Monday, May 28, 2007

Shimon Peres: Death Knell for Israel?

by Hillel Fendel
After months of indecision, veteran statesman Shimon Peres, father of the Oslo process, has decided to run for President of Israel...

Shimon Peres knew all along, as did the Israeli oligarchy, that he would run for president. Shimon Peres should run to wherever the Vatican ratlines would take him, since the Israelis ought to pursue justice and indict him for all the "sacrifices of peace" he has enabled; his treason against Mt. Zion, the Temple Mount, and all of Jerusalem; sealed with the blood of Yitzhak Rabin.

How long will the bloody Knesset participate in their shameful conspiracy of silence regarding the involvement of Shimon Peres in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin? Have the Israelis no shame, as "friends" of Yitzhak Rabin stand idly by their brother's blood? Are the deaf, dumb and blind rabbis willing to look the other way as long as they can feed at the trough with the other pigs?

It appears the Temple Mount isn't Judaism's holiest site after all, since its woeful neglect continues, suffering under Nazi-Muslim occupation. Are the Israelis ready to surrender Jerusalem to the Vatican under cover of UN Resolution 181, and permit EU occupation of the Jewish Homeland and fall for peace that will insure Israeli sovereignty rest in peace?

If Shimon Peres becomes president of Israel it could signal the death knell of a sick and dying country that was given a new lease on life in 1948 and energized in 1967. May the Jews stop digging their own grave, remember their Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and save themselves from imminent EU slaughter.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

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