Friday, December 31, 2010

N y e

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N y e

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Woodside volunteers freshen up YASS for Christmas

Young residents at Mission Australia’s Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS) in Perth are enjoying freshly renovated bedrooms thanks to the generosity of Woodside Energy.

Earlier this month more than 80 generous volunteers from Woodside Energy spent two days redecorating six bedrooms for young residents at the Perth service.

As part of the ‘Beds for Christmas’ project, Woodside Energy volunteers fitted new lighting, floor coverings, beds, linen, desks and blinds that were chosen by professional interior decorator Helena Farrell.

Service Manager Eric Nordberg said he was delighted with the results: “It’s all about providing a pleasing, attractive environment and making the young people using the service feel that Mission Australia cares – which we do.

“Our partnership with Woodside Energy has been a very supportive one, and we are grateful. We would certainly like to extend our thanks to them for helping us.”

This year Mission Australia and Woodside Energy celebrate 10 years of working together to help Australians in need. Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall praised the work of Woodside Energy employees, who have raised an amazing $51,000 this year alone through their Christmas Appeal.

To see the Woodside Energy team in action during the ‘Beds for Christmas’ makeover, see the video below or visit our Youtube channel

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Changes of 50 years

How many changes have occurred in Manly since this photo looking over Sydney Road was taken in 1958! The boardwalk enclosing Manly Cove pool is the most lamented loss, smashed by storms in 1974. From the middle of the shot, the Hotel Manly has gone, and the bus terminus nearby. The Fun Pier carousel and amusements have gone. Further over, the Olympic Baths have gone, and at Little Manly, the Gasworks and Gasometer. The Coles site on the Corso has undergone more than one change over the period. And you may be able to spot numerous other changes.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A quick coffee break

Ron Paul : Social Security is not Insurance

Ron Paul
December 28, 2010
Perhaps the biggest media story of 2010 was the influence of Tea Party voters on the congressional landscape.  The new congress comes to Capitol Hill with a mandate to end profligate spending and restore fiscal sanity, we are told.  But when the House and Senate convene in January, the newly elected members will face tremendous pressure to maintain spending levels for entitlement programs.  Even the most modest proposals to trim Social Security or Medicare spending will be met with howls of indignation and threats of voter revolt.  Legislators who propose any kind of means testing or increased retirement ages can expect angry visits from senior citizen lobbyists ready to fund a candidate back home who supports the status quo.
But millions of Americans now realize that the status quo is an illusion that will not last even another 10 or 20 years.  The federal government cannot continue to spend a trillion dollars more than it collects in revenue each year, because we are running out of creditors.  Fiscal reality is setting in, and the consequences may be grim even if Congress finds the courage to take decisive action now.
Courage begins with a commitment to see things as they are, rather than how we wish they were.  When it comes to Social Security, we must understand that the system does not represent an old age pension, an “insurance” program, or even a forced savings program.  It simply represents an enormous transfer payment, with younger workers paying taxes to fund benefits.  There is no Social Security trust fund, and you don’t have an “account.”  Whether you win or lose the Social Security lottery is a function of when you happened to be born and how long you live to collect benefits.  Of course young people today have every reason to believe they will never collect those benefits.
Read more >>>>

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Jim Rogers and Judge Napolitano Take On the Fed

12/21/2010 Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Jim Rogers and Judge Napolitano expose the Federal Reserve as a "Den of Vipers" in the latest episode of Freedom Watch Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

Texas Straight Talk: Social Security is Not "Insurance"

Perhaps the biggest media story of 2010 was the influence of Tea Party voters on the congressional landscape.  The new congress comes to Capitol Hill with a mandate to end profligate spending and restore fiscal sanity, we are told.  But when the House and Senate convene in January, the newly elected members will face tremendous pressure to maintain spending levels for entitlement programs.  Even the most modest proposals to trim Social Security or Medicare spending will be met with howls of indignation and threats of voter revolt.  Legislators who propose any kind of means testing or increased retirement ages can expect angry visits from senior citizen lobbyists ready to fund a candidate back home who supports the status quo.

Ron Paul : Competing Currencies Can End the Fed Softly!

Ron Paul : Competing Currencies Can End the Fed Softly! The proof that this works, is just look back at the Californian gold rush. There were all sorts of private mints working. I think its a great idea.

”Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Banks.” Congressman McFadden June 10 1932

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Driving to sydney

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Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 12/27/10

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 12/27/10: Hey Tea Party, Privatize Social Security!

Friday, December 24, 2010


On the verandah

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This arvo

At nth bal

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Merry Christmas from the Ron Paul Family

Originally posted 12/11/2007

Merry Christmas to Ron Paul, his family, his team, and all fellow supporters!

This is Ron Paul's classic 2007 Christmas video... we hope there will be another one in 2011!

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.


Lin and John norman

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Summer fruit

Just about to make a summer berry kiss

First ride

This is way cool. Straight from phone to blog. Harry is a genius!!

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Christmas morn

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Christmas morning

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Christmas morning

Here we are

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Christmas day

Up early

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Ron Paul : Distorting the Tax Policy Debate

Ron Paul
Texas Straight Talk
December 24, 2010
George Orwell warned us about the use of “meaningless words” in politics, words that are endlessly repeated by sloganeering politicians until they have no meaning at all. Meaningless words certainly were on display during last week’s congressional debate over the latest tax bill.
Over and over again we heard trite, empty phrases like “tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%,” “tax giveaways,” “tax earmarks,” and “borrowing money to give to millionaires.” Time and time again the same falsehoods were presented as fact, and reported as such by a credulous media.
But all of these clichés about taxes are based on the presumption that government has a right to all of your income, and so government “gives” you something when it allows you to keep a portion of that income. To this mindset, tax cuts represent a “cost” to government. After all, they argue, money that really ought to go to the most noble of purposes– wealth redistribution via taxation–is being kept by greedy people and corporations who just don’t want to pay their fair share.
read more >>>>

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Snake crossing

The Sydney Morning Herald reported an alarming traffic hazard on 18 December 1911: “Just as a tram from the Spit had reached Balgowlah Heights on Saturday afternoon, the passengers on the front seat saw a huge brown snake bearing down the track towards them. Its quarry was a large lizard, and so preoccupied was it with the prospect of the prospective meal, that it left the tram out of its calculations. The lizard passed under the tram, and the snake, but a couple of feet behind, followed. The tram-driver, anxious to be in at the kill, pulled up short, and with some passengers, rushed back along the track. But the kill was over. The lizard escaped, so far as the tram was concerned, but the snake, 5 feet long at least, had been cut in three pieces by the wheels.”

Ron Paul Invites You To CPAC 2011! Be There!

Ron Paul Invites You To CPAC 2011! Be There!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spare a thought for the “hidden homeless” this Christmas

Of the 105,000 people who are homeless every night in Australia, about a quarter are families with children.

With this statistic, staff attending last week’s Westpac Christmas party in Sydney were reminded that not everyone had safe and secure homes to return to that night.

Before the end-of-year festivities, Westpac’s Head of Stakeholder Communications Sean Glover joined Mission Australia Community Services Executive Leader Lincoln Hopper and Missionbeat Manager Daniel Petsalis on stage to provide an insight into family homelessness.

The 20-minute discussion to raise awareness about this “hidden homelessness” came a week after Westpac and Mission Australia launched a partnership to combat family homelessness.

“What makes it [family homelessness] worse is that eight out of 10 families can’t be helped and that tears the fabric of Australia apart,” Mr Hopper said. “It’s a horrible problem that we have to solve and thankfully we are starting to make inroads into that.”

Mr Hopper said a lack of affordable housing was a central cause of family homelessness, but the loss of a job, a financial setback, divorce and mental health problems contributed.

“If you don’t have a job and you’re homeless it’s awfully difficult to find another one. Your kids won’t be going to school, and it’s going to be difficult to do anything but try to search for somewhere to live. That repeated day in and day out takes people into a spiral,” he said.

“People start to rely on the family and friends network… but after a couple of months you’re going to wear out your welcome.”

Mr Petsalis recalled a homeless mother and five children who “outwore their welcome” with family a few days before Christmas 2009: “I made the trip out to pick up her and her five kids. And being a dad of four kids of similar age and knowing this Christmas these kids were not going to be spending it at home, and there was going to be 12,000 kids Santa wouldn’t find, it was sad to see…”

Fortunately, Mission Australia placed the family in accommodation before Christmas and linked them to support services. “It was just by that contact with us that we were able to start that ball rolling, because they were going to hit the streets the next day,” Mr Petsalis said.

Westpac staff were moved to tears when Leslie Butt, Mission Australia Operations Manager Adult Accommodation and Support, shared a poignant story about a young family she assisted at Fairfax House – an accommodation service in Sydney’s west for families in crisis.

“I know how heartbreaking it is to see anyone that’s homeless, but if you’ve ever experienced seeing a homeless child, a homeless family and not be touched by that… Everybody wants to have good things for their families.

For the past eight months, the family had been living in temporary housing and in their car, so they were relieved that a two-bedroom unit was available to them:

“The car had broken down and wasn’t on the road so they had to come in by train and all their belongings were in plastic bags,” Lesley recalled. “And I remember this little girl, she would probably only be about four, came up the pathway dragging her little bag and said ‘Can I stay here?’

“I said ‘Of course darling you can stay, and she was so happy. It stuck in my mind that a little four-year-old girl was asking to stay with her belongings in a rubbish bag.

You can help Mission Australia to overcome family homelessness by supporting our Christmas Appeal.

A proud day for Triple Care Farm graduates

Friends, family, staff and supporters gathered at Triple Care Farm last Thursday to celebrate the remarkable journey made by the 2010 graduates of the program.

End-of-year ceremonies at Mission Australia’s unique rehabilitation program are always special, and this year was no exception with the graduates sharing their experiences through music, song and speech.

The ceremony began with a graduate reading out a poem about how Triple Care Farm had transformed his life. Youth Worker Lindsay Martin then joined graduates in the Triple Care Farm Band to perform Neil Young’s ‘Heart of Gold’ and closed the event with Rolling Stones classic ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’, with Service Manager Gabriella Holmes joining in on tambourine.

Located in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Triple Care Farm is regarded as one of the nation’s most successful residential programs for young people experiencing homelessness, substance abuse and mental health issues.

As Ms Holmes told guests, in 2010 Triple Care Farm received around 6,180 enquiries about its services. This year 101 young people took part in the residential program with a further 90 participating in the aftercare program.

An amazing 100 per cent of participants from Semester 1 are now in stable accommodation. Fifty per cent are in employment and training, while the other half is involved in further education.

After receiving his certificate from Lady Martin of the Board of the Sir David Martin Foundation, a young graduate told guests how staff and volunteers at Triple Care Farm helped him to get his life back on track:

“Before I came to Triple Care Farm I was drinking, taking drugs. I lost my licence and my friends; I lost my girlfriend… basically everything. I felt so down.”

While on the farm, he obtained a bobcat licence, learnt woodwork skills and rebuilt his self-esteem. The young man is now working full-time, has attained a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, rents his own place and hopes to attend university in 2011. Importantly, he is also rebuilding friendships.

“Triple Care Farm has given me a new lease on life. I’m a different person,” he told supporters.

The father of another graduate gave a heartfelt thanks to the remarkably dedicated staff and volunteers who make Triple Care Farm the special place it is.

During the ceremony, Mission Australia Chairman Ewen Crouch thanked the many service clubs, businesses and trusts and foundations that had supported Triple Care Farm in 2010, including The Property Foundation, The Coca Cola Foundation, Illawarra Grammar School and the Nelson Foundation.

Key supporters, including representatives of the Jamberoo Branch Country Women’s Association (CWA), Walton Construction and Kiama Rotary, then each presented scholarships to graduates. The Bowral Branch of the CWA also presented the Mrs Margaret Chambers OAM Scholarship in recognition of Mrs Chamber’s 40 years of service.

There was more cause to celebration when Bruce Odling of Friends in Giving presented Triple Care Farm with a cheque for over $50,000, raised from the group’s annual ball. “By contributing to society, you get so much more out of it,” he told graduates.

Matt Brown, the Member for Kiama and a regular visitor to Triple Care Farm, also presented a $10,000 grant for a gym upgrade on behalf of the NSW Government.

After the ceremony, guests enjoyed a lunch expertly prepared by the Jamberoo Country Women’s Association and Moss Vale Lions Club.

Mission Australia congratulates all the Triple Care Farm graduates and wishes them the very best for the future.

Above photo (L to R): Mission Australia Chairman Ewen Crouch and Triple Care Farm Service Manager Gabriella Holmes

Media Release: Young environment trainees graduate in Ballarat

Local youths will graduate from an exciting Mission Australia environmental training program on Thursday, 23 December 2010.

Mission Australia’s National Green Jobs Corps – a 26-week environmental training program offered in partnership with Conservation Volunteers Australia – offers young people, aged 17 to 24 years, a combination of work experience, skill development and accredited training to equip them with the skills necessary for future employment in green and climate change industries.

During the project, the group of graduates from the Ballarat region worked on the restoration of native habitat environment, revegetation, environmental weed control, water monitoring, flora and fauna surveys and design and construction of a cultural heritage trail at Lerderderg State Park near Bacchus Marsh.

These projects involve working with conservation and community groups, including Northern Goldfields Box-Ironbark Parks and Forest Restoration, Parks Victoria and the Department of Sustainability and Environment. The graduation will congratulate participants on achieving a Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management.

“Our recent graduates enjoyed making a difference to the local environment and picking up skills for the future.

“We want to congratulate each graduate on this big achievement and wish them all the best on their career journey here on in,” Mr Moore said.

Date: Thursday, 23 December 2010
Time: 11.30am to 1pm
Where: Sovereign Hill, Main Rd, Ballarat

Interview and photo opportunities:
Catherine King MP Federal Member for Ballarat
Anthony Moore, Victoria Regional Manager, Mission Australia
Graeme Allen, Conservation Volunteers Australia
National Green Jobs Corps graduates and their families

Media contact: Emily Lehmann on (03) 9600 0006 / 0421 852 501 or

Ron Paul : Central Planning does not work - END THE FED NOW - freedom Watch 21 DEC 2010

Freedom Watch [21-Dec-10] Judge Napolitano - Ron Paul on the FED

Congressman Ron Paul joins Judge Andrew Napolitano to partake in an in-depth discussion regarding the Federal Reserve, its effectiveness, and its shifting position in the mainstream political dialogue.
Ron Paul : Central Planning does not work END THE  FED NOW:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

merry christmas   

please watch this wonderful christmas message from the Harrys

Media Release: Melbourne Zoo opens doors to 3,000 children and their families from across Victoria

More than three thousand Victorians will experience the zoo for the first time today at Melbourne Zoo as part of a pre-Christmas event that enables social inclusion, education and fun.

The Mission Australia Family Day at the Zoo, in partnership with Zoos Victoria and MetLink and V/Line, gives free entry and free public transport to Victorian children from across the state, including migrants and refugees.

Mission Australia Victoria State Director said: “Many of us take the opportunity to visit Melbourne’s world-leading arts and recreation venues for granted, but this is the first chance many of our family guests will have to experience the excitement and wonder of a zoo.

“Our latest National Youth Survey found the number of Victorians taking part in arts and cultural activities has dropped significantly since 2008, highlighting the need to encourage activities which engage children and their families to build their relationships and life skills,” he said.

As part of its programs, Mission Australia has supported many of these families to overcome the challenges that have prevented them from participating in community activities and taking public transport in the past.

“All families have been provided with free travel on metropolitan and regional networks for the day, which will boost their confidence on public transport in the future.

“We thank Metlink and V/Line for their support,” said Mr Bird.

More than 100 volunteers from Mission Australia, Vline and Metlink will help many first-time public transport users find their way to and from the event, as well as navigate their way around the zoo.

Melbourne Zoo Director Kevin Tanner said: “We welcome the opportunity to encourage families to connect with amazing animals from Australia and around the world and find out how they can play a part in saving wildlife.”

Highlights also include face painting, music performances and chalk art, which start from 10am.

Event details
  • What: Mission Australia and Zoos Victoria Family Day at the Zoo
  • Where: Melbourne Zoo, Elliott Avenue, Parkville.
  • When: 10AM to 3PM on Wednesday, 22 December
    12.15PM – Media opportunities
  • Who: More than 3,000 migrants, refugees and Victorian children and their families visiting Melbourne Zoo for the first time.

Interview and photo opportunities:
  • Mission Australia’s Victorian State Director, Paul Bird
  • Zoos Victoria CEO, Jenny Gray
  • Families attending
  • Children feeding the giraffes

Media contacts:
  • Rachael Nightingale on (03) 9600 0006 / 0449 881 980 or
  • Emily Lehmann on (03) 9600 0006 / 0421 852 501 or

Distorting the Tax Policy Debate

 Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

Distorting the Tax Policy Debate

“George Orwell warned us about the use of “meaningless words” in politics, words that are endlessly repeated by sloganeering politicians until they have no meaning at all.  Meaningless words certainly were on display during last week’s congressional debate over the latest tax bill.

Over and over again we heard trite, empty phrases like “tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%,” “tax giveaways,” “tax earmarks,” and “borrowing money to give to millionaires.”  Time and time again the same falsehoods were presented as fact, and reported as such by a credulous media…” 

Click here to read the full article:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Shell Cove MAELS staff help out western families at Christmas

Staff and families at Mission Australia’s Early Learning Service (MAELS) centre at Shell Cove, NSW, have opened their hearts to children in the state’s central west by contributing presents to a giving tree.

Centre Director Carissa Roberts said she was overwhelmed by the generous response to the “giving tree” Christmas Appeal, which will help families who access our Cootamundra OOSH (Out of School Hours) program.

For the past six years this program has catered for local families who have to travel up to an hour away to work as the result of the region’s long-lasting drought. In the past 12 months alone the Cootamundra OOSH program has worked with 202 families.

The Shell Cove MAELS team set up its “giving tree” in the centre’s foyer. In recent weeks generous staff and local families have taken gift tags from the tree marked with the names of boys or girls and bought appropriate presents to place under it.

On Monday these gifts were passed on to Bill Dibley, Southern NSW/ACT Community Services Operations Manager, and Cheryl O’Donnell, the OOSH Service Manager, to give to families who access the Cootamundra after-school care program.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ron Paul : Paying for Tax Cuts: Whose Money Is It?

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 12/19/10

Paying for Tax Cuts: Whose Money is it?

by Ron Paul

George Orwell warned us about the use of meaningless words in politics -- words that are endlessly repeated by sloganeering politicians until they have no meaning at all. Meaningless words certainly were on display last week during congressional debate over the latest tax bill. Over and over again we heard trite, empty phrases like "tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%", "tax giveaways", "tax earmarks", and "borrowing money to give to millionaires." Time and time again the same falsehoods were presented as fact and reported as such by our credulous media.

But all of these cliches about taxes are based on the presumption that government has a right to all your income, so government gives you something when it allows you to keep a portion of that income. To this mindset, tax cuts represent a cost to government. It's argued that money that really ought to go to the most noble of purposes, wealth redistribution via taxation, is being kept by greedy people and corporations who just don't want to pay their fair share.

Far too many Americans truly believe that tax cuts represent a government giveaway, indistinguishable from an outright subsidy or entitlement payment. To combat this mindset we need to be clear with our language. A subsidy, properly understood, occurs when government takes tax dollars and gives them to favored individuals, companies or industry. A tax cut by contrast simply means government takes less from an individual, company or industry. When government takes less from you, it has not given you anything. It merely has harmed you less. This is the critical distinction that has been lost in the endless tired debate about tax policy.

Of course, the bill passed last week did contain some actual spending, mostly in the form of an extension of unemployment benefits for another 13 months. The total spending in the bill amounted to about $60 billion, but the tax savings in the bill, meaning the amount of money that will remain in the hands of the taxpayers rather than being sent to Washington is approximately $850 billion. So while a clean tax bill would have certainly been preferable, the tax relief it contains is significant. It means $850 billion will be spent, saved or invested by American citizens rather than being sent into the black hole known as the federal treasury.

The media however dutifully reported that opposition to the bill came from concerned members of Congress who felt the $850 billion "cost" of the bill was too high and would add too much to the deficit. As always, they could not distinguish between government giving and government taking away. The American people already pay plenty in federal taxes. The deficit is the result of a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Had the bill not passed, millions of Americans would have seen their paychecks shrink in January due to the increased tax withholding. That is the plain and simple truth, and that is why I voted for the bill.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

Media Release: Christmas relief when you need it most

Mission Australia will extend their regular “Monday Munchies” free food service for homeless people and those in need to include Christmas dinner and hampers today.

The dinner is part of a $25,000 Christmas Goodwill and crisis response package funded by the Northern Territory Government to help members of our community at a time when they need it most.

Mission Australia’s NT Operations Manager Community Services, Brad McIver said the special Christmas dinner was a great opportunity for Mission Australia staff and volunteers to share a meal with local people who face significant challenges in their lives.

“As we approach Christmas our thoughts inevitably turn to the people we know and love. But it’s important to also remember the hardships and challenges facing the thousands of disadvantaged Territorians, particularly families, many of whom use Mission Australia services for support and assistance,” Mr McIver said.

“In the fun and excitement of Christmas it's easy - too easy - to forget the real meaning of the season.

“The Christmas dinner and hampers are an important way of giving back – of us extending our friendship and support to people in need – to let them know that they are not alone and share with them the spirit of the season.

“For so many people the reason they attend Monday Munchies and in particular the Christmas Dinner each year is to have a ‘normal’ conversation, with genuine people, based on mutual respect. It is this experience that we look forward to each year when we invite our staff, volunteers, and clients to join together in a pre-Christmas meal.”

Mission Australia has also received kind donations of food and gifts from Palmerston City Council, Minter Ellison, and Nightcliff Shopping Centre.

In recent years Mission Australia has supported between 1200 – 1500 individuals and families across the Territory specifically during the Christmas and New Year period.

The Mission Australia Christmas dinner will start at 5pm this afternoon.

Mission Australia is committed to creating a fairer Australia by standing up for people in need and helping them to access pathways to a better future. Working with government, corporate Australia and the wider community, the organisation is determined to overcome disadvantage across the nation.

“This is an opportunity to give those who are disadvantaged, lonely or isolated a reason to celebrate on Christmas Day,” Mr McIver said.

Media may attend the Christmas dinner tonight at 5pm at 6 Frances Drive, Palmerston

For further information please contact: Janelle Rees on 8941 9169 or 0405 538 448

Ron Paul Blasts TSA Screenings

Ron Paul Blasts TSA Screenings

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Media Release: Christmas comes early for Tasmanian family in the form of a restored car

Christmas came early today for a family who were the victims of car theft, when they were handed the keys to a restored 1996 Ford Falcon EF Station Wagon by seven young Tasmanians at a graduation ceremony for Mission Australia’s U-Turn automotive training course.

U-Turn is a ‘best practice’ diversionary program for young people who have been involved in, or who are at risk of becoming involved in, motor vehicle theft.

The core component of the program is a structured ten-week automotive training course in car maintenance and body work, delivered in a workshop environment.

Mission Australia’s U-Turn Manager Kathryn Cranny, said the family who had recently had their car stolen were very excited about the prospect of receiving the car and regaining transport for their family, including a new born baby.

“During the 10-week course, the U-Turn participants undertook panel beating on the privately donated car, completed an engine service, replaced the gear box, resprayed the bumper bars and the front panel, and finished off with a new set of alloy wheels,” Ms Cranny said.

“The opportunity for participants to repair a vehicle for presentation to a victim of vehicle theft is one of the most important components of the U-Turn program.”

Graduates were presented with certificates by Scott Bacon MP and the Acting Assistant Commissioner Stephen Bonde.

Achievement Awards were also presented at the graduation ceremony including the Hazell Bros Most Outstanding Graduate which went to Malcolm, while Toby received the Encouragement Award for Aptitude and Achievement. Zack received the RACT Safety Awareness Award, Robert received the Excellence Award for Consistent Effort while Daniel received the Go Kart Gold Tyre Award.

The U-Turn workshop is located in Moonah with a supported accommodation service available to enable young people from other parts of the State to participate in the program. The program is delivered by Mission Australia, under contract to Tasmania Police, and is funded by the State Government.

Mission Australia has almost 280 services across every state and territory in Australia and has five offices in Tasmania, located in Burnie, Launceston, Hobart, Moonah and Devonport.

For more information: Lucinda Bray, Font Public Relations, 0438 280 486

Three U-Turn clients were recently featured in our 'MATV' series of videos - view below or visit our channel at

AGL volunteers lend a hand at MAC Christmas party

Clients of the Mission Australia Centre (MAC) in Surry Hills have enjoyed a Christmas party complete with a traditional hot lunch and karaoke thanks to volunteers from AGL.

Thirteen volunteers from AGL organised and served food, welcomed guests and entertained the crowd with a carol. One really got into the spirit by donning a red suit and beard to hand out lollies and offer photos with Santa.

This is the eighth year that AGL has funded, organised and staffed the MAC Client Christmas Party.

After being welcomed by Mission Australia Chief Operating Officer, Leisa Hart, and joining in prayer with Meffan Kaiwai, MAC Team Leader, guests tucked into turkey and pudding.

One MAC resident who has turned his life around at centre said that this Christmas would be one to remember for all the right reasons: “Coming here has really picked me up. It’s a special Christmas, and a sober Christmas… The meditation classes here [at the MAC] have been unbelievable and have helped me to change and see the world differently.”

Another guest, who attends the innovative Catalyst Clemente educational program at the MAC, thanked the centre’s staff for their dedication and care: “We couldn’t love it any better!”

The Mission Australia Centre provides crisis accommodation for homeless men and “wrap-around” programs and services for men and women that address issues such as health, literacy, and self-esteem.

Further Reading... 

Ron Paul: US Gov is More Dangerous than WikiLeaks

Ron Paul criticized the U.S. government's efforts to shut down WikiLeaks and attack Julian Assange, and compared the murderous consequences of the government's lies to the fact that not a single life has been lost due to the WikiLeaks revelations.

He also commented briefly on the prospects for a 2012 run for the presidency, and on his son Rand Paul moving into his condominium in Virginia.

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Manly Cemetery's Man from Snowy River

On 31 July 1912, 79 year-old George Henry Hedger died at his home, Langllan, Sydney Road, Manly. He was buried in plot B.608 of Manly Cemetery. Newspaper obituaries of the day stated that Mr Hedger was regarded as the model for Banjo Paterson’s poem, The Man from Snowy River. The Sun’s obituary stated “He it was who was the original upon which Mr A B Paterson penned the version which did much to make his reputation.” The Sun went on to state: “Over mountain range, down precipice, and into deep recess of ravine, over rugged acclivity and ground encumbered by rock and felled tree he rode his horse, hunted the wild mob, and by cooee, with crack of stock-whip and bark of dog, rounded in the clean-skins and unbranded beasts in a manner that astounded the new chum and puzzled all.”

George Hedger was born in Hobart, Tasmania in May 1833, and moved to the Monaro district when he was nine years old, accompanying the Crisp family. In his adulthood he made his name as a stock-rider and bushman. He settled at Matong, on the Snowy River. He sold that station and settled at Woods’ Point, Bombala. Latterly, he came to Manly, where he lived at Sydney Road from about 1908 onwards. Langllan was on the north side of Sydney Road, between West Street and Dudley Street, not far from present-day Balgowlah Park.
At the age of 70 he married Amelia Payne at Wellington, NSW, in 1903. They had children George H Hedger, born Coonabarabran, 1904; and Eva M Hedger, born Coonabarabran, 1906. It is not clear whether George had children (or indeed a wife) surviving from an earlier marriage.
At his funeral, which was taken by Rev A G Stoddart of St Matthew’s Church, Manly, it was noted that Mr Hedger had lamented the choice of Canberra as the nation’s capital - he had been of the belief that “Dalgety, or better still, Bombala was just the place for it”.
George Hedger was not the sole candidate for the honour of inspiring Paterson’s poem, and Paterson himself did not state that any one bushman was the model for his heroic horseman.

Ron Paul on CNBC 12/14/10

Congressman Paul on CNBC's Closing Bell with Maria Barteromo

Congressman Paul discusses his plans as the new chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee the FED is a cartel who has the monopoly on money the constitution does not give them these powers says Ron Paul

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Rise of Ron Paul

Once shunned by the mainstream media, made fun of by establishment politicians, and questioned by political pundits, Congressman Ron Paul is finally getting the fifteen minutes of mainstream media fame that his followers say are so well deserved. In a recent NY Times profile, the Republican Congressman was quoted as saying that there is a "50-50 chance" that he will run again. His views on everything from domestic policy, to monetary reform, to US policy abroad are alternative, to say the least, but they seem to be catching on. His message is resonating even more with the rise of the tea party movement, and subsequently, the rise of Ron Paul himself.

Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are the bravest, most honest politicians in the West. Their action alone can save the US from annihilation and the rest of the world from total chaos. Simple as that.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The art of small business on show in Adelaide

South Australian graduates of Mission Australia’s New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) are displaying their talents at a special end-of-year show - Simply ‘Delaide.

Launched on Thursday night by Kate Ellis, Federal Minister for Employment Participation, the exhibition features jewellery, painting, illustration, wall art, Indigenous art, fashion design, graphic design and photography created by local NEIS artisans.

Fittingly, the exhibition venue - Paper String Plastic - is owned and operated by a former NEIS participant.

Funded by the Australian Government, the NEIS program helps job seekers to successfully set up their own small businesses. Participants are trained in business management and helped to develop a business plan. They also receive a year of NEIS payments and are assigned a mentor for the first 12 months in business. Around 900 people participate in NEIS through Mission Australia every year in every state and territory.

Mission Australia’s South Australian NEIS Manager, Warren Silverston, said that Simply ‘Delaide aims to display the breadth of small businesses established by NEIS graduates and to celebrate their success.

“Most people, when they think of successful small businesses, they don’t automatically think of someone in the creative arts – jewellery designers, photographers, fashion designers, musicians, animators. But this showcase is about changing those perceptions,” Mr Silverston said.

“There’s no reason people with a creative gift can’t learn the attributes of managing a successful small business and turn their passion into a livelihood.

“All the exhibitors at this showcase are uniquely talented. Mission Australia’s role – and the role of NEIS – was to provide the support, guidance and expertise to assist them to make a go of it and channel their talent in a targeted and professional way.

“The creative arts sector adds millions of dollars to the Australian economy every year and employs thousands of people. We’re confident our NEIS graduates will be active participants in that contribution and go on to have very successful careers.”

Simply ‘Delaide’ is on show at Paper String Plastic, 99A Hindley Street, Adelaide, until 28 December.

Above photo from left: Prins Ralston, Mission Australia Executive Leader - Employment Solutions; with Kate Ellis, the Minister for Employment Participation; Rebecca Murdoch, Job Services Australia Contract Manager, and gallery co-owner Magdalena Tomaszewski.

Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 12/13/10

Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 12/13/10

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ky Sen. Rand Paul: More Transparency of The Fed is a Must

Alex Jones talks with the United States Senator-elect for Kentucky, Rand Paul

Ron Paul Bloomberg December 10 2010

Congressman Ron Paul is interviewed by Bloomberg. December 10, 2010 Ron Paul is the last great(honest) statesman.It's interesting that the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment were "passed" by the SAME congress.REPEAL The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This will get rid of them and the IRS!The weakest, most ridiculous part of our government is the Supreme Court. It never does anything to impeach all the Congressmen who swear to uphold the Constitution and then renege on their oath, betray the people, commit fraud, commit treason.

Ron Paul: I will Try to Stop the Fed Secret Bailouts

Ron Paul expresses his disapproval of the Federal Reserve's potential indirect bailout of states and other bankrupt entities through the purchase of municipal bonds.
Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

Ron Paul : Lying is Not Patriotic

Assange is not guilty of treason, because he is not an American citizen. Julia Gillard notwithstanding, Australia has not formally been declared the 51st state of America

the Libertarians have  good policy suggestions like upholding certain freedoms, adhering to the Constitution, tightening of the money belt,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mission Australia and Westpac tackle family homelessness together

Mission Australia and the Westpac Group yesterday have launched a long-term partnership aimed at addressing family homelessness over the next decade.

Families make up a quarter of all homeless people (105,000 homeless Australians on any one night) and up to 80 per cent of homeless families seeking crisis accommodation are turned away from government-funded homeless services.

The partnership was officially launched yesterday at the Mission Australia Centre in Sydney’s Surry Hills, with Mission Australia Chairman Ewen Crouch and CEO Toby Hall; Westpac’s Peter Hanlon, Group Executive, People and Transformation, and the Hon Tanya Plibersek, Federal Minister for Social Inclusion and Human Services in attendance.

They were joined by representatives from Housing NSW, MA Housing as well as Mission Australia and Westpac staff.

In the first stage of the partnership Westpac has agreed to provide $1 million over three years to Mission Australia for specific projects to address homelessness. Westpac and Mission Australia will also work together to launch a social innovation fund, targeting capital funds to be used to develop more affordable housing nationally.

Mr Hall, said the partnership was unique in Australia and displayed a shared commitment between the two organisations to tackling one of the nation’s major social problems.

He said addressing family homelessness required a three-pronged approach - prevention strategies to “turn off the tap” to homelessness; the provision of crisis accommodation services like the Mission Australia Centre to give longer-term support and offer breathing space, and the delivering of more affordable housing .

“Australia’s lack of affordable housing is one of the most significant factors influencing family homelessness,” Mr Hall said.

“Westpac’s support for this partnership will make a huge difference to our work and in the lives of countless homeless families – and those at risk of homelessness – now and in the years to come.”

At yesterday’s launch Mr Hanlon said Westpac was proud of its century-long association with Mission Australia and was committed to addressing homelessness, which is “not just about shelter – it’s also about self-esteem and inclusion”.

Above photo from left: Ewen Crouch, Mission Australia Chairman; The Hon Tanya Plibersek, Federal Minister for Social Inclusion and Human Services; Toby Hall, Mission Australia CEO; and Peter Hanlon, Group Executive, People and Transformation, Westpac.

Ron Paul Announces Chairmanship on Freedom Watch!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Daniel makes the Sydney Magazine’s Top 100

Mission Australia’s own Daniel Petsalis, Service Manager - Homeless Support Services, has been named as one of Sydney's Top 100 Influential People by the (sydney) magazine, which is out today.

Daniel, who manages the iconic Missionbeat service that supports homeless people in the inner-city, was selected by a panel of 40 judges after being recommended by members of the community – including his Twitter followers.

Daniel said he was honoured to be selected for the category of Community People. “It was quite difficult to keep this information to myself,” said Daniel.

On Monday night he attended a celebration with his fellow ‘Influential People’, including scientists, lawyers, astronomers, software developers, people from the hospitality field, media personalities and politicians.

“I was amazed and humbled by how many people wanted to talk about Mission Australia and how many people wanted to come out and see how we assist homeless and disadvantaged people on the streets of Sydney,” Daniel said.

Since joining Twitter two years ago, Daniel has built up a following of more than 1,000 people who follow his daily tweets.

“Through Twitter I have had contacts with lots of people that have become involved with our service, through fundraising activities, service visits, or who have even become ambassadors for Mission Australia,” Daniel said.

“I regularly receive responses to my tweets from politicians, celebrities, sports stars and also wonderful everyday people.”

You can follow Daniel on and read more about his work in the new issue of the (sydney) magazine, which is available today in Sydney metro newsagencies and to subscribers of The Sydney Morning Herald in New South Wales.

Extract from today's article:

As a police officer in the inner west, Daniel Petsalis's involvement with the homeless and disadvantaged was often limited to arresting them. That changed eight years ago when he became Missionbeat's manager of Homeless Support Services, running the crisis vans that transport those sleeping rough to safe accommodation and medical care. "I was in a position to help the same group longer term," he says.

"To delve into their lives." In the past two years, Petsalis, 34, has become a crucial player in The Michael Project, which is making mobile, streetbased medical services such as occupational therapy and outreach nursing possible, thanks to a $5 million donation Preliminary data from the project will help provide the organisation with evidencebased research they've lacked to help both homeless service provision and lobbying efforts.

In 2010, part two of the project started in Parramatta. "We have the first 28 clients ready to go into permanent accommodation," says Petsalis

"You can't explain the look on someone's face when they get house keys for the first time."

Woodside Energy volunteers work hard to provide Beds for Christmas

More than 80 generous volunteers from Woodside Energy are getting into the Christmas spirit to perform a 48-hour festive renovation rescue at Mission Australia’s Youth Accommodation and Support Service (YASS) in Perth.

YASS provides crisis accommodation to young people aged 15 to 25, as well as access to counselling, education and support services.

With Woodside Energy’s help, the six bedrooms that provide refuge for young people experiencing tough times will be transformed into modern havens for three young men and three young women, complete with new paintwork and furniture

As part of what has been called the ‘Beds for Christmas’ project, Woodside Energy volunteers will fit new lighting, floor coverings, beds, linen, desks and blinds, all selected by a professional interior decorator.

This year Mission Australia and Woodside Energy celebrate 10 years of working together to help Australians in need. Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall praised the work of Woodside Energy employees, who have raised an amazing $51,000 this year alone through their Christmas Appeal. The staff appeal is managed by Enfield Stybarrow Development Manager Daniel Medd.

“This year marks a decade since Mission Australia and Woodside Energy began working together to help Australians in need. In this time, Woodside employees have raised a staggering $300,000 and given many hours of their time in volunteer work,” Mr Hall said.

“It’s a wonderful relationship that demonstrates the great good that can be achieved in the community when corporate Australia lends its support to such a worthy cause.”

The hardworking Woodside Energy volunteers will complete the renovation this afternoon – you can read about the finished product tomorrow.

Media Release: New partnership offers hope for homeless families

A new strategic partnership announced today between The Westpac Group and Mission Australia will address family homelessness and help deliver more affordable housing across the country over the next decade.

In the first stage of the long-term partnership Westpac has agreed to provide $1 million over three years to Mission Australia for specific projects to address homelessness.

In addition Westpac and Mission Australia will work together to launch a social innovation fund, targeting capital funds to be used to develop more affordable housing nationally.

The partnership was launched at an event in Sydney this morning by Gail Kelly, The Westpac Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Toby Hall, Mission Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, and Tanya Plibersek, Federal Minister for Social Inclusion.

In launching the new partnership, Mrs Kelly said: “As an active supporter of communities all around Australia, The Westpac Group believes it has a responsibility to help address the issue of homelessness.

“I am particularly proud to be announcing this strategic new initiative with Mission Australia, which we are hopeful will deliver real difference over the next decade.

“In partnering with Mission Australia, we have chosen a caring and dedicated organisation whose expertise The Westpac Group and its employees can draw upon to help make a genuine difference to the lives of the homeless.”

Mission Australia’s CEO, Toby Hall, said the partnership was unique in Australia and displayed a shared commitment between the two organisations to tackling one of the nation’s major social problems.

“Australia’s lack of affordable housing is one of the most significant factors influencing family homelessness,” said Mr Hall.

“Westpac’s support for this partnership will make a huge difference to our work and in the lives of countless homeless families – and those at risk of homelessness – now and in the years to come.

“Westpac and Mission Australia enjoy a long, shared history – Westpac has been Mission Australia’s bank of choice for close to 150 years. It’s wonderful to see this strong association develop to a new level.”

Other important aspects of the partnership include:
  • In-kind and pro bono support from Westpac to Mission Australia.
  • Engagement of Westpac’s 40,000 staff on the issue of homelessness and through a range of activities (eg: volunteering).
  • Strategic advice from Mission Australia to Westpac on how best to leverage its activities and harness innovation to address homelessness.

“There’s a stark challenge facing the country – families make up a quarter of all homeless people (105,000 homeless Australians on any one night) and up to 80% of homeless families seeking crisis accommodation are turned away from government-funded homeless services.

“This partnership couldn’t have come at a more crucial time in meeting that challenge head on and making a difference in the years to come,” said Mr Hall.

Westpac media contact: Jane Counsel (02) 8253 3443 or 0416 275 273

Mission Australia media contact: Paul Andrews (02) 9219 2080 or 0409 665 495

Ron Paul on Americas Rotten Banks

Ron Paul is the only true politician that knows what he is talking about. stands up for the people and the American way of life. Loves liberty and freedom ,believes in less govt. intervention.RT talks to Congressman Ron Paul about everything from emergency bailouts, to North Korea, via Sarah Palin.We're already on the road to a depression! Nothing was saved! The bailouts were a stall tactic!Cult of personality...rock star politician larger than life. Ron Paul is the lone voice of reason heard by the people that support him, ignored by his colleagues . He is knowledgeable and gives truth from an insider perspective yet he is still a shill politician corrupted by the system. I am convinced he is a corrupted insider connected at the hip with everyone else through the brotherhood of secret societies. Free masonry corrupts all politicians, religions and government through hidden agendas.

Thanks RT for another great interview. You want "fair and balanced?" RT has both! Also, thanks to KTMP in SF for broadcasting RT throughout the Bay Area,Who ever would have thought that Russia Today would be more credible, more fair and balanced than all US corporate media? They don't push the establishment government line. I need some RT on my cable tv!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CYI graduates reveal their talents at exhibition

Graduates of Mission Australia’s Creative Youth Initiatives last night revealed a year’s worth of artistic creations at their end-of-year exhibition.

Held at The Muse Gallery in NSW TAFE – Sydney Institute and titled ‘Serendipitous Illusions’, for Artworks! program students like Hayley, the exhibition was the first real opportunity to display their work to family and friends.

Standing before a packed roomful of guests, including her supportive CYI tutors, Jane Gillings and Irene Traucki, Hayley made a poignant speech about her journey over the past year. She explained how the course transformed her from thinking of herself as a “failure” to someone with self-belief and direction:

“What you see on the walls tonight is simply a physical representation of this year’s hard work... The things I am most proud of achieving are the invisible changes,” she said.

“The changes to my outlook on life, my attitude towards my family, my interactions with my friends and my plans for the future.” (You can read Hayley’s full speech here).

Hayley received the award for being the Most Improved Student. Also recognised were Amber-Rose, who received the Encouragement Award, and Brian, who was presented with the Commitment Award for his remarkable enthusiasm.

All three awards were generously sponsored by Vodafone, long-time supporters of CYI. Volunteers from Vodafone also manned the sales desk where guests purchased students’ artworks and received arriving guests.

Rebecca, Jessica and Hayley, also received Sir David Martin Foundation scholarships for the provision of educational resources, while Claire and Milan were recognised with $100 art supply certificates from Oxford Art Factory.

Among those congratulating the students were Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall and NSW State Director Leonie Green, as well Director of TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, David Riordan, who presented students with their graduation certificate.

Distinguished artist Leo Robba was also among the Artworks! guests. Leo was the ambassador of the recent American Express Festival of Potential at Darling Harbour, which encouraged members of the public to paint a small canvas. For each completed painting, American Express gave $25 to Mission Australia youth services – resulting in a $50,000 donation to CYI.

The Festival of Potential paintings were all photographed, with the images used to create an interactive, digital heart collage that went on display last night.

Many thanks to American Express, Vodafone, Sir David Martin Foundation, The Raymond E Purves Foundation, Sir David Martin Foundation, Australian Stockbrokers Foundation, Gwynvill Group and Ansvar Insurance.

Mission Australia wishes all of the CYI graduates the very best for 2011 and beyond.

The CYI ‘Serendipitous Illusions’ exhibition runs at The Muse Gallery, 695-731 Harris Street Ultimo, until the afternoon of Friday 10 December. Visit for inspiring art, Christmas gifts with heart (works are for sale) and to view the Festival of Potential digital collage.

Above photo from left: Artist and Festival of Potential Ambassador Leo Robba and CYI graduate Jessica at the Artworks! launch.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Makeovers for our Early Learning Services forts

Play equipment at the 13 Mission Australia Early Learning Services (MAELS) throughout New South Wales have been creatively spruced up as part of a statewide fort makeover competition.

The idea was to turn a plain piece of standard play equipment into something that would inspire creative play.

Mannering Park ELS, in the Lake Macquarie area, won the competition thanks to the five dedicated staff members who came in over the weekend to paint the existing fort. They also added a variety of materials that would engage a child’s senses, such as glittering crystals, coloured sun-catchers in the shape of butterflies, beaded bamboo curtains, fluttering materials, tinkling wind chimes and noisy pots and pans.

The children played their part by creating bark paintings that were attached to the fort, as well as adding craft made from natural materials. MAELS centres are in the process of replacing artificial features with more naturalistic materials, including recycled materials.

MAELS centres in Cooranbong, also in Lake Macquarie, and Kurri Kurri in the nearby Hunter, should also be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

The other MAELS centres in New South Wales include Beresfield, Stockton, Tanilba Bay and Mount Hutton in the Hunter; Bateau Bay, Woodbury Park, Cooranbong and Tumbi Umbi on the Central Coast; Horningsea Park in Sydney, and Corrimal and Shell Cove in the Illawarra region.