Friday, June 29, 2007

Time to Stop Viewing Students as ‘Components of Racial Class,’ Parents Say

Time to Stop Viewing Students as ‘Components of Racial Class,’ Parents Say
( – Parents hailed as “an important victory” a Supreme Court decision on school racial quotas, saying it was time students were considered as individuals, not “components of a racial class.”

Shimon Peres sets Israel up for date rape

Shimon Peres sets Israel up for date rape

In light of recent events, treacherous Holy See- State of Israel talks over the future of Jerusalem, the Vatican agenda as exposed by Joel Bainerman, Barry Chamish, myself and others stands confirmed.

Review what was written and beware the German-Jesuits are that much closer to sealing their deal in Jewish blood that will deliver the goods of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem to foreigners, compliments of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

The Vatican Agenda by Joel Bainerman

Shimon Peres: Death Knell for Israel?

Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
Shimon Peres Charged with the Murder of Yitzhak Rabin?
Will Yitzhak Rabin's "Bloody Shirt" Defeat Shimon Peres Again?
The Kempler Video of Yitzhak Rabin's Assassination

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Recollections of Manly Yacht Club

Long-time Manly Yacht Club identity Keith Smith has written his recollections of the Club, and he recently presented two copies to Manly Library Local Studies collection. Keith’s involvement with the Club goes back almost to its inception in the late 1940s as the Manly 14Ft Sailing Club. The Club’s inaugural meeting was on September 28th, 1950, when Harry Pollard was elected Club Commodore.
Keith Smith, at the instigation of the late Doug Ebeling, has produced a detailed and informative account of the Club, from its early home at Little Manly, to premises in Stewart’s boatshed in Manly Cove, and the name change to Manly Yacht Club in season 1964/65. He discusses the Ralph Tobias-designed Manly Junior, and the Flying Eleven class, as well as the Manly Graduate. He paints a vivid picture of the excitement and comradeship to be found in the Club over the years, and gives short biographical sketches of some of the club’s best-known members. The book is full of interesting photos, including a beautiful one of a fleet of Stingrays on East Esplanade beach, which remind us again of what a great place Manly is to live.

Beware Tony Blair: Roman wolf in sheep's clothing!

Blair set to be named Middle East mediator
27.06.2007 - 09:27 CET

Russia has signalled reluctance to appoint Tony Blair, the outgoing British prime minister, as the new international Middle East envoy but the formal announcement of a positive decision is widely expected today...

Asked by journalists about his nomination, Mr Blair said on Tuesday "I think anybody who cares about greater peace and stability in the world knows that a lasting and enduring resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian issue is essential and, as I have said on many occasions, I would do whatever I could to help such a resolution come about."
See more
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?
The EU is a German Ruse
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Grand Master Turns Up The Heat On Jerusalem; Trouble Brewing In The North
Catholic Europe in Vogue?
Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)
God Save Us From Islam and Europe!
Tony Blair's Speech Concedes Defeat
Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
Mt. Zion Under Siege: Who Will Be King of the Mountain
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body

Judaism's replacement theology and identity theft condemned


The religion of Judaism, whatever branch, can determine for themselves who they want to accept as "Jewish" - whether Indian or African CONVERTS to the religion of Judaism. No problem. Your religion. Your converts - real or imagined.

The problem arises when legitimate Hebrews such as myself (who don't need your approval or the British-ordained Chief Rabbinate's recognition of our Israelite origins to know who we are and embrace the biblical and historical fact that we are Joseph your brother - we merely reveal it to those willing to open their eyes and see or at hear and consider) see such blatant replacement theology, such anti-Semitism against Joes (Joseph was the leading tribe of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, capital Samaria), such IDENTITY THEFT and FRAUD, when such Jews by religion pretend clearly African/Negroid CONVERTS to Judaism are, "in part," descendants of Dan (they won't even claim them from Judah) or clearly Mongolian/Indian CONVERTS to Judaism are from Menashe (when they don't bear a single biblical birthmark of fulfilled prophecy with Joseph's blessing of power and prosperity). That's when the religion of Judaism crosses the line and must be opposed: when it attempts to steal our Israelite identity, the Hebrew roots of the West, and transfer them to Gentiles who want to move on up to Westernized Israel. Such identity theft will continue to be exposed and condemned, as it should be. Have your converts, just don't pretend they're ethnic Israelites because they're not. If they are, then you're not! It's that simple to objective folks.

First you vainly attempted to say this understanding of the Israelite origins of the West was merely a racist, anti-Semitic "Christian Identity" belief, then you begrudgingly saw that is isn't and that Christian Zionists like the Israeli hero Orde Wingate and Herbert W. Armstrong (who couldn't have been more pro-Israel or pro-Jewish) understood and taught it worldwide, and that even JEWS, ISRAELI JEWS, EVEN ISRAELI RABBIS (as represented, in part, by Brit Am Israel), share the same understanding that I do. So if you fail to grasp or recognize Joseph stands before you, if you choose to be an adversary to those who stand up for this precious truth (rather than fall for the big lie of your ethnic replacement theology), you will find you are your own worst enemy and fighting a losing battle because Joseph and Judah are foretold to become One Nation Under God, a truly United Kingdom. So be it.

Germany's Holocaust Denial

Those who would forbid others from telling the plain truth about the Holocaust of abortion are guilty of Holocaust denial!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Burnt Bridge Creek - How it Got its Name

Research by historians George and Shelagh Champion has uncovered a reference to a huge bush fire which took place over several days in January 1850, which devastated ‘most of the country in the vicinity of Middle Harbour and Pittwater’ (Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 30 January 1850, p2). ‘The fire appeared to originate at a place where some person had been clearing a piece of land in order to build a house.’ It sprang up within a few miles to seaward of Ellery’s ferry at Middle Harbour, and extended a considerable distance along the wooded lands between Middle Harbour, Pittwater and the sea.
The fire must have caused damage to the Jenkins Road, which led from North Harbour to Long Reef. There were 13 bridges along the extent of the Jenkins Road, built originally in 1826, including one located where present-day Condamine Street crosses Burnt Bridge Creek. It seems most likely that this was the bridge which was consumed in the fire, which then gave its name to the creek. The earliest reference to ‘Burnt Bridge Creek’ on a map that has been found is on Surveyor Drake’s ‘Survey of portions in the village of Balgowlah, North Harbor’, which dates from 22 July 1856.
The SMH adds cheerfully ‘the unfortunate traveller runs much risk of having to undergo the disagreeable process of roasting before he comes to the termination of his journey.’

NAU/Illegal Aliens are a ticking time bomb

The North American Union is modeled after the Nazi-designed "European Union."
The industrialists supported Hitler, just like the globalists today (all members of the cult of CORPORATISM) are aiding and abetting Germany's Fourth Reich to secure its position throughout the world.
President Bush and treacherous senators are selling out the sovereignty of the United States of America by their assault on our national borders and their refusal to treat ILLEGAL ALIENS as potential enemy combatants.

Friday, June 22, 2007

President Bush & Sec'y Rice fund anti-Semitic PA curriculum

Friday, June 22, 2007
Subject: Palestinian Authority curriculum
At this critical juncture in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which now take place with the direct encouragement of President Bush and Sec'y Rice, I would like to take this opportunity to ask if American citizens will prevail on President Bush and Sec'y Rice as to refrain from funding the anti-semitic curriculum of the Palestinian Authority, which is overseen by Palestinian leader Machmood Abbas, AKA Abu Mazen.
The other question is whether American citizens will ask President Bush and Sec'y Rice as to whether they will insist that Abbas cancel his curriculum.
Sincerely Yours,
David Bedein
Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency
President, Center for Near East Policy Research
Foreign Correspondent, Philadelphia Bulletin
tel. 972 2 530 0125
Phila Bulletin: June 20th, 2007:
The PA's "Humanitarian Needs" June 20th, 2007

EU would not back Kosovo unilateral independence

EU would not back Kosovo unilateral independence - 22.06.2007 - 09:28
EU foreign affairs ministers have reiterated their support for the UN security council resolution on the independence of Kosovo, saying it should make a decision as soon as possible. But the bloc will not back unilateral independence by the Kosovo Albanians.
U.S. Selective War on Terrorism to Backfire
A Jewish Albatross: The Serbs
Kosovo goes the way of Czechoslovakia?
The Crucible of Kosovo
Kosovo - A Cautionary Tale
The Rising Beast—Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans
The EU is a German Ruse
Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?
UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Phila Bulletin: Will Bush Fund 'Education For War' Curriculum?

By: David Bedein, The Bulletin

June 20th, 2007:
June 19th, 2007
Rice gave no indication as to how she would assure that supplies headed towards Abbas... would remain in Abbas' hands.

Independent and Locally Owned in Philadelphia

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Censorship American Style


This just in from the Ron Paul 2008 Campaign HQ:

June 19, 2007

Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn’t invited.

We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate. Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation or simply overlooked it. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief, to ask about it. To our shock, Mr. Failor told us Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain. The call ended.

Lew then called Mr. Steve Sheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him. Mr. Sheffler did not answer so Lew left a message. He has yet to respond.

Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates? Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the Republican presidential candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

We couldn’t get answers to these questions from Messrs. Failor and Sheffler. Maybe you’ll have better luck. Their contact information is below.

It's ironic that on the same day we learned the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul’s participation in its nationally broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008

Contact Information

Edward Failor
Iowans for Tax Relief
2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761

Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413

Steve Sheffler, President
Iowa Christian Alliance
939 Office Park Road, Suite 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Phone: 515-225-1515
Fax: 515-225-1826


Please take a moment and contact both of these people to register your disgust with censoring the one candidate who has won consistently all the debates thus far.

This is about censoring the American People and denying them the right to a real debate on the very serious issues facing America Today.

These organizations are seeking to blind the American people by suppressing a real debate of the issues. Don't let this happen to our country. Call and register your complaint!

Ron Paul supporters in Iowa who want to attend the debate you can register here.


In addition to Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance, the following is the contact information of the Co-Sponsors for the Event. Please contact them and urge them to invite Ron Paul to the debate. Their sponsorship of this event makes them accomplices to this attack on American freedom and the democratic process of open debate.

Coldwell Banker Mid-America Group, Realtors (ask to speak to the owner/senior manager)
2120 Rittenhouse Street
Suite ADes Moines, IA 50321
Office Phone:(515)287-0009
Toll Free Phone:(800)225-7683
Voice Mail:(515)224-8601
Americans for Fair Taxation
PO Box 27487Houston,
Texas 77227-7487
Phone: 713-963-9023
Toll-Free: 1-800-FAIRTAX (324-7829)
Fax: 713-963-8403

Krishna Engineering Consultants (ask to speak to the owner)
1454 30th Street, Suite 104
West Des Moines IA 50266-1311
Phone: (515) 224-6300
Fax: (515) 224-0000

Light Expressions by Shaw (ask to speak to the owner)
750 Alice's RoadWaukee, IA 50263
Phone: (515) 987-3808
Fax: (515) 987-3812


Also, please contact the local media in Des Moines:, DesMoines Register, Press Release Dept., Iowa, Des Moines Bureau Chief, Iowa, News Dept. Radio Iowa

Monday, June 18, 2007

Cruel and Unusual Punishment for Jonathan Pollard

Isn't this cruel and unusual punishment? Jonathan Pollard has already served over 20 years!

"In point of fact, Jonathan was charged with the least serious of the espionage statutes: one count of passing classified information to an ally. The median sentence for this offense is two to four years"

Immigration Called 'Diversion' for Shadowy North American Union

Immigration Called ‘Diversion’ for Shadowy North American Union
( – The debate over illegal immigration is a “diversion” to distract Americans from efforts by the government to enter into a North American Union with Canada and Mexico, according to activists who recently protested in Washington...
The North American Union is modeled after the Nazi-designed "European Union."
The industrialists supported Hitler, just like the globalists today (all members of the cult of CORPORATISM) are aiding and abetting Germany's Fourth Reich to secure its position throughout the world.

Germanizing America and the World System in Brief

Germanizing America and the World System in Brief

June 18th, 2007

In 1941 Walter Funk, the President of the Reichsbank produced a report, Europaische Wirtschafts gemieinshaft (“European Economic Community”) to insure Germany’s dominance of Europe whether it won or lost WW II. The economic integration of France and Germany was largely established by fall 1942 with the eager help of Vichy industrialists and French and German-managed subsidiaries of major American corporations like Ford, GM, ITT, and GE. The Franco-German Trusts were owned and directed by the Deutsche Bank in Berlin. When they transferred their money from the continent to Africa, the State Department’s Robert Murphy boosted Nazi profits by arranging an exchange of fifty francs per dollar though the official rate was one hundred fifty francs to the dollar. He also countenanced the incarceration of five hundred and forty Algerian Jews who arrested Vichy officials and helped the Americans under General Mark Clark to land only to see the Nazis and their sympathizers freed and put into office…

Our government’s alignment with German-led Europe did not begin with President Bush’s recent visits with German PM Merkel and their initialing of documents to deepen and accelerate EU-American integration. As explained below, they did not begin with George Marshall’s mission, the elevation of German insider Konrad Adenauer, or even with the minimal and mostly commuted sentences for top players in the Nazi-industrial extermination system. But before examining the growth of eugenics, Aryan myth, and an ethic of cynicism and will in the late 19th century, let us consider the long-term build-up of Iran whose major trading partners for weapons and technology are Germany and Russia. (German trade-credits cover Iran’s deficits). America’s ruling cadres complement this dance by ‘dialoging’ with Tehran and ordering Israel not to smite Hamas (MENL, May 15) while Iranian proxies swell in the south, north and soon in Judea and Samaria where the US wants to send still more arms and money to Fatah, a conduit to Hamas. Fatah, touted by this administration as “moderate” is led by a holocaust-denier and is an outgrowth of the Arab High Command formed by the Germans during WW II to facilitate the final solution. Read the rest of this entry »

[read the rest of this and other essays at
Please note that Prof. Narrett's essays cannot be copied from the site without explicit permission of the author. Eugene Narrett's new book, WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State (2007) is available at the site's books' page or from the publisher,]

The EU is a German Ruse
Grand Master Turns Up The Heat On Jerusalem; Trouble Brewing In The North
Catholic Europe in Vogue?
Arnold's Office Refuses to Comment
Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to suffer EU occupation)
Bavarian Pope Entrusts Germany To Lead Europe, Others Wary Of The Grand Inquisitor
Germany to Take the EU Bull by the Horns
God Save Us From Islam and Europe!
Tony Blair's Speech Concedes Defeat
Ehud Olmert Playing with German Fire
The German-EU Grows Restless Over Mideast Crisis
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
The Economist Assaults Jerusalem
Kadima Wins, Israel Loses!
Bird flu: Europe to slaughter Israel!
Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Israel's Chief Rabbi Invites Foreign Occupation
Will the Atlantic Times Address the German threat?
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?
Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Mt. Zion Under Siege: Who Will Be King of the Mountain
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
Europe's Bitter Roots
Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

Blog Round Up

Here are a couple of blog posts covering the connection between Ron Paul and the most essential concerns of Catholic voters.

The Western Confucian has a post which tracks back to Catholics for Ron Paul - a big shout out to Iosue Andreas! The Western Confucian draws our attention to Catholic Anarchy's discussion as to why the republicatholics are ignoring Ron Paul.

For the debate, check it out Catholic Anarchy here.

A shout out to Mark Shea who has given us a wave at Catholic and Enjoying it!

Hat tip to Stephan Hand over at TCRNews Musings for giving us a bump!

More Blog round ups as the "Catholic-Ron Paul Thing" begins to attract discussion . . .

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Matt Laurer, Princess Diana and The Today Show

Articles for NBC's Matt Laurer and others interested in Princess Diana, Prince William, Prince Harry and the future of the British Royal Family:

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty

God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty
By David Ben-Ariel

Her Royal Highness,
Princess of Wales,
Princess Diana,
Buckingham Palace,
London, England

June 6, 1987

Dear Princess Diana,

This letter was prompted by an issue of People magazine.

Actually that particular article was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Some years ago I had an impressive dream. During the dream you, Prince Charles and myself were engaged in an intense talk. We were sitting around though quite relaxed, comfortable amongst each other (at east as if we'd known each other for years as good friends), in an enclosed patio or spring porch - a garden atmosphere. I recall you did most of the talking -- pouring out your heart to me -- as Prince Charles sort of quietly listened. Perhaps it's because we're closer in age. I'm 27. As I began to awaken from the dream I became upset with how foolish to imagine the Royalty of Wales taking me into their confidence. I kneeled for morning prayer and asked God to rebuke such presumptuous thoughts, but asked if there were any significance to the dream that a chart I had ("The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race") loaned out months earlier be returned at Sabbath services that day.

Lo and behold, the chart was returned that day! Rather convenient, since when I arrived home I had received a memo in the mail from our local newspaper. I had submitted a question to them whether the present British Royal Family were aware of their unique Davidic ancestry -- the remarkable continuation of King David's dynasty. I felt my question could be answered while also cleverly bringing this royal fact to greater public attention if published. An unexpected turn of events occurred though! The newspaper related: "If you send us a copy of the information on King David and his relationship to the English Royal Family, plus a verification that such information has been validated and by whom, we will see to it that it gets to Buckingham Palace and that your name will accompany it." Immediately I wondered what to send to satisfy the newspaper. The chart seemed obvious, but I still sought counsel from my minister. He advised writing a Church official at our Headquarter's in Pasadena, California who is English and involved with our Media Coordinator. The Church official replied: "I believe the most prudent course of action would be to send the chart 'The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race' to the newspaper for their further action."

I sent the information to the newspaper and they sent it to Buckingham Palace. They also cautioned me not to hold my breath for any response, which was good since I haven't heard a word yet.

Several years later, during my volunteer service at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in Northern Israel, a Holocaust survivor (whom I adopted as my "kibbutz mother") mentioned hearing about some royal marital problems. I dismissed it as gossip from some tabloid trash -- but then immediately I recalled the dream where you were pouring out your heart to me about something. So I thought perhaps there's something to all these godless rumors, but all marriages have their ups and downs.

Since then I've heard too many royal rumors & sovereign stories about differences in your marriage. The latest People article prompted me to write you and sincerely offer my continued support for you and your lovely family. My heart goes out to you all with deep affection.

Love & Prayers,

David A. Hoover
Perrysburg, Ohio

On official stationery from Buckingham Palace:

From Lady-in-Waiting to H.R.H. The Princess of Wales
12th June 1987

Dear Mr. Hoover,

The Princess of Wales has asked me to thank you for your letter.

Her Royal Highness was most grateful to you for your kind thought in writing and has asked me to send her sincere thanks and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Campden


Note: David A. Hoover is my former name. I've since legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel, as related within "God-given Names."

Memo from Zip Line (The Blade) was received November 7, 1981.

My letter to Robert Fahey of the Worldwide Church of God at headquarters in Pasadena, California was sent November 8, 1981.

The Worldwide Church of God Media Coordinator, David Hulme, responded in an official letter dated December 7, 1981 with advice about sending the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" and comment -- "Thank you for writing, in what is a very interesting and unusual circumstance."

As advised, I sent the chart "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race" to Zip Line December 12, 1981. (The chart had been given to me by an English couple in Jerusalem the year before during our Feast of Tabernacles celebration).

THE QUEEN'S ROYAL DESCENT FROM KING DAVID THE PSALMIST (similar to "The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race")

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?

The United States and Britain in Prophecy

The Plain Truth About the "Lost Ten Tribes" and Why You Need to Know!

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

King David's Everlasting Dynasty

King David's Everlasting Dynasty

God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!

God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!

The famous "Stone of Scone," the "Stone of Destiny," that is Jacob's Pillar Stone (formerly enshrined in the Coronation Chair at Westminster Abbey), serves as a physical link and deed proving King David's inheritance among British Israel. (By a prophet was the Stone removed from Jerusalem, and by a prophet shall it be returned to await Him whose right it is).

Presently the Stone is in Scotland—in transit. The British have thereby dismantled their monarchy and undermined their national security. They sent the Stone to Scotland, so God will send them into captivity! The Royal Family made the wrong move by supporting such an act of treason. They’ve been disloyal and will soon be disrobed! God protected the Sceptered Isle out of respect for Jacob's Stone and David's Throne (1 Kgs. 11:36).

We can rest assured that God will spare a few members of the British Royal Family from the German-Jesuit Beast to keep His promise alive to David about King David's Everlasting Dynasty (2 Chron. 21:7). Will God convince them to deliver Princess Diana's two sons to His representative for safekeeping? (Deut. 22:6-7 Jer. 49:11). They would be kept together with God's Royal Family in exile to weather the nuclear storm (Isa. 16:3-4). GOD WILL GUARD HIS OWN HOUSE (Zech.9:8; Ps. 91). It appears the Prophet Jeremiah was simply a type of one assigned to deliver David’s descendants safe and sound to a providential place (Jer. 43:6).

Will the Sabbath-keeping Church of God be entrusted with the care of Prince William and Prince Harry, the precious sons of Princess Diana, "the heir and the spare," the scions of King David? (2 Chron. 23:7). God’s Work revolves around a Stone (Zech. 4:7). The Two Witnesses (two prophets in the spirit of Elijah) will safeguard Jacob's Stone and herald the coming of Israel's King to reign upon it. We must make a public call for the stone's restoration to Jerusalem! The Stone—as a Jewish treasure and historic relic—must be properly returned to Israel. The Stone's restoration to Judah is part of the restoration of David’s House to Jerusalem—paving the way for Messiah's coming (Amos 9:11).

Joseph (the Anglo-Saxons) has been ordained the Keeper of the Stone, the Custodian of Israel’s Rock, until THE TIME HAS COME for it to be established in Jerusalem forever (Gen. 49:24). Joseph (Joes) and Judah (Jews) must unite to remind all Twelve Tribes of Israel of our biblical roots and responsibility—and it all centers on the Throne with the Stone! (Ezek. 37:22).

Excerpt from:
Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 6 - Jesus and the Jews

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Recovering homosexual vies for San Diego City Council

Ex-homosexual runs for San Diego City Council
Christian activist vies to replace lesbian in district with major 'gay' community
June 12, 2007

By James L. Lambert
© 2007

Duke Case: Disbarring D.A. Nifong Is NOT Enough!

Michael J. Gaynor

When the pending ethics case against Mr. Nifong is concluded, it should be clear even in Durham that Mr. Nifong is guilty of worse than wishful thing and recklessness.
Duke Case: Disbarring D.A. Nifong Is NOT Enough! - June 14, 2007

"Abortion on Demand is the Ultimate State Tyranny"

In the last presidential election, serious Catholics voted overwhelmingly for the pro-life candidate and cultural catholics were split between the pro-life candidate and the anti-war (pro-abortion) candidate.

When "Kerry Catholics" were challenged with the reality that, "You can't be Catholic and be pro-abortion," the usual erroneous response was, "You can't be pro-life and pro-war!"

When it came down to it, informed Catholics understood that voting for a candidate that supports a public policy that violates the Dignity of the Human Person is itself gravely wrong, no matter how well intentioned. The issue of war is serious, but ultimately it comes down to the prudential judgement of the legitimate state authority. War is a position the State can morally take, Abortion simply isn't.

Catholics are not single issue voters, they are voters who understand what issues are of singular importance!

No other issue is more gravely important than the principle of the inviolable Dignity of the Human Person - it is this idea which is so unique in human history (arising from the Judeo-Christian Tradition) and so critical for all our human rights, freedoms and duties.

The idea that human beings are endowed with certain inalienable rights comes from the genius of the Jewish story of creation and the unique anthropology that flows from it that man is made in the image and likeness of God. Contemporary creation stories make man into a slave of god(s), and thus this creates a very different set of assumptions regarding man's Liberty and his relationship with the State (but more on that in the days ahead).

Either God has endowed man with basic rights and liberties which the State must respect, OR the State gives man these rights and liberties and man must respect the State as god.

This is issue is critical, as it is the lynch pin upon which every civil liberty hangs; the whole social fabric will be undone in time if this basic truth is violated.

War is sometimes necessary, but when the State makes laws which violate the Dignity of the Human Person, it is a sign of deep sickness in the body politic which will bring about the collapse of all human liberty in the society.

So this issue is simply non-negotiable. If the United States desires to keep its Liberty, the it has to say NO to:
  • Abortion
  • Embryonic Stem-Cell Research & Cloning
  • All Fertility Treatments which involve the destruction of human embryos, and
  • Euthanasia
So where does Ron Paul stand on the issue of the Dignity of the Human Person?

Libertarians believe, along with the Founding Fathers, that every individual has inalienable rights, among which are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Neither the State, nor any other person, can violate those rights without committing an injustice. But, just as important as the power claimed by the State to decide what rights we have, is the power to decide which of us has rights.

Today, we are seeing a piecemeal destruction of individual freedom. And in abortion, the statists have found a most effective method of obliterating freedom: obliterating the individual. Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the "right" of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the "property rights" of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State. Unlike Nazi Germany, which forcibly sent millions to the gas chambers (as well as forcing abortion and sterilization upon many more), the new regime has enlisted the assistance of millions of people to act as its agents in carrying out a program of mass murder.
. . .

We must promote a consistent vision of liberty because freedom is whole and cannot be alienated, although it can be abridged by the unjust action of the State or those who are powerful enough to obtain their own demands. Our lives, also, are a whole from the beginning at fertilization until death. To deny any part of liberty, or to deny liberty to any particular class of individuals, diminishes the freedom of all. For libertarians to support such an abridgement of the right to live free is unconscionable.

There you have it.

Ron Paul understands that the Dignity of the Human Person is essential to preserving our Liberties and a cornerstone for living in a healthy society.

This is the single most important reason why Catholics should support Ron Paul for President.

Armstrong Williams questions Mitt Romney on race

Where Do You Stand Mr. Romney?
Armstrong Williams
June 8, 2007

I watched Mike Wallace's interview of presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney on 60 Minutes and was intrigued. I was amazed by how reasonable Romney sounded despite all the negative press he has gotten for his religion. See, Romney is Mormon. And most folks think Mormonism is some cult out in Utah where men practice polygamy. And most of the rest of us know it as one of the fastest growing religions in the world but, for some reason still cannot completely understand it ... (MORE)

Dear Mr. Williams,

How would Mitt Romney prove himself to blacks? Attend some racist NAACP meetings and hypocritically denounce the Ku Klux Klan or other groups that seek to advance white people? Have photo-ops with black ministers? Promise to appoint a disproportionate amount of blacks into office in his administration? Aren't there any blacks who know him and could vouch for him or who have been the recipient of benefits from his leadership? Mind you, I'm voting for Ron Paul.

David Ben-Ariel

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Secret Nazis Prepare Germany's Fourth Reich

The "Secret Nazis" were meant to remain that way, but the formerly top-secret document has been revealed, even though few are aware of it and others, ignorantly, dismiss its importance, failing to learn anything from history.

Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

Ella Steinberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress stated: "Now that the Nazi secret plan has been confirmed, the central question is whether it has been carried out."

The Secret Nazis

Ron Paul: We're not unpatriotic

Amnesty Opponents Are Not Un-American

Rep. Ron Paul / Texas Straight Talk:
Although action in the United States Senate this week has slowed passage of the amnesty bill, it is not yet dead as President Bush remains committed to this approach. That is why the President recently suggested that those of us who oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants are unpatriotic. Those of us who strongly oppose the new immigration reform bill before the Senate "don't want to do what's right for America," the president said. I reject that assessment as unfair and inaccurate.
The North American Union is modeled after the Nazi-designed "European Union."
The industrialists supported Hitler, just like the globalists today (all members of the cult of CORPORATISM) are aiding and abetting Germany's Fourth Reich to secure its position throughout the world.

Will Germany have its way with Europe?

Merkel to present short ‘foundation treaty’ at summit to fast-track agreement by end of year

According to Welt, the outline of the new EU treaty is becoming clear, with Berlin preparing to present a short ‘foundation treaty’ of six to eight pages, listing the most important points of the new treaty. There are suggestions that Angela Merkel may split the original treaty in two. EU diplomats, are cited saying they hope “at least 75% of the work” should be finished by the June summit. Both treaties should then be ready for ratification in October, much earlier than originally planned. An intergovernmental conference will clarify details from July to December. The German Presidency is reported to see Britain and Poland as the biggest barriers to a new treaty, with Britain under Gordon Brown being seen as the tougher of the two.

The Sun and the Evening Standard report that Tony Blair yesterday came under pressure from Labour MPs not to sign away new powers at the 21-22 June summit. Austin Mitchell said “If there is any surrender of sovereignty there should be a referendum on it.” The BBC reports that former Europe Minister Dennis Macshane accused supporters of a referendum of having a “bigger agenda”, arguing that “They can't call for full withdrawal so the referendum on any new treaty is the next best thing.” He conceded however that "Europe is working well economically and frankly at times I wish the constitutional debate would go away, but unfortunately we do need a clearer rule book on Europe." The UK Government meanwhile denied being isolated in treaty negotiations.

The IHT reports that EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso yesterday said that the new EU treaty would probably revive controversial aspects of the rejected constitution, including a new permanent EU president, a foreign minister and a revamped voting system that would reduce national vetoes and diminish the power of countries like Britain to block proposals. Barroso said that allowing some opt-outs from certain parts of the treaty could be the only way to get it passed "As a rule, to have opt-outs is not good. But if it is the solution, I will not be against it." He accepted that the treaty could spur a public backlash, but warned that failure to get agreement would be “a real threat to the credibility of the EU."

Open Europe Director Neil O’Brien appeared on the BBC’s Daily Politics programme, arguing that the UK Government are “negotiating in secret – they’ve already said they won’t hold a referendum on the final text of it – and we think that’s incredibly undemocratic, because this ‘new’ Constitutional treaty really contains exactly the same things as the old one”.

Paul Stephenson from Open Europe has an article on Conservative Home, warning that the UK Government’s much-reported “red lines” are a distraction from the real concessions being made. “The story for domestic consumption is that although the talks are awfully tough, the Government is successfully handbagging its EU partners into submission in the negotiations… This is mostly baloney. By focusing the attention on a few of the more contentious issues, voters and the media lose sight of everything that the Government is giving up without a fight. Most notably: the creation of a powerful new EU President; a new EU Foreign Minister who would ‘automatically’ speak for us at the UN; and a new voting system which would reduce the UK’s voting strength by about 30%.” [emphasis mine]

Gideon Rachman, writing in the FT, argues “The words in the constitution will change. But the substance will remain the same.” He dismisses the arguments of those opposed to a referendum on the new treaty, writing that “If the French and Dutch had voted in favour of the constitution, there is no doubt that their verdict would have been hailed as a historic endorsement of political union in Europe. It is only a ‘No’ vote that was taken as a sign of deep confusion.”

He concludes that “The sceptics have always argued that the Union is elitist and undemocratic. By disregarding the voters and pushing on regardless, the EU will make their point for them. Such a course of action will merely deepen the crisis of legitimacy that the EU constitution was originally advertised as solving… The awkward squad of Poland, Britain and the Czech Republic will be accused of putting the Union in danger. But the real long-term threat will be posed by those who insist that the EU must press ahead with ‘ever closer union’, while blithely disregarding the increasingly obvious disenchantment of ordinary Europeans.”

Writing in the Independent, Simon Carr’s sketch picks up on Margaret Beckett’s performance before the EU scrutiny committee last week: “In the matter of the amending treaty that will replace the constitution she wouldn't say anything”, denying that there was anything to be discussed, claiming that there was “no debate” to comment on. For more, see Open Europe’s blog.

EUobserver Independent FT Rachman FT Peel IHT Conservative Home BBC Daily Politics (15 minutes in) BBC Welt

Open Europe research: “The new treaty: what will it mean, and do we need a referendum?

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