Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forum tackles Aboriginal employment

Ways Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians can work together to create more sustainable employment was the focus of yesterday’s Generation One ideas forum.

Generation One, an initiative led by Fortescue Metals Group CEO Andrew Forrest, aims to eliminate Aboriginal disadvantage within one generation.

Mr Forrest was joined on the forum’s panel by Business Council of Australia Deputy Chief Executive Melinda Cilento; incoming Reconciliation Australia CEO Leah Armstrong; Aboriginal Employment Strategy Chief Executive Danny Lester, and ANZ Banking Group’s Senior Manager of Indigenous Training and Employment Bruce McQualter.

The panel, which was moderated by journalist and SBS Insight presenter Jenny Brockie, discussed the gap existing between school-leavers and work-ready, skilled employees; practical workplace training and the need to convince Aboriginal parents that genuine opportunities exist for their children.

“The elephant in the room is a culture that you can find anywhere, including in very wealthy families – the welfare culture,” said Mr Forrest. “If things are given to you, you lose your drive… We need to demand more of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.”

Both Ms Cilento and Mr Forrest agreed that more businesses now see the benefits of workplace diversity and are trying to implement policies and structures to support the employment of more Aboriginal Australians.

Mr McQualter said ANZ’s Aboriginal training and employment scheme had awakened the non-Aboriginal workforce’s need for balanced information about Aboriginal cultures. He also thought it necessary to “set the bar higher” when it came to what Aboriginal children learn at school.

Enabling Aboriginal people to easily transition into the next phase of their careers was very important, said Mr Lester, who would like to “see our fellow brothers and sisters at all levels of business”. He added that helping young people to complete Year 12 and start to build a strong career path and mindset early on was crucial.

For Ms Armstrong, mentoring had to be a core part of any professional development strategy.

When comments were fielded from the audience, Mission Australia’s National Aboriginal Advisor, Steve Cochrane, told the forum if change is to occur we must “embed in people the need to strive in education… Sport is not all things – when you leave school you must be good enough academically to participate at uni. Kids are not prepared for what is ahead at uni.”

On being asked for one development that would lead to lasting employment for Aboriginal Australians, Mr Forrest said real change will only come when government convinces Aboriginal people the end of disparity is in sight and a collective decision is made regarding the skills needed by industry and employees.

Ms Cilento and Mr Lester agreed that regional employment strategies that create opportunities for local communities would facilitate change, while Ms Armstrong said community-led initiatives were the “main ingredient”.

After the forum, Mr Cochrane said that while any discussion on ways to close the gap was welcome, there was still a pressing need for business and the wider community to address cultural safety – that is, creating an environment of shared experience and knowledge.

Visit Mission Australia's Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island resources page for our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), the latest indigenous news, current affairs and policy updates.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Six-week course connects job seekers with hospitality industry

Fourteen job seekers in Pialba, Queensland recently graduated from a specialised training course developed by Mission Australia Employment Solutions and Better Development & Training.

The students, who trained in front-of-house and back-of-house hospitality skills for six weeks, now have the skills and practical experience necessary to obtain full-time jobs in the hospitality industry.

Regional Manager for Mission Australia Employment Solutions Mitch Ryder said he is excited for the students that have graduated.

“All students have shown great dedication and commitment to completing this training course,” Mr Ryder said.

“Mission Australia Employment Solutions aims to assist job seekers source quality jobs through employment assistance and training, and we hope this training course has provided all graduates with the skills and confidence necessary to take the next step into employment.

“As the hospitality and tourism industry is one of the key employers in the region, I’m sure the students will be in a great position to capitalise on their newfound skills and find employment.”

Mission Australia Employment Solutions national contact phone numbers:
  • Mission Australia Employment Solutions - 13 11 24
  • Mission Australia Apprenticeship Solutions (Australian Apprenticeships Centres) - 1300 626 227
  • Mission Australia Australian Apprenticeships Access Program - 1 300 626 227

Monday, July 26, 2010

Creative Youth Initiatives fundraise over $2,000 in overnight Winter Sleepout

Sydney's Creative Youth Initiatives (CYI) team are back at work and reflecting on their 15-hour Winter Sleepout late last week.

Since the first Winter Sleepout in 1988, thousands of people have registered to give up their warm beds in the height of winter for one night to fundraise for homeless services.

This year the CYI team decided to arrange their own overnight sleepout at their Surry Hills workshop - with enough fun and games for the team to (mostly) make it through the night without a wink of sleep.

The Creative Youth Initiatives' art and music studio, with access to piano, guitars, electric drums, and facilities for painting, was ideal for the team to remain preoccupied while staving off the slumber.  View photos from the night here.

Games, drinks and food were organised through the night, while an office was turned into a 'chill out' zone where the team could retreat for some well-deserved down-time.

The team managed a tremendous effort, with almost $2,200 funds raised, granting them pole position in Winter Sleepout's leader board of group fundraisers.

At the ground level, CYI provides free creative programs for young people aged 16 - 25 who are facing varied challenges in their lives, such as homelessness, mental health issues or family breakdown, and have been reflecting on their Winter Sleepout experience.

Team member Melissa Fenyo said "Winter Sleepout is there to raise awareness of what it must be like to be homeless...but there is nothing trivial about not having a home."

"For many being homeless means sleeping on the streets, in parks or bus shelters - exposed to the elements.

"Many young people who are homeless would be couch surfing, never quite sure how long it will take before they outstay their welcome.

"Then there are the homeless who are in boarding housing or caravan parks with no lease to give them long term security and not knowing when they might get booted out. No ongoing stability and security can exarcebate any mental health issues and make life even tougher.

"The CYI winter sleepout was an opportunity for staff to appreciate their work place, their homes, raise awareness in the general community and also to develop a greater understanding and deeper empathy for many homeless young people who access their services. Lack of sleep made life the next day very difficult.. whatever goes up must come down.

"Being homeless would often mean not having a good nights sleep, making it hard to stay focused and motivated. The Winter Sleep out is a fantastic Mission Australia initiative and one which CYI will continue to be involved with.

"CYI staff would like to thank everyone who donated to our winter sleepout. We are proud to say we have raised $2,195 and are still open to take donations until the end of August."

View the photo album from the event at the link below.  Updates were provided througout the night by the team on Twitter and Facebook.!/album.php?aid=247652&id=17311508507

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Heritage in Manly

People sometimes have a negative view of heritage. When a building is heritage-listed, for example, an impression can sometimes be given that this is not a good thing for the owners of the building, and that heritage-listing might prevent them from making the most of their property. It would be wrong to have only this impression of the importance of heritage. Copies are now available of a new brochure prepared for Manly Council's Heritage Committee outlining the variety of types of heritage, and giving examples of them in the Manly area. The brochure covers areas such as sporting heritage, landscape, streetscape, shops and businesses, types of religious heritage, maritime and transport heritage and more, and it is illustrated with many fine photographs from the collections of Manly Library, Manly Art Gallery and Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Historical Society. (Pictured is the tram punt at the Spit, operating in the 1930s.) You can pick up a copy of the brochure at Manly Library or Manly Council Chambers, or download a copy from our website at

"Homeless person's theatre company" to premiere new show

Milk Crate Theatre, Australia’s only theatre company solely dedicated to people from homeless and disadvantaged backgrounds is preparing for their upcoming show, Intersection.

The new show, opening in August, will rove between three cities with the finale held in Sydney's Taylor Square.

"It is a collision of epic Greek tragedy, interactive dialogue and city tour of homeless hotspots" according to Katy Coote from Milk Crate Theatre.

"It will involve up to 40 homeless and disadvantaged participants including the Sydney Street Choir performing alongside professional actors."

The new show deals with "the moments where your life changes course - by tracking the intersection between two people, James and Sally, who meet one night at a crisis shelter."

"Ultimately, it is a story about connection, the power of reaching out when things are tough, and how we can be stronger together than if we’re alone.

"We have offered our community performers an opportunity to choose between two levels of commitment and intensity: the Shadows Group – open to anyone in transition, homeless, formerly homeless or disadvantaged. Rehearsals will be for 2 hrs per week for 2 weeks then 5 hrs per week for 5 weeks leading up to the performances; and the Figures Group - open to existing Milk Crate Theatre members and upon completion of a 2-day intensive acting workshop. Rehearsals will be for 10 hrs per week for 11 weeks leading up to the performances. This group will include a pilot education accreditation in partnership with TAFE NSW Outreach."

Mission Australia homeless services like Missionbeat and The Michael Project have been long-term supporters of Milk Crate Theatre, for it's ability to help homeless and disadvantaged people build communication skills and confidence through public performance.

For tickets sales and more information, click on the graphic below or visit

To read Mission Australia's past Milk Crate Theatre news, click here

Ron Paul : More Secrets, More Surveillance, Less Security

Ron Paul discusses the insanely bloated bureaucratic nightmare known as the "intelligence" community.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ron Paul on Money and Credit

Ron Paul :"The growth in money and credit has outpaced both savings and economic growth. These inflationary pressures have been concentrated in asset prices, not consumer price inflation--keeping monetary policy too easy. This increase in asset prices has fueled domestic borrowing and spending. Government policy and the increase in securitization are largely responsible for this bubble. In addition to loose monetary policies by the Federal Reserve, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have contributed to the problem. The fourfold increases in their balance sheets from 1997 to 1998 boosted new home borrowings to more than $1.5 trillion in 1998, two-thirds of which were refinances which put an extra $15,000 in the pockets of consumers on average--and reduce risk for individual institutions while increasing risk for the system as a whole. "

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Connecting job seekers with the wool industry - new strategy dealing with skills shortage

After two weeks of hard work, five clients from Queensland's St George branch of Mission Australia Employment Solutions (ES) have found a new opportunity for sustainable employment.

The clients were part of a program with the simple goal of connecting them with industries experiencing a shortage of skilled workers.

After consulting Ian Bateman of the Cashel Vale wool station at Bollon, Queensland, ES employment advisor Petra Stride realised an opportunity for job seekers.

Australia's shearers and wool classers are an ageing population. Combined with a shortage of new qualified workers entering the industry, wool stations are experiencing significant skills shortages.

"This wool handling course is a stepping stone which can be taken further with wool classing training and other upskilling" Petra said recently.

"I'm ecstatic about the enthusiasm shown. It is rewarding to see that the efforts gone into organising this course has had positive outcomes."

The clients thrived on the hard work, the healthy competition between shearers and the opportunity for long term employment in the country.

"This is my first time in the shed. I've been an office girl, but will now start a career in the wool handling industry. We've been told you get to see a lot of the country." said one trainee.

Another St George client demonstrated such a prowess with the shears that he has been invited by Mr Bateman to compete in the Longreach Diamond Shears competition.  He's been learning to muster sheep with motorbikes on the property and finds the whole experience "refreshing".

Trainer Mick Nancarrow is thrilled at his trainee's progress "They have been a top class. They're keen and I'm excited about them going into the industry"

The trainees will attain a Certificate II in Wool Handling and have already been placed in the industry for 150 hours of training.  Once complete they will be ready for full time employment in the industry.

Visit for more information on our ES programs

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Media Release: Concern at growing numbers of homeless people turned away

Mission Australia - one of the largest providers of homeless services in the country - has expressed its concern at new figures which show more than 60% of people who need help from government-funded homeless shelters are turned away each day.

The data, released this morning by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, show that of people needing new and immediate accommodation every day in 2008-09, 62% were unable to be placed.

The AIHW's report also states the group most likely to be turned away were families with an average of 80% of couples with children, 75% of couples without children and 69% of individuals with children who requested new and immediate accommodation turned away each day, compared with 50% of individuals without children.

Mission Australia's Chief Executive, Toby Hall, said the knowledge that the majority were family groups - who would have ended up sleeping rough, in cars, or in other dangerous situations - was cause for significant alarm.

"These figures are one more indication that over decades our country's approach towards helping people out of homelessness has been a failure," said Mr Hall."These numbers - and the tragic individual stories behind them - are shameful. Any level of homelessness in Australia is unacceptable.

"For our society not have the capacity to meet the demand of homeless families is an indictment on our collective values and priorities.

"We also need to recognise that these figures only tell part of the story. For every person fronting up at one of these government-funded services for help there'd be hundreds of others who chose not to - the 'hidden homeless'. I'm thinking of young people couch-surfing temporarily with friends or extended family. Those people don't get counted in this research.

"Knowing this data collection also took place a significant time ago is another reality check. Anecdotally we've seen a significant increase in individuals and families either homeless or at risk of homelessness over the past 18 months.

"Thankfully, we have seen concerted action on behalf of federal and state governments over the past year in regards to tackling homelessness and its many causes - measures that are aimed not only at addressing accommodation capacity but also to cut the flow of people into homelessness and to try and get them on their feet more quickly once they're there.

"But what these figures show us is that homelessness is a problem that's not going to be fixed overnight. It's a reminder that we need to work harder, better and more effectively if we're going to get on top of the problem," said Mr Hall.

Media contact: Paul Andrews (02) 9219 2080 or 0409 665 495

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mission Australia releases new report: 'Insights into the concerns of young Australians'

'Insights into the concerns of young Australians: Making sense of the numbers' is a new report released today by Mission Australia's Research & Social Policy unit.

In 2009 Mission Australia conducted its eighth annual National Survey of Young Australians, the largest of it's kind in Australia.

The survey asked young people aged 11 to 24 years about what they value, their concerns, where they go for advice and support and who they admire.

The new report sheds light on what the 48,000 young Australians surveyed are most concerned about.  To provide a snapshot, these issues were provided by respondents as their greatest concern:
  • Drugs (26.8% of respondents)
  • Suicide (26.3%)
  • Body image (25.5%)
  • Family conflict (24.1%)
  • Bullying/emotional abuse (23.4%)
  • Alcohol (23.0%)
  • Physical/sexual abuse (22.7%)
  • Personal safety (22.2%)
  • Coping with stress (18.7%)
  • Depression (18.7%)
  • School or study problems (17.3%)
  • The environment (16.7%)
  • Self harm (13.3%)
  • Discrimination (11.7%)
  • Sexuality - relationships, health, identity (11.4%)
The new report helps to 'make sense of the numbers' and delves into analysis of these key concerns.

Click here to view the report online or download a PDF version from this link

The 2010 National Survey of Young Australians has almost come to a close.  Northern Territorians are still able to have their say until the 30th July - Click here to participate in the 2010 survey

Our national right to regulate our demographic composition

"The right of any nation ... to regulate its demographic composition should be considered as sacred by any liberal-minded man."
- Don Salvador de Madariaga, The Times, October 1964

When There is No Rule of Law

 Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

“Last week ended with some promising news on finally stopping the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Unfortunately, the administration still seems to believe that shutting down working oil wells is a higher priority than effectively dealing with the broken one.   They are again issuing a moratorium on off-shore drilling, while maintaining a de facto ban on new permits even for shallow water drilling, which they previously stated would be unaffected.  The courts have twice declared this unconstitutional, over 70% of the people see this as unreasonable, yet the administration seems determined to simply end off-shore drilling, at least for those producers that cannot afford to sit idle for an unknown period of time until the ban is lifted…”

Alternate link:

Imposter in the Highest Office

Alan Caruba (National Anxiety Center)  
Ridding Ourselves of Obama
Presumably, lying about one�s eligibility to hold the office of President and spending huge sums to ensure that one�s birth certificate and actual place of birth shall remain unknown would justify removal.
(read more ...)

Ron Paul : Gold or Tyranny?

How much can the financial sector bend before it breaks? How long can the dollar go? How is the changing international division of labor going to affect the future of American prosperity? What can we look forward to under conditions of rising rates? How is the War on Terror affecting financial privacy? This conference considers all these questions with the assistance of some of the best financial and economic minds of our time. Hosted at the Venetian Hotel Resort Casino, Las Vegas, February 18-19, 2005.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ron Paul : Dangerous Allies Big Business and Big Government

07/12/2010 -

Last week ended with some promising news on finally stopping the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately the administration still seems to believe that shutting down working oil wells is a higher priority than effectively dealing with the broken one. They are again issuing a moratorium on offshore drilling while maintaining a de facto ban on new permits even for shallow water drilling which they previously stated would not be affected. The courts have twice declared this unconstitutional, over 70% of the people see this as unreasonable, yet the administration seems determined to simply end offshore drilling, at least for those producers that cannot afford to sit idle for any unknown period of time until the ban is lifted.

Whether or not this latest effort will hold up in court is yet to be seen. Sadly, many smaller oil producers in the Gulf see the writing on the wall and instead of waiting around and risking their livelihoods on the whims of American politicians and judges, they are leaving for friendlier business climates. What is happening to this country when the Republic of Congo is better for business than the United States?

One big factor is regime uncertainty. Regime uncertainty is the opposite of the rule of law. It is the rule of the whims of the people who are in charge and what mood they are in on any particular day. It is usually associated with third world dictatorships and plays a major role in why some countries remain poor. When a business cannot predict whether a government will issue a permit, confiscate or nationalize their capital investments, tax them into bankruptcy or arbitrarily stall their operations, they tend to do business elsewhere. This type of government hostility is not conducive to wealth creation and it is tragic to see it chasing away businesses here when wee need the jobs and productivity more than ever.

When the rule of law is respected it provides business with some measure of predictability so they can plan and operate smoothly. When it is not respected there are just too many variables, too much risk of loss or waste. Of course disregard of the rule of law creates other problems, too. For the larger and better connected businesses it creates the opportunity of regulatory capture. If the government becomes too unpredictable, one business survival strategy is to become so involved in government and regulatory bodies that they effectively gain control over the very entities that are supposed to keep them in line. In other words, if you can't beat the government, become the government.

A business that achieves regulatory capture is also able to write and implement laws and regulations that they can deal with but its competitors cannot. The eventual outcome is that companies use regulation to drive everyone else out of business until a monopoly is achieved, putting consumers at its mercy. Meanwhile, the people develop a false sense of security, assuming that the many regulatory bodies in place are protecting them. Without respect for the rule of law, however, those bodies and their regulations are more likely protecting and enabling big business at the expense of small business and the consumer. We see this not only with big oil, but big banking, big defense contractors, you name it. That is why especially in a crisis we should uphold the Constitution. It is the ultimate consumer protection from crony corporatism.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policie

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ron Paul On Unemployment and Inflation

Free market stats on GDP and unemployment radically different than those released by the government.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Terrorist Nelson Mandela Exposed

The Crimes of Terrorist Nelson Mandela
Read here the crimes of the clever terrorist Nelson Mandela (most have never heard of, denied the opportunity by the treacherous liberal media) and understand why Amnesty International never accepted him as a political prisoner. Even as the world finally woke up to how wicked Winnie Mandela is, we must face reality about how dangerous and deceitful Nelson Mandela has been.
(read more ...)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

MA supporters favour practical measures in dealing with problem gambling - Online Poll

Since the release of the Productivity Commission's Report into Gambling we can now identify that approximately 100,000 'problem gamblers' are providing around 40 per cent of all poker machine revenue in Australia - a deeply concerning fact when considering the wider implications on gamblers, their families and friends.

Since June we have been polling MA supporters on our Homepage, asking:

"In dealing with problem gambling, which of these strategies do you agree with most?"

The response options were the Productivity Commission recommendations deemed 'most urgent' by our CEO.

It's interesting to see that supporters strongly favour practical measures, similar to the strategies used to deal with binge drinking (click image to enlarge):

As reported by SMH in June:

"The Productivity Commission estimated that about 600,000 Australians - or 4 per cent of the population - play the games at least once a week. About 15 per cent of those players, or 100,000 people, are considered "problem gamblers", the report said. They account for about 40 per cent of total spending on the machines."

With statistics like these our CEO Toby Hall has called on State and Federal Governments to swiftly implement the recommendations of the Report.

Click here and have your say today!

Natural Born Citizen?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Unsung heroes of the Indigenous community honoured at NAIDOC Awards

The 2010 NAIDOC Awards recently paid tribute to the contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who have endeavoured to improve their communities.

As the highlight of the 53rd NAIDOC Week, the Awards were presented in Melbourne by Deborah Mailman and Ernie Dingo.

1,100 guests attended the event including the Federal and State Ministers for Indigenous Affairs, Hon. Jenny Macklin and Hon. Richard Wynne.

The event showcased some of Australia's finest talent, with musicians Dan Sultan, Archie Roach, Dave Arden and Leah Flanagan performing on the night, along with a photography exhibition by Wayne Quilliam, 2009 NAIDOC Aboriginal Artist of the Year.

Two distinguished Aboriginal Australians were paid tribute at the event - the prominent equal rights campaigner Chicka Dixon and singer Ruby Hunter.  Archie Roach, who's been Ruby's partner since their teenage years, performed a moving song to celebrate her life.

According to NAIDOC Committee co-chairs Anne Martin and Ben Mitchell "Once again, the committee received many nominations from across Australia. Selecting award winners was a challenging but inspiring task.

"The quality of nominations was so high that the committee had to choose two winners for the Male Elder of the Year Award.

"The committee awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to Vince Coulthard for his eminent leadership in Indigenous affairs, his dedication to promoting his culture and his contribution to the struggle for native title rights in South Australia."

For more information about the life work of Vince Coulthard, please visit his website:

NAIDOC provides more information about the Award winners at their website:

Carlton Street History

This image was catalogued in our collection as 'National School, Carlton Street, Manly.' However, this could not be correct, as the National School was further along Carlton Street, nearer the escarpment. We now reckon the photo shows a property named Fernleigh, which had frontages of 58 feet to North Steyne, 105 feet to Carlton Street, and 57 feet to Whistler Street. It was built in the late 1890s, and was originally the residence of a Presbyterian clergyman, Rev Fenwick.
In November 1923 the property was offered for sale. On the block of land was the old stone cottage, which consisted of five rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry, with a flag floor, and shingle and iron roof. It was a desirable location and was quickly snapped up for re-development.
The site is now occupied by the attractive apartments at number 81 North Steyne.

DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office

The certification of constitutional qualification for the office of president

by JB Williams  Saturday, April 24, 2010

Members from all three branches of the Federal government already know that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the office of President. National leaders, to include members of the US Supreme Court, already know that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born citizen” of the United States of America, and therefore, is ineligible for the office he currently holds. (See JB’s new article on The Bottom Line on Natural Born Citizen)

What they don’t know is how long it will take for most Americans to figure it out, or what to do about it.

The diversionary search for an authentic birth certificate is ongoing and Obama has now spent in excess of $2 million in legal fees to keep that search alive.

Eric Holder’s Department of Justice continues to deploy taxpayer funded attorneys around the country to file dismissals on behalf of Obama, denying all American citizens access to the courts as a peaceful remedy, which only fuels the fire of discontent and the questions about Obama persist.

Michelle Obama states that Kenya is Barack’s “home country.” She knows, after twenty years with Barack. The Ambassador or Kenya has confirmed the same  His family friends all know it, and are in fact quite proud of the fact that Americans had no hesitation in electing a “black man from Kenya” as President of the United States.

The US Supreme Court knows what the constitutional condition of “natural born citizen” means. Even the most far left member of that court, Justice Ginsberg, is on record proclaiming that a “natural born citizen” is a birth child of TWO legal US citizens.

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi knows that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible for the office of president, which is why she refused to certify the following language when certifying Obama as the DNC candidate for president in 2008.

This is the normal language for certification of nomination for president and vice president, filed by the DNC only in the state of Hawaii…
This is the language filed by the DNC in the other 49 states, however…
Note that the language which certifies that Barack Hussein Obama meets all constitutional qualifications is missing in the DNC documents filed in 49 of the 50 states. The certification of constitutional qualification for the office of president was filed only in Hawaii. That text is missing in the DNC certification filings for all other states.

Whereas the RNC filed the exact same certification document, including the constitutional text for John McCain in all 50 states, Obama was technically certified in only one state, Hawaii. A mere inconvenient technicality, I’m sure…

The US Congress knows that Barack Hussein Obama is not constitutionally qualified for the office he holds. Although the congress passed a resolution proclaiming Senator John McCain a “natural born citizen” as the son of two US citizens, no such congressional resolution exists for Barack Hussein Obama.

The press knows that Obama is not a “natural born citizen,” having written on several occasions about the “Kenyan born” senator from Chicago. A number of citizens have already been arrested and jailed for asking these questions.

Over four-hundred law suits have been filed across the country asking the courts to force Obama to become the “transparent president” he promised to be, and all four-hundred are being dismissed before discovery, all on the basis that “no citizen has proper legal standing” to ask who and what their president really is…

Over a half-million citizens have now signed a petition demanding to see Obama’s birth records.

Numerous members of the US Military have refused deployment orders from Obama, on the basis that he refuses to evidence his constitutional qualifications to issue such orders. In most cases, the soldiers have simply been reassigned, so as to avoid any disciplinary action that could end in “defense discovery” which might finally force Obama to open up his files once and for all.

Now an eighteen year veteran flight surgeon and active Lt. Colonel faces court martial as he makes his demands for proof that Obama is constitutionally eligible to issue orders as Commander-in-Chief.

Obama’s entire domestic, foreign and national defense agenda has proven to be wholly anti-American

Obama’s entire domestic, foreign and national defense agenda has proven to be wholly anti-American on every possible level. Still, the answers concerning who and what Barack Hussein Obama Jr. really is remain elusive in the face of unprecedented efforts to ask the right questions.

No matter who asks, how they ask or where they ask, not one single individual in Washington DC or even state government seems willing to weigh in on the most important issue of our era. Who and what is the man sitting in the people’s White House?

How in the hell did we get an overtly anti-American resident of the people’s White House without so much as a simple birth certificate to prove who this person really is?

And why won’t a single elected representative of the people engage in the effort to force an answer to this question?

The answers to these and many more questions are likely very simple and equally chilling…

The Speaker of the House does not refuse to certify her candidate as “constitutionally qualified” in forty-nine of fifty states by accident

Nobody spends $2 million in legal fees to hide an authentic birth certificate. The Speaker of the House does not refuse to certify her candidate as “constitutionally qualified” in forty-nine of fifty states by accident. A press that knew he was the “first Kenyan born senator” didn’t forget that he was Kenyan born when he decided to run for president.

Most importantly, the people DO have a right (read - proper standing) to ask who and what their president really is, in any court, any time. And soldiers are court-martialed for refusing orders, unless those orders were issued by an illegitimate Commander-in-Chief.

DC knows what most Americans have yet to figure out…

Obama is NOT a natural born citizen no matter where he might have been born. Obama’s birth father was at no time an American citizen and on this basis alone, Obama cannot be a constitutionally qualified resident of the White House.

They know something else that the American people have yet to figure out…

The US Constitution no longer stands as the governing law of this land. Obama’s many unconstitutional policies, Czars, executive orders and statements provide the proof, and the fact that nobody in DC cares whether or not Obama is constitutionally qualified to be president of the United States should send a shiver down the spine of every red blooded American citizen, no matter their partisan agendas.

The people willing to ask the tough questions are deemed crackpots and conspiracy theorists, racists or bigots. But those tough questions should be obvious questions to all Americans and every president should have to answer those questions, no matter race, creed, color or party affiliation.

I fear that those questions will only be answered at the tip of pitch forks and torches one day. Sooner or later, the people will run out of patience with a system built to exclude them. When that day comes, I fear what methods will be employed and whether or not there will be a country left to save by then.
But sooner or later, one way or another, Obama will have to answer those questions. One day, the world will know who and what this man is and there will be a day of reckoning like no other in American history.

The longer it takes for that day to arrive, the more dangerous the situation will become. A man not even qualified to hold the office is using that office to destroy the greatest nation on earth. How much patience can the people be expected to display?

Obama is not eligible for the office he currently holds and everyone in a position to know - already know.

What they don’t know is how much longer they can keep it all a secret, or what will happen next.


We, the undersigned, assert our rights as citizens of the United States in demanding that the constitutional eligibility requirement be taken seriously and that any and all controlling legal authorities in this matter examine the complete birth certificate of Barack Obama, including the actual city and hospital of birth, and make that document available to the American people for inspection.

Click here to sign the petition

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Media Release: Mission Australia to roll out the welcome mats to raise awareness of Brisbane’s homeless

Mission Australia’s Winter Sleepout

Today Mission Australia will be rolling out 387 welcome mats in King George Square to raise awareness of Brisbane’s homeless, and its Winter Sleepout campaign.

Mission Australia’s Winter Sleepout campaign aims to raise awareness and funds to help combat the growing issue of homelessness in Australia.

The campaign has been running since 1988, and this year Mission Australia is encouraging social teams, work mates and community groups to get together and sleep out for one night during winter and seek sponsorship for their efforts.

Mission Australia State Director Tony Stevenson said he hoped Tuesday’s event in King George Square raised awareness of the issue of homelessness in Brisbane, and encouraged people to get behind Mission Australia’s campaign and organise their own winter sleepout.

“Living without a stable home is only one of the problems faced by people who are homeless,” Mr Stevenson said.

“Many also feel isolated and lonely, often going for days without conversation or even making eye contact with anyone.

“Money raised from the 2010 Winter Sleepout campaign will go towards supporting those people currently facing homelessness, and helping them get back on their feet.”

Details of the event in King George Square are as follows:
  • Date: Tuesday, 13 July 2010
  • Venue: King Gorge Square, Brisbane City
  • Time: 5.30am – 1.30pm
Local restaurant Groove Train in King George Square is getting behind Mission Australia’s Winter Sleepout campaign, by offering customers the option of adding $2 to their bill from 12 July to 12 August 2010. Money raised from this initiative will go towards Mission Australia’s 2010 Winter Sleepout campaign and supporting Australia’s homeless.

Mission Australia is one of the country’s longest-running community service organisations. For over 150 years, Mission Australia has been helping to transform the lives of Australians in need. In 2008-2009, Mission Australia assisted more than 13,000 homeless individuals and 950 families through its homeless services.

Additional information regarding Mission Australia’s Winter Sleepout can be found at

Ron Paul on Iran Sanctions

War with Iran possible.Ron Paul is against any kind of war with Iran or with any other country for that matter ...

Senator: Resolve Obama's eligibility in court

Senator: Resolve Obama's eligibility in court
A Republican senator is suggesting the dispute over Barack Obama's eligibility to be president be resolved in court.
Read the latest now on

Monday, July 12, 2010

Who's got The Ultimate Job?

Mission Australia is thrilled to be the charity partner in Drake International's new competition to find 'the ultimate job'.

'The Ultimate Job' competition was launched last Wednesday at Melbourne's Charcoal Lane restaurant with Premier John Brumby, Mission Australia CEO Toby Hall and a panel of celebrity judges.

The panel included Mal Walden (Network Ten), Peter Blunden (Herald Sun), Bernie Brookes (Myer), Eddie McGuire (Austereo), Andrew Swallow (AFL), Linda Brown (Swinburne University), Russel Howcroft (George Patterson Y & R) and The Victorian Government.

Following the launch, Sydney will follow in August and eventually all major cities of the world including New York and London.  Throughout the campaign Drake International is generously raising funds for Mission Australia.

The competition details are provided below, or visit

How The Ultimate Job Competition works:
(Information provided by Drake International)

Each capital city of Australia will be picking it's own Ultimate Job. Each campaign runs for 3 months.
  1. Companies submit their applications
  2. The Expert Panel from each city chooses their Top 10 jobs. (Note: If Companies have representatives on the panel, they can not vote for their own Companies.)
  3. Drake will place candidates in all positions advertised throughout the competition.
  4. Each Company that makes the Top 10 shortlist will be able to compile a video (Up to 5 minutes) of their Ultimate Job.
  5. The public votes via text/SMS on their favourite job from the Top 10 list, with the winning Company being decided by the highest number of votes from the public.
  6. A Gala Evening will announce the winning Company of The Ultimate JobT campaign for Melbourne, and there will also be a winning Employee (Placed into The Ultimate Job), who will be rewarded with a host of prizes including: A Myer Wardrobe and Fosters Grange Fridge, filled with Fosters Grange wines.
Further Points
  • The Expert judges (listed above) will choose the top 10 jobs out of a list of real/vacant jobs that are submitted by Companies.
  • On  Companies will have their logo and 200 words or less, to advertise their vacant positions to the public. The public can apply for all positions advertised, as these are real jobs.
  • Mission Australia will receive revenue raised by public texting,  for The Ultimate Job, 30% of job placement fees, and all monies raised from the Gala Event.
  • Companies with vacant jobs will be encouraged, through multiple sources to submit their applications to be short listed for The Ultimate Job.
  • All Company applications, are real jobs that the public can apply for. Some companies are actually creating jobs specifically for this competition.
  • The Ultimate Job will be announced at a Gala Event with the Top 10 companies in attendance (October 5 2010). All jobs will be introduced, No. 10 right down to the winner. The celebrities participating in the judging will be in attendance.
  • The winning job applicant will be showcased on the Gala Evening.
You can check out the competition website here, or follow us on Twitter here.

Funding Corruption and Waste in Afghanistan

Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

Last week, GOP chairman Michael Steele came under fire for daring to say what a lot of Americans already know – that our involvement in Afghanistan is an ill-advised quagmire with no end in sight.  After nearly 10 years and approaching $1 trillion spent, the conflict is going nowhere because there is nowhere for it to go.  After all, if victory is never really defined, defeat is inevitable. With our economy at home in serious trouble, this wasteful occupation is something we clearly cannot afford.  Each soldier costs us $1 million per year, and yet most in Washington are …Continue reading »

See all Texas Straight Talk »

Abortion is still murder!

WAKE UP AMERICA! Another victim of "CHOICE" taken at the Clinton inauguration January 20, 1997.

SEE NO EVIL? Police stand shoulder to shoulder to block the "Abortion President's" view of peaceful pro-life demonstrators at the Clinton Inauguration Janury 20, 1997,

Abortion: Blood of Innocents

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ron Paul: No More U.S. Tax Dollars for Corrupt Afghan Officials!

07/12/2010 -
Last week, GOP chairman Michael Steele came under fire for daring to say what a lot of Americans already know: that our involvement in Afghanistan is an ill-advised quagmire with no end in sight. After nearly 10 years and approaching 1 trillion dollars spent, the conflict is going nowhere because there is nowhere for it to go.

After all, if victory is never really defined, defeat is inevitable. With our economy at home in serious trouble, this wasteful occupation is something we clearly cannot afford. Each soldier costs us one million dollars per year and yet most in Washington are only considering how many more soldiers to send. Fuel costs an astonishing $400 per gallon for our military in Afghanistan. Yet somehow, many politicians feel it is acceptable to squeeze this money out of our taxpayers who are truly struggling economically to fund this non-war. Our economy here is not showing any real signs of improvement. Official unemployment is pushing 10% and getting worse. Real unemployment is over 20% according to the free-market economists. The growing debt and inflation used to fund this occupation only dooms us to more economic hardship for a long time to come - and for what?

Where the money for Afghanistan comes from is one problem; where it goes is another. Recently it has come to light that much of the aid money we send to Afghanistan is lost due to corruption. Billions of tax dollars from hard working Americans are ending up lining the pockets of corrupt Afghan officials and likely even filtering into the Taliban we are ostensibly fighting. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that curiously enough, billions more than the Afghan government collects in revenue is leaving the country in the form of cash on huge containers and in suitcases and mostly ending up in Dubai as well-connected Afghanistan officials buy up luxury homes and enrich their personal offshore bank accounts. Investigations into corruption and graft have been blocked by the Karzai government, probably because Karzai's own brother would have to be implicated. It is encouraging that the foreign aid appropriation subcommittee has attempted to block billions in aid as a response to these allegations, but this is likely to be temporary and may not even succeed.

The point is that sending aid money to Afghanistan is not making poor people over there better off. It's making poor people here worse off. Corruption is endemic to Afghanistan with graft comprising about one fourth of their economy. Even though it is considered the second most corrupt nation in the world, according to Transparency International, we still send the Afghan government billions of dollars in aid and are shocked to find it is not making its way out of the sticky fingers of the officials entrusted with it.

Robbing citizens here to fund corruption over there is not helping average citizens anywhere. We are sacrificing real economic opportunity at home for the opportunity to line corrupt pockets in Afghanistan. Not only that, but American soldiers are being killed and maimed. It is tragic and frustrating how much we have lost and wasted already. It's time to leave Afghanistan to the Afghans to sort out. I am glad more Americans are finally willing to face this reality.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs and Sharron Angle on Freedom Watch

Ron Paul, Former Ambassador John Bolton, CATO's director of foreign policy studies Chris Preble, Democratic Analyst Doug Schoen, and Judge Andrew Napolitano discuss "Obama's War" in Afghanistan. Also on the show: Former CNN Anchor Lou Dobbs and Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Sharron Angle.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Black Hypocrites: Move to Africa!

 Whitewashing Black Racism
By Michelle Malkin
Why haven’t national media outlets reported on the vile and violent rants of the New Black Panther Party thugs whose 2008 voter intimidation tactics got a pass from the Obama administration? Simple: Radical black racism doesn'’t fit the Hope and Change narrative.


Such black fools fulfill many stereotypes about black people. If they hate people of white color so much, then let them return to Africa where they belong; let them stop wearing clothes made possible by white inventions and using electricity and running water and driving cars or taking buses or listening to the radio or television, etc. Their dark hearts and mindsets are already primitive, so let them stop being such hypocrites and go all the way and live in huts and wear grass skirts and fight other black African tribes like they have gangs here. Good riddance!

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Rats are Cornered

"Messianic leaders are a myth and meant to control you and stop you from personal action and independent thought. Thinking a new leader will change the world just gives you an excuse to be lazy. "

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dating a photo

When was this photo of Manly Cove taken? There are several clues. On the right is Manly Art Gallery, opened in 1930. The boardwalk, constructed by the Port Jackson Company, was completed in December 1931. But there is no sign of the Dressing Pavilion (now the Manly Pavilion Restaurant), which was opened in June 1933. the boardwalk looks as if it might still be under construction, and there are none of the floating pontoons or slippery-dips installed yet. The likeliest date is the summer of 1931-32. The large crowd shows what an immediate draw the enclosed pool proved to be. When completed, it was widely regarded as the "finest pool in the Commonwealth."

Ron Paul July 07 End this War

Ron Paul July 07 End this War

More Power for the Fed

 Congressman Paul's Texas Straight Talk

Last week I was pleased to see my Republican colleagues take up the cause to fully and completely audit the Federal Reserve by including my language from the Federal Reserve Transparency Act in a Motion to Recommit the financial regulation reform bill.  Although this effort was defeated by the Democrat majority, there were many good reasons to support it.   The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate restrictions on GAO audits of the Federal Reserve and open Fed operations to Congressional oversight. Additionally, audits could include discount window operations, open market operations, and agreements with foreign central banks, such …Continue reading »

See all Texas Straight Talk »

The Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies

Ron Paul Slams Federal Interference In Oil Spill Relief Efforts

As tar balls from the BP oil spill wash into Galveston, Texas, Congressman Ron Paul has slammed federal interference in the relief effort that is hampering local attempts to mitigate the consequences of the disaster, mimicking how the feds deliberately botched the response to hurricane Katrina and made the crisis worse.

"They have done a lot to interfere," Paul told National Political Correspondent Jessica Yellin on CNN's "John King USA."

"A lot of local officials, property owners and state officials have wanted to do more over in Louisiana and Mississippi and the federal government, the fish and wildlife people, the EPA and others, they come in and they prohibit them from doing it," said Paul.

The Congressman also added that if large numbers of National Guard troops were not deployed oversees fighting endless wars, there might be more manpower to call upon in aiding relief efforts.

"If all our states had their Guard units back here maybe they would have the manpower to do more to help clean up the beaches and prevent the oil from coming in, but, no, our Guard units are all over the world fighting wars we don't need," said Paul.

In hindsight, it's becoming clear that the government has deliberately botched the response and prevented local authorities from doing their jobs, just as FEMA deliberately sabotaged the state response to Hurricane Katrina in order to make the crisis worse and create the pretext for a police state response, gun confiscation and ultimately more federal power.

What hospital was Obama born in?

Isn't it odd that neither of the two hospitals in Hawaii have claimed Barack Hussein Obama? How dumbed down are Americans? Hello?

Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thank you for supporting 'The 1234 Project' - 12,340 socks on their way to homeless clients

Mission Australia would like to thank everyone who got involved in the recent 1234 Project on Facebook. The campaign has successfully ensured the delivery of 12,340 socks to homeless people across Australia.

'The 1234 Project' was launched on Facebook on the 11th June. The simple concept involved 1234 donating a pair of socks to a Mission Australia client each time a Facebook supporter 'Liked' the 1234 Project page, with the target set on 12,340 pairs of socks.

As many homeless people only own one pair, socks are usually one of the most heavily-damaged and highly-valued articles of clothing they own - so it is fantastic that our supporters have been able to help provide our clients a new pair this winter.

Stay tuned to see what's been achieved - we will keep our Facebook page updated with photos and news updates about the socks reaching their destinations around the country...

...simply go to and click  

A Lucky Find

Sometimes very short newspaper articles can convey a whole lot. The Sydney Morning Herald reported on 12 August 1914: “A baby boy, about 3 months old, was found on the edge of the cliffs at Blue Fish Point, Manly, about 8pm on Monday. It was without a stitch of clothing.”
The chances of someone finding this baby on a cold winter’s night at that location must have been very slim. What became of the infant? What became of his mother? We do not know, but let’s hope his life took a turn for the better.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mission Australia kicks off training for City2Surf

Mission Australia's preparation for the 2010 City2Surf is officially underway with the Sydney Roosters hosting the first training session at Moore Park last Thursday.

For the third year in a row, clients from Mission Australia's homeless mens services in Sydney will participate in the event.

This year the team's training schedule is designed by Sydney Roosters forward Jason Baitieri, and facilitated by the Michael Project's Recreation Officer, Adam Bowden.

The Roosters will host fortnightly training sessions for the weeks leading up to the City2Surf, which should provide an interesting training project for 'coach' Jason Baitieri:

“I had a fantastic time helping the guys out and passing on my knowledge that I have gained through my years playing rugby league. I am looking forward to seeing the progress over the coming weeks leading up to City2Surf”

As part of their Community Engagement Program, Sydney Roosters work with charities like Mission Australia to encourage players to take responsibility for community engagement in addition to playing commitments.

Ron Paul: It Is Obamas War He is The One Sending More Troops Over There!

CNN July 05, 2010

Ron Paul Congratulates Michael Steele CNN 07/04/10

Ron Paul on CNN 07/04/10: RNC Chair Michael Steele War Comments

Dr. Paul's statement concerning Michael Steele and Afghanistan
“I would like to congratulate Michael Steele for his leadership on one of the most important issues of today. He is absolutely right: Afghanistan is now Obama’s war. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was out in front in insisting that more troops be sent to Afghanistan. Obama called for expanding the war even as he pretended to be a peace candidate.
Read more >>>

My Country 'Tis of Thee

"My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrims' pride!
From ev'ry mountainside,
Let freedom ring!"
-- Samuel Francis Smith
(1808-1895) Baptist minister, journalist, author
Source: America, first stanza of song also known as My Country 'Tis of Thee

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Declaration of Independence

"The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.— Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. ..."
-- Declaration of Independence

Source: Declaration of Independence, IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

Ron Paul weekly update : Big Government and the Fed: A Sinister Alliance

Big Government and the Fed: A Sinister Alliance - 07/05/2010

by Ron Paul

Last week I was pleased to see my Republican colleagues take up the cause to fully and completely audit the Federal Reserve by including my language from the Federal Reserve Transparency Act in a motion to recommit the Financial Regulation Reform Bill.

Although this effort was defeated by the Democrat majority there were many good reasons to support it. The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would eliminate restrictions on GAO audits of the Federal Reserve and open Fed operations to congressional oversight. Additionally, audits could include discount window operations, open market operations and agreements with foreign central banks, such as the ongoing dollar swap operations with European central banks.

Since its inception the Federal Reserve has always operated in the shadows without sufficient scrutiny or oversight while Congress has kept its hands off and its eyes closed. The Federal Reserve has presided over the near-complete destruction of the United States dollar. Since 1913 the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power, aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve's loose monetary policy.

The Federal Reserve Transparency Act would achieve much more needed transparency of the Federal Reserve system. However, House and Senate negotiators failed to include the full language of my legislation in the conference report for the Financial Reform Bill, and the full Congress missed yet another opportunity to demand accountability from the Federal Reserve by defeating the Republicans' motion to recommit. Over 320 members of Congress from both parties co-sponsored my original bill, which was incorporated into that motion to recommit. Almost 200 members of Congress who care about the Federal Reserve transparency voted for this motion to recommit. Unfortunately they find themselves in the minority.

Any legitimate objections to the audit proposals were addressed in the language of the motion to recommit. Thus it is clear that the real reasons for opposing it are unstated and indefensible. The real reasons are that politicians like to spend money far exceeding income and it is convenient to have an enable of this in the Federal Reserve. The easier it is for the Fed to create money hidden from public view and accountability, the easier it is for politicians to spend that money and make sure their friends and interests are taken care of through shady political processes.

The broader reasons for supporting this entire financial regulatory reform bill are just as sinister. This is not about cracking down on big banks, as some claim. Rather, this is about not wasting a crisis. This is about using a traumatic event to increase government power and control over the economy. If it was really about addressing the causes of this recession, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would have been dealt with or abolished. Failed companies would just fail rather than being bailed out. Instead, a permanent bailout mechanism is being established. The Fed and its ability to control interest rates and create cheap money would be reformed, or better yet, abolished. But instead its power is being increased, and this Congress refuses to even fully audit it.

So yet again in the midst of a crisis government insists on acting in ways outside the scope of the Constitution, hoping that the crisis gives them cover. The truth is that in the crises is when we need constitutional limitations the most.


Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.