Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Censorship American Style


This just in from the Ron Paul 2008 Campaign HQ:

June 19, 2007

Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn’t invited.

We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate. Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation or simply overlooked it. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief, to ask about it. To our shock, Mr. Failor told us Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain. The call ended.

Lew then called Mr. Steve Sheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him. Mr. Sheffler did not answer so Lew left a message. He has yet to respond.

Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates? Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the Republican presidential candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

We couldn’t get answers to these questions from Messrs. Failor and Sheffler. Maybe you’ll have better luck. Their contact information is below.

It's ironic that on the same day we learned the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul’s participation in its nationally broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008

Contact Information

Edward Failor
Iowans for Tax Relief
2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761

Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413
E-mail: itr@taxrelief.org

Steve Sheffler, President
Iowa Christian Alliance
939 Office Park Road, Suite 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Phone: 515-225-1515
Fax: 515-225-1826
E-mail: slscheffler@iowachristian.com


Please take a moment and contact both of these people to register your disgust with censoring the one candidate who has won consistently all the debates thus far.

This is about censoring the American People and denying them the right to a real debate on the very serious issues facing America Today.

These organizations are seeking to blind the American people by suppressing a real debate of the issues. Don't let this happen to our country. Call and register your complaint!

Ron Paul supporters in Iowa who want to attend the debate you can register here.


In addition to Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance, the following is the contact information of the Co-Sponsors for the Event. Please contact them and urge them to invite Ron Paul to the debate. Their sponsorship of this event makes them accomplices to this attack on American freedom and the democratic process of open debate.

Coldwell Banker Mid-America Group, Realtors (ask to speak to the owner/senior manager)
2120 Rittenhouse Street
Suite ADes Moines, IA 50321
Office Phone:(515)287-0009
Toll Free Phone:(800)225-7683
Voice Mail:(515)224-8601
Email: mlc@midamericagroup.com

Americans for Fair Taxation
PO Box 27487Houston,
Texas 77227-7487
Phone: 713-963-9023
Toll-Free: 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829)
Fax: 713-963-8403
Email: Info@fairtax.org

Krishna Engineering Consultants (ask to speak to the owner)
1454 30th Street, Suite 104
West Des Moines IA 50266-1311
Phone: (515) 224-6300
Fax: (515) 224-0000

Light Expressions by Shaw (ask to speak to the owner)
750 Alice's RoadWaukee, IA 50263
Phone: (515) 987-3808
Fax: (515) 987-3812
Emial: clsmeltzer@shawelec.com


Also, please contact the local media in Des Moines:

letters@dmreg.com, DesMoines Register

staff@iowapolitics.com, Press Release Dept., Iowa Politics.com

dorsey@iowapolitics.com, Des Moines Bureau Chief, Iowa Politics.com

RadioIowa@learfield.com, News Dept. Radio Iowa

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