Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CYI graduates reveal their talents at exhibition

Graduates of Mission Australia’s Creative Youth Initiatives last night revealed a year’s worth of artistic creations at their end-of-year exhibition.

Held at The Muse Gallery in NSW TAFE – Sydney Institute and titled ‘Serendipitous Illusions’, for Artworks! program students like Hayley, the exhibition was the first real opportunity to display their work to family and friends.

Standing before a packed roomful of guests, including her supportive CYI tutors, Jane Gillings and Irene Traucki, Hayley made a poignant speech about her journey over the past year. She explained how the course transformed her from thinking of herself as a “failure” to someone with self-belief and direction:

“What you see on the walls tonight is simply a physical representation of this year’s hard work... The things I am most proud of achieving are the invisible changes,” she said.

“The changes to my outlook on life, my attitude towards my family, my interactions with my friends and my plans for the future.” (You can read Hayley’s full speech here).

Hayley received the award for being the Most Improved Student. Also recognised were Amber-Rose, who received the Encouragement Award, and Brian, who was presented with the Commitment Award for his remarkable enthusiasm.

All three awards were generously sponsored by Vodafone, long-time supporters of CYI. Volunteers from Vodafone also manned the sales desk where guests purchased students’ artworks and received arriving guests.

Rebecca, Jessica and Hayley, also received Sir David Martin Foundation scholarships for the provision of educational resources, while Claire and Milan were recognised with $100 art supply certificates from Oxford Art Factory.

Among those congratulating the students were Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall and NSW State Director Leonie Green, as well Director of TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, David Riordan, who presented students with their graduation certificate.

Distinguished artist Leo Robba was also among the Artworks! guests. Leo was the ambassador of the recent American Express Festival of Potential at Darling Harbour, which encouraged members of the public to paint a small canvas. For each completed painting, American Express gave $25 to Mission Australia youth services – resulting in a $50,000 donation to CYI.

The Festival of Potential paintings were all photographed, with the images used to create an interactive, digital heart collage that went on display last night.

Many thanks to American Express, Vodafone, Sir David Martin Foundation, The Raymond E Purves Foundation, Sir David Martin Foundation, Australian Stockbrokers Foundation, Gwynvill Group and Ansvar Insurance.

Mission Australia wishes all of the CYI graduates the very best for 2011 and beyond.

The CYI ‘Serendipitous Illusions’ exhibition runs at The Muse Gallery, 695-731 Harris Street Ultimo, until the afternoon of Friday 10 December. Visit for inspiring art, Christmas gifts with heart (works are for sale) and to view the Festival of Potential digital collage.

Above photo from left: Artist and Festival of Potential Ambassador Leo Robba and CYI graduate Jessica at the Artworks! launch.

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