Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Western Wall good enough for the Pope, but too 'controversial' for Bush"

Haaretz is reporting that US President George Bush will visit Masada during his visit here next month, rather than visiting the Western Wall or the Cave of the Patriarchs, both of which are deemed 'too controversial.' Pope John Paul II visited the Western Wall during a visit here in 2000. Organizers of Bush's planned two-and-a-half-day stay said they had been searching for a symbolic location for the president to visit, but wanted to avoid one that might stir controversy like the Western Wall, Golan Heights or Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron...

"Western Wall good enough for the Pope, but too 'controversial' for Bush"


President Bush should make pilgrimage to the Temple Mount, as it is the holiest site in biblical Christianity where Yeshua (Jesus) taught and prayed, as well as the Jewish apostles - oh, but Bush isn't a Bible-believing Christian or he wouldn't aid and abet those who would dismember the Promised Land of Israel - the Jewish Homeland - and pervert parts of it into an accursed "Palestine" or reward terrorism by arming Israel's enemies.

Furthermore, the godless Israeli government enables Muslim occupiers to trample the religious rights of Christians and Jews upon the Temple Mount daily and wouldn't permit Bush to pray or read the Bible there. Thankfully, despite the failings of men, the Temple Mount will soon host the House of Prayer for all Peoples.

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