Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fake Jews & Israelites vs. legitimate Jews & Israelites

There are many who make illegitimate claims to being part of the "Lost 10 Tribes," while only the Anglo-Saxons and white peoples of Northwestern Europe bear the biblical birthmarks of fulfilled prophecies.

Gentile CONVERTS to Judaism are converts to Judaism - not ethnic Israelites. Most are simply looking for a better life in a Western-style country and converting to Judaism affords them that opportunity, whereas most Jews who remain in their self-imposed exile in the wealthy professing Christian countries don't desire to make the move to Israel. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!

The sons of Joseph, the Anglo-Saxons, have fulfilled the prophecies like no other "claimants" to Israel's inheritance can: Manasseh has become the single great nation of the United States, and his brother Ephraim has become the British Commonwealth of Nations (Gen. 48:19), as clearly brought out in The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy, influenced by Herbert W. Armstrong, one of the greatest proponents of this biblical truth.

After our prophesied 2520 years of exile, Israel began to grow and multiply and be blessed around 1800-1803.

A Jewish Homeland reveals how our Jewish brethren also came into their own after the time of their punishment came to a close, and boldly declared their statehood in 1948, holding the Promised Land in trust for all Twelve Tribes of Israel (Rom. 3:2).

The birthmarks of fulfilled biblical prophecies include, as the Jerusalem-based Brit Am Israel organization teaches:

According to the Bible ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away (1 Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel" (1 Kings 12:20) and were exiled by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:18). They forget their identity (Hosea 1:9, 7:8; Isaiah 49:21) and became the Lost Ten Tribes. In the future they will re-unite with the Jews (Ezekiel 37; Isaiah 11:13; Jeremiah 3:18) of "Judah", but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (Deuteronomy 33:13; Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be the richest (Genesis 27:28, 49:25; Deuteronomy 33:13-16; Hosea 2:8), and most powerful (Numbers 24:8-7 Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth and to control major international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60). All of these points together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western Nations, especially the English-speaking ones.

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel

Michael Freund's fraud: Indian converts pretending to be Joes!

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