Sunday, July 31, 2011

Media Release: Mission Australia warns battle for affordable housing continues among the homeless

In a sign that the battle for affordable housing is growing, leading Queensland homeless organisation Mission Australia has reported its staff are now spending almost twice as many hours trying to find appropriate permanent housing for people as they were six months ago.

According to the latest data, Mission Australia’s frontline staff working in seven of its homeless services across Queensland, spent more than 420 hours assisting clients to secure permanent housing and tenancy between 1 January and 25 July 2011.

This compares to 241 hours staff had to spend specifically on securing housing for clients in the six months prior.

State Director Penny Gillespie said the increasing challenge in finding permanent accommodation for people experiencing homelessness shows just how essential the push for more affordable and social housing has become.

“Mission Australia has seven services throughout Queensland aimed specifically at helping homeless people to find permanent accommodation and turn their lives around,” Ms Gillespie said.

“Often our work isn’t primarily about finding someone a ‘roof over their head’; it’s about tackling the issues that stop them being able to maintain independent accommodation such as family conflict, mental illness or unemployment.

“But in the last six months, the amount of time our staff have had to dedicate to simply trying to locate and secure permanent housing for eligible clients has almost doubled.

“This demonstrates just how tough the lower end of the housing market has become, and of greatest concern is the impact such a shortage will have on people who are homeless or at risk of becoming so.

“We don’t want to see homeless numbers spiral in Queensland, leading to more young people, adults and families ending up living on the street or sleeping on a friend’s living room floor.

“We know that the demand for public or affordable private housing in Queensland is very high and we acknowledge the significant efforts of the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments to invest more funding than ever before to boost social housing supplies.

“We also welcome the significant contribution of both levels of government to providing better services and support through the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness.

“With National Homeless Persons’ Week starting today, this latest data is a strong reminder of how important this investment is and the risks to our community if such investment doesn’t continue.

“Our staff will keep doing everything we can to support people who have nowhere else to go and we will continue to work with all levels of government and other housing providers to assist clients to get a fair go in the housing market.”

Media Contact: Nicola Hazell – 3394 8114 or 0467 783 421

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