"The story follows Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson’s crusade to supply Afghani militants (mujahideen) in their fight against the Red Army. Almost a billion dollars of sniper rifles, bullets, machine guns, rocket launchers, antiaircraft guns, grenades, surface to air missiles, and an array of mines were given to these fanatics. The logistics and politics of Operation Cyclone is the topic of this film, adopted by Aaron Sorkin. Witty dialogue and outrageous characters make this a madcap adventure into the dark world of politics, complete with Mossad agents, strippers, and evangelicals.
While one can read about blowback and the devastating consequences of clandestine intervention, seeing the deeds done hits viscerally.
It seems, as Bismarck said, that to retain our appetite for sausages and foreign policy, one ought not see them made. "
Alguém assume a ligação entre o anterior apoio aos freedom fighters [Rambo III anyonwe?] e problemas actuais? Não.
Regra número dos geo-estratega-militaristas-humanistas:
Seja qual for a dimensão de desgraças propagadas pela sua ciência oculta nunca assumir qualquer culpa ou ligação. Pelo contrário, cada dificuldade que eles próprios ajudam a aumentar em vez de conter, aproveitar para vender mais uma escalada.
A principal característica do estatismo é:
- prosperar com as maleitas que ele próprio provoca.
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