Friday, October 31, 2008

Stop Israeli destruction of Jewish farms!

Dear Friends,

The letter below was written by Buddy Macy to Sallai Meridor to protest the barbaric destruction of the Federman-Tor homes. We urge all friends of Israel in the US to do the same. Each and every letter makes a difference.

In addition, for US Citizens, send letters also to:

* the Israeli Embassy (202-364.5500) or consulate nearest you
* The SD's Bureau of Democracy (202-647.4000 or 1-800-877.8339), Human Rights & Labor,

Inform them and demand an appropriate investigation. As an American citizen, you can ask the State Department to investigate these human rights violations.

Shabbat Shalom,
Ruth and Nadia Matar

Dear Fellow Activists,
Last Sunday morning, the Israeli Government ordered the execution of appalling actions against two Jewish families in Kiryat Arba. (Click the link to learn the details directly from one of the victims - .) I urge you to send a fax (202-364-5423) and postal letter of any length, to Sallai Meridor, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States. And, please forward this email to everyone on your list.

Here is my letter, for your reference:

October 30, 2008
The Honorable Sallai Meridor
His Excellency Ambassador of Israel
3514 International Drive, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Dear Ambassador,
I am sure you are aware of the tragic events that took place this past Sunday morning (actually, in the middle of the night) at the Federman and Tor homes ­ the smashing of their windows (reminiscent, dare I say it, of an event that took place 75 years ago) and forced entry by Israeli soldiers; the dragging of the startled, shocked children from their beds after being shaken awake; the beating of some children; the families' forceful expulsion from their own homes; and, finally, the crushing destruction of their homes, without them even having the opportunity to take any of their personal possessions! What type of state is it that treats its citizens in such an appalling, sickening fashion!

I am a secular Jew who has supported Israel my entire adult life. This support includes 25 years of volunteer service to my local Jewish Federation (Greater Clifton-Passaic, New Jersey) as a fundraiser, officer, and Board of Trustees and Executive Committee member, as well as numerous financial contributions to the Jewish State through Federation. IT IS OVER! Until the Israeli Government publicly apologizes to the Federman and Tor families and compensates them fully for their loss and suffering, including emotional trauma, and until Mr. Olmert and Mr. Barak are criminally charged for inciting and ordering the above inhuman behavior, I will not give one more cent to the State of Israel. And I will begin to suggest to others, some with substantial resources, to consider ceasing their Federation giving and, instead, contributing directly to specific pro-Jewish Israeli causes.

Ambassador Meridor, I hope you have the moral courage to call for such immediate action.

Most sincerely,
Buddy Macy

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

Shimon Peres had Yitzhak Rabin murdered

Avishai Raviv, Yigal Amir and Yitzhak Rabin's Assassination

Avishai Raviv was an Israeli government agent provocateur (whose code name was "Champagne" for the bubbles of incitement he created to tarnish the right-wing Israelis) who goaded Yigal Amir to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (although this is hotly disputed by investigative reporters like Barry Chamish) and created the fictitious right-wing group, Eyal.

Avishai Raviv has never been charged with incitement or as an accessory to the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and has disappeared from sight, undoubtedly just following orders or else.

I was NEVER involved with the extremist Jewish group "Eyal" but had met Avishai Raviv during a Temple Mount Faithful demonstration in Jerusalem when he helped me to protect Gershon Salomon (chairman, Temple Mount Faithful) during Tisha B'Av when the police carried Gershon away from the Mugrabi Gate and dropped him and he hit his head and went unconscious and the throng practically trampled him except for me trying to cover him and shouting at the people to be careful that Gershon was on the ground -- and I'm pretty sure it was Avishai who helped me keep the people from stepping on him.

Howard Grief, an attorney and member of the Temple Mount Faithful, witnessed it all and wrote The Jerusalem Post about it (we both had a letter published the same day: Howard's letter was called "Police Brutality" and mine was called "Discrimination" - The Jerusalem Post, Friday, Aug. 25, 1995).

Before that incident I had met Avishai Raviv in the office of the Temple Mount Faithful when he and someone else came there. He had invited Moshe Weissfish (Gershon Salomon's cousin) and I to his apartment in Hebron, but it was later explained to me that Avishai was a "shtinker" (informer) and that the police wanted to falsely associate the Temple Mount Faithful with such people and how he had even taken it upon himself once in Tel Aviv to have an office on campus with "Temple Mount Faithful" on the door or something like that, which Gershon immediately forbade him upon knowledge of it as he had no authority to do it and did NOT represent the Temple Mount Faithful in any manner, shape or form.

This is what I remember of the agent provocateur Avishai Raviv and his fake group "Eyal."

I might add though that after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, some female (British?) reporter (probably my age) who knew Nick Day of The Traveller, kept trying to get Avishai's phone number or have me contact him (since she heard I had met him) until I told her I wanted nothing to do with him. She was unrelenting until Nick Day told her to back off. I guess she was his friend or acquaintance.


Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body

Doctors Dead For Rabin

The Vatican and Yitzhak Rabin's Assassination

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fight against radical Islam

Re: Interview with Producer of Obsession

BHarold756 Says:
October 30, 2008

Thanks for this post. I’ve worked on “Obsession,” and I can’t express how important this film is. The fight against radical Islam and extremism is one that we must win, and “Obsession” truly is our blueprint for this new kind of battle - the battle between those who hate and those who value democracy and freedom.

Noahide conversions

Re: Noahides and Jewish soul snatchers?

Judaism isn't exactly a proselytizing religion.

As a general rule, Judaism isn't a proselytizing religion, but Judaism has its record of coercion (the Book of Esther) and forced mass conversions (Edomites), and Shmuley Boteach, a rabbi, writes For a confederation of Noachides in The Jerusalem Post, saying "...the Jewish community should be spearheading this movement, and should fund a global campaign to have non-Jews join a Jewish confederation, if not adopt Judaism in its entirety."

Forgive me for being a bit facetious about "Jewish soul snatchers" to make a point, since too many Jews are hypersensitive to real or imagined proselytizing by professing Christians and hatefully refer to them as "soul snatchers." And the very fact Jews often publicize and praise Noahide conversions is a not-too-subtle form of proselytizing, isn't it?

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-30 21:32:07 ET Reply Trace

The Founding Fathers on redistribution of wealth

“A wise and frugal government… shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
— Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

May God bless Chuck Baldwin to repeat those words in his inaugural address.

David Ben-Ariel on the post "The Founding Fathers on redistribution of wealth"

Noahide nonsense

Noahides and Jewish soul snatchers?

Noahides Warmly Welcomed Along Unfamiliar Journey
Hillel Fendel

Accepting the Torah, But Remaining a Gentile
Non-Jews came to Jerusalem to take vows to follow the Sheva Mitzvot Benai Noach, and some Arabs talk of joining the Jewish people.

Noachides are barren fools, devoid of biblical festivals and without the Sabbath and other treasures given to all mankind, living in their limbo land of neither Jewish or Christian or anything, but feeling good about being nothing.

Basically the Noahides are simply required to live moral lives and not participate in pagan worship, which is what true Christians do, many who were Gentilized Israelites (Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples) but have returned to our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities.

Should Jews be considered "soul snatchers" for encouraging the Noahide nonsense rather than encouraging Gentilized Israelites to at least remember the Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws?

Joseph isn't Jewish!

All Twelve Tribes of Israel aren't Jewish?

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Israel's Lost Generation

It seems the days of the young, vibrant sabra in Israel, dedicated to working for retention of the rich Jewish heritage, are a thing of the past...

During the period between Israel’s fight for survival against Arab incursion in 1948 and the battling nation’s hour of glory in the Six Day War of 1967, the tough, tanned, hardworking youth of the Jewish nation became a source of legend. This was the generation that became known as the sabras, named after the cactus that thrives in the Judean hills...

Ron Fraser, Israel's Lost Generation

The same pioneer spirit is gone in the United States too, with the inspired drive of Manifest Destiny depleted by materialism and hedonism, idolatry and immorality.

Both Jews and Joes (British Israelites) are wandering in the wilderness, adrift, the living dead. Only national repentance can restore us to life, meaning and purpose (2 Chron. 7:14, Dan. 9:11) or the German-Jesuit Europe will be used to bring us to our knees and restore us to our senses.

Why doesn't Ron Fraser (or another PCG writer) visit the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City and write an article about Manifest Destiny?

As mentioned within From Toledo to Jerusalem -

You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.

Apart from 5 months at Ramat Yohanan (where I met my "kibbutz mother," Miriam Weiss) I've also stayed at Sdot Yam on the Mediterranean, next to Caesarea, the site of my first ulpan (intensive Hebrew course), and where Israel's heroine, Hannah Senesh, was from - as well as mentioned in Exodus by Leon Uris; Regavim, near Zichron Yaakov, where I continued my Hebrew lessons amid its rolling green hills; Reshafim, near Bet She'an, with Mt. Gilboa practically in our backyard, and Jordan's mountains in lovely view out front; Adamit, on Lebanon's border, high up on a mountain, from where on clear days you can see all the way to Haifa's Mt. Carmel; Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva; Dan, way up in the northernmost part of Israel, in between Syria and Lebanon, next to the majestic snow-covered Mt. Hermon, where I was living when "Operation Desert Storm" blew in; and Ha'On, with its campground and ostrich farm on the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee, across from Tiberias; and last but not least, my beloved Jerusalem, next to my favorite spot on earth: the Temple Mount.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fanatically negative reviews of Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon review

A Must Read, If You Share His Premises,
By Robert Locke

The fanatically negative reviews of other reviewers should clue the potential purchaser in on one thing only: this is a religious book, and as such, is contrary to some people's deeply-held beliefs. David Ben-Ariel is a Christian Zionist, something which upsets some people (read "Moslems") no end. But if you are a Christian seeking the connections between your own religion and Zionism, or a Jew, seeking to understand why some Christians are such staunch supporters of your cousins in the Middle East, this book is one of the best explanations out there. Ben-Ariel is not shy about taking the Bible, and what it implies about contemporary political events, seriously. If you are not a religious believer, you will find his connections between Bible verses and contemporary political events simply irrelevant, but that's up to you.


EU without UK

Re: We can never be part of a federal Europe
By Norman Tebbit

The UK must get out or get stuck in the muck of Babylon. Those nations who cherish sovereignty should exit now from the entangling alliances of the "European" Union, a Jesuit ruse for Germany's Fourth Reich.

We can expect the powers that be to accelerate efforts to forge a United States of Europe to rival and replace the United States of America, smelling blood, due to the globalist bankster scheme to further defraud and deflate weary Americans and the obvious bankrupt spiritual state of its people that foreigner and fraud Obama represents.

Those who continue to sit on the fence risk rupture, and with a deflated and vulnerable America and imminent Iranian nuclear provocation, the heat will be on for the EU to eliminate excess baggage, to trim to a core group of ten nations, that can move at lightning speed.

Posted by David Ben-Ariel on October 28, 2008 1:38 PM

This Philadelphia Trumpet article puts things in perspective:
Does Britain Know What It's In For?

Zimbabwe suffers under Black rule

Re: Zimbabwe inflation hits 11,200,000 percent

Once considered the breadbasket of Africa, Zimbabwe has been in the throes of an economic meltdown ever since the country embarked on a chaotic land reform program that has decimated commercial agriculture.

White-Israelite managed Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, but now under atrocious Black misrule, with their racist attacks against White Israelite farmers who worked the land and blessed everybody (why does the media fail to focus on this racial issue?), Zimbabwe is in ruins.

Sold-out South Africa is quickly reverting to its primitive state (due to lack of White Israelite leadership), ANC changes for the worse, and stupid Americans prepare to elect another Black Marxist to office, ignorant and indifferent to the real world and history lessons, having been Obamatized, falling under delusions of Obama's grandeur, easy prey to PC propaganda as White Rhodesians and White South Africans proved to be and now suffer horribly for it.

Warning For America From South Africa
It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!
South Africa's Lame-Duck President

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-28 10:39:49 ET Reply Trace

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ron Paul

Spending the Economy into Oblivion

“With news this week that Congress is poised to consider a new stimulus package, I am forced to again ask a question that seems silly in Washington: How will we pay for this?

While a few Members of Congress have raised the issue, it certainly was not the primary concern of the House Budget Committee when they interviewed Ben Bernanke on Monday. And, when they did direct this question to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, his answer was the standard rhetoric about how Congress needed to make tough choices. Needless to say, not many specifics were discussed. One of the most liberal members of the House, Barney Frank, has at least volunteered something of a suggestion: “We can let Iraq take care of itself.” This, of course, goes in the right direction, but hardly far enough.”

Click here to read the full article:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nazi popes, Muslims and Jews

Arise Ye, Saints and Knights
by Barry Chamish
On Yom Kippur, the former Nazi, Pope Benedict XVI, announced that he would approve Pope Pius XII as a saint. Pius, the Holocaust Holy See, could have done much to stop the slaughter of the Jews...
Everyone, but one in Israel, objected to Benedict's plans to raise the butcher pope to sainthood. Unfortunately, the one who did not object was Pres. Shimon Peres. He was too busy planning the pope's visit to Israel for that.And then, on Nov.4, the anniversary of the Peres' murder of Yitzhak Rabin, the Vatican will be mending its ties to the Moslems in Rome..
Pope Benedict made Peres very jealous when he named his plotter buddy, 'Rabbi' David Rosen, a Papal Knight. Not to be undone by his pipsqueak co-conspirator, Peres is pushing hard to be made a knight himself, this time by Queen Elizabeth II of the British Commonwealth...
Arise Ye, Saints and Knights

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bizarre holiday: Halloween

Every year at Halloween, well-meaning parents dress their children in grotesque and ghoulish costumes. Is Halloween really harmless? Who and what's behind this bizarre holiday?

Is Halloween Harmless?

Covenant News

COVENANT NEWS - News and Commentary -
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Top News Headlines and Commentary

Third Party Presidential Candidate Debate Between Chuck Baldwin and Ralph NaderC-SPAN 2 Flash Video

John Lofton comments on Gary DeMar's `fear'By John Lofton

From The Pulpit: Pastor Says Abortion Is Murder

Execution Delayed Again for Troy Davis

Ron Paul on FOX News - Cavuto, Oct. 24, 2008

Christian Candidate for Gov. Fights 'Obscene'-Sign Charge

Pastor Charged With Felony For Spanking Son

British Christian Group Donates To Atheist Bus Advertising Campaign

Soldier Protecting Christians Mutilated, Killed In Orissa

Mixing Catholicism With Voodoo

Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama leads to destruction

Obama bin Osama
Re: Obama's "new direction" - words, mere words.

What nation in its right mind, after 9/11, after Osama (at least his collaboration with the powers that be on it), after our alleged war on terrorism, would elect a questionable and dark character who is pro-Muslim, raised during his influential years in Muslim countries, has attended a hateful Afro-racist congregation that preaches anti-American and anti-white sermons, is endorsed by avowed Black racists and rabid Nazi Muslims, etc. would let Barack Hussein Obama even entertain the notion of running for president for a second? It certainly appears America is under a curse and those who would vote for that fraud and foreigner are helping to make racist Jeremiah Wright’s wish come true that God damn America. Shame!

Obama’s not the Messiah

Obama in the flesh

Comment by David BenAriel — October 23, 2008 @ 3:46 pm

Blind Jews and Marxist Obama

None are so blind as Jews who will not see.

Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism (Oct 22/08)
Jackson: “Obama to stop “putting Israel’s interests first” (Oct 14/08)
Obama is a foreign policy disaster, especially for Israel
Democratic Jews have their priorities ass-backwards
Jews can’t vote for Obama and be pro-Israel at the same time (July 08)
Obama’s Marxist connection (May 08)
Obama’s Communist Connection (May 08)
Obama’s Muslim connection (Mar 28/08)

Ted Belman

Noble like the Bereans

As a Bible-believing Christian, I encourage folks to be noble like the Bereans and search the Scriptures to see whether these things are so, and to remember the early Sabbath-keeping Church of God were falsely accused of being "cult members" by those proud and stubborn religious people who preferred idolatrous traditions over the plain truth of the Bible. God is witness.

Acts 24
14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they [traditionalists] call a cult, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.

Acts 28
22 But we desire to hear from you what you think; for concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere.

Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?

Is The Plain Truth Too Strong?

The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God

Karyn McConnell Hancock

Re: Kidnapped Toledo Lawyer: Ho, Ho, Hoax!

Karyn McConnell Hancock, an ex-lawyer and former Toledo councilman who has been the focus of a long investigation by the Lucas County prosecutor's office, was charged yesterday with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from her former clients...

McConnell charged with 1 count of theft; amount stolen put at $500,000-$1M

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The New Racists

Re: Rage at gov's force of a different color ("IT'S A BLACK THING")

There are no Klansmen marching in the street but we all know who is terrorizing our urban streets--The new racists and guess what their color is!

Shades of Black...

Why the widow of Alan Paton fled South Africa

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-23 12:08:06 ET Reply Trace

Obama's Religious Ruse

Re: Obama’s Religious Ruse:
’I’ve Always Been a Christian’ (Clearly a Goat)

What we have here is a baptized Marxist who denies the biographical reality of his Muslim background, takes pride in his skepticism, is the center of his universe, is posing as a Christian, esteems the power of the christ myth, and seeks the most powerful position of authority in the world.

Obama is a foreigner and a fraud, yet Obamatized masses are under delusions of Hussein's grandeur. God save us all!

If Obama's the Messiah...

Obama in the Flesh

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-23 10:04:23 ET Reply Trace

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Surprises?

Philadelphia lawsuit to declare Barack Obama ineligible

Hawaii lawsuit to declare Barack Obama ineligible

Because Obama IS NOT a Natural US Citizen as Required by the US Constitution

This is what we're up against, folks ... YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE YOU VOTE!

Russia and Germany against US

Growing cooperation between Moscow and Berlin is undermining the influence and credibility of arguably the most important security organization in modern history.

The Russo-German Plan to Dismantle NATO

Moslem mob

I've written about how the religious rights of Jews and Christians are trampled daily upon Jerusalem's Temple Mount after suffering such abuse during Simchat Torah years ago. Sad nothing has changed! Then... The Last Great Day And now... Temple Mount Visit Cut Short by Arab Mob

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Shame on Colin Powell!

Colin Powell's surrender to race over reason
After all is said and done, all the pretty platitudes and syrupy speeches about the "brotherhood of man," "aren't we all equal?" and other abused mantras are mouthed mindlessly, some are shocked to see that RACE MATTERS.

Yes, race matters. Whites have been fooled into thinking it doesn't, our God-given privileges and proper status undermined as others gain ground we've conceded falling for treacherous PC lies.

We really shouldn't be surprised at what we're seeing with our own eyes (yet too many remain in denial and have a harsher rude awakening on the way), as realists, hotly branded as "racists" and tar and feathered as "White supremacists" (as if hateful name-calling dismisses the truth to power such brave souls speak), have warned about these consequences for years.

Colin Powell's surrender to race over reason is only the tip of the iceberg of the betrayals and blackmails the United States can expect to suffer under a Black Marxist regime as that fraud and foreigner, Barack Obama, would foment.

The rise of Obama is truly "a spiritual event," representing the decline of the United States, a CURSE that White Israelites are suffering from by increasingly militant minorities (due to our idolatry and immorality - Daniel 9:11), even as our White Israelite brethren in raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and besieged South Africa suffer from the primitive majority they shamefully empowered.

Whether folks like it or not, the alternative to White Power is Black Power and history proves what a miserable failure that has been: how neighborhoods and nations go into rapid decline and everybody suffers, since the Blacks have demanded the most and contributed the least to world civilization and show no signs of improvement.

You don't believe it? You don't want to believe it? Read this revealing article written by a Black African man and free your mind of its shackles, get off the politically correct plantation, let the truth set you free:
Why Black People Have Remained Backwards

May our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, restore sanity in our White Israelite lands, and grant repentance that proper White power may be restored, blessing every color and creed.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Philadelphia Church of God (PCG)

Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation (simply a deeper understanding of some things), and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it (1 Cor. 4:7). Gerald Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words...

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
"It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."

Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
Stephen Flurry, son of Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (based in Edmond, Oklahoma), has published a book that Amazon sells, Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong.

The Work of God Must Go Forward!
The Work of God must go forward. The only work that's left to do now is focus on the NATIONAL LEVEL. We must get out God's ultimatum and fast! Europe is on the rise and Jerusalem is getting international attention (Zech. 14:2). Soon God's two witnesses will rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isa. 60:1-2). God's about to restore His lamp to the Middle East! (Rev. 11:3; 1 Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11; Zech. 12:8).

PCG: Carrying on Business as Usual
If you truly saw what is coming on this Earth, and had a vision of tomorrow, you would know that the Gathering Storm darkens as you sip champagne and boast that you're rich and in need of nothing, woefully ignorant that the Two Witnesses will soon be wearing sackcloth and fasting, not wining and dining at black tie dinners!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!
We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).

Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
Gerald Flurry refused to go forward with Beyond Babylon and fell backwards, treading old ground and is now going in circles, business as usual, as Europe rises and Judah and Israel have yet to be warned.

Worldwide Church Of God All Over Again?
Let’s see to it that Philadelphia Church of God (Judah) doesn’t go the way of the Worldwide Church of God (Israel). These biblical principles still apply: don’t put undue trust in men; work out your own salvation, it’s not a group affair; beware the scholarly approach that demands you rely on men - not God’s Spirit or personal Bible study.

The Watchmen
"I have set Watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem"
God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust!

Ron Paul

Too Big to Fail?

“In the midst of highly unpopular bailouts of Wall Street, many justifications have been given about why Washington feels the need to act. Some claim that capitalism and the free market are to blame, but we have not had capitalism. If you compare our financial capital to our aggregate debt, this would be obvious. In the same way, we have not had a truly free market. The monetary manipulations of the Federal Reserve, a complex tax code, the many “oversight” agencies and their mountains of regulations show that we are far removed from a free market economy…”

Click here to read the full article.

South Africa today, America tomorrow?

Robbers leave man deaf, blind
'Niemand verdien om so te sterf'
Cop: Animals are not like that
Bylaanval: Dapper kind sê dankie aan redder
Plaasvrou in haar bed geskiet, gewond toe rowerbende toeslaan
Rowers skiet ma van twee dood ná biduur
Axe victim 'knows mom is dead'
Harrismith farmer gunned down
Olivier family wants answers
Groom shot on wedding day

Covenant News

COVENANT NEWS - News and Commentary - Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Eats Babies
By Tim Swanson

Every USA Church, Synagogue Gets Militant Islam DVD

John Stossel 20/20 Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics

Student's Killer Gets Life Sentence

NSA Spying And The Shredding Of The Constitution

Mortgage Firm Arranged Stealth Campaign

Bailout To Swell Debt, Hit Taxpayers

Ron Paul: Bailout Means We'll All Suffer

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sphinx Organization violates civil rights

The Sphinx Organization violates the rights of White children!

Re: Sphinx Organization isn't Racist?

Federal funds of $60,000 awarded to Sphinx in '04, it must be determined if they have since received even more.

NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS PROCEDURES FOR FILING CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINTS Who Can File An individual may file a formal complaint with the Office of Civil Rights if they believe that they have been discriminated against by an organization which has received Endowment funds, on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, disability and age. In order to be eligible to file a formal complaint with OCR, you must be a member or a representative for a "protected class." A protected class is comprised of persons who fit into any of the aforementioned categories. Thus, if you believe that you have been discriminated against on the basis of your race, color, national origin, disability, sex, or age, you are a member of a protected class. Federal law prohibits discrimination against any of these classes of individuals.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


EACH YEAR millions around the world observe the strangest of all festivals, Hallowe'en.

What about this strange festival? CLICK HERE to find out more!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More on the Obama man

Blacks and Obama

Why is Africa perpetually poor? Why are so many Black Americans perpetually poor? Is it due to color of skin or content of character or both? Read what this Black African wrote and wonder:
Why Black People Have Remained Backward

And then question why anybody would want Black Marxist Obama as president...

Obama in the flesh
Another view of Obama in the flesh
Obama's not the Messiah
Obama true feelings against white people
Obama's shady deals

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama in the flesh

I saw the Messiah today (if you believe Nation of Islam cult leader Louis Farrakhan) at the Maumee Bay State Park. My friend Carl and I had just finished walking the boardwalk (a great 2 mile stretch that meanders through woods and meadows near Lake Erie), and started to walk back to my car that was parked near the yellow-taped off area where all the Sheriff and Police are stationed for Obama's visit and Barack Obama was there shaking hands with tens of people. Looks just like he does on TV! ;-)

I walked right up and wanted to hand him one of my business cards (like I gave out yesterday to media, police and people), and was only 3 feet from him but that was when he was on the way out, was turning around to get into the waiting van, the Secret Service had open for him.

I wouldn't have shaken his hand, because that's a gesture you come in peace, without a weapon, and mean well. I don't believe Obama, a foreigner and fraud, means well for the United States. How could he after being indoctrinated by Jeremiah Wright and others in hateful Black Liberation Theology for over 20 years?

I don't hate Barack Hussein Obama, but I do despise the beliefs and the murderous and treacherous attitude of those Obama is known to surround himself with (from Jeremiah Wright to Louis Farrakhan to other Communists and Socialists and terrorists) since I love the United States of America and pray God Bless America. That being said, like the lady in Holland, Ohio told Obama, "I won't vote for you, but I will pray for you." Amen.


If Obama's the Messiah...

"You can't save Free Markets by Socialism" - Dr. Ron Paul

Obama's not the Messiah

If Obama's the Messiah...

Barack Hussein Obama, that foreigner and fraud, spoke in Toledo, Ohio yesterday at the Seagate Center. Afterwards I went down and distributed a few of my business cards with my book (Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall) and website address ( on it.

Then I continued on to my favorite park in the area: Maumee Bay State Park. I had just visited Maumee Bay State Park this past Sabbath with a Black brother, Baruch, who believes as I do (against the replacement theology of Sunday for Sabbath and pagan holidays for the biblical festivals, etc.) and joked with him folks would think I was Biden and he was Obama! LOL. We go there often to walk on the boardwalk and fellowship and enjoy God's good creation. We usually see some deer, besides a variety of birds.

At the Maumee Bay Resort & Conference Center I counted over 10 State Trooper vehicles, several police cars, a big trailor for what I reckon was a temporary police headquarters for the shindig, lots of secret service (who I discovered aren't allowed to take business cards), around 5 stationed golf carts (with a police officer in each) at angles of Maumee Bay Conference Center and some boat out in the water.

Inside the lovely Conference Center I was lounging in the lobby with some dignified senior citizens (one who had declined to be interviewed or photographed by the media), and I questioned aloud, "If Obama's the Messiah, why does he need all the security?" They chuckled and nodded in approval. What a waste of taxpayers' hard-earned money!

I continued, "And if Obama's the Messiah why is he staying at this expensive place rather than at the campground they provide, since this evening starts the biblical festival of Succot (Festival of Tabernacles) and he could set up a booth like Yeshua (Jesus) would do? Of course, those who haven't been Obamatized, who aren't under Obama's sway and haven't fall for Obama's demonic appeal, who aren't smitten with delusions of Obama's grandeur, know Barack Hussein Obama is not the Messiah.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Warning for America from South Africa

Wake up fellow Americans and face harsh reality and learn from history before it's too late:

It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

White South Africans, you should remember, have been in that part of Africa for the same amount of time whites have inhabited North America; yet ultimately South Africans voted for their own suicide. We are not so very different from you.

We lost our country through skillful propaganda, pressure from abroad (not least from the U.S.A.), unrelenting charges of "oppression" and "racism," and the shrewd assessment by African tyrants that the white man has many Achilles' heels, the most significant of which are his compassion, his belief in the "equality of man," and his "love your neighbor" philosophy - none of which are part of the Third World's history.

A Warning for America from South Africa

It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!

You've been warned about Obama

President Barack Obama sound good to you?

Is Obama still playing tricks with your mind?

Obama's hate

Race Matters

Toledo, Ohio smells like BO

Right now Toledo, Ohio smells like BO...

Black Marxist Obama to Pollute Toledo, Ohio

Reasons To Be Concerned About Obama

This is part one of a four-part series of articles I’ve authored for Family Security Matters.

Ten Reasons To Be Concerned About Obama’s Stances on National Security: Part One
By Ryan Mauro

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Barack Obama in Toledo, Ohio

Black Marxist Obama to Pollute Toledo, Ohio

The good people in Toledo, Ohio who haven't been Obamatized aren't too happy that our city will soon be polluted by the presence of Black Marxist Barack Obama. We love the United States with all our heart and won't curse it by voting for a foreigner and a fraud who hates the United States and White people.

The good people in Toledo, Ohio will never forget that Obama has been indoctrinated in Black Liberation Theology for over 20 years by his favorite Black racist minister, Jeremiah Wright, and has written in his autobiography that he learned how to deceive White people, learning tactics on how to talk to White people. Some of us aren't buying it. We won't let Obama play us for fools.

Toledo, Ohio and every other city of red-blooded patriotic Americans say: Obama go back to Africa where you belong - or to any Muslim country of your choice. You're a fraud and a foreigner, even if Louis Farrakhan and other Nation of Islam goons proclaim you their messiah. WE KNOW BETTER.

A Warning for America from South Africa

It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!

You've been warned about Obama

President Barack Obama sound good to you?

Is Obama still playing tricks with your mind?

Obama's hate

Race Matters

RP candidato, no Montana

«On September 5, the ballot-qualified Constitution Party of Montana submitted its presidential elector candidates to the Secretary of State. The party informed the Secretary of State that its electors are pledged to Ron Paul for president and Michael Peroutka for vice-president. Ron Paul was aware that the party planned to do this, and has said that as long as he can remain passive and silent about the development, and as long as he need not sign any declaration of candidacy, that he does not object.»( fonte)

Friday, October 10, 2008

WND Forums - We The People

RE: RE: We The People - Stand up or get stomped on!
Posted by David Ben-Ariel on Oct 11, 2008 00:09

How bizarre that you say the Khazars are not Jews, when THEY - along with their other Jewish brethren - have fulfilled the prophecies concerning Jews being restored to the Jewish homeland of Israel. Many Israelites are professing Christians, British-Israelism is true, but we have our part to play and our Jewish brethren have their part to play and ultimately we will become One Nation Under God, a truly United Kingdom.

Augustine is NOT a Christian, and he promoted the replacement theology of the accursed Roman Catholic Cult, substituting Sunday for Sabbath and pagan holidays for biblical festivals, etc. Won't you let the plain truth set you free?

A Jewish Homeland

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

Reply to: corey
Reply to "We The People"- Yes, we Christians DO have "Hebrew Roots". HOWEVER, the "Israelites" spoken of in the "Book of Revelation" are NOT today's Jews. Those who call themselves "Jews" are, in fact, Khazars, converted to Judaism and who originated on the Russian Steppes. The "Israelites" in Revelation are now the Christians. This is called "Replacement Theology" and is NOT new. St. Augustine wrote of this in the 4th Century A.D.

Doctors Dead For Rabin

On 18-Feb-07, Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital, was shot dead in his car in Ramat Gan, we assume by the Israeli secret service, the Shabak, to keep his mouth shut about the Rabin assassination. We make this assumption because of the long list of dead and nearly dead department heads at Rabin's last stop...Ichilov Hospital. Whether you were there that night or just heard the gossip in the cafeteria, you knew too much.

T.A. court orders release of suspects in murder of prominent physician...
Doctors Dead For Rabin
by Barry Chamish

A Wasted Vote

When asked why they will not vote for a third party candidate, many people will respond by saying something like, "He cannot win." Or, "I don't want to waste my vote." It is true: America has not elected a third party candidate since 1860. Does that automatically mean, however, that every vote cast for one of the two major party candidates is not a wasted vote? I don't think so. In the first place, a wasted vote is a vote for someone you know does not represent your own beliefs and principles. A wasted vote is a vote for someone you know will not lead the country in the way it should go. A wasted vote is a vote for the "lesser of two evils." Or, in the case of John McCain and Barack Obama, what we have is a choice between the "evil of two lessers."

A Wasted Vote by Chuck Baldwin

We The People

We The People - Stand up or get stomped on!

We The People (Am Yisrael - the Nation/People of Israel) - White Israelite peoples (those Anglo-Saxon-Celtics and White peoples of NW European heritage) - must remember our Hebrew roots (Roots - they're not just for Black folk anymore!) and biblical responsibilities if we are to survive.

It is urgent that We The People remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities, and break the bonds that shackle our minds and keep us down and under the Gentile heel; We The People must cast off the politically correct yoke of bondage imposed upon us; We The People must utterly reject the replacement theology of the politically correct cultists who have imposed "White guilt" upon us and who engage in pyschological warfare against us daily by building up other races by tearing down the White race, always "advancing" them at our expense. The White Man's Burden has become too great. Charity begins at home. Let us look after our own, first and foremost, and refuse to surrender any more territory.

The choice before us is to stand up or get stomped on - we've already been walked all over with institutionalized reverse discrimination and trampled by flagrant double standards and now they're showing their true colors by coveting the highest office of the land (that the Bible forbids them from occupying*).

Notice Blacks clearly have no shame in promoting one of their own kind (which is somewhat understandable but condemned as backward, redneck and racist when White people do the same), but what is not understandable, what is most unnatural and insane, is how useful White idiots are aiding and abetting their terrorism against us! Let us never forget that We The People are our own worst enemies - not Blacks, not Asians, not Latinos.

We The People wouldn't be in this situation, found in these dire straights, stuck in this muck, if we were in our proper place with God (Daniel 9:11). When We The People remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, when we get back in our place with God, they'll be put back into their place, so help us God!

* It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Europe is part of the problem

Jim McConalogue, editor of the European Journal, in the Yorkshire Post on 08 October 2008: AS Britain is thrust into the global economic maelstrom, one of our most nerve-racking, soul-destroying problems is the banking crisis and its impact upon the daily lives and financial security of the British people. Within Europe, Ireland, Greece and Germany have become the first three EU states prepared to guarantee personal savings in their domestic bank accounts, to varying degrees. However, when we look to the Labour Government for assurances in both the causes and actions in a failing financial system, there appears to be only silence or half-promises. The responses of Gordon Brown and ...

Europe can't solve this crisis; it's part of the problem

"And Moses went..." (Temple Institute)

"And Moses went..."(Deuteronomy 31:1)Tishrei 8, 5769/October 7, 2008"Vayelech Moshe - And Moses went..." Where did Moses go? These opening words of this past week's Torah reading, Vayelech, begin the very verses we read during the ten day period beginning with Rosh HaShana and concluding with Yom Kippur. This week, the week in which, more so than any other week of the Hebrew calendar, we focus our thoughts on repentance, on overcoming our weaknesses, correcting our mistakes, drawing nearer to G-d, this week more than ever we seek G-d's guidance as we stand before Him in judgment and beg His forgiveness...

"And Moses went..." (Temple Institute)

Remember Obama's Bitter Roots!

Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11

Let all remember and be left without excuse who would insanely vote for that Black Marxist, Obama, indoctrinated in hate against US and White people. What a curse they invoke who would invite that demon to possess the Oval Office, the dark disciple of Jeremiah Wright to pollute the White House with his unclean presence. Never forget!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Black Holes

The Death of Durban
A Blog illustrating the collapse and physical destruction of the beautiful, happy holiday city of Durban in the "New South Africa" -- the things that tourists are NOT told about. BE WARNED - YOUR HAPPY HOLIDAY FUN COULD MAKE YOU VIOLENTLY SICK


A message to White people of South Africa from the South African Black majority: "Go dig a hole and create your own world if you don't want to live with blacks. This is our country too."


South Africa's Lame-Duck President

Traces of the Trade

Self-indulgent Traces of the Trade

What an orgy of shame! I endured Traces of the Trade (PBS or is it PCS?) and discovered nothing new in it except for perhaps the disgusting depths that self-hating, bleeding heart white liberals, will descend to and self-righteously insist on dragging everybody else along with them.

What a twisted trip for white masochists, groveling before blacks who questioned and mocked them, who refused to shake their hand and who said they felt angry. White people ought to be angry at blacks always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for themselves - whether in the US or Africa.

Reparations are not the solution, especially if we subtract what blacks have cost America. Why should those who were never slave owners pay those who were never slaves? REPATRIATION is the solution. And looking at African blacks versus American blacks, some could conclude that for many the sacrifice of slavery is the best thing that ever happened. You certainly don't see blacks clamoring to return to Africa with any sense of proper pride, even though many claim to be "Afro-centric." Yet they'll stay and complain and try to shake down guilty whites instead of recognizing or admitting the common sense of Abraham Lincoln that still rings true today: the solution is racial separation.

"I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."
- Abraham Lincoln

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

South Africa Ruined by Black Marxists (ANC)

Once the jewel of Africa, this nation is now going the way of the rest of the continent. A new president won’t help matters.
South Africa's Lame-Duck President

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sphinx Organization isn't Racist?

I appreciate Margaret A. Cassetto, Manager of Corporate Partnerships, for promptly responding to my legitimate concerns about the racist nature of the Sphinx Organization:

Subject: "Diversity" music program is off color and off key
Date: Oct 6, 2008
I would like to clarify your misconception that the Sphinx Organization’s programs are exclusively for Blacks and Latinos. The only program for which Black or Latino heritage is requisite is the Sphinx Competition for young Black and Latino string players. This represents only a small portion of the people served by the organization. (The competiiton awards 18 semi-finalists annually.) The hundreds upon hundreds of young people who benefit from free and low-cost music education and exposure to classical music are of all races and ethnicities. Young people from all backgrounds participate in Sphinx’s full-scholarship summer music academy and weekend music institute. Likewise, when Sphinx artists visit schools across the country, it is a diverse audience of students who benefit from educational residencies and workshops.

How I wish to God it was merely a misconception on my part that children of [White] color are being discriminated against by the Sphinx Organization’s exclusive programs for Black and Latinos! Why do I remain unconvinced? Consider the following, review the evidence, and come to your own conclusions and act accordingly:
Sphinx Organization isn’t Racist?

The Do-Something Congress (Ron Paul)

Texas Straight Talk
A weekly column
October 06, 2008: The Do-Something Congress
It has not been a good week for the Republic. It took quite a bit of trampling of the Constitution, but the bailout bill passed, as I suspected it would. The bailout failed the first time it was brought to the House. Undaunted, the Senate pressed on by attaching the bailout as an amendment to another House passed bill that was pending in the Senate. The new bailout version had new taxes, so according to the Constitution it should not have originated in the Senate. The rallying cry heard all over the Hill the past two weeks …

Continue reading »

See all Texas Straight Talk »

Speeches and Statements

October 3, 2008 The Passage of the Bailout
"Madame Speaker, only in Washington could a bill demonstrably worse than its predecessor be brought back for another vote and actually expect to gain votes. That this bailout was initially defeated was a welcome surprise, but the power-brokers in Washington and on Wall Street could not allow that defeat to be permanent. It was most unfortunate that this monstrosity of a bill, loaded up with even more pork, was able to pass..."

Continue reading »

Press Releases

September 15, 2008: Congressional Offices Available for Assistance
"Congressman Ron Paul continues to be gravely concerned about the devastation caused by Hurricane Ike in Texas and getting help to everyone affected is his utmost priority..."

Continue reading »

Hear Congressman Paul's weekly legislative update toll free

The Creature From Jekyll Island

'The Creature From Jekyll Island
'Michael Peroutka & John Lofton / The American View Radio:
Exclusive interview with G. Edward Griffin the author of "The Creature From Jekyll Island,"
An Expose Of The Federal Reserve System. This book is a must read! Institute on the Constitution: "Where does money come from? Where does it o? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money."

Obama's Secret Election Campaign Fund

Unfriendly sources stack the deck in Obama’s secret election campaign fund.
Election Funding Bombshell

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Gay and Jewish?

Some anonymous American-Israeli Jewish guy who goes by the good name of "David" has written about his personal struggles with homosexuality...
The Straight Path Home

Friday, October 3, 2008

Economic crisis, leadership, and prophecy

The ongoing economic drama playing out in America is fascinating, but only in the way that one might find a train wreck fascinating.

Economic crisis, leadership, and prophecy
By Wallace G. Smith

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Racist Obama

Obama and racist Black Congressional Caucus

Re: Obama Gets His Own Wedding Anniversary Wrong

Black Congressional Caucus

More double standards, more blatant black racism, more black hypocrisy. Imagine the hue and cry if Chuck Baldwin or John McCain were to speak to a WHITE Congressional Caucus.

The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-02 09:15:38 ET Reply Trace

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Operation Paperclip

After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine...

Operation Paperclip

The Philadelphia Church of God

Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation (simply a deeper understanding of some things), and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it (1 Cor. 4:7). Gerald Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words...

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
"It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."

Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
Stephen Flurry, son of Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (based in Edmond, Oklahoma), has published a book that Amazon sells, Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong.

The Work of God Must Go Forward!
The Work of God must go forward. The only work that's left to do now is focus on the NATIONAL LEVEL. We must get out God's ultimatum and fast! Europe is on the rise and Jerusalem is getting international attention (Zech. 14:2). Soon God's two witnesses will rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isa. 60:1-2). God's about to restore His lamp to the Middle East! (Rev. 11:3; 1 Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11; Zech. 12:8).

PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual
"If you truly saw what is coming on this Earth, and had a vision of tomorrow, you would know that the Gathering Storm darkens as you sip champagne and boast that you're rich and in need of nothing, woefully ignorant that the Two Witnesses will soon be wearing sackcloth and fasting, not wining and dining at black tie dinners!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!
We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).

Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
Gerald Flurry refused to go forward with Beyond Babylon and fell backwards, treading old ground and is now going in circles, business as usual, as Europe rises and Judah and Israel have yet to be warned.

Worldwide Church Of God All Over Again?
Let’s see to it that Philadelphia Church of God (Judah) doesn’t go the way of the Worldwide Church of God (Israel). These biblical principles still apply: don’t put undue trust in men; work out your own salvation, it’s not a group affair; beware the scholarly approach that demands you rely on men - not God’s Spirit or personal Bible study.

The Watchmen
"I have set Watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem"God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust!