Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Icarus at Clontarf

A century ago, the biggest daredevil in Sydney was Vincent Patrick Taylor (1874-1930). Taylor, who went by the name ‘Captain Penfold’ was a balloonist, parachutist and all-round stuntman who astounded crowds across Sydney with his hair-raising feats over a 20 year period. His daredevil feats included scaling city buildings, jumping from bridges and riding the rapids in an inflatable rubber suit of his own design. He also thrilled audiences abroad; in London on one occasion he jumped from his balloon wearing a Santa Claus suit. The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1909) described one balloon ascent he made near Clontarf, in 1909:
“Captain Penfold, who has made many balloon ascents and parachute descents in Sydney had an exciting experience at Clontarf yesterday, when instead of landing on solid earth he dropped into Middle Harbour.
The aeronaut’s ascent was satisfactory, and he hung by his legs from his trapeze, at a height of several thousand feet, calmly snapshotting the city and harbour. He then cut away the parachute, and dropped steadily towards the ground, intending to land near the Spit Point. As he neared the ground however, he saw that he was dropping straight for the waters of Middle Harbour, and he immediately started manipulating his cords in an endeavour to work the parachute over to dry earth. He missed the shore by a few yards, and leaving the parachute, swam to a boat, and was soon on the launch which was waiting to pick him up in case matters should turn out as they did. The balloon also dropped into the water close by, and both this and the parachute were afterwards recovered.”
Captain Penfold also made a number of balloon ascents from Manly Oval in 1911.

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