Friday, August 31, 2007

Toledo council's move to pick Ashford 'inappropriate'

August 31, 2007 | City of Toledo
Toledo council's move to pick Ashford 'inappropriate'
Democrats on Toledo City Council “inappropriately” elected Michael Ashford council president after they neglected to first remove his Republican predecessor and then failed to administer an oath of office, according to a ruling by the city law department... Mr. Ashford was unavailable for comment last night.
At least this is a step in the right direction in the pursuit of justice, but will the city law department investigate if Rob Ludeman's civil rights have been violated, since it is a known fact he was ousted as president of the Toledo City Council because he is a white man? Even The Blade acknowledged the "racial politics" that were at work against Mr. Ludeman.

The pattern of reverse discrimination in Toledo, Ohio has got to stop! The institutionalized racism of "affirmative action" and quotas and extra points must end.

Racist Toledo City Council Removes White President
Michael Ashford's racist agenda
A Warning For America From South Africa
Kick Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance Office to the Curb!
Good riddance Perlean Griffin!
Close Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance Offices Nationwide
Perlean Griffin adds insult to injury of Toledo and Mayor Carty Finkbeiner
Perlean Griffin is just another Tawana Brawley
Black Mark on Toledo

Thursday, August 30, 2007

We love Princess Diana!

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty
Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother
God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!
Joseph Isn't Jewish!
God-given Names

A Ron Paulian Blueprint?

Yet another great article from have a dream...

Rockwell's Thirty-Day Plan
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

When Eastern Europe broke free in 1989, we all realized just how little thought had been given to the transition from socialism to capitalism. Mises had told us the collapse was coming, and we should have been prepared.
As America comes to resemble a command economy, we need a transition plan here too. Yuri Maltsev proposed a "One-Year Plan" for the U.S.S.R. We're not in that bad a shape (yet), so we could do it in 30 days.

DAY ONE: The federal income tax is abolished and April 15th is declared a national holiday. The 40% reduction in federal revenues is matched by a 40% cut in spending. The budget is still almost twice as big as Jimmy Carter's.

DAY TWO: All other federal taxes are abolished, including the corporate income tax, the capital gains tax, the gasoline tax, "sin" taxes, excise taxes, etc. Businesses boom, and the few legitimate federal functions are funded with an inexpensive head tax. People who choose not to vote need not pay it. (Note: this was a mainstream view in the 19th century.)

DAY THREE: The federal government sells all its land, freeing up tens of millions of acres for development, mining, farming, forestry, oil drilling, private parks, etc. The government uses the revenue to pay off the national debt and other liabilities.

DAY FOUR: The minimum wage is reduced to zero, creating jobs for ex-federal bureaucrats at their market wage. All pro-union laws and regulations are scrapped. The jobless rate falls dramatically.

DAY FIVE: The Bureau of Labor Statistics, like the rest of the Labor Department, is sent to that big hiring hall in the sky. Without detailed economic statistics, future economic planners will be blind and deaf...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007




Beyond Babylon

Read Beyond Babylon online

Our personal and national sins are the CAUSE for the EFFECT we are beginning to experience:

Daniel 9:11

11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him.

REPENT and avert national destruction, defeat and deportation:

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger

Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?

Joseph Isn't Jewish!

Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Is The Plain Truth Too Strong?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

The Plain Truth About The "Lost Ten Tribes" And Why You Need To Know

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

Stay Tuned . . .

Efforts are under way to expand Catholics for Ron Paul into a group blog with prominant Catholic contributors.

With more contributors there will be more regular posts and additional developments.

Please check back for more updates on developments.

Beyond Babylon blacklisted by The Blade?

Beyond Babylon blacklisted by The Blade?
by David Ben-Ariel

Imagine writing your very first book, informing your local newspaper about its imminent publication, and then hearing nothing from them. Imagine such famous newspapers as The Chicago Tribune and The Washington Times giving your book advance publicity and yet your local newspaper that claims to be "One of America's Great Newspapers" remains deathly silent, no encouragement, no support to help promote a local author.

Imagine then a smaller newspaper running an interview with you about your book and controversial beliefs, reaching East Toledo and many small Ohio towns. When I again wrote The Blade's ombudsman, who allegedly deals with issues of fairness and accuracy, questioning why The Blade had yet to review my book when The Press already reviewed Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, wondering why The Blade didn't lead rather than follow and he merely responds with, "What Press?" and nothing more. I answered him both The Press and The Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune had run articles about Beyond Babylon and didn't hear back from him.

Before my name change from David A. Hoover to David Ben-Ariel, The Blade graciously published my pro-Israel letters almost monthly at times. Later when my staunch support of Israel, inspired by my Christian-Zionist beliefs, clashed with their pro-PLO bias, those published letters became fewer and far between, especially after I called them to inform them that, unlike a caption under a recent photo, and comments within various articles they ran, that Judaism's holiest site wasn't the Western/Wailing Wall but the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the fellow said the Temple Mount was a Muslim holy site and controlled by the Wakf (a Muslim board) and hung up! When I called right back and said regardless that the Muslims occupied the Temple Mount, it is still Judaism's holiest site, he hung up again! How UNprofessional for "One of America's Great Newspapers"!

I'm sure after several unpleasant incidents like this, especially when I publicized them in letters that appeared in The Jerusalem Post worldwide, commenting how The Blade could have easily verified what I said with any local rabbi or checked out this information at Toledo's excellent main library (that is in walking distance of their handsome building), they weren't too happy with me. It's interesting to note that they didn't have a single article about my unjust deportation from Israel (due to politico-religious persecution), yet they had several about some area "Palestinians" who were justly deported from the Jewish homeland. The only mention of my harrowing experience was a single letter-to-the-editor that made it in The Blade, even though my case involved Ohio's Marcy Kaptur, Ohio Senators DeWine and Voinovich, the Jerusalem-based Temple Mount Faithful and Israel's General Security Services (their "FBI") and Israel's High Court! Certainly newsworthy if only as a human-interest story, wouldn't you say?

Recently I wrote the ombudsman Jack Lessenberry again, with a carbon copy to the editor-in-chief Tom Walton. He responded curtly that such reviews are usually done within the first six months of publication and they didn't review self-published books. I promptly responded both Publish America and I had informed The Blade about the imminent publication of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, as well as later informing them of its publication, and that since Beyond Babylon was NOT self-published, when could I expect a review? He wrote that I should contact the lady who is their book reviewer (without including her e-mail address).

Today I called her, after not hearing from her in a week and a half, to ask if she had received my information. Of course, she had. She said she emailed me yesterday to contact the business department. I told her Beyond Babylon wasn't really business-related, but that it was politico-religious in nature. I had already contacted The Blade religion editor without any response, so she said that she doesn't normally review a book unless it will be likely to become a best-seller. I asked her how a book could become a best-seller without publicity? She said to again contact Mr. Lessenberry, but she couldn't "force him to review it." I told her I was disappointed in The Blade and would hope that he wouldn't have to be "forced" to help promote a local author.

What a run-around from "One of America's Great Newspapers"! At the very least, looking at the bright side of such experiences, various departments of The Blade are now well aware of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall and they've provided me with this material for an article to share with readers worldwide, which I've now done and you're one of them!

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Beyond Babylon

David Ben-Ariel

Best Price $19.95
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Katrina highlights more black failures

Katrina Highlights Conservative Failures, Group Says
– In the two years since Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, the Bush administration has failed to restore the city because of its reliance on conservative policies, a liberal organization charged in a report released Tuesday. But conservative analysts said the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor – both liberal Democrats – must share the blame...
Katrina is Only the Eve of Destruction!
Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!
Aid for Africa?
Race Matters
Martin Luther King Day?
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
Black to Africa (Facing the Crisis in Black America)

Bringing Politics Back to the People

Bringing Politics Back to the People - The Do-It-Yourself Campaign of Ron Paul

Sean Scallon
August 28, 2007

In 1964, just before the New Hampshire primary, an average Joe named Paul Grindle didn’t particularly care for the choice of candidates running for the Republican nomination for President.
So he decided to run his own candidate for president.
With the help of a few friends and using the most sophisticated marketing techniques at the time, Grindle created a boomlet for Henry Cabot Lodge, former Massachusetts U.S. Senator, 1960 GOP Vice-Presidential candidate and then the U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam. Lodge wasn’t running for anything, his name wasn’t even on the New Hampshire ballot. Grindle and his friends mailed out postcards to New Hampshire Republicans to find out if there was support for Lodge which they found out there was. Then they mailed out fliers for Lodge, letters for Lodge and pamphlets demonstrating how to write Lodge’s name on the ballot. They even opened a headquarters for him in Concord.
All that postage spent for eventually paid off. Lodge won the New Hampshire Primary with a write-in vote, beating out that year’s eventual GOP nominee Barry Goldwater and former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller despite all their money, all their TV ads and vast campaign apparatuses deployed in the Granite State.
Of course it helped Grindle that so many New Hampshire Republicans wanted someone other than Rockefeller and Goldwater, he just simply provided another candidate. But Grindle’s effort also goes to show that politics does not have to be “game” played only by a few professionals, or the hacks or even the wealthy. Sometimes, even the “average Joe” can play too if they have the knowledge, the gumption and a little luck.

It’s that same “do-it-yourself” spirit that Grindle showed 43 years ago that’s a part of Congressman Ron Paul’s run for the White House today.

Forget the all internet activity, You Tube videos, or Facebook pages for a moment and focus on meat-and-potatoes politicking. Out of all the candidates running for President in 2008, who among them has supporters willing to hang signs on freeway overpasses, to stand with signs outside events whatever the weather, who will volunteer their time to make phone calls or write letters to voters or do lit drops as well? Who among the candidates has supporters willing to pay for advertising in newspapers and radio out of their own pocket or are willing to write scripts for cable TV ads? Who among the candidates has supporters so dedicated that they attend his rallies thousands of miles from home?..."

Read the whole article here

Ron Paul: Our Power, Our Responsibility

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Üdvözlés Magyarország!

The people of 1956's revolution for Ron Paul!

Welcome Hungary!! Üdvözlés Magyarország!!

A Szabadsag Filozofiaja (Hungarian)

The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)

The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
By David Ben-Ariel

Read this, then watch the Kempler video, and then read this again for a better understanding of it all.

The Kempler Video of Yitzhak Rabin Assassination is the seven and a half minute video made by Roni Kempler while standing on the roof of a building overlooking the scene at the Kings of Israel Square during the assassination of Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin on November 4th, 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Yitzhak Rabin murder video revealed to the public

Almost two months after the Yitzhak Rabin assassination, Israelis were shocked to read in their newspapers that an amateur film of the event would be shown on Channel Two news. The filmmaker was announced as a "Polish tourist". However, this story changed the day of the broadcast. The filmmaker was, in fact, an Israeli named Roni Kempler.

Roni Kempler disappearing from the public discourse and returning on the Internet

In his sole television appearance the night his film was broadcast, Roni Kempler explained that he wasn't interested in making money. It was quickly discovered that Roni Kempler worked for the State Comptroller's Office and was a bodyguard in the Israeli army reserves. The Yitzhak Rabin murder video (the Kempler video) was shown on Israeli TV in its entirety two times in December 1996 and the name Roni Kempler was known world-wide. In the ensuing years the video is never shown in its entirety on Israeli TV, and the name Roni Kempler is never mentioned in the Israeli media. In July 2005 the video appeared on the web site Yigal and has given the world its first opportunity to examine it in detail with the aid of computer technology.

Yitzhak Rabin murder video used to convict Yigal Amir

The Yitzhak Rabin murder video was used during the trial of convicted assassin Yigal Amir, the Shamgar Commision on the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and used for a brief period to convince the Israeli public that Yigal Amir did, in fact, commit the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

Questions regarding Roni Kempler

A letter was published in the Israeli newspaper Maariv in January 1996 from Hannah Chen of Jerusalem in which Ms. Chen succinctly summarized some of the most blatant suspicions of Roni Kempler. The letter read: "Allow me to add my doubts about the strange facts surrounding the Yitzhak Rabin assassination. You want us to believe that Roni Kempler was a just a "regular guy" who happened to take a video of the assassination. At the beginning of the video Roni Kempler was in the "sterile" area and was requested to leave. So Roni leaves and goes to the roof of an adjacent building - the perfect place for an assassin. Of course there were security personal on the roof but those security personal let Roni Kempler go home with the most important piece of evidence that existed."

David Rutstein also gets involved

The viewing of the Yitzhak Rabin murder video (the Kempler video) in 1995 convinced various Israelis to write books on the Yitzhak Rabin murder conspiracy. But those various books did not seem to influence the Israeli establishment to pursue Yitzhak Rabin's true killers. In September 2005, David Rutstein returned to Israel after a 15 year hiatus from the country. Mr. David Rutstein noticed that Israeli TV, which dedicated the whole week to the life and death of Yitzhak Rabin, did not show the seven and a half minute video but just a few second clip of the murder itself and many Israelis did not know that the Yitzhak Rabin murder video even existed. That raised Mr. Rutstein's suspicion and he researched the Yitzhak Rabin murder on the internet and soon thereafter built the following web sites to bring the truth as to the true circumstances of the death of Yitzhak Rabin to the entire Israeli public. Subsequently,,, were built in Hebrew and was built in English. In July 2005, David Rutstein obtained the Yitzhak Rabin murder video and shows the video free of charge on his web sites.

Back passenger door of the limousine at 7:17

The event captured on the film that is the center-piece of doubts about the veracity of the Shamgar Commission is the back passenger door of Yitzhak Rabin's limousine that closes before Yitzhak Rabin enters the car. To almost everyone who watches that door close, it appears that someone, perhaps the murderer, may have been waiting in the limousine for Yitzhak Rabin. This is in direct contradiction to the official conclusion that Yitzhak Rabin entered an empty car. This occurs at 7:17 of the video as well as at 8:41 when repeated.

Video concentrates on Yigal Amir

But there is more on the Yitzhak Rabin murder video that contradicts the official findings. As the seven and a half minute video begins we notice that the video is concentrating on Yigal Amir as Mr. Yigal Amir is by himself in the sterile area near Yitzhak Rabin's limousine. Mr. Roni Kempler, when interviewed, said that he concentrated on Yigal Amir because of his suspicions. We also notice that two security officers strike up a conversation with Yigal Amir at 4:20 of the video.

Shimon Peres and the back passenger door

A few minutes later, Shimon Peres comes down the steps and walks towards the crowd at the barrier. He accepts their good wishes and walks to a spot about a meter and a half opposite the hood of Yitzhak Rabin's car. Shimon Peres is accompanied by four bodyguards. Shimon Peres stops, looks inside the back passenger door of the limousine and then speaks to the the bodyguards. Shimon Peres and the bodyguards together look into the back passenger door of the limousine.

At this point there is a cut. Suddenly Shimon Peres is talking to Yitzhak Rabin's driver, Menachem Damti. Shimon Peres speaks to Menachem Damti, the driver, and subsequently Damti, Shimon Peres and the bodyguards again look at the back passenger door of the limousine. We notice in the video that Menachem Damti's head is nodding from side to side to indicate that he disagrees with something said by Shimon Peres.

Yigal Amir pulls out the gun

Shimon Peres enters his car and Yitzhak Rabin descends the steps. The camera now concentrates on Yitzhak Rabin and we see the bodyguard at Yitzhak Rabin's rear clearly stopping. The rear bodyguard stopping creates an open space and allows Yigal Amir a clear shot at the Prime Minister. Yigal Amir draws his gun from deep inside his right pocket, circles a student reporter named Modi Yisrael, and shoots with his left arm. At this point we see a flash of one bullet, one loud "bang" and two softer bangs. After supposedly "taking" the first bullet in the back, Yitzhak Rabin turns his neck to see who shot him. The fuzziness or cuts of the video are obvious to even an untrained eye. At the time of the shooting Yigal Amir was somewhat of a shadow. According to the ballistic testimony at the trial Yitzhak Rabin was shot at a very close range. Yigal Amir was far away from Yitzhak Rabin so the video was "cut" to extend Yigal Amir's left arm to shoot. As well, Yigal Amir is right-handed and during the re-enactment of the shooting during the trial Yigal Amir reenacted the shooting with his right arm, not his left. The entire video becomes fuzzy for two seconds after the first shot and then the video quality returns to normal. The back passenger door of the limousine closes. Yitzhak Rabin, the driver and bodyguard enter the limousine from the driver's side and the limousine begins to travel. Soon thereafter the video stops.

Mistake that video was shown to the public

The most haunting moment of the video is the seconds before Yitzhak Rabin is placed in the car, the opposite back passenger door slams shut. This segment has been examined and tested by numerous journalists, every shadow on the screen traced, every possible explanation exhausted. It seems that someone was waiting inside the car for Yitzhak Rabin. The question arises "Why did they make this murder video if it's so incriminating?" One obvious answer may be that "they made a mistake." That may be the reason why the video is not shown or even mentioned on Israeli TV. Therefore, the majority of younger Israelis didn't even know the seven and a half minute Yitzhak Rabin murder video even exists. That is, until its sudden reappearance and now it's the talk of the nation and soon the whole world as the Yitzhak Rabin assassination cover-up gets blown!

Kempler Video of Yitzhak Rabin Assassination

Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body

Will Yitzhak Rabin's "Bloody Shirt" Defeat Shimon Peres Again?

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Conservative Republicans for Ron Paul

Conservative Republicans Have Only One Choice In 2008
By Chuck Baldwin
August 28, 2007
This column is archived at
Let's cut to the chase: conservative Republicans have only one choice
for President in 2008: Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. Unlike the GOP
frontrunners, Paul is the real deal.
No real conservative could support Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John
McCain, Fred Thompson, or Newt Gingrich. When it comes to historic
conservative principles, each of these men is as phony as a three
dollar bill. That they are now attempting to cast themselves as
conservatives is more than laughable: it is downright hilarious.
For an ongoing review of the major presidential aspirants, I invite
readers to visit this web page often:
The more that conservatives (and the rest of America) learn about the
GOP's "top tier" candidates, the more they will dislike them. This
fact does not bode well for the GOP in the 2008 general election
should one of these five men obtain the nomination. Plus, G.W. Bush
has forever wasted the antiquated "lesser of two evils" philosophy. As
they say here in the south, "That dog won't hunt." Not anymore.
On the whole, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo are head and shoulders
above the aforementioned "top tier" candidates, especially on the very
important illegal immigration issue. They are also opposed to
so-called "free trade" agreements, and they are both pro-Second
Amendment. This is a plus. Hunter supports preemptive war, however,
and he voted for both the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions
Act, which disqualifies him for President, in my judgment. I confess
to liking Tom Tancredo. He strikes me as an honest man and was a
bulldog in fighting Bush's amnesty for illegal aliens proposal.
However, he also voted for the Patriot Act and Military Commissions
Act. Mike Huckabee and Sam Brownback are strong on the life issue, but
they are dismal on immigration and Big Brother issues. All that said,
it is Ron Paul alone who contains the "whole package."
He has a twenty-year record as a conservative congressman that is
virtually unblemished. Unlike the vast majority of congressmen and
senators in Washington, D.C., Paul consistently honors his oath of
office to support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United
States. That, all by itself, should be worth a conservative's support.
In fact, Ron Paul has voted against so many unconstitutional bills
offered by both Democrats and Republicans that he is known on Capitol
Hill as "Dr. No." This moniker comes from both his "no" votes and the
fact that Paul is a former medical doctor, an OB/GYN physician who has
delivered more than four thousand babies.
If one wants a true photograph of how a congressman or senator votes
on conservative, constitutional issues, the best place to look is the
Freedom Index in the New American Magazine. Ron Paul almost always
ranks as the most conservative congressman from either chamber or
either party. His current ranking is 100%, which is a score that few
congressmen or senators, except Ron Paul, ever achieve. And Paul does
it routinely.
See the Freedom Index here:
Ron Paul's commitment to the sanctity of human life goes beyond
rhetoric. He is the man who sponsored H.R. 776, entitled the "Sanctity
of Life Act of 2005." Had it passed, H.R. 776 would have recognized
the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring that "human life
shall be deemed to exist from conception." The bill also recognized
the authority of each State to protect the lives of unborn children.
In addition, H.R. 776 would have removed abortion from the
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, thereby nullifying the Roe v. Wade
decision, and would have denied funding for abortion providers. In
plain language, H.R. 776 would have ended abortion on demand. (It is
more than interesting to me that none of the Religious Right's pet
politicians, including George W. Bush, even bothered to support Paul's
pro-life bill.)
In addition to being willing to stop the illegal alien invasion, Ron
Paul is one of only a handful of congressmen that dares speak out
against the emerging North American Union, NAFTA superhighway, and the
Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement, all of which are being
promoted by the White House in concert with the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR).
Another critical issue in next year's election is the gun issue (it is
always a critical issue where freedom is concerned). On this issue,
Ron Paul stands atop the field. Because Paul truly supports the
Constitution, he truly supports "the right of the people to keep and
bear arms." Period. Should Ron Paul become President, gun owners would
have the best friend they ever had.
For a comprehensive review of the presidential contenders' records on
the Second Amendment, go here:
Regarding the war in Iraq and other foreign policy issues, Paul is a
traditional conservative of the order of George Washington and Robert
Taft. Not ignorant of military matters (he is an Air Force veteran),
Paul subscribes to a historical American approach of no entanglements
with foreign nations. In fact, in the area of foreign policy, Ron Paul
stands alone as a traditional, constitutional, American statesman.
Unlike his neocon counterparts, Ron Paul believes in an independent
America. He believes that it is not America's responsibility to police
the world. He believes America's political leaders are duty-bound to
protect the interests of the United States, not the interests of
internationalists. Accordingly, he opposed the unprovoked and
preemptive invasion of Iraq. Time has certainly vindicated Dr. Paul's
principled position.
In fact, those conservatives who have followed President Bush's
preemptive war doctrine are the ones who have abandoned historical
conservative principles. Before G.W. Bush changed the landscape,
conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, mostly subscribed
to Augustine's "just war" theory regarding accepted protocols for the
conduct of war. Today, however, many professing conservatives have
foolishly followed Bush's "preemptive war" theory, which, before now,
was practiced mostly by pagan emperors. Not so with Ron Paul. As a
Christian, he still subscribes to "just war."
Of course, Ron Paul believes in protecting America from terrorists. He
authored H.R. 3076, the September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001.
According to Paul, "A letter of marque and reprisal is a
constitutional tool specifically designed to give the president the
authority to respond with appropriate force to those non-state actors
who wage war against the United States while limiting his authority to
only those responsible for the atrocities of that day. Such a limited
authorization is consistent with the doctrine of just war and the
practical aim of keeping Americans safe while minimizing the costs in
blood and treasure of waging such an operation."
If the United States government had listened to Ron Paul, we would not
have lost nearly 3,500 American soldiers and Marines, spent over $1
trillion, and gotten bogged down in an endless civil war from which
there is no equitable extraction. Furthermore, had we listened to Dr.
Paul, Osama bin Laden would no doubt be dead, as would most of his
al-Qaeda operatives, and we would be less vulnerable to future
terrorist attacks, instead of being more vulnerable, which is the case
And speaking of Christianity, Ron Paul's testimony is clear. He has
publicly acknowledged Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. And for
Paul, this is not political posturing, it is a genuine personal
commitment. This is easily demonstrated by the fact that he does not
wear his Christianity on his sleeve, as do so many politicians (of
both parties).
Just recently, Ron Paul said these words, "I have never been one who
is comfortable talking about my faith in the political arena. In fact,
the pandering that typically occurs in the election season I find to
be distasteful. But for those who have asked, I freely confess that
Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and that I seek His guidance in
all that I do. I know, as you do, that our freedoms come not from man,
but from God. My record of public service reflects my reverence for
the Natural Rights with which we have been endowed by a loving
Could conservative Christians ask for a testimony that is any clearer?
Should Ron Paul win the Republican nomination, he would almost
certainly win the general election. His constitutional, common-sense
ideals would be attractive to such a broad range of voters, I dare say
that he would win a landslide victory, no matter who the Democrats
nominated. Conservatives, independents, libertarians, union members,
and even some liberals (mostly those who oppose the war in Iraq and
Bush's Big Brother schemes) would support Ron Paul. The challenge is
winning the Republican nomination.
Face it: the big money interests, the Chamber of Commerce crowd, the
international bankers and GOP hierarchy will never support Dr. Paul.
He is too honest, too ethical, too constitutional, and too independent
for their liking. Therefore, the only chance Ron Paul has of winning
the Republican nomination is for every Christian, every conservative,
and every constitutionalist within the GOP to get behind him.
Conservative Republicans have only one choice for President in 2008:
Ron Paul.
(c) Chuck Baldwin

Who Would The World Elect 3?

It`s 21h44 CET:

The Ron Paul Machine just took over the lead...

Total Number of Votes: 27,071.

Sarkozy seeks to give EU greater world role

28.08.2007 European Observer
As France prepares to assume the EU's driving seat in July next year,
president Nicolas Sarkozy has indicated he wants to turn the EU into a
decisive player in the global arena – something he says would result in a fairer and more harmonious world order.

"Europe must progressively affirm itself as a first-rank player for peace and security, in co-operation with the United Nations, the Atlantic Alliance and the African Union", Mr Sarkozy said in the first foreign policy speech of his presidency on Monday (27 August)...

Sarkozy seeks to give EU greater world role
Ah! The foolish French whores. They would be king of the continent, but Germany will remind them what a queen they are, a mistress at best, a lapdog doing tricks for their German-Jesuit masters, French poodles playing politics while being played.
Of course, the United Europe will be promoted by both Church and State as seeking peace and security while actually preparing for war to enforce their Pax Romana. In fact, Sarkozy "identified relations between Islam and the West as the main issue that currently needs to be examined," which will be the fuse that ignites the powder keg that is Europe, the convenient crisis that will create cohesion otherwise unobtainable overnight, with the "blessings" of the Vatican who will anoint their efforts and encourage their role as Defender of Christian Western Civilization, dominated by Germany.
Woe to Jerusalem upon whom Europe casts its evil eye! Watch drama unfold in Israel that demands international attention, and expect tensions to increase upon the coveted Temple Mount that Europe will offer to relieve, with copious guarantees of peace and security given to deceive.
The great betrayal is all part of the grand design being woven by globalist spin masters, who will with dizzying pace pollute Jerusalem with their presence, and tie it all together with concerted calls to enforce UN Resolution 181: the final solution.

Who Would The World Elect 2?

The "funny new website" is growing extremely fast. Yesterday there where only a couple of votes, today there are over 21.000!
Barack Obama is leading, ahead of Ron Paul, who leads in the USA (YES!).
The international support is absolutely stunning, because the Mainstream Media hardly covers Ron Paul. Nevertheless, Ron Paul is second in most countries!
I guess that most of the foreign Obama-voters do not even know Ron Paul, but every foreign Ron Paul supporter knows Obama for sure.
And don`t forget: so far it is only about the GOP-nomination. Ron Paul is crushing the second-placed Republican candidate, Rudy Giuliani, with about 20 times the number of votes!!

Get there an vote, Paulites!

Rule of the Demos

Rule of the Demos
by Lila Rajiva

"Most people today are quite sure of one thing.

A democratic state is always and everywhere good.

If we didn’t have the tyranny of the majority, they argue, wouldn’t we end up with the tyranny of the minority? If we reject democracy, won't we end up with plutocracy?
Without government to protect us, we are sure to have corporations to plunder us.
Money and business, they point out, can be just as coercive as states and armies. Aren’t armies often for hire by the money men? Didn't Carnegie send in state troops to break up his unions and fire on his workers? Doesn't Microsoft bribe governments in Asia, and didn't United Fruit topple governments in Latin America?
There’s no doubt that this argument has some merit to it. You can be quite sure that businessmen, like any other group of people, will get away with whatever they can get away with.... whenever they can. But, without being able to jiggle the levers of power on their behalf, few businesses would ever get to the size needed to do damage. Few would be able to inflict mayhem on the scale that even a government of middling incompetence can.

And besides, while many businesses do use fraud – and force – to swallow up their competition, a commercial transaction, in essence, remains a voluntary exchange between individuals.
If you choose to buy neither Pepsi nor Coke, it is unlikely that either company will force you to drink their product. But refraining from pulling the lever for either Bush or Kerry does not rid you of the guaranteed presence of one of the two in your life for at least the next four years.

What's more, drinking Coke does not entail any other obligation on your part. You are not now compelled to eat at Burger King, wear Reebok shoes, or shop at K-Mart. It is an isolated act..."

Read the full article here:

Monday, August 27, 2007

Who Would The World Elect?

There is a funny new website online:

Who Would The World Elect for the President of the United States?

It seems to be rather new and it must be american...(sorry folks, just kidding...):

Check the flag for "Sweden" or the little confusion there is about "Australia" and "Austria"...


People from all over the world can choose their favorite candidate.

Of course, Ron Paul is already leading by far in the US but he is also doing very well in places like...Croatia!

Hey Croats, where`s Croatia4ronpaul?

No more white flight!

No more white flight! Stand your ground and fight.

It is with treacherous moves like the Toledo City Council made against white people that causes a city and country to deteriorate and become a ghetto-city like Detroit or a ruined country like Zimbabwe. That is why it is so important to nip such madness in the bud or the animals will be running the farm and chaos and confusion reign.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Where angels fear to tread

In 2005 Cindy-Lou Dale interviewed the surviving spouse of a double farm murder in South Africa. Here is her tragic story.
Where angels fear to tread: I looked about in vain, hoping to find some assistance but instead became transfixed with the rivulets of blood trickling down the inside of the windscreen, pooling on the dashboard. My sons could not speak or react to what they saw but I swear I witnessed my boys turn into old men in an instant...

Islam Exposed!

Why is the Muslim Students' Association so troubled by an effort to educate Americans about the threat of radical Islam?
To read more go here.

In memoriam of Aaron Russo

Tonight, Aaron Russo passed away after a long struggle against cancer.

He had announced his full support for Ron Paul on January 14 2007.

His last work, "America: Freedom to Fascism", explains the background of some of Dr. Pauls deepest concerns - the IRS and the FED.

His death is a great loss to the cause of liberty.

Here is a short part of his last movie, follow the link above to watch all of it:

Aaron Russo talks with Ron Paul

Friday, August 24, 2007

Michael Ashford's racist agenda

From The Blade:
Ashford's challenge

"One uncomfortable factor underlying this whole fracas is the role racial politics played in Mr. Ashford's election. Insiders know that the three black members of Council - Mr. Ashford, Wilma Brown, and Phil Copeland - were unwilling to agree to another white Council president.

The post was coveted by Mr. Szollosi and Joe McNamara, who finally managed to engineer the coup against Mr. Ludeman with support from the black members, even though each of the two believed he was a better choice than Mr. Ashford.

Mr. Ashford, who would become mayor if something happened to Mr. Finkbeiner, represents District 4, which includes the old north end, the Lagrange neighborhood, the Old West End, and downtown. He thus faces several challenges, not the least of which is to disabuse middle-class Toledoans of the notion that he has a narrow agenda that does not represent their broader interests..."

If Ashford truly possessed leadership qualities he would have refused to accept such a pyrrhic victory, and he would have refused to engage in such racist machinations and exposed and condemned them. Let this be a warning to white leaders and white people, a wake-up call about how those who make a big fuss and loud noise about fair play don't play fair and have no apologies seeking to "advance" their candidates over more qualified ones.

A Warning For America From South Africa
It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Racist Toledo City Council Removes White President

According to The Blade, Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner issued a statement criticizing the removal of Rob Ludeman, 4 1/2 months before his term was up, as "pettiness, bitter partisanship, and ongoing political gamesmanship."

That's only the tip of the iceberg, Carty. Why not call a spade a spade? RACE was the determining factor in ousting the white man to appease the black community and curry their vote, as the state Democratic Party knows full well, playing the race card. The Blade reports Councilman Frank Szollosi, who is white, as confessing the election of an "African-American as council president was important to the black community... [citing] the recent departures of former Toledo Public Schools Superintendent Eugene Sanders, former Mayor Jack Ford, and former city Councilman Karyn McConnell Hancock, all African-Americans who were replaced by white males."

How hateful! How racist! Yet this same hypocritical ilk often nod amen to those who preach about being color blind and all for equality, while insuring "affirmative action" and its racist attitude puts blacks into office because they are black, first and foremost.

Clearly, too many blacks and self-hating, defeatist whites have a problem with white people in elected positions of power and see red until they see black replace white. Isn't this highly offensive to the white community? Don't we dare consider the white community? Are white people too afraid to speak up or take a stand because they'll be beaten down with irrelevant charges of "racism" (when those hurling such accusations are often guilty of it)?

There goes the neighborhood. Look at Detroit, Toledo. There goes the country. Look at South Africa or Zimbabwe, America. That's where you're headed fast and now is the only time and possible chance you have to save your city and your country! White flight in Africa isn't just a move to the suburbs for all the right reasons, but now often includes moving to predominantly white countries (that are increasingly having their own racial problems).

Furthermore, failed former Toledo mayor, Jack Ford, is out for a 4-year term on the Toledo Public School board and makes mention of the underperforming schools [equivalent to a D], and said, "I don't think we should duck the fact that when you have the confluence of race and poverty, that is when the kids generally do worse."

I don't think we should continue to ignore the FACT that some shirk their personal responsibilities and remain enslaved to perpetual poverty due to their gross spiritual impoverishment, an oft self-inflicted famine that only grows worse as illegitimate children continue to be born to an irresponsible people who care more about cell phones and tennis shoes and clothes than a stable environment, steady employment and proper parenting that raises a child's sense of worth by attention given by two parents. How old-fashioned. How logical.

The predominantly white schools around Toledo were all rated excellent. Is it simply because they're white and have more money? Or is it because they have concerned parents who are involved in their children's lives and don't expect "the village" or "the hood" or "the State" to raise them? Doesn't success breed success?

Whose fault is it when black teens choose to drop out of school? Are the whites in the suburbs to blame for those blacks who don't mind living in the government projects (a project that flunked) or inner city and then complain about their different standard of living? Reminds me of covetous black criminals stealing farms from productive whites in Africa and then just sitting on the tractor wondering why they don't have the same bumper crops. The animals running the farm...into the ground.

I don't think we should ignore the fact that lifestyle choices have consequences and we reap what we sow. Despite liberal whites and black race hustlers who harm blacks by keeping them dependent on others, let the black community, or courageous individuals as need be, say enough is enough and refuse to be content with their bitter harvest and do something constructive about it (rather than always expect others to bail them out).

Kick Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance Office to the Curb!
Good riddance Perlean Griffin!
Close Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance Offices Nationwide
Perlean Griffin adds insult to injury of Toledo and Mayor Carty Finkbeiner
Perlean Griffin is just another Tawana Brawley
Black Mark on Toledo

Wednesday, August 22, 2007




Beyond Babylon

Read Beyond Babylon online

Our personal and national sins are the CAUSE for the EFFECT we are beginning to experience:

Daniel 9:11

11 Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him.

REPENT and avert national destruction, defeat and deportation:

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

British-Israelites and Jews in Grave Danger

Death to the American, British & Jewish Peoples?

Joseph Isn't Jewish!

Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

Will the Atlantic Times Address the German Threat?

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Is The Plain Truth Too Strong?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

The Plain Truth About The "Lost Ten Tribes" And Why You Need To Know

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Why Israel Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust

Interview with Lew Rockwell

Listen to this excellent Interview (mp3) with Lew Rockwell on about Ron Paul and his campaign:

And here is the latest message from Ron Paul:

Not all the media are biased. A local newspaper in New Hampshire reported on an annual GOP bbq in the town of Hollis. It could be called "the Ron Paul show," they said, since the far bigger crowd than usual consisted mostly of our supporters. One volunteer even rented an airplane and flew a wonderful sign around the sky. What great, creative, self-starting people I’m meeting, at every stop, all of them united by a love of America and American freedom.
Politics is usually about division. But this campaign is just the opposite. Not only are our volunteers a bunch of happy warriors, but they also practice the virtues of tolerance and peace, just as they want the nation to do.
The other day, the state chairman of an opposing campaign (not in New Hampshire!), angrily tore a sign out of one of our supporter's hands and trashed it. Different people with different beliefs might have responded differently. But our people, though they'd been standing in the rain all day, applied the Golden Rule. It's because of quiet heroes that I know we can change this country.
A reporter in New Hampshire told me this story about Florida: she had seen the same three supporters working every day passing out our literature, and so decided to interview them. She was startled to discover that one was a Republican, one was a Democrat, and one was an Independent. But I wasn't.
Freedom brings us all together. We can all agree on leaving people alone to plan and live their own lives, rather than trying to force them to obey at the point of a gun, as runaway government does. Instead of clawing at each other via the warfare-welfare state, people under liberty can cooperate in a unity of diversity.
There is no need to use government to threaten others who have different standards, or to be threatened by them. Looking to our Founders, our traditions, and the Constitution, we can build, in peaceful cooperation, a free and prosperous society.
At a talk show in Nashua, New Hampshire, the host asked me about the fair tax. Well, I agree on getting rid of the IRS, I told her, but I want to replace it with nothing, not another tax. But let's not forget the inflation tax, I said.
This was something she had never considered, but after I talked about the depreciation of our dollar by the Federal Reserve, its creation of artificial booms and busts, and its bailouts of the big banks and Wall Street firms, to the detriment of the average person, she loved it. That is another tax, she agreed, a hidden and particularly vicious tax.
They try to tell us that the money issue is boring or irrelevant. In fact, it is the very pith of our social lives, and morally, Constitutionally, and economically, the central bank is a disaster. Thanks to the work of this movement, Americans are starting to understand what has been hidden from them for so long: that we have a right to sound and honest money, not to a dollar debauched for the special interests.
Unconstitutional government has created a war crisis, a financial crisis, a dollar crisis, and a freedom crisis. But we don’t have to take it. We don't have to passively accept more dead soldiers, a lower standard of living, rising prices, a national ID, eavesdropping on our emails and phone calls, and all the rest.
We can return to first principles, and build the brightest, most brilliant future any people on earth has ever aspired to. Help me teach this lesson. Help me campaign all over this country, in cooperation with our huge and growing volunteer army. Help me show that change is not only possible, but also essential. Please, make your most generous contribution ( to this campaign for a Constitutional presidency worthy of our people. Invest in freedom: for yourself, for your family, for your future.
