai
Série "Vamos lá ser moralistas"
"(...) the Allies agreed and planned to create several countries within its former boundaries. Originally Kurdistan, along with Armenia, was to be one of them, according to the never-ratified Treaty of Sèvres. However, the reconquest of these areas by Kemal Atatürk and other pressing issues caused the Allies to accept the renegotiated Treaty of Lausanne, accepting the border of the modern Republic of Turkey and leaving the Kurds without a self-ruled region. Other Kurdish areas were assigned to the new British and French mandated states of Iraq and Syria under both treaties.
The Kurdish delegation made a proposal at the San Francisco Peace Conference in 1945, showing the geographical extent of Kurdistan as claimed by the Kurds. This proposal encompasses an area extending from the Mediterranean shores near Adana to the shores of the Persian Gulf near Bushehr, and it includes the Lur inhabited areas of southern Zagros.[16][17]
Since World War I, Kurdistan has been divided between several states, in each of which Kurds are minorities"
Message from Colorado
Our goal is simple: to win the Colorado caucus on February 5 by getting Ron Paul grassroots supporters into the neighborhoods and winning the 3500 neighborhood precincts that will be meeting that night. Our use of the Internet is mainly organizational though we are compiling some issues information for those who are still making up their minds.
We are hoping that you can help in a few ways:
- Get out the word to American expats in your area who may be from Colorado.
- Get out the word to anyone in your area who knows people living in Colorado.
- Get out the word to anyone in your area who may be visiting Colorado this winter (eg skiing - esp Dec/Jan) to mention Ron Paul or even just talk about the election to the various people they meet while here. Tourism is a big business in Colorado and to have foreign visitors know about and mention Ron Paul will do a lot to raise awareness for those who don't follow politics.
In turn, we hope that some of the more public organizational/grassroots info that we post on our site will be helpful to you as you think about how to affect politics in your country.
Best regards,
Jeff Freeburg
Série "Vamos lá ser moralistas"
Kurds show coded support for PKK "Kurdish political leaders will tell you (in private) that at least 80% of their people support the rebels and are proud if a family member is "living in the mountains."
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ron Paulian thoughts
E se todos estes tipos não quiserem uma democracia a sério, a gente salva-os bombardeando-os.
Eu, por mim, gosto desta história sobre "políticas externas com valores".
"MONARCHY AND WAR", Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn*:
"(...) In February 1914, Mr. Wilson thought that the Mexicans would be much happier if, politically, they imitated the United States, which inturn had imitated France.71
This worried Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Minister. Between him and American Ambassador Walter Hines Page, a curious dialogue developed.
The theme was Mexican reluctance to adopt a full-fledged democracy, which theUnited States, after all, had fostered and abetted in Mexico even before they had supported Benito Juarez, the murderer of Emperor Maximilian.72
The exchange of opinions went as follows:
Grey: Suppose you have to intervene, what then?
Page: Make ’em vote and live by their decisions.
Grey: But suppose they will not so live?
Page: We’ll go in again and make ’em vote again.
Grey: And keep this up for 200 years?
Page: Yes. The United States will be here for 200 years and it can continue to shoot them for that little space till they learn to vote and rule themselves.73
71 I often ask American audiences where in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution one finds the words “democracy” and “republic.” Their surprise is great when they learn that neither appears in either document. When I tell them that, according to Charles Beard, the Founding Fathers hated democracy more than Original Sin, they are surprised. Nor are they delighted when I tell them that after 1828, their country hadgone to the French School.
72 The Duce was given his Spanish first name by his anarchist father. It was Benito (instead of Benedetto) in honor of Benito Juarez, who had a monarch executed. The fasces, we must remember, are a republican symbol, and Fascism found its full realization only in the Republica Sociale Italiana, with the seat in Salo.
73 See Burton J. Hendrick, The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, vol. 1 (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1925), p. 188."
Socorro, a Sharia vai ser imposta ao Ocidente...
Entretanto, na agenda:
Oct 25
Arab-Americans for Ron Paul Dinner
Oct 26
Arab-American Institute Nat'l Leadership Conference
Observadores menos obtusos...
Errar é humano...manter o outro nome.
Guerras de independência
A luta dos insurgentes ou patriotas americanos contra os colonos britânicos e a dos confederados sulistas contra os unionistas do Norte foi a mesma: a insurgência contra um poder centralizador e ilegítimo. Pelo auto-governo e pela liberdade.
USA Daily welcomes Ron Paul supporters to their forum
USA Daily welcomes Ron Paul supporters and supporters of all of the candidates from either party into our newly launched USA Daily Forum that has just been launched in beta.
The controversy around the banning of Ron Paul supporters on Redstate, the conservative blog, seems to be indicative of a growing mentality regarding political expression.The limited time given to certain media non-preferred candidates running in either party, including Ron Paul, during the debates in this election, is a perfect example of an elitist mindset from members of the media. In the case of Ron Paul and the Republican primary, the idea that media generated polls should determine which candidates have a legitimate shot at winning the nomination instead of the actual amount of money raised is ridiculous. Ron Paul’s campaign at the end of the third quarter had 5.4 million dollars on hand, about a million dollars less than Fred Thompson and about half of what Giuliani has for the primary. Ron Paul’s campaign has pointed out that McCain’s campaign is actually in debt and that Huckabee has about $700,000 in cash. If McCain and Huckabee have a shot at winning, so does Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has generated crowds of 1-2 thousand people at various rallies across the country. Paul's campaign has raised almost 1.8 million this month and is on pace to raise about 2.5 million by the end of the month in online donations alone. Clearly there is support.It should also be noted that in 1996 Pat Buchanan was polling at 1-2% a few weeks prior to the New Hampshire primary even though he ended up winning it. We believe in free and fair elections and that only the voters can decide who has a legitimate shot at winning an election. We don’t know who will win the election but to claim that certain candidates can’t win implies that it isn’t really an election. We do understand that Redstate has their reasons for banning new Ron Paul supporters and they are certainly within their rights in determining the quality of the online community that they provide.
Our new forum is in Beta but we hope that voting by members on stories and posts will act as a self governing mechanism for the most part. Of course we will expect civility and professional behavior from all members of our forum regardless of political affiliation. Our forum is located on a separate website and is designed to allow for interactivity with our readers while still maintaining the integrity of our news site
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NeoCons and NeoCrats
"Time is running out. America is approaching the writing of its darkest chapter. Stand up for your freedom; there is still hope. There is Ron Paul. If you have not already done so please join his cause and have a loud unapologetic voice for the message of liberty and peace while you still can."
Read it here.
Vedran Vuk has a bachelor degree of Economics from Loyola University of New Orleans, and was a 2006 Summer Fellow at the Mises Institute. He is currently pursuing a doctorate of economics at George Mason University.
read more digg story

St. Anselm College's Institute of Politics : New Hampshire Poll
Ultrapassando assim os tais 2-3% constantemente referidos por todo o lado.
Lincoln e o Direito Natural
* July 17, 1858: "What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races."
* Aug. 21, 1858."I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races (...) I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position." And, "Free them [slaves] and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this. We cannot, then, make them equals."
* Sept. 18, 1858:"I will to the very last stand by the law of this state, which forbids the marrying of white people with Negroes."
* In his First Inaugural Lincoln promised to invade any state that failed to collect "the duties and imposts," and he kept his promise.
* April 19, 1861, the reason Lincoln gave for his naval blockade of the Southern ports was that "the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed" in the states that had seceded.
* Congress, July 22, 1861: that the purpose of the war was not "interfering with the rights or established institutions of those states" (i.e., slavery), but to preserve the Union "with the rights of the several states unimpaired."
* Aug. 22, 1862: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it" Fonte
O "marxismo azul" explica
Lord Acton, esse libertino, em carta a Robert E. Lee:
"I saw in State Rights the only availing check upon the absolutism of the sovereign will, and secession filled me with hope, not as the destruction but as the redemption of Democracy. (...)
Therefore I deemed that you were fighting the battles of our liberty, our progress, and our civilization; and I mourn for the stake which was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at Waterloo."
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rabin Memorials Begin in Israel
by Hillel Fendel
Once again, the week of the 12th of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan has become a time of public controversy as the country commemorates the murder of former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.
Yitzhak Rabin was sacrificed by the Israeli oligarchy for their German-Jesuit masters intent on occupying Jerusalem.
Why Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by the Left
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Will Yitzhak Rabin's "Bloody Shirt" Defeat Shimon Peres Again?
Avishai Raviv - Eyal - and Yitzhak Rabin
The Man in NYC
Here is Dr. Paul and the Revolution at Grand Central station.
Ron Paul Spammers Needed! Historic Mass Donation Day. We CAN Do This!
read more | digg story
Ron Paul’s Wife Talks About Fox News Debate
read more digg story
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Momento Freud Paul
(isto é, tirando o pensamento extremista de querer tansformar [a la trotsky-cons] o mundo à imagem de um centrinho direitinho em todos os assuntinhos)
Continued EU Idiocy parte 2
fonte: .
Monday, October 22, 2007
Mises escreve a apoiar Ron Paul (sort of)
Friedman and Schwartz in their massive history of money apparently accepted that Keynesian explanation, at least in part -- attributing the stock-market crash of October 1929 to a “speculative investment bubble,” the cause of which was “a somewhat controversial topic.” But the cause of that “bubble,” the seeds of the crisis, were actually inherent in the very principles on which the Fed was founded. (...)
The Fed was to create a “flexible” money supply to satisfy the “needs of business” and to serve as the lender of last resort to banks in crisis. Thus its very purpose was inflationary. It fostered “easy money” by making loans available at relatively low interest rates. The new “easy money” lured businessmen to undertake enterprises they would not have considered profitable at market interest rates. Thus business boomed. The stock market flourished. If there had been no boom, there would have been no monetary contraction. Thus, the Fed’s responsibility for the depression extends to the preceding boom.(..)
It was in 1912 in his first book on monetary theory that Ludwig von Mises laid the groundwork for the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle. He pointed out then that the monetary boom/bust cycle stemmed from the encouragement given by central banks to expand credit. He described the process in some detail in 1928:
(...) The fact that each crisis, with its unpleasant consequences, is followed once more by a new “boom,” which must eventually expend itself as another crisis, is due only to the circumstances that the ideology which dominates all influential groups -- political economists, politicians, statesmen, the press and the business world – not only sanctions, but also demands, the expansion of circulation credit
(...) But the Fed faced a dilemma: to expand and to keep on expanding the quantity of money would lead to a catastrophic boom and runaway inflation. But when and if it stopped expanding it would cause an economic crisis. Friedman apparently recognized this later. But as far as I know, he gave no indication that he realized it was inherent in the very principle on which the Fed was based. But then he was an inflationist; he believed that only by constantly and steadily increasing the money supply, to keep abreast of increases in production and population size, can an economy prosper." BETTINA BIEN GREAVES
Conclusão? Abolish the FED (ok, mais devagar, permita-se que todos os BCs deste mundo enfrentem a concorrência de uma relíquía do passado). Ron Paul Revolution.
Ron Paulian thoughts
Para ajudar: Iraq cannot hand over rebels to Turkey: Talabani by Abdel Hamid Zebari
ARBIL, Iraq (AFP) - Iraq's president said on Sunday that Baghdad could not deliver Kurdish rebel leaders to Turkey, as the crisis over the Iraq-based fighters intensified with the killing of 12 Turkish soldiers."The handing over of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) leaders to Turkey is a dream that will never be realised," Jalal Talabani, himself a Kurd, told a news conference in Arbil, the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region.